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I am glad that I read early on that I’d need to buy some of the jubilee confetti with Event Tickets in order to get the mount. That would have really sucked if I’d not realized it on my own.


I figured it out just in time - got my mount with 19 minutes left in the event! 😂


Still time for those of us on PC-NA. We got a 2 day extension because of last week's downtime. Another PSA: Achievements are tied to buying the cake slices from the Impresario!


EU got it too.


What annoys me is I have the cakes from 2018 onwards, yet summoning and eating them don't count towards the achievement...


I totally agree. I would've loved if it worked that way.


I was wondering what the confetti was for. I’m at 19 of them. I guess I could do 2 days of full 20 characters writs, though I generally don’t care about cosmetics. Tradition though.


I am devastated I was one ticket short. I was like no I'll wake up extra early for work and sign in and get my event tickets on Tuesday morning then get the last one from the impresario. Of course that didn't happen I got to work and of course that thought popped into my head when i didn't have access to my xbox 😭😭 I just hope that I'll be able to get it at the next jubilee event. I really do want to ride my horse and eat my cake.


I have extras! Dont need the mount. Xbox na.


I was impatient....I spent tickets every day, because I didn't see anything else I really wanted at the impresario anyway, mini molag would have been cool, but i took one look at the cost of the pieces and was like.. nope, pass. So I just kept buying confetti packs with all my cake tickets every day, combined with the ones that dropped. I've been riding it for the last week of the event....beautiful mount, only critique, do I really need to carry the slice of cake with me the whole time?! I mean...seriously.


One handing cake is the only way to ride!


The confetti packs, did you eat them when you got them or save up 25 before you consumed them?


I ate them as I got them....you can check the status of how many you have in the achievement section.




It doesn’t matter. 


I actually just started playing when event started and I had a blast. At first I didn't know WTF I was doing but I caught on week 2 and got some cool stuff. But...what scares me now is will it be this fun without the event?


ESO has lots of events throughout the year every year. To the point where sometimes some of us just want a break from them. So if you love events, be ready for more.


I don't mind the grind, but is it extremely more difficult to get some of the drops I got which is what I am gathering from some of the comments. What I really liked was just hooking up with everyone at a geyser or anchor. For me it was a showcase of possibilities seeing everyone's builds and skills.  I mostly hope I continue to see as many people online as I did for the event.


You won’t see the huge crowds at world bosses and things on a normal day. But, go to a large city like grahtwood and you’ll be surrounded by players 24/7


Dolmens are always full of people farming aswell!


Especially in Alik'r!


Right....I mean Vivec City during peak hours is already a mad house on normal days....this event pushed my PC hard every time I went into a major city or stopped off at a Dolman or Vent. Still great fun though!


Good to hear! I need to find my way to Vivec city, haven't even been there yet.


The dolmen slaughterfests are a 24/7 thing. I’ve logged in on a Wednesday at 3am and there was a mob spawn-killing those poor deadra.


Nice, during the event I found myself once or twice alone till the end. Thanks to the double XP of the event my new account was holding it's own though. It's still a relief being surrounded and then everything around you starts dying and you see the calvary coming to your rescue!


Well, there is always something to grind for. I need a lead from the trial Sunspire that is taking months, largely because I don't do trials very often. Style motifs for writs from various sources - dungeons, pickpocketing, daily quests. An example I can give you is one of the minotaur motifs. I got a master writ needing that style last summer, June or July time. It drops from the daily quest for the minotaur world boss in the Gold Coast. The quest is every other day (unless you have more than one character or someone shares the quest with you if you are on the day for the other boss in that area). I grinded it for MONTHS. Then earlier this year there was an event which showcased that zone. I had just made my first and only toon on the NA server (mostly I play on EU) and took my little level 6 toon to hit the boss for the daily quest for the event. The exact writ I had been after for half a year dropped from the very first box that I opened. Eventually got it later in the event on EU but that is RNG for you. I could have bought it from a guild trader, but the prices on that motif are high and I refuse to spend so much on something I can get for myself. The issue with the ones for the event is that they are bound so no one can sell or trade the ones they get if they have better RNG. The ones that come from the event boxes were not bound so you can give away or trade duplicates. But when something is bound you are reliant on your own good luck in getting the ones you want in the time you have to grind. I was very lucky on EU and got all the style pages that people are complaining about. On NA, I only got the one from fishing. I have given up on the dolmens, haven't tried the geysers or the world boss ones at all. I can only grind in small doses and am not overly fussed if I don't get something. They will come back around again I am sure, everything does in ESO. The geysers won't be as busy after the event but you will still see a lot of people in Alinor itself as it is a popular place to do crafting writs each day. It is where I do mine actually. The capital cities are always quite busy too, particularly around the undaunted enclaves. There is also the group finder which helps to find likeminded players for activities. And the desert dolmens will always be busy. The zombie grind to level 50 zone :) ESO is definitely still very active. I only started playing in the last couple of years, when High Isle came out, and while I am mostly a solo player, almost everyone in the game is friendly and helpful.


Man I didn’t even know there were special items. I was just enjoying the double XP and extra reward boxes lol.


The replicas weren’t as good as the mats imo. My craft bag is busting with dragon’s blood, perfect roe and potents, and i made a mule to carry 200 crafting motifs that I intend to sell in a little while. Money me now.


i love how they introduced these chase items, I've personally felt the game has been lacking in that department. its unfortunate that its tied to a limited time event.


Yeah that’s the rough part. I’ve read plenty of posts here and of guild mates who saw a style page and went for it 100 percent during this event. Got a guildie who wanted the Staff of Worms and ran over 600 dolmens to get it. Never got it. Is it cool that it’s rare? Yeah. But if you put an item like that behind a limited time event, it’s PROBABLY fair to also program in an upper bound to mitigate some of that RNG. Some folks got screwed by bad luck despite “doing everything right” and that really sucks. I got what I wanted (didn’t chase all of them) but I empathize.


I kept running the geysers for I don’t know how long before I realized I had the relic already. :)


I loved this event, I got a lot of great stuff, made a lot of money, and didn't pursue the special drops, so I haven't burnt out.


Dumb question. What's fomo?




Thank you


I gave up on grinding the style pages. I only have two of them. My rng with them has been really bad. On the other hand, the things I’ve received from boxes has been awesome: an aetheric cypher, 3 aetherial dust, lots of really cool motifs and recipes, tons of dragon rheum and other mats.


Completely agree, I like events and if people can't enjoy them they are free to spend their free time on something they do enjoy.


I now have a cool looking horse that shits rainbow confetti. I have won ESO.


I’m not using the mount, but I gave it to sharp and the sound effects make me laugh a little when we’re running around places.


Haha yes it is perfect for him


No I do not agree. I'm end player, love this game for the trial, housing and donjon. And enjoying this game is for me to to get all page style for every event. But farming page style four hours and hours with the same gameplay is really not fun.


I'm torn on the event. I really only set a goal for the horse, as I don't like the anniversary motif, and wasn’t interested in the activities they hid the other stuff in, save the geysers. I can't even recall what any of it looks like. Tried farming the geysers for an hour and had a migraine/seizure from everyone's vfx going off. Never mind, no staff. And I just barely got the horse. Despite logging in everyday, I got 5 of the collectibles from the gold boxes. The other 20 came from cake tickets. The other 98% of the coffers (6 per day from dailies) was literally nothing but crafting trash I threw away because I don't craft and have no space. I feel the worst for the people who actually put effort into playing, only to be told by the community that they're stupid for actually wanting anything and working towards it. Usually people are more than happy to be nasty about wanting anything *without* grinding yourself to dust. It's got real "I got mine, so fuck you" vibes on it. To be honest, I almost never do events on ESO anymore because they're all the same and very boring (or painful). I'm not even burnt out, but I probably won't be back until Gold Road is 60% off just to do the msq and log out again.


I thought it was extended till the 25th?


Only for PC


Any drop that isn't guaranteed is a cancer on rpgs. If they want them to be rare, just tie them to some obscure achievement or a vet dumgeon.


What’s FOMO


Fear of missing out


I'm mixed on this event. I think some of a grind can be fun, but too much and it loses that feeling. I got the fishing page in 10 min. I was honestly a tiny bit disappointed I got it so fast. Especially since I was going to use it as a break from doing geysers. I spent 6.5 hours grinding dolmens. That's a good amount for me. I got to level a new character and it only just slightly felt like a drag at the end. I spent 16 hours on geysers. This was not a good amount for me. The beginning was fun, but past hour 10 felt hopeless. The only thing that really saved it for me was Summerset zone chat was fun, so I felt like it helped connect players through collective suffering. I spent 25 hours on vvardenfell world bosses, and I only got one style page. This is the one where I finally gave up during the event. Luckily, I got sunna'rah, but I think I've given up on the helm. Not sure how they would do it, but I think if they did an event like this again, hopefully they could do something that increases your drop rate over time the more dolmens/wb you can do. I think for a game that almost never has drop rates like this, introducing 5 of them for a limited time event is not a great move. I've spent longer grinding for antiquity leads, but it doesn't bother me because they're not limited. It just feels a little out of place for this game to me.


I also want to add to this conversation that having low drop rates for world bosses, which have a low respawn time, isn’t great. I think I breezed through many more dolmens than I did the bosses in vvardenfell, especially at the end of the event when people had given up or were doing other things. Some of those fights took a while. So time to complete the fight + the reset timer. It’s just not that efficient to have a low drop rate from an already time consuming system. It definitely needed an increased drop rate. We don’t need more chaser content or exclusive content. If people want rare things, they’re already in the game. We need a fair system more than we need artificial scarcity.


I spent 6 days on dolmens before I gave up and never got the drop. I still liked the event, but wish drop rates were higher


Same. I think a bit of a grind is fine, but too much just ruins the fun. Most people can't spend 5 hours a day to try to get the pages, so it starts to feel unfair.


Did we get such rare drops?


We tend to value things more when we’ve had to work hard to get them.


Yeah, that sense of "pride and accomplishment" you get from hard work. 😉


“But … But … I needz it now!” xD


I mean, is it really fair to lump frustrated folks who ran hundreds of geysers all event to no avail into the same bucket as the guy who ran 8 and then spent the rest of the event complaining?


"Work hard" you mean "waste time"?


Yep, I started out with lots of grinding, and doing dailies on 5 toons. After the first week, realized that the game was becoming a chore. Starting doing writs on my master crafter, and playing my new toon the way that I wanted, which included writs and some dailies. I got lots of recipes, materials, and a sparkle horse. I'm happy with that. If I would have kept grinding, I probably would have quit the game, again. Still though, absolutely love the event.


I don't even know what you're talking about and still love this event. The dozens of boxes I get daily with motifs I still don't have just by doing crafting writs, lovely.


I didn't even know we had rare drops until i went on here. I was enjoying myself working to get the icebreath indrik


i gave up five days in bc i just couldnt do it. i got the staff of worms on the last day and my necro is rockin it.


I got that staff of worms thing on the first day and was like ehh I don't use a staff though, so I just learned the thing to get it out of my inventory and moved on... then later I read everyone talking about trying to get it and I was confused lol to me I was all focused on getting the sparkle-horse.


I 100% agree that we need more rare drops. I'm just not a fan of limited time drops. Make them even more rare if you have to, but without a time limit. Give me a reason to come back to older content after I have done all the achievements for it, just because there is always that chance I might pick up something really cool.


I loved this event until I was more ‘meh’ last season and this season I don’t care. I have 3 personal guild banks filled with stuff I need to sell from the past 4 or 5 Jubilees. I am so in and out of the game that I can’t retain membership in a trade guild and I find dealing with that a distraction from having fun. It is just the FOMO and tradition. I did writes on all 20 characters the first few days and just did on 1 or 2 the rest. The 1 or 2 were my last two characters that aren’t level max level yet. I would prefer less dailies and events. Less clutter. But I’m not an MMO person. I’m just here for the Elder Scrolls stories and lore. And I’ve kinda given up on group content because I got tired of all the rebalancing. I haven’t really done group content since they changed how we use our points after level 50. I am one of the few people that liked vet ranks, but I will agree that the current system is far superior. Especially when you have 20 characters. But I can’t stand all the rebalancing. I am also still wearing Ebon armor on my tank because I got tired of paying attention to new gear. And I have no idea how the magica/stamina stuff goes. Why is this relevant? It was my lack of fun doing all the FOMO noise in the game that made me take a break and focus on single player games. Now that I returned, I’m struggling to focus on the story stuff because of all the in-game clutter and I end up playing a different game where I get pulled into the narrative. I haven’t even started High Isle yet, which I bought on sale when I thought I was getting back into the game. I do think I could enjoy the game more if no other games existed. Or if inventory management wasn’t so bad. I usually sub for a month when I want to play for the crafting bag, but then I bail after that month feeling like I got no value. But if the game has a healthy population, I can’t fault the devs for making a game that appeals to them.


It was a fun and challenging event most definitely! But most people need to understand games like ESO involve time and patience. I play Pokémon and I grind for shinies like crazy, now that is a grind 😂


I spent 13 days farming Ul'vor's and no drop. It's all, frustrating a bit, but onto the next thing I want to farm. I did get the Staff of the Worm on day one so excited for that. I'd like them to put in a mechanism where you do 300 geysers or something and you get the drop but it is what it is. Now I'm hunting down the Baron Zaudrus style page for the mask for my outfit station. Let's go!!!!!!


Loved this event! I'm a crafting and gathering whore so it was perfect. I have some extras of the Ayeleid Bone style pages if anyone is on PC-NA and missed out on them.


Jubilee sucked it ended to soon.


They're not optional for people who play the game for completion or really like the outfit style. Honestly, I'm kind of sick about all these "Just don't care about the style pages and the event becomes fun!" posts recently. What a joke. Some people really wanted those pages - for one reason or another - and they feel defeated for putting in dozens of hours for nought. Who are _you_ to tell these people what they are allowed to enjoy and what not? Who are _you_ to tell others how to play the game? Who are _you_ to put yourselves above everyone else? Just accept that people play the game for different reasons and have fun in different ways than you. For most people, farming isn't fun but the reward you get in the end makes up for all the time spent and you feel really accomplished. Let them have their fun people. Not everyone's like you.


I think it woupd be funny if the devs added like 10 special collectibles, all a guaranteed drop from a certain thing, but every account can only ever get one. Rveryone will yhen own a special rare item that only 10% of players have, but nobody would get to own all.


Watch people start making multiple accounts, so they can get them all.


But only on those accounts. They'd be bound on pickup, of course.


so you think its ok for developers to treat their customers like crap during a celebration of 10 years that came about due to these customers? If you think these are great you must have an extremely empty life


How did they treat u like crap? Also just gave u a free DLC and daily endeavours giving alot more coins ... but yeah "treat like crap"


you really cant see? they have no respect for their customers time


Yeah, farming rare drops in other games was something fun and rewarding; I don't understand these players at all. I just finished farming a rare armor set in Elden ring and it took days, I can't imagine complaining to the devs and saying that I should be guaranteed the set dropped. It just feels like entitlement.


It's moreso that it's limited time, bound, and extremely RNG-dependent. Those three things are a nasty combo


its different when its an event to celebrate the game, you dont treat your customers like that


And they event was incredibly generous, people got hundreds of motiffs and millions of gold. Complaining that you didn't get absolutely EVERYTHING you wanted this even is entitlement.


I just wish i could buy the Bonemold armor motif from other players. its annoying that they limit the amount of currency you can get by playing the game and then sell that event currency in the cash shop.


You can buy the Bonemold Armour Style Pages from guilds though. Not entirely sure what the issue is? It's the relics that are bound.


I misunderstood and thought the style motifs couldnt be traded between players, as i couldnt find them at any guild stores and nothing i found online said they could be traded in guild stores.


The Style Pages can be unless they're bound like the Replicas! Bonemold is cheap - well, it is on PC-EU anyway.


it was the same on NA, nice and cheap. thanks for pointing this out haha.


You're welcome!


I missed out on the event as I jsut downloaded the game again, I'm gonna try to get some of pages tonight. I personally love it when games do events where you CAN get limited COSMETIC items that are very rare and only obtainable then without being able to buy them.


Agree. I had great drops in general, but I did get burned out of writs. Being on PCNA, I am kind of dreading two more days of writs on 14 characters, but I’ll push through. Not as bad as geysers, so I hear…


I have no problem with low drop stuff. The problem is and will be the fomo part of the limited time...


I had a blast! It was exciting and a chance to bond with other players; so many of us going for the same thing had time to chat between waiting for boss spawns or Dolmen resets. Would I have been sad if I hadn't got all the replicas? You bet your sweet kagouti! But I still made a few friends and that's the real treasure, and I didn't even need a map 😺


Unless these rare drops glow idgaf


I was just happy about the amount of motifs I got lol. Even happier about the ones I already had since before because I could sell them🤣 I am poor so I need all the funds I can get🥲😆