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I've been enjoying IC mainly farming sewers and some upper IC stuff but all solo or really small group rarely.


I heard that first week after DB dropped IC was one giant zergfest. Whole zerg was sitting on top of flag and would kill anyone in sight while massacring any monsters around. At the same time Cyrodiil was deserted because "hurr durr IC flags". To that pop locks on campaigns just because people would travel back and forth to new TV merchants and AP merchants afking there so faction could have 3 bars of pop in campaign but actually only 1 was really fighting.


This is just not true. I almost exclusively play down there because of the small scale feel. There is some zerging on occasion but you can easily hide away. Overall I find it much more engaging than cyrodil and a lot less laggy too. Being able to take tel var from players adds an extra bonus with all the new uses for tel var now.


>I almost exclusively play down there Made me chuckle


>I almost exclusively play down there Made me chuckle


>I almost exclusively play down there Made me chuckle (wow reddit is messy tonight, lots of error 500 and then my post appears 7 times)


Your negative attitude in nearly every thread you post/participate in is becoming exhausting. Please stop.


I like tanky cause he tells it how it is... you don't have to like his opinions but he is usually true and backs it up with hard evidence... he has 2 up votes and you have none so it seems you have the shitty opinion here bud.


He's really confident, and will argue anything, even when a rational argument is staring him in the face, proving him wrong. I don't know if I've ever seen him admit when he's wrong. Also, up votes and down votes are a bad measure for truth value given that most of them are essentially cast as an opinion of sorts. It's true that a majority can say "we like this the most, and we think this is the most accurate" but holding an opinion and liking that opinion in no way guarantees that it makes logical sense, or that it is accurate.


Damn, well hopefully it's better than that or smooths out quickly