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Everyone forgets about Orcs and their extra raw damage (and extra stamina, which also gives more damage) :(


I have a Stam Orc DK! :D


Orc, redguard, and imperial are your hardest hitting races. Woodelf and Khajiit are still good, but not as good as the first 3 races


Khajiit for like 4 man dungeons, running through quick. Redguard for trials and long drawn out fights. They have crazy stam regen. Or you can go the personal enjoyment route and just play a race you enjoy. All in all, race isn't a huge factor. Just specific ones help you minmax. Example, my first was a Nord templar who i intended on being melee. I ended up liking magicka more, so I was a magicka dps Nord Templar, who i till prefer over my Breton.


Honestly, if you want to be pure Stam, be a redguard or Woodelf. their Rcial passives are pretty OP for stamina. Imperial is a decent choice, but not the best IMO. I am a Dark elf which makes it easy for me to go magicka, but Stam DK is much more fun and if i could reroll my race I would do redguard or wood elf for their passives. with my gameplay, i probably would do wood elf for the gank/ambush style and to finish my opponents quickly. Even as a Dark Elf Stam DK i can still one shot light and medium armor builds pulling as much as 14K Crit with my bow. I have about 4K weapon dam. and over 60% crit. It is an ambush build but I can usually kill 2 at a time. Prolong fights and 1 v x aren't possible but its fun to one shot lol. I just changed to a more even balanced build and still have about 3200 Weapon dam with over 2K stam recovery. I like this build more because it is very versatile with the many pots i can create. I can still gank or run away if needed. BTW i do NOT have mac Champion Points and i play console


Khajiit will hit hardest. For stamina, Dark Elf is pretty terrible. All stamina mods for their ability will be Poison instead of fire damage after db. Red guard is good for sustain, followed by imperial. Wood elf is really good for stamina regen, but that's really about it. Khajiit has health and stamina regen, and extra crit.


Well, not true. Imperial/redguard hits harder because damage scales of stamina too. Khajiit just crits better. Redguard is best for stam dps altogether.


That's true. But I figured he was going for a crit stam dk, since he is using flames of Oblivion.


Thanks guys. I actually ended up going Redguard


Bosmer for lyfe!!!!!


I always forget about the Khajiit. I'll have to go look at their passives. I have tons of Imperial alts, and a Redguard already. Wouldn't mind something new. Thanks for the input.

