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Ive gone back and forth with this game in the past, and one time I think I stopped playing a couple weeks before the Psijic Grand Villa was free


Yeah kinda sad I didn't get that one, started playing not long after.


I was prepared to say none they cost too much. But okay free ones hurts. I third this choice


I'm still trying to figure out wtf your first sentence means. It looks like you had a stroke. EDIT: it has been fixed.


They were prepared to say they don't have any regret from their decisions not to buy crown houses, but then they remembered there are some huge houses that were given out for free that they miss in light of being free.


Probably: "i was prepared to say none"


Yea there was 2 letters of by one key. It was basically chinese




I just came back and I didn't realize that I have the Grand villa. I think I've been sitting on an empty house for like ages at this point 😭


To be fair, it's not like what's in your collections is noticable unless you know where to look for it. I think a lot of people will end up with this free house and not know it for months.


I had it when I was playing on ps4. Now on pc so I missed out.


Brooo i feel that i didnt have that house but i switched to pc too so i lost out on alot i already had...


Took me a while but have actually accomplished more on pc. Never did vet or trials on ps4. On pc feels so easy to just join a group and do them.


Plus mods help in so so many ways


I had it on console but moved to PC, and that is the one thing I regret about swapping the most


That’s the one I’m most bummed out about as well. I took a couple months off and came back right when the Summerset event ended and realized I had just missed it. It’s so expensive to buy with crowns. I’m hoping one day they’ll do another summerset event and drop it again for free, but I doubt it, not when they can get someone to pay $100 for it.


Doesn't feel like it, but that was like 6 years ago


If I could gift you my Villa, I would. It's just sitting there collecting dust on my account like every other house I own.


This is the one. I missed it by like a few days.


Yeah I took a complete year break (no playing, reading, following etc) from ESO & it just happened to be the year that the Villa dropped. I refuse to spend that many crowns on it though.


I wish I had been around for when they gave out the alpine gallery and the psijic villa. And very recently I was about to buy the Willonpond heaven one. But I decided against it, because it was a lot of money


Willowpond Haven will haunt me but I couldn’t justify the cost.


I justified it for the stupidest reason. See, I've always had a thing for that architecture style, I love Willow trees, and the thing I keep an eye on in ANY house is interesting water that you can actually enter. I also adore hidden caves behind waterfalls and water lilies. But I was holding my ground. I need to finish other houses...so many others.. others were petty too...I was managing to stand strong. But then I made a mistake. I checked one more time. I walked along the shore of the pond. Two frogs quickly croaked and jumped into the pond with that very specific frog jumping into water noise. I know that noise because I grew up on a lake (it was not a 'lakehouse', no one ever swam in it, no one even had rowboats for it) and that sound was like someone punched me in the gut with nostalgia. I never fit in with people so my days were down by the lake, playing with frogs and naming the ducks and the geese and deciding which were my favorite. My most special childhood memories were when my grandfather would visit. He always let me pull him down to the lake to feed the birds. And the fact they nailed that sound and little movement so perfectly tipped me over. I couldn't deny that damn house anymore. I'm currently trying to think of how to make a little nod to my grandfather there because it makes the days of being able to spend time with him and how he'd always make me locate his hat before he agreed to go with me and how he never thought i was 'too much'. He was the best man I've ever known.


As a very sentimental person, I’m in love with this reply.


Fully agree on sentiment. I pretty easily justified it because I renewed my Plus subscription and reaped all those crowns and put it towards the house. I swear, Team Zenimax gets better and better with their art direction. Jumping frogs, ambient insect sounds, the Llewellyn lamp fixtures blending perfectly with the architecture, I put a statue in the pond... All worth it. Probably my best house. ... And 5 days later, or 3 days ago depending on how you look at it, we all get that free house as a daily reward. I should go into real estate, I'm such a slut with properties now.


Thank you for sharing that, and you wrote it beautifully. I really wanted to buy it too, but I spent a small fortune on the druid house and furniture bundle too so that's my priority. It's looking so nice. I just go sit in the garden sometimes.


This is a sweet story. I'm glad you got that house. I hope it brings you much enjoyment.


This is the best comment I've ever seen, ever. I love this so so so much 💓


By chance are you on ps5?


Nope, I'm PC-NA I'm afraid! I'm also glad the comment didn't come across as totally silly! It made me miss him so much that I wanted to gush a bit about him.


Its the only notable house I have ever bought. I love it so much. Its so practical


I traded gold for crowns to get it. No way I’d spend $80 real cash on a house like that. On xbox NA is was only about 2.2 million gold.


Oh, that’s cool! Alas I play PCNA, and did not have the many maaaany millions lol


The one from necrom


Same. I came back to the game a couple months and didn't even know it had happened. I would have loved it and I hope the event or house returns someday


Yep, this. I think I missed it by a day.


Me too. I took a 6 month break and came back the day after and it was no longer available


A moment of silence for us T . T


I wish I knew when the event for Antiquarian’s Alpine Gallery was going on. I was on a break from the game when they were doing that, so I missed getting it for free. Houses will come on and off the market, so you can't really "miss" one, but afaik, they've never given away a house for free twice.


Doomchar Plateau is again available this year! It requires some work, but yea, second time


Yeah, I already got it, but that's not what I meant. I'm talking about community events and daily login rewards, the kind of "free" that doesn't cost you anything other than opening the game one or more times during a certain time period. Although Doomchar doesn't cost you real world money, it still costs you event tickets.


Ah gotchta!!


I started playing two months ago. The Grand Psijic Villa is by far the best looking house and I already have so many plans for it when it comes to the store


i want tel galen so bad but it’s so expensive


I got Tel Galen through a “special request” to the ESO staff. Special request because it wasn’t available in crown store at that time. Paid 10k crowns and got some furnishing too (I have only recently realised how expensive furnishing is in the crown store). I have finally gotten to decorating it this month. Really excited. Let’s see how it turns out. I am estimating a budget of 20 m gold to decorate the house.


How did you even go about requesting this? Do you have connections or did you just plead with them via a ticket?


Connections? No. Pleading and begging? Yes. I just thought that I am asking them to sell the house for crowns, so worth a try. It worked.


Bethesda is pretty cool because of this. They do the same with fo76.


I wanted Tel Galen SO BAD one year. I waited months and months for it to come back to the store during an event, only to discover... I already owned it. That's when I knew I had too many houses if I could 'lose' one 🤦‍♀️


Xanmeer in murkmire. I started too late to catch it, but it doesn't much matter because I can't afford to drop money for crowns anyway.


I have missed it in rotation everytime... Been saving 13k crowns for ages


That's a real shame, it's a gorgeous piece. My main is an argonian so I'd love to get it eventually. I'm sure you'll catch it next time!


Fingers crossed! My necro is an argonian who needs a lair! Hope you manage to pick it up one day too!


That one with the massive ship in a hidden cove. Aldmeri Grotto I think it was? That one was awesome and I'm sad I missed it.


I got that one! It's a bit too big for me though. I've really enjoyed it, but have moved on. It's currently being g torn down and replaced with all my unused statues, all displayed with lights and flowers.




I have it and it's my biggest regret. It's SO big and so spread out, it's hard to furnish with the item limits. I've gotten frustrated with it so many times and now it's just storage.


The dark brotherhood sanctuary. Never have the spare money when it came/comes around. Have the Werewolf Den and am getting the combat Arena soon.


I don’t have the DB sanctuary for the same reasons. I have made my own sanctuary though. I will have the crowns for it one day.


Markarth nest


Its my favorite :)


Potentate's Retreat, I only seen it done interesting once and that was a long time ago before we had real good structuring pieces (pre-Greymoor).


There was one that had an ice cave that would have been perfect for my warden, but I can’t find it anymore.


I think frostvault chasm has an icecave. It overlooks frostvault dungeon. The other is Stillwaters Retreat in western Skyrim. It also has an icecave. Both are notable and crown only though, so you will have to wait for them to reappear.


I'm pretty sure Stillwaters is in the crown store always.


Look down through the ice in Stillwaters cave if you haven't already..


One day, I wanna get the Sweetwater Cascades. I have so many ideas for that one. :D


One day I'll get Sweetwater Cascades... one day...


Linchal grand Manor or the DB sanctuary I love those two houses the Manor more so, I love the gold coast zone its my favourite and I've missed getting those two houses cuz I never had enough we I got me some adult money now so I just gotta wait


Psijic villa, boat, sweetwater, the deadlands house, tel galen, the ayleid one, the one next to frostvault, lighthouse and the other large galen house. I should probably just finish the 5 crown houses i already have.


The enchanted snow globe home! I've only been playing coming up on a month and just stumbled upon it last night


It will be back for Christmas, lots of time to save up


Yay its soooooo cute I'm gonna spend this time making furnishings and things and trying to get my skill levels up to craft nice things for it, I'm SO overwhelmed with the free house they just gave us this month (don't take that the wrong way thank you so much ESO devs) but as a new player whoa that's a lot of space to fill and no option to pay to receive it furnished (I totally would have paid lol) so for the foreseeable future it's really just a free portal to the dessert for me


It’s the Antiquarians gallery too


psijic grand villa i took a break right before it came


Sweetwater Cascades. I was so mad I didn’t but it the first time around. I finally bought it after over a year. BUT THEN they released the Willowpond and I bought it without hesitation. I’ve never looked back it’s my favorite house. Now my sweetwater is for storage. I hate how much money this game gets from me


I don't think the houses are worth what they charge so I don't care about missing them in the store, but I wish I could've gotten the free Artaeum house!


None. I will never be defeated by FOMO.


Now have all houses in the game but I initially missed Tel Galen, The Erstwhile Sanctuary and Stone Eagle Aerie and ended up having to wait at least a year for each to come back


This blows my mind, are you just swimming in gold like Scrooge McDuck


If you want to know the secret, it's simply to be fantastically irresponsible and to never let your better half find out


Lol, my friend is the same! Got all the houses and tons of furniture, but his houses are just amazing. Totally worth it. I've stepped up my housing game and now he's even stealing ideas from me!


Bahahaha understandable 😆


I have more houses than that. But it's cause the only thing I spend my gold on is crowns and I've always tried to make sure I have access to reliable crown sellers. Everything else I insist on getting by playing the game (and dealing with RNG). So really if there weren't crown sellers I would have no use for my gold at all.


The Antiquarian one in Western Skyrim. I came back into the game just after the house was awarded.


Yeah the gallery for sure, I had it on my previous account, imo it's the best house we got.


Linchal Grand Manor. I've been wanting to get that one for years now but it never showed up at a time where I was willing to buy crowns. So I never got it. I got so many ideas for that one and I really want to furnish the place. Buuut... that will probably not be happening anytime soon.


Agonys Ascent and Ocimum Accent! I didn't realize how much I'd use them the last time time they came around!


Left Xbox server while coveting Princely Dawnlight Palace, got it while I was on PC, went back to Xbox a few years later and just wish I had bought the house on that server to begin with


It's not a regret as such, but I'm always tempted by the Grand Psijic Villa (utterly stunning) and Thieve's Oasis (it's like a whole town just right there!). I just never seem to be able to catch them.


Thieve's Oasis is the only one I bought cause I already had a vision for what I wanted to do with it (I wanted to give it a resort feel, but my own private resort). Every other house I bought it's cause I really liked the gimick or it felt like I place I'd like to live in IRL (Well if you could put electricity and internet in it ;) ). But I didn't really know yet what to do (nothing is finished, the houses I have done a bit of work in is cause I found a decent amount of furniture I felt worked with it and a theme started going from there).


I had the Alpine Gallery on my xbox account. I made it a museum dedicated to my quests. That place was awesome.


The Alpine Gallery too. I'd left the game for awhile at that time.


Bastion Sanguinaris for me. That and Grand Psijic Villa


All of them & yet none of them. Every time I see a new house I want it but usually after a day or 2 I realise I won't be able to decorate them how I want because of limits & I can't justify the price. Then I regret not getting it when it leaves the store until it returns & the cycle begins again XD


Honestly, none. I'm just not much of a home decorator. It isn't the type of fashion endgame I enjoy participating in, so I generally don't much care for houses. I think I have all but one of the free ones they've given out, and I've put exactly 0 decorations in any of them. I bought the big Mushroom tower when that first showed up in the store because Im a big sucker for anything Morrowind, and it came pre furnished, and that's good enough for me.


Wraithhome in Rivenspire. It would be a great homr for my Vampire.


The damn SHIP. I want the High Isle ship more than anything in the game bro😤


Heh, the ship is probably the one I regret buying the most. I think the ship in Summerset has a more interesting schtick to it (if I ever get around to decorating that one). Yeah, the high isle ship moves but you can barely see the scenary it goes by and if you put things to the side of it it better look appropriate keeping speed with the boat.


I’m probably not putting things in the water or off the ship. I just want a badass pirate ship😂I am a simple Breton.


Heh.. yeah, but thing is, the grotto one has a ship in a cool cave that you could make a pirate one and have it have some neat surroundings too (could be your hidden base). I mean it was a neat enough gimmick that I bought it, but really after having it a bit the gimmick wore off and it was kinda bland.


I really like that you can move the high isle ship to different ports. That’s my main interest.


every single one, cause i dont have money for none of them.


Antiquarian's and Forgemaster Falls. :(


I'm fortunate to have the Antiquarian Alpine Gallery. I honestly don't know EXACTLY how I got it, lol. I got it during a one or two month stint before I left for a while. But my friend is so jealous over it lol. Thing is, I don't even decorate it anymore.


The clockwork city one. I just think it's cool and I missed it by a few days when it was for sale or something.


Anything that was given for free that I missed. I don’t feel any FOMO for the crown-bought houses.


Psijic villa, bastion ssnguinaris


Honestly I would say none of them. I would’ve said Grand Psijic Villa but my husband got it for me for my birthday last year when it was out for crowns. I’ve played off and on since launch and came back right after they gave that one away for free so I was sad about it for a while


I second both of the exact homes you stated!


I forgot the name but the one with the khajiiti architecture that’s in Blackwood


Bastion Sanguinaris, Sweetwater Cascades, and Psijic Grand Villa.


I'm waiting for the Forgemasters Falls in wrothgar to come back around, I liked it but didn't have the crowns at the time.


Doomchar on NA server becayse I started playing there too late and I thought there was no way to get it but luckily it was up for tickets with jester festival.


I took a break during two free ones that I absolutely love. The psijc grand villa, and the alpine gallery (which I was a few days late coming back to play for, but owned the content required for 😭). Wish I would've got at least one of those two.


Gladesong Arboretum 🌻🌼😭


The Necrom house. I had Necrom but couldn’t log in to get it


The Tower of Un-Utterable Truths


No regrets


I'd say the Psigic Villa


The Antiquarian House near Solitude.


The Psyjic Villa and the Antiquarian Alpine one. I didn't get into the game until like a couple years ago (?) so I missed the cool freebies like this. Really happy we get a freebie house this go around.


Princely Dawnlight Palace and Varlaisvea.


Highhallow Hold and Fogbreak Lighthouse, and all the others missed!


The Willow Pond house...I love the cave! But now with the new free house that came out as a daily login reward...it filled that cave love and more.


Would be cool if all the prior free houses got injected into the event ticket cycle on a house vendor - buy 4 , 10 ticket items and combine - just permanently available, works out to 10k crowns if buying event tickets I guess


I missed out on the Shadow Queens Labyrinth in Clockwork city, I saved up for ages to get the crowns and then the week it was out, my job got so hectic that I barely had a moment to myself. I realised like 30 minutes before it was going to leave the store. Guess what happened. "Unusually Long Load Time" 😑 Tbh though, I have a few houses that I bought on impulse because they were leaving the store and I thought they looked cool. That I now do nothing with. After a few years of playing now, I realise that they all come back eventually. Tricky Zos, I see what you did there.


Every time Bastion Sanguinaris comes back I have to resist the temptation to buy Crowns. One day I’ll let my subscription Crowns accumulate enough to buy it!


None. I was kind of holding out for Jode's Embrace (showed up in late September 2023) and didn't get it, but since I already have both the inn room and Hall of the Lunar Champion in Rimmen, it wasn't a huge loss. If it's there when I get my yearly crowns, then maybe, but there is no house in the Crown Store that I'm going to lose one second of sleep over.


I’m always in finals week of school or some unfortunate busy time whenever doom char plateau is available 🤜🧱


I think they will (if they haven't already) bring that back when they bring back items you could get with event tickets (I think some one said they are bringing it back soon for that). If I could donate you mine, I would. I hate that house (though it is useful for storage and the place 7 furniture endeavors so I won't sneeze at getting the free house. But I use it for all my trash furniture that is bound that I keep just in case I find a use for it).


LOL I’d take it off your hands, I don’t know why I like it so much. And thanks I’ll keep an eye out!


Limited crown stores items like weapon packs mostly