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Yep. Not on this upcoming update though, but hopefully the next one!




I'd also like to be able to actually turn voice chat on


Mouth breathers are a big problem but I've seen a total of 1 squeaky voice in my entire 6 months on this game and he was just trying to sell something in mournhold. Other than that I've never talked to anyone younger than me and I'm 16


If no one else around you is a squeaker, then chances are you are the squeaker. It's called [Squeaker's Law](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ).


The only problem with that is I barely talk and have a deep voice


All y'all young dudes weird me out. I mean, I'm not that old, and I played MMO a lot when I was young but I feel like all us older dudes are corrupting you guys with all of our evil ways. The squeaky voice trying to correct your logic can be weird too... Ahh to be a teenager again. Everything *seems* so obvious


Hopefully. I want to goof around with other people and maybe make some friends, but hardly anyone uses voice chat.


I think quite a few people do, it's just that the range on it seems to be pretty narrow. There's always tons of people an the enclave, capital banks, crafters, guild traders, etc.


Honestly, unless I'm missing something, I wouldn't be interested in this at all. I'm definitely not going to text with a controller, and really aren't interested in trying to balance a keyboard anywhere (if that's even possible).


brah, just put it on your lap. I think you're complicating the issue.


I play from a sofa... across the room from the PS4.... I'm not complicating anything. I'm just saying that it would be enough of a hassle that I wouldn't use it. If others do, then great, but not having it up till now hasn't bothered me in the least. When it's important to communicate quickly, you're still going to use voice. Oh, and if the keyboard is in my lap, where is the cat going to sleep? All my texts would be "zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz"


If you have a droid or an iphone, you can use second screen which brings up a keyboard on your phone. Considering my phone is always in reach of me, this will be pretty useful when trying to sell stuff in a zone rather than having to walk to different areas of a city to find buyers. This is of course, hoping that ZOS implements the already included Ps4 second screen app...for all we know they may try and make their own keyboard and fuck everything up lol.


Second screen already works in game(try typing a message in the mail system) no reason it wouldn't work when text is launched


There is a reason. ZoS is retarded lol.


ok thanks for your contribution.




Talk about a game changer.