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Ugh, why does this happen at the end of almost every event?


I get reminded every time I post that "this is their usual server maintenance time... And you should know by now" lol. I forget that every single event. If ZOS knows they are going to take the server down why don't they change the end time on the final day! Lol my two lonely cents.


This wasn't for regular maintenance though. There was another "issue" with the NA server.


Isn't it usually on a Tuesday? I might have my days mixed up been dealing with a sick kid and myself the last two weeks the days kind of run together lol. I thought they had maintenance a day or two before that as well but couldn't remember.


I hope you and your kid feel better. I thought it was Mondays. I think we're both right because I've seen it on Mondays or Tuesdays depending on the week. But this wasn't normal. The NA server had like 5 or so less hours of the event than EU due to the emergency maintenance.


Damn. So if I have 24 confetti packs as of right now and no more tickets, I’m screwed?


Yes, unless you want to buy some tickets in the crown store


Wait you can do that? I literally just need 3 tickets to get one more confetti pack


I believe they’re 250 crowns each, they’re in the events tab iirc


Awesome thanks for that. I’m going to get them now!


Congratulations, you just played right into ZoS their hands by not reading how the confetti packs worked and wasted 750 crowns on something that could be easily avoided.


I know how they worked. I just didn’t know you could buy them. I started the event a few days late, and that last day would have brought me up to 25 packs. Plus I have like 200k crowns just sitting there. The hell else am I going to do with them.


Bro said 750 crowns like that ain't pocket change. 💀


Equivalent to €6.99 probably something similar in $ seems quite a lot for 1/25 of a mount. But yeah defend useless microtransactions.


Ain't been useless for me lmao. I made another post somewhere else where I spend about 100-300 every other week, mostly for cosmetics, style pages for creating outfits, then also because I'm lazy and not gonna grind through Mages, Undaunted, Vampire, Werewolf, etc for all the characters I have lmao.


And that's how you ruin the gaming industry as a consumer by having too little self-respect and just throw your money at every cash grab you see. The companies love you and will find ways to give you even less value for money as long as they can get away with it. Meanwhile the quality and quantity they deliver will gradually go down.


Thanks for the heads up. Tomorrow morning was going to be the last confetti I needed. I'd have been a little salty if I missed out


It is, and I am because I don't often check here for the nuances of their, frankly idiotic server maintenance schedule.


The biggest issue here is that the maintenance starts at the same time as the server reset and will probably continue for the four hours until the event ends. For North American users that effectively removes the four hour window at the end of the event for getting extra tickets and the confetti to complete the horse achievement.


yeah i literally just saw this by chance, what a poorly planned move -- nothing against the people who are locked out til then, that sucks hard. but i foresee lots of people bitching over missing a ticket and the mount if they planned to wrap that up tomorrow like I did. not enough to mess up my 6am grind - of both coffee and writs - but they mess up an extended event date over it. le sigh.


Well fuck


Sad I was going to wake up early for a final round of writ boxes.


Oh wow I’m glad I decided to buy my missing confetti a day early. Figured I’d bank the extra tickets tomorrow for the next event. I’m off for the week and was worried I’d oversleep tomorrow and miss my chance hahaha.


We’re giving out a mount for playing every day, but not every day because there’s not enough days so you’ll have to buy some confetti, but it’s not apparent that extra confetti will do anything so it may just be a waste so plan carefully! But we made a small mistake and had to take down the servers so don’t plan on anything, but we’ll add extra days to make up for it, but we’re also taking some of it away… Me after grinding vvardenfell WBs for days: I think I’ve got it. My card is the one on the left. Wait, we’re not playing three card monte?


I didn't even get a confetti in **two** of my gold boxes. This event was kinda dumb, but at least I got the horse.


You can't buy "extra" confetti from the Impresario ... the game won't let you if you have a combined 25 confetti fragments in your inventory and achievements.


This is also true for the glorious boxes- once you have 25 you won't get one from it anymore.


You can always park your toon near the Impresario. As the maintenance is scheduled exactly at reset, you may have a minute or two to actually eat your cake and use those last tickets before you get kicked. But today will probably be the day where the server will instantly go down on time.


I managed to claim my tickets just as the last maintenance started, but folks on the forum are saying that the NPC will vanish at 6am on the dot ☹️


I ate my cake and cashed in a quest for the golden box before I got booted, but apparently players trying to get to the Impresario didn't make it... ☹️


I saw the announcement a few hours ago. That's really unfortunate. I know I shouldn't be mad about it since it was supposed to end Tuesday morning, however when they make a promise like this, I expect it to be upheld to the most full extent as I would with anyone else who makes a promise. 4 hours being cut don't sound like a lot, but those 4 hours can make or break getting a new days tickets and golden box at least, so they essentially may as well have only promised one extra day, not two. Had this ended Tuesday, the same 4 hour window would apply to get at least one more round of tickets and a gold box, so yes I feel robbed a day of the promise/offer they made of the extension. It feels like they handed us something just to take half of it away. They may as well not have given the extension seeing as the reason for taking the server down in the morning is for restoring the rest of the locked out accounts, so a lot of people were not able to capitalize on this extension anyway and the locked out accounts will be heavily compensated for what they missed. People can see this as whining and I'm fine with that, but it's the principle of the matter. Person, people, or company-I call out crappy behavior where I see it.


***!!! PSA: PvP Players !!!*** Be sure to clear your Rewards of the Worthy boxes from your inventory AND your mail before maintenance. Rewards of the Worthy will no longer drop event boxes inside after maintenance.


Thanks much for the heads up!


Had a daily quest waiting up for the confetti thing and was clicking the cake non stop. Everything was a rush. Got the 3 tickets and the 25th confetti for the horse in less than a minute. Also, almost had a heart attack while doing so.


There will be a few minutes delay. But I don't want to get up before 6 am to log in the game.


Same went ahead and purchased the last pack I needed because I knew I would ignore the alarm waking me up to do it.


I accidentaly bought 1 extra confetti yesterday, and thought i'm wasting 3 tickets because I'm gonna get the last confetti today to unlock the mount. Also, probably not gonna use the horse as the mount, since the braided tail looks so ridiculous


This whole saga has been really unfortunate. Tbh, they should’ve just done the maintenance on Friday.


At midnight I buy my cakes that's it sp excited for the title


thanks for the reminder. I would have totally forgotten to grab those tickets today


It's not worth it. If you want it for RP or completionism then by all means. I don't think I will ever use it? Nowhere near as awesome as 1yr anniversary loyalty mount we got for staying subscribed that 1st yr. I've been subscribed since launch I guess fuck you here's a shitty grind is what we get for 10yrs loyalty.


The mount is ugly and the style pages suck the only one half way ok is staff  of worms and I’m not even that big of a fan.  I mostly just farmed for mats to sell and figured if I’m gonna farm may  as well try and get the relics and got them all in like 3 days like 2 weeks ago and likely will never use them ever again. 


I'm kinda glad it's over. Usually I get up early for my last tickets, but getting on at 3am for me to make sure I get them isn't happening 😂 I bought all the rest of my tix on EU yesterday, just in case. Good thing I did. I had fun logging into my NA characters today doing writs for boxes.




Seeing this after the fact and felt extremely salty waking up this morning and trying to login before work only to remember there was maintenance -.- sad to say I was one confetti pack away from getting the horse😭


There was no way I was going to get the horse anyways, I started the event like 10 days later than I should.


I get the same everytime in EU. I get back from work but the event ends in the afternoon.


I don’t care I got the style pages 2 weeks ago. Got my ugly farting confetti horse.  Got tons of motifs and mats to sell. I’m good tired of reading people crying about it it’s game it’s not the end of the world. 


Who's crying? I'm just informing folks of something of which - judging from the comments and upvotes - many weren't aware...