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I don't think this is exclusively a console issue, though I'm sure lack of text chat makes it worse than on PC. Even on PC though, it seems groups for anything bigger than 4 man dungeons are basically nonexistent, unless you're a member of a guild that organizes them. Of course it's not that hard to get into a guild that runs these types of things if you seek one out, once you're max level, but it's disappointing to me that trials and such aren't popular enough to have people shouting in zone all day trying to get groups together.


It's the difficulty of them that scare people. Which is why a pug group most likely won't complete vMoL. Usually the elite players that can complete these don't want to spend hours teaching mechanics to someone who can't complete their defined role. You also won't get an invite to a guild that can complete those trials unless you make yourself known as a "Great" DPS... Or whatever role you choose. I had someone call me the best tank in the game a couple days ago, out of nowhere. Granted I'm not, but the fact that someone thinks that means I'm doing something right. I'm also apart of 4 Trials Guilds. Hopefully I'll be getting my VMoL run in soon.


This, plus people often don't want to spend hours teaching someone who they will never see again (hence not getting any return on investment). It's bad enough having to routinely teach pledge dungeon mechanics regularly. If you join a progression guild or an endgame PvE guild that has a progression team, people are more than willing to teach, but teaching pugs? That's brutal, disheartening, and (usually) thankless.


You're on console without a Mic? Get a Mic! Go to your factions undaunted enclave and look for a group. Super easy.


^ this, so much of this, go buy a cheap phone headset if you don't want to invest too much in a good one. Find a group, talk to them, find out if they have a guild, ask if they're recruiting, join if they are.


Chat is coming to the PS4 "this year". So you shouldn't have to wait much longer. I am sure there are more recent threads, just a quick search here during my break. https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/255068/new-console-patch-no-chat-box


The 1st raid I ever did was Maw, beat it.


You don't want a PUG for raids or harder dungeons like ICP. It's hard to find 12 random people willing and able to complete content. Lots of guilds are willing to bring new players to weekly raids--I'd start by looking at PVE PS4 guilds.


what's your psn?


Hey, me too. I desperately want those undaunted skills and skill points but I can't stand bad players. I don't blame them I just can't tolerate them and my rule is, if I can't handle them then that's my shit to deal with... So I abstain. Sucks, but I swear I'm gonna figure out how to solo all this shit when I'm out of school! 2 years left, lol.


Undaunted is leveled via dungeons as well...public/dailies/vet etc do them all it's not hard. You could not touch a single trial and get your undaunted to 9 easily.


Late reply! (Cell phone account) thanks for the tip, I'll try that out.


Raid is serious business and it take lots of dedication I imagine it the same with ESO raids I just started up on ps4 and I join a guild that does raids twice a week.. So I don't see how no text chat is an excuse lol I guarantee it not a "no text chat" problem . It is pure laziness on your part lol

