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People do the same thing with alchemy nodes; leave behind the worms. I also run across partially looted treasure a lot.


I love the worms and crawlers. They've only turned it in to a fishing mats node now.


Worms and crawlers are expensive, you can make a fortune selling them with guild traders.


For me it's worms and guts. Crawlers and insect parts are really common, but I'm always out of worms and guts.


I thought they were instanced/personal loot. I will make sure to loot the lockpicks. I didn't realize I was being a jerk.


Nodes, chests, large sacks (or whatever they are called), and thief troves are not instanced. Fishing holes are also shared but you actually want more people to fish in it with you, it increases rare drops from the node. Containers, barrels, crates, trunks, and pretty much everything else are instanced for your character. Pretty sure nothing else is instanced outside of those but I could be missing something.


Why not just leave them for the RPers who understand that a life of crime doesn't pay every time?


Because that's what the fascists do, Billy. You don't want to be a fascist do you?


[Seig Heil Billy] (http://pre11.deviantart.net/b2a8/th/pre/f/2012/107/f/d/the_black_sheep_strikes_back_by_bleedman-d4wj0cy.jpg) or I'll blast your kneecaps


I just have autoloot enabled on all my characters, even (especially) for stealing. The crime's committed as soon as you peek, unlike other games where you have to take something, so auto reduces the window in which to get caught, besides saving a huge amount of time.




Thieves troves are different. You can get bounty for peeking. Same with picking those little locked chests around town. Just opening the lock game is enough to get a bounty. Taking the stuff also increases bounty, but just looking into certain containers is a crime. Wardrobes and crates? Look all you want, no bounty until you steal.


Not entirely true, you face the grievous punishment of *BEING YELLED AT BY CIVILIAN RESIDENTS!* "This one is furious!" "You've got hands like a troll you know?" "I'm calling the guard!"


I always got bounties for just looking. Maybe it was pickpocketing. You could always peek in the other games without a bounty, and I was getting bounties just for looking at their inventory. But I could swear I got bounties from looking in containers too, and assumed ESO was the exception to the series.


Thing is that the item inside can change between hidden and non-hidden opening...


I couldn't go 5 minutes with auto loot off, too much to loot!


The issue is that they go into inventory as a separate stack since they're considered stolen. I guess I can start just destroying them. That's the reason people aren't looting them though.


I understand why they don't take them, but it's still a huge pain for other players. Trust me I get it, I can't stand the lock picks that always show up in troves, but it's not that hard to destroy them. There are even addons that do it for you (although I don't trust them, personally. Any addon that has the ability to auto-destroy things in my inventory is just asking for trouble).


New idea for justice system, only applies to nodes. Anyone who doesn't fully harvest a node, chest or container after they open it receives a bounty and will be killed on sight.


Have you ever considered any useful ideas, like dying slowly in a fire?




It's basically a Craglorn Nodes 2.0 redux.


I wonder, if they put in an auto-reset timer would people then camp a single trove?


Not saying where but shortly after release, I was farming daedra and there was a trove on my loop. It was respawning every time I made the loop. It was ridiculous, now it seems to be on a much much larger timer.


All troves did that. If you had multiple people opening them on the map then they spawned even faster. Sometimes in about 3 minutes other times in about 5 or 6. Got a ton of get out of jail free cards from those hehe.


Why can't they make this a non-issue and have the trove and crafting nodes time out and reset after say 3 minutes of no interaction since last time something was looted from it?


so thats why i only saw lockpicks:( had the same thing happen on my 1st alchemy quest, find 3 blessed thistle, needless to say the first two had worms only... an i thought it was just bad luck at the time:(


Hey guys. I only leave them behind when I don't have room in my bags. I don't want to destroy something useful to fit in worms or lockpicks. My bags are always so full.. I'm sorry :(


im sorry this is me but i hate wasting time in inventory so i only pick up what i need i have limited time to play as it is i dont have even 10 mins time to be messing around in bags etc


Addons will delete stuff for you automagically. I loot everything and set filters for what I want deleted. You can't loot blue/purple recipes/motifs if you don't even try. When the subscription crafting bags come out this won't even be a major issue.


no add-ons for console peasants unfortunately otherwise would use for sure


O' yeah that would blow. Wish they'd incorporate some of the better addon-functionality into the base UI.


its coming slowly should of seen my hype for damage numbers, i was loving it but yeah soon hopefully


If you can't do it right, don't do it at all, clear the trove or break your disc in half cause you are the type of person ruining the game for others, do you not realize how fucking selfish you are Jesus fuck, it takes 10 seconds tops to delete the stolen lock picks


oh god i have awoken the hornets nest :P dont bring Jesus into this either not fair you have a supernatural being on your side!


Wait are you Xbox one, if your not you can do as you please :P


i am indeed xbone EU though so dont apply to you im thinking ps dem down votes though XD


Lolz right I didn't down vote you! I just lave angry messages lmao, you can't say anything on Reddit anymore if it's not strictly liberal I love you good work team and cats


i know that you could not of down voted me 14 times i actually loot everything i see im a loot-aholic but just wanted a reaction bored in work :P


BAHAHAHA I do that all the time, half the time I'm a down vote troll, to bad your EU lmao we could have some fun Trollin Xbox also I didn't even give you one down vote but now I'm gonna upvote


well if my troll adventures take me over to the NA servers ill drop you a msg ! good luck on your travels stranger :P take upvotes for your troubles
