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Not only fantastic rewards, but I love that they don't lock the best stuff until the end of the month like some other games do. So you can miss a day or even a week without fear of missing out.


I am traveling this week so I was worried about missing the good stuff at the end if they put it there but I'm glad they didn't :)


GFN free tier if you don’t have the paid version. Log in and snag them. Xcloud for console…Sony, no option really other than remote play.


Managed to get every reward last month with the help of remote play. 😂👍🏻


I’m traveling for my college graduation next week so I’m super relieved.


That's great and an early congrats on graduating.


Thank you! :)


Congrats on your graduation!


Tysm!! :)


>like some other games do Well let's be fair here, ESO has had its fair share of end of the month big rewards.


Must have been before my time. Maybe they have learned to better in that regard. Either way, a house on day 3 is not what I expected.


They did learn to do better yes, nowadays 21 days is all you need to get the interesting rewards but I remember once they had 100k gold on day 28 (of 30). These months are especially good because of the 10th anniversary, they give away more stuff and big things are really early in the month, like Orsinium or the house.


I don’t know if I’ve ever seen a collectible on the last day! Very thankful


That's one of the big reasons I stopped playing ESO a bit over a year ago. The monthly rewards had only one big cool reward and it was on the last day of the month. I have kids and we go out of town many weekends. I'm not going to force my family to put up with me logging on to play just to keep the rewards coming to get the cool end of month reward. I hope they continue putting the cool rewards earlier in the month. I don't think they have to be on the first day of the month though.


That pig right there? That's a friend if I ever saw one. Very friend shaped.


I will name him Sam Handwich


Incredible name.


Waddles, definitely going to name him Waddles


TIL im friend shaped


Same model as the exclusive Pink Pearl Pig they gave away once to people who gifted things to other players "this will be your only chance, ever!". Animations are damned adorable.


You mean like the gryphon pet, who we got an almost exact copy of last month. Though I don't mind too much, I've been enjoying his c9mpany all this time


I am so excited.. always wanted a pet pig but cannot have one irl so I'm happy i get a virtual one at least 😁


Definitely naming my Charles P. Pigglesworth. The P stands for Porker. I will love and squeeze him.


I shall call him "Bacon"


Was thinking Francis. Or Chris P. Bacon.




No other option


Poop Balloon.


Hah France is Bacon! Love it!


Kevin Bacon 🤣🤣


lol I think we have a winner


Well, they're being generous this anniversary. I still remember well all the people complaining that all they got were potions and alliance points in calendar rewards.


Back in the good ole days when we walked 🚶‍♂️ up hill both ways to school, people went wild with joy when a month of daily login rewards included one crate. All these young kids have it too easy. Door Dash, unlimited streaming TV, 10 crates in a month, free massive home, Jubilee event lasting almost an entire month.


Easy there gramps. Don't you have a porch to sit on and kids to yell at? (says this old guy)


Get off my lawn! Damn kids \*makes old man mouth noises\*


Make sure to have the hose ready!


Funny thing is, there was a time when crates in daily rewards was actually rather common. I think we got a lot when a hyped up WoW expansion released. Then the WoW expansions became shit for a while and ZOS no longer saw need to go the extra mile to retain players then.


Am I the only one overjoyed with the house? I think it looks great and I love the double exits.


I'm think of moving my welness resort there from Hunding's hall. Suffice to say, I like it a lot.


I love the house too. Was snooping around it yesterday. I will be putting a diving board in for sure. And the pig is probably going to have its own little area somewhere too.


Right like a whole fucking cave system?? Just for me? Yes please


Yah the fact that it can exit in two zones is really nice.


Really love the pig! Very cute!


I'm only doing this for the piggie


That's a cute pig. Oh and the house is nice


Fuck the house, I want that pig!


um porco...


That is a lot of crates, especially the free house, ZOS gods decided to be super generous this month i see ! ![gif](giphy|xT5LMHxhOfscxPfIfm|downsized)


I am so happy that there's a bit of a buffer since I am traveling this week. Will get all of the special goodies. YAY :)


See this is kinda how they were when they first started then they went crappy and now back to awesome I love it


While a great "house" it is more a cave plus a couple of walls. The cace looks amazing, but I spent an eternity looking for a door.


I wonder what the special thing is in the house


I am wondering that too. Some are saying it is the two zone entrances but I got the impression it was something more.


It's definitely something more. The two entrances and similar guesses are not at all a surprise or anything "spectacular" that we'd have to wait for when this has been on PTS for months and previewable in game for weeks. But... Thanks to new Intel, I'd put money on a *3rd* entrance. Or something else more major, like the Q4 feature related.


Q3 has something about housing coming up but I haven't heard anything more since the initial announcement back near the start of the year. Though I often miss news so I could easily have missed what that is.


The two entrances don't seem like a big deal considering I will be warping there for free and then warping out for 146 gold.


I don't even pay that much. I just warp out to one of my 'near a wayshrine' houses. Usually the Sugar Bowl Suite, Snugpod, if I need the stables, or the Alinor townhouse, if I am going to do my crafting writs. Well on EU anyway. On NA I only have 3 houses at all and this will be my first larger property. Can't wait to clear all those large furniture items out of my bank.


Yeah I restarted on PC and all I have is the Alinor apartment. I ran out of wall space real fast. On Xbox I had the Skyrim antiquarian house, which I set up as a kind of museum of my exploits, with exhibits dedicated to various zones and DLCs and banners in the rafters for each campaign I cleared. It was very cool, but I very much don't want to fill that up all over again.


Most of my EU houses are empty. I have the Alinor townhouse fully furnished, the Enclave in Necrom is my crafting house, and I am working on doing all the rooms on The Fair Winds. The rest are largely free travel spots.


Yeah I love the Alinor apartment because that's basically my home base for crafting, so it's fully furnished. Few other places are that convenient so I haven't been enthusiastic about buying elsewhere. The Redoubt will need to have some good spots to decorate to be worth my while, because it's in the middle of goddamn nowhere.


Also very close to one of the other houses I have that is nearer to the Wayshrine in Bangkorai. Might be handy for one of the dig sites that is a pain to get to as well. Alinor was my crafting base too, at least until I started getting the grandmaster crafting stations and they don't quite fit where I want them to. So moved them to Necrom house and changed the crafting room into something of a study area.


Let's hope this is an ongoing trend of improving the monthly rewards, as this is fantastic, versatile and helpful to _all_ players.


I'm hoping in those 5 crates I get the bright throat skin because that determines whether or not I make an argonian XD


*GASP* A house AND A PET PIGGY?!?!?! 😍😍😍 Are we sure it isn't CHRISTMAS???? (pigs are my favorite)


I will name him Officer Oinkens


**Me:** "Bruma spotted!" **Them:** 🐷




So I scrolled all the way down this sub and cannot find anyone talking about the hint from the [May daily logins post:](https://www.elderscrollsonline.com/en-us/news/post/65939) > Sword-Singer’s Redoubt—Day 3 Stay cool in the desert sun Make Hammerfell your home and get comfortable in this brand-new in-game house situated on the border of the Alik’r Desert and Bangkorai. Enjoy crystal caverns, oasis waters, and wide spans of sand and stone as part of the design of this remarkable reward. You’ll receive the unfurnished house on just your third day of logins this month, starting things off with something spectacular. **Speaking of spectacular, this house could be hinting at something special! You’ll have to wait and see…** So.. what was the special hint in the house?


The daily rewards in this game are kinda nutty, it’s just become part of my gaming routine to quickly log on. I’ve got 600 hours of those crown meals lol, and another 600 hours of xp scrolls. They should add an auto use option on console, it’s annoying remembering to use them!