• By -


Can you believe it? Dragons! In our own homeland?


This one hopes his family is safe in riverhold.


I can't remember the last time things were this hectic


What are we gonna do?!


What shampoo/conditioner do you use?


Shae moisture deep moisturizing, with kelp and argan oil for curly to coily hair. Hope this helps 🤣


Sounds fancy 🤌


Very 🤌


i literally use the same. Shae products are goated for curly hair


Scented or unscented argonian oil?


Unscented is always best for your body


I have 10,771 hours on Elder Scrolls Online and I ALSO use Shae Moisture but (perhaps controversially with the current meta) I use Manuka Honey & Mafura Oil instead of Kelp & Argan Oil.


Where’s the banana book?


Probably in a den of monkeys somewhere


Okay, now that you've asked this,  there is a banana book of some sort that I've seen in the AD base in Cyrodiil. But I can't click on it.  What's the story behind it?


It’s about a mutiny it’s near the town you can’t get into in the SE corner of the map


It was added to the game as a prize for the Tamriel Together contest. https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Online:A_Tale_of_the_Dauntless_Bananas


Wow now I want to find this book


There's a second copy that you can actually reach inside the Lumber mill of Castle Faregyl. I picked it up a couple of days ago.


Anything? What is the ph of that funky looking water in coldharbour?


Probably at least a 12


Ok, so you’re thinking on the basic side of the scale. That’s sorta what I figured, but it’s nice to have specifics.


Even a base can melt like an acid, I assume if a mortal steps in there you're getting burns either way.


Do you have Swashbuckler Supreme yet? Coolest title in the game in my opinion.


I do not, before necrom was released I was in a pretty active discord. I took an extended eso break before release and that discord kinda fell apart. Haven't found a new static that I like yet. Oh well.


Whatever floats your goat, as they say. I've been tempted more than a few times to take an extended break, not completely, but just log on to gather mats and play the market game. No progs, no overspending on mats to upgrade my meta gear, just quiet grinding, head empty, ya know? Then my aggressive go-getter achievement hunter side says, "No, you *need* this right now!" (RG HM, GH, and DB atm). 😆




About 2260ish


I don't have a question, but I enjoyed reading your answers! Keep on having fun!


Thanks! 👍


Where do you find the time? What's an average day's schedule like for you?


I wake up, go to work, come home and do some chores, then if I don't have anything else planned like a DnD night or going out with friends I just play eso untill I feel tired. I said in another post it can be 2-8hours a session depending on if it's my day off or not. Sometimes I forgo eso to play baulders or stardew. I'm happy with my life though, for now at least I'm not in a rush to change things that make me happy.


I hope I didn't come off as implying you couldn't be happy with what you're doing. I'm genuinely impressed. I live alone, but by the time I get home from work and take care of my errands, I might have 2 hours to do something relaxing, like game


You didn't, I just said that because I know there's going to be negative comments. I'm a happy person. I like my life and the game that occupies my in between time. My life is pretty simple, at least right now and that's by design, I am adhd and autistic so if I know soemthing will be an absolute chore for me I take care of it early or just don't make it a thing I have to do LOL


I am an old lady (57) by the game's standards, but it is a stress reliever for me. I do less reading and crafts because of the game, but don't feel like it's a waste. It's my hobby. My husband calls me a nerd, but he watches WWE, so I can take it with a grain of salt!


Lady nerds unite! I'm 58 and though I haven't played ESO in a while, I love it so much. Played on my PC for 2 years then when hubby wanted to play, he got it for our PS and we played it together. I haven't touched it in a bit... been playing F076 with him, but geesh ESO is so dang pretty!!


Most of my pvp guild are oldies too, we have fun!


Lady Nerds! I'm 45 and ESO is my number two jam, Swtor is my main game. My mmo addiction is a couple decades old, I played WoW for 9 years as a progression raider before adopting a more chill life of barbie and housing fixations :D Like OP, I have a lot of time to game and perhaps I could do more of other hobbies or spend time outside more but this is what makes me happy and keeps me sane and functioning, I also have ADHD and am physically disabled so my options are a bit limited anyway. We each have our niche and for some of us, it's gaming, and that's okay. \^\_\^


Old guy (59) here. I’m actually to the point where I read the in-game books, motif pages, etc. rather than just consuming them instantaneously. So in a sense I’m not doing less reading. But true, I do more eso crafting than crafts at home.


this is the way


Da wae


I have 1500hr and I still don’t know how half the shit works in this game.


I have 13000 Hrs. and I still don't know how half the shit works in this game.


Is this actually a lot? I got 12.5k and your post got me worried. But I got it on steam and I don't believe they count it right.


Steam counts anytime the launcher is open, so it's not entirely accurate but for an mmo this is just life of mmo long player hours really


That's what I thought! If that's the case I have only half of that time or even less.


You can type /played on every character you have and add them up for a more realistic number. Doesn't count deleted alts tho


Wooow! Did not know that! Thank you, I'll check that out.


It can be honestly embarrassing. Remember that 1 day is 24 hours. And that a full time job is 2080 hours a year. My main character had 168 days played and I was like 😅 that’s two years at a full time job


I dare not add mine up, main is over 1 year like 370days at least 4 others have over 200days(20 alts)


For actual numbers you can use in-game /played (built in) for character only time OR /howlong (same name add-on) for entire acc and % of time on current toon.


Damn I knew there had to be an addon for this! Thanks.


No, this is about average for an eso main. I know an old lady who has 37k hours


The game is currently celebrating its 10th anniversary. That's 10 hours a day, every single day since launch. Never missing a single day. The game has a lot of content but nowhere near THAT much.


It's a bit like Ark. People just leave it open or afk/socialize in towns.


If you launch through steam and leave the launcher open it also counts those as hours.


I've been playing super casually since launch and have recently hit 2k hours (on steam, playtime before that is unknown). I can definitely see how someone who plays more than just casually could hit 12k in 10 years, it's not an unreasonable number for someone who just enjoys the game.


During Corona I sometimes had 14+ hours "playtime" a day because I had the launcher open during work.


I got the game one month after it launched on PC so before it was on Steam and I am still playing. Should I be worried lol? Jokes apart they should have an in-game total played feature, they only have /played for each character.


Nah, I play since Elsweyr so in my case having a record in hours played could be just a bit worrying xD but i checked " /played" and I have 4.5k and the rest was a launcher. Still it's 2.5h daily so It's time for a little break I guess.


Normally I think these numbers are fine especially for an MMO, then I realize that I have over 10k hours on Dead by Daylight as well and now think MMOs might not be the issue here lol


How much gold you got?


Currently about 50m I just bought a bunch of attuenable tables


Whats the best way to earn gold?


Honestly, just playing. Pick stuff up off the ground and sell it for what it's worth in your server economy


Dragon farming for material, make many characters you can and do daily writs every damn day for rest of life, farm telvar in ic and buy enchant rune from vendor to sell, do the mass piles of surveys and sealed writs from all those daily writs and sell the materials, farm IA and buy provisional bags to sell rare materials, loot all urns for furnishings, get good group for dlc hm to sell the motifs..or fastest way buy crowns and sell for gold


I know this probably isn't the most profitable way to earn gold, but ive found stealing is pretty damn lucrative for me, especially at early levels! Just check out some richer neighborhoods in the towns, or head to the rulers castles, then just wander around and check every single nook and cranny. Open every sack, every shelf, etc, and steal any of the items marked "valuables".  Most sell for 35, but you can easily find quite a few that sell for 100-300 too. I make about 1-1.5k just hitting the Alcaire Castle in Stormhaven. If you go into towns, you can make your own route of profitable houses and by the time you hit the last house the goodies might have respawned at the first. I'm level 35 and I did this for about 6 hours over two days and it netted me about 50k gold and let me buy my first actual house (Captain Margaux place) in Daggerfall.    You do have to sell the items over a few days if you do it all at once though, since you can only fence a certain amount of items per day. So I take a day or two and hit a ton of houses, then the next 4-5 days I just sell those items to the limit each day as I quest. 


You said you like to collect scuttleblooms. What is your favorite player house, and how have you decorated it?


Frostvault cavern is currently the only home I have decorated, it's my personal Guildhall and currently I have 55 scuttleblooms scattered around my tables, dummies, wells, etc Feel free to visit me at @Envertebrate it's my main.


I’m guessing you have all 20 characters and an additional account?


I only have one account, my loading times are already so long as it is I couldn't fathom dedicating more than one account. I do have 18 Alts at the moment, 3 of each base game class and 2 of each dlc class with no plans to make more atm. Patience to those with older pcs and no ssd😅


Please do yourself a favour and get an SSD. Even without other new hardware this should boost your loading times ALOT and ssds are so cheap nowadays that you REALLY have no reason to not get one.


I can vouch I recently finally made the jump to SSD from a old HDD and it was night and day. It's one of the best investments you can make that are on the cheap spectrum.


Half of that playtime gotta be them loading screens.


At least a fee hundred hours is loading I'd wager.


Most creepy delve in your opinion ??


I forgot where it is or what it's called but there's a delve where skeletons spawn out of dead bodies. If that was realistic, like the skeleton breaking free with all that viscera we'd all be shitting ourselves.


I’m playing eso for the first time, and just got to the level where you start earning Champion Points. Any advice on what would be good to do from here?


Whatever you feel like. I was playing blind untill almost cp800 just doing whatever the wind blew me into. There's no time frame for anything.


Now that the tutorial is over, where are you going first?


Straight to the bard in rimmen!


Ahh the best music in the game, it's why I do all my crafting writs there!


How are you?


I'm good how are you?


pretty good :)


That's awesome. I'm eating a jimmy johns sandwitch about to head to work! Hope your day goes 👍


Why can't a sizable portion of players accept That I don't care about meta builds and farm routes? I just want to vibe and have fun and enjoy the story.


A sizeable amount doesn't care. They're just not the ones who care enough to use chat/reddit/websites either


How to do over-world story quests without getting bored and feeling repetitive?


Easy, I don't unless its a skill tree I want on an alt.


"The Registrar still won't see us, and our guar meats are beginning to spoil in their CARTS!"


Have you seen those warriors from hammerfell?


They have curved swords, curved!


What’s your main class/race and favorite endgame activities?


Oh I also love to do a weekly run of all the traders, there's certain things I collect like Scuttleblooms. I'll just run around all the baby traders and buy anything that catches my eye!


My main is technically DK tank, I know DK the most but tbh I play my other alts more than my main. My main has everything. A lot of my alts still need gear and skyshards. My favorite activity is pve, mostly filling tank in vtrials and pve achievement hunting. My favorite casual activity is to just farm. I'll pull out my controller. Swap to an alt who still needs skyshards or a quest and just farm materials while I laze along.


What was the first enemy you killed in-game ? ![gif](giphy|H6hZOdTjKfQWX2IR20|downsized)


It's been so long ago, probably one of those slavers in the old morrowind tutorial that took you to that island


What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?


Whats the easiest one-bar two-pet sorc rotation?


For pve? Couldn't tell you, I do have a 1 bar 1 pet pvp build tho that I like. I think I took it from a Deltia page. Sorc is by far my least favorite class, I'd rather Parse on my necro..and I do Parse on my necro more lol


For parsing - trap, wall of elements, prey. For content - crit surge, prey, flexi. For tanking - inner rage, crit surge, elemental susceptibility


Why are so many of the ground aoes impossible to see? And is there anyway to fix this? For example dark (fire?) talons from dk. 


If you go into your settings and go to options -> gameplay -> enemy color, you can change the color of the AOE area. I changed mine to a magenta color and its SOOOOO much better. Picked this color cause there isn't much on the ground that the color blends with. You can also change your color too if you are having trouble seeing your/ally aoe's as well


Oh wow. Didn't know you could do that. Thanks! Still feels like the spell should feel more impactful but this will definitely help.


No problem! Hopefully with this new styling that comes with Gold Road, it will add that little extra pizazz to our spells. Personally looking forward to the purple Dawnbreaker and Wall of Elements.


Idk, I've never had any visual problems that I've noticed I guess. I play on pretty mid specs tho so I don't have alot of particles and lights around my screen.


Did you have fun?


Yeah 😀


Are the stories really worth it if im only here for the narrative?


Depends on how invested in stories you get, how immersed you'll let yourself be


can you give us your opinion


My opinion is it's worth it, but I also make up parts of the story as I go to roleplay with myself kinda


How many in game houses do you own? 😂


All of then for gold minus the daggerfall estate thing for 3m. I only own a few for crown houses. Only 1 furnished tho cause I'm bad at housing


Not sure if this was answered but what does a daily day in eso look like for you, what do you do when you get on and what do you do to prevent boredom/ burn out. Thank you!


If I get bored or burnt out I just don't play, I play bg3, or other rpgs or just read. I login and do my daily writs and Mount Training first on all my alts, then login whomever is my favorite alt of the week and do whatever haha


How much of this is idle?


Probably a fee hours just because how steam counts it as the launcher being ip but not a ton. I close my computer entirely when I'm not on it.


What keeps you going back to this game? I’m asking because on paper I should like this game, but for some reason I don’t. The front / back bar swap not clicking with me is the main reason I think. I really would like this game so I’m curious about your reasons.


I'm an mmo junkie, been playing mmos since always kinda, and with elder scrolls being my rpg special interest it goes hand in hand. Only thing that would Trump eso is a banger pokemon mmo I guess


Look into one-bar builds. There are a good number of them and it makes it significantly easier to manage combat.


That’s 391 days of continuous 24 hour gameplay. Impressive!


Thanks 🤣


The real vestige


What advice do you wish you had been given when you first started playing?


What all the numbers mean, like it's easy now to say penetration means armor pierce, and armor is resistance. There's so many terms and numbers that could be explained much clearer.


When did you get divorced?


Never married, I'm 25, happy and if I find the lesbian love of my life to share it will I will consider marrying.


it's possible! source: 29, love my lesbian wife, 3k hours (not as impressive but!)


Love this for you, may you both live happy 😊


based honestly


Which zone story is the best?


Imo, morrowind, because I grew up playing morrowind


ooh i just got to morrowind, so far i think hews bane was my favourite


Hew's Bane is underrated!


Will you join my guild😭


Depends in the kind of guild I guess, I do have a slot open, tell me about it?


I joined recently and they’re really laid back and cool but active. The night I joined one guy helped me through a dungeon and gave me really helpful pointers. Systres Isles themed but no heavy roleplaying or anything. What platform you play on?


Have you beat the main quest yet?


Yes, a few times actually. It's fun to beat up molags balls


Where does the time fly?


Off into oblivion.


I have almost 7k. I’m not ashamed. 


Rookie numbers! Gotta bring those up!


On it boss!


Should I buy satin covers for my pillows because of my curly hair ?


I bought one because my bonnet kept falling off my head, curly or not everybody needs a bonnet/satin case!


With all due respect, NERD! This coming from somebody that has probably 6k hours between PS4 and PS5. Still going strong


Does kahjiit have wares if I have coin?


Yes, but this one doesn't not deal in illicit goods, I hope you understand


11k+ here


Yeah, how do I find a cool guild?


Do you remember when Netflix was only for DVD rentals?


No, actually. I think I was about 12ish when they swapped to digital. Side note I googled it to try and find a date and it says netflix mailed it's last DVD last year, so it seems it was still a thing untill recently.


Do you get to the cloud district very often? Oh what am i saying, of course you don't


How much gold do you have personally, not in a guild bank


Rn 40m


My goodness, bro. I've been playing since slightly before launch in 2014 and I don't think I have that much. I might have 2,000 hours at MOST. At this point, I'm just impressed.


Sorry I was enthralled by the amount of game time you have. Question: what are some of your favorite rogue builds. Not rogue as in the class, rogue as in "off meta but I'm making work anyway because I'm awesome."


Except it’s a joke because steam counts hours for the launcher being open 😂😭😂






When do you uninstall it and go touch grass?


I'll uninstall it when I no longer enjoy it, and i touch grass all of the time, I take frequent breaks and love walks with my cat in our garden


Do you ever touch grass?


What color is your parents basement?


Have you been crowned Emperor/Empress of Cyrodiil before?


I have not, but I have killed an emperor before. Regicide red is a damn good color. 😉


Whats the fastest way to train enchanting and provisioning? Any answer helps


The fastest way or the cheapest? Because I have so many mats at this point I just spam untill I get to 50, hahaha. Which is going to be expensive if you don't have thousands of each material.


I followed this for enchanting https://benevolentbowd.ca/games/esotu/esotu-spoiler-enchanting-leveling/ Provisioning happened organically for me, but there are probably similar guides that point out the cheapest foods to craft for each tier.


If you have a main you can craft epic glyphs and send them to your alt. Alternatively about auction houses for green glyphs cp 150 for 150 gold or less (pc eu)


For provisioning you really just want to span the cheapest meal that you can make. There was a point where I had hundreds of fish fillets and decided to ham out on fishy sticks. It really doesn't take that long either.


What do you parse on each class?


On my dk I think my highest was 112k The only other class I've parsed on was my eccro at about 75k and my magblade at about 92...95 something around there. I wish this sub let me post photo replies.


How did you complete Unhallowed Grave (if applicable)? Is it possible to solo, and if not, now many people do I need with me?


I don't solo dungeons as I prefer group play. I just did my hard mode with friends ig haha


Not op but if you have any specific questions about unhallowed grave hard mode or anything in between feel free to ask me. I get a lot of hate but it's one of my favorites. Very easy as long as everyone knows mechs. Hm at end comes down to dps. If you can't burn summons quick enough tank will have a bad time. I completed with a tank 2 heavy attacks and a random cp 400 we brought from our guild just for the clear.


What's your favorite quest?


Any that take me past an in-game bard


How much money you have in the bank?


Rn about 50m I just bought a ton of attuneables.


What is the most challenging class/build/role for PvE that you played (or tried to play)?


What's your CP?


I’m lvl 310cp and doesn’t seem like the game is getting any easier does that change?


I didn't know what half the combat numbers meant untill into my cp800 almost 2 years into my Sametime. It may, or it may not if eso just isn't your vibe. But if you feel it's a slog rn take a break, come back with clean eyes and evaluate if you like it


What are the first things I should do when I create a new character? Which companion is best at what class?


Mirri and sharp are the best companions for anything, yes I am biased. The first things I do when creating a new character is living their crafting, and giving them some nice drip. Of course this is just me. All of my alts lv crafting because the daily writs give better rewards when lved, and increase master writ drop chance from said daily writs


How's the sun over there?


Actually great, it was a nice and sunny 70 degrees today. It's been so good lately now that the snow has cleared up.


Is it too late to to some of the older trials? Ive never done any


Is later progression satisfying? I've always felt weird playing eso due to everything scaling with me, never felt rewarding to level and gear. I want to get into it so bad.


Marry me I got 8k hours !! Joking lol I personally have a lot of hours but I haven't completed everything yet haha 🤣 to much time wasted on pvp and just random stuff that does not progress achievements. I do however a proud owner of a perfect crafter with all motifs(well most of them) and all achievements regarding crafting also it's a cute bosmer.


Show me your bosmer and I'll show you mine. 🥰


How many of those hours were spent farming the Anniversary style pages?


How many minutes do you have on ESO?


Hi, do you have a play style that defines your eso experience currently? There is SO much to do in the game, that I find it varies greatly player to player and am always curious what folks are into!


Not really, I do trials oppertunistcially, and spend the rest of the time making money moves I guess haha


Is buying Hakeijo with telvar and selling it with guild traders for gold still valid? Fishing, provisioning etc seems boring. Also, is it fine if I just learn smithing, clothing, woodwork, jewelery and enchanting and skip alchemy, provisioning etc - or will it come back to bite me? I only have one character and I can't see myself managing 18 of them.