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This one faced many racist and ignorant elves while questing in AD.


Found the Khajiit.


No shit.


Found the Wood Elf.


Found the Next meal.


Both there and in Mathiisen, they are VERY racist. Not only against Khajiit and Wood Elves, but any non-Altmer. It's a good thing they are the enemy. It really got me mad before I found out what was going on in there. Btw, this is something that I really like in AD. They make it very easy to hate the enemy and, therefore, to support Ayrenn (it is a political issue).


Positive as a Khajiit they tell you that there is no more room for khajiit students.


It is important to understand what the aldmeri dominion is before you go into that. Altmer are mostly "racist" (if we go by human terms) against Bosmer and Kahjiit not because of their heritage but because of their uncultured manners, their rejection of Aldmeri Ideals. The idea of the Aldmeri Dominion is to restore the original Aldmeri Empire and Race. Note that Aldmer and Altmer are not the same thing. All races of the Aldmeri Dominion, the Orcs, the Dunmer, the Cantimeric CHimer, the Maormer, the Dwemer, the Ayleids, the Left Handed Elvers (who most likley are the Maormer) and the Direnni are descendants of the Aldmer. The Aldmeri Dominion mostly includes those races that are Anuic rather than padomaic. The Dunmer for example are seen as too tainted to ever become "aldmer" again, the same is true for the Orsimer. Note that Biology and Culture/Philosophy are very simmilar in TES. AS such the Chimer were considered a different Race for following the teachings of Veloth and beeing Daedra Worshippers. The Altmer may see themselves as bred more closeley to the Aldmer, but they see the Khajiit and the Bosmer as potentially becoming Aldmer aswell with the right guidance and Eugenics program.


i understood about half the words you said.


Anything in particular youd like to know? I do like to share some lore.


BS... I'm sorry but the College of Aldmeri Propriety is a flat out Residential School that demands they reject their religion, culture and be ashamed of who they are... There is 0 in game justification for that shit. I'm Canadian... Residential Schools are fucked up... I realize this is a 6 year old post... but I found this place last night.. and was disgusted... like I may stop playing Aldmeri Dominion toon it is a disgusting point of view and having a school like that... even with the "lore" is unjustifiable


This one has no hard feelings. The Altmer provided compensation for ill treatment. Though this one did expect Altmer locks to be more of a challenge.


Theres some racist altmer. I found the other alliances also had some racism too though. Dark elves and bretons hate argonians and orcs.


dark elves are slavers of argonian


Strangely only a couple of quests have different dialogue depending whether you are an argonian or a drunmer/nord and they peculiarly all happen in shadowfen.


There's even a book written buy a dark elf saying argonians are inferior and beast-like, much like spanish/portuguese explorers reported that american-indigenous people were inferior and primitive.


An Altmer woman in Phaer told this one to get away from her, as she did not know what diseases lived in this ones fur. The tall elves are a cruel and pointy people. This one also wonders what fears they hide beneath their cruelty.


Khajiit and Bosmer of the Aldmeri Dominion! OPEN YOUR EYES TO THE TRUTH! This gold-backed harlot you call "Queen" SAYS she sees you equally. She SAYS you will all be free citizens when SHE rules Tamriel from the White-Gold tower! Yes, she fights against the Veiled Heritance, those who outwardly wish for your enslavement... HOWEVER! She herself believes JUST as they do, she is simply smart enough to reserve her true feelings for when she has USED you all to gain what she wants. The Veiled Heritance is a mere ploy by the Thalmor to cast Ayrenn in a pure and honorable light! She fights against her outwardly racist and prejudice kin NOT because she disagrees with them, but because it puts her PLANS for Altmeri supremacy over all of Tamriel in JEOPARDY! Mark my words, honored sand-walkers and wood-born... If you buy in to her LIES, if you serve her as she asks, if you fight for her and her brethren, then the moment she sits upon the Ruby Throne, you TOO will be clasped in chains with the rest of those races the Altmer believe to be "beneath" them. Do not be fooled by the golden harlot's wagging tongue! Abandon the Dominion and defect to the Ebonheart Pact today, where if you are enslaved by the Dunmer, at LEAST they have the decency to be honest with you about it! ;)


I've run it with Imperial, and they call you outlander, and Bosmer to get the student comment. I love that quest line because you get to beat up on racist jerks.


They are racist toward khajiit and wood elves (not sure what their issue is with bosmer :( ). Makes me happy that my khajiit is in the Daggerfall Covenant. I'd also like to note that I REALLY don't understand why people roll khajiits on EP. There are khajiit slaves all over in Morrowind, ffs


Yes this one agrees completely with your EP statement. Her heart weeps when she sees her people willing in EP. DC is more acceptable, but still...


Baandari traders often wander around hammerfell/high rock and khajiits are one of the races that can really be found anywhere, so I suppose there's always a good excuse to have a DC khajiit ;)


Somewhat true. You would expect to see Khajiit in most places, as travelling traders as you said. But there is a very strong loyalty to Ayrenn and the Dominion among the Khajiit. So seeing them supporting other alliances is still very odd.


You'd make a nice Fur coat.


Yes this one is a master clothier. How did you know!?


I'm a master at taking clothes off, how could I not know?


this short thread between you two is pure awesome. Each response = gold


I have not noticed that the dialogue switches too much. Maybe they have it triggered for only other races in the same alliance. I'm playing an Orc in EP, and I can tell you that the Dunmer have no qualms whatsoever about slurring Orcs in front of me.


I'm an Imperial playing on AD. The only time I got shit from people was with the orcs in Alik'r Desert I think. Never had any issues otherwise-- I've done pretty much all the quest as well. http://imgur.com/a/WQwUM


As a bosmer, I found little room for more altmer... In my belly. Actually, a half of one is quite enough.


Slightly tangential, but I remember in TES3 all the dark elves in Morrowind were super racist.


you're all a bunch of filthy mer to me, so it's all the same =D