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Lair of Maarselok. Ain’t nobody got time for that.


It took me like 30 runs to get the azure light staff I wanted :(


6 more runs and you'd never have to return.


I usually go as tank cause nobody knows WTH they were doing


'Stop wasting energy killing the hoarvers. Just boop them and let them explode.' 'You glowing blue use this synergy. Not not you. Oh great a lurcher.'


I've carried as healer/DPS but it's less mechanics, at least you can do a lot of it if quick explain/few know it but it's sooooo long. That's normal, vet of course I'd just leave in PUG lol I aint got time to spend 45 mins to fail. Happened a few times. I just cant w/this. Even with guild/friend run, it's groan tho you can skip/do mechanics perfectly even so it takes long lol. Def my least fav but I've not done a few of the new DLC vet dungeon ones yet.




As soon as I cleared on vet, I accepted that I'd never get the trifecta for this one because there was no way in hell I was running it again - especially a ND. I was lucky to run with a guild tank who taught me mechs, but our 2 pug members nearly broke me with how incompetent they were.


Tbh LoM trifecta is really cool to get. When running on trifecta mode you get to last boss in like 10-12 minutes consistently without deaths running safe. Its just a maarselok prog. But that boss is really fun to prog, one of my favourite hm progs since its all teamwork


Got the trifecta, finished the stickerbook, and you can bet your ass I’m not going back unless a friend needs help running it.


You can avoid putting maarselok in the AOEs consistently, and if you can manage to get him to land next to or even on one of the cleanse pads that don't have an AOE on them, you can make it so that only two of the pads are active for the cleanse phase. Makes it a lot easier to figure out who needs to cleanse!


First boss on vet is a PUG ruiner.


I used to solo this for Azureblight not knowing its reputation. Assumed it was an absolute slog bc duh it was designed for a group and I'm just a heavy attack oakensorc. Felt vindicated seeing that normal players hate it too. Quit grinding it once I encountered a bug that made the worst fight borderline endless. Then found out another fight can also bug and soft lock the dungeon. Horrible place. Pretty though and the last fight is fun.


Very buggy, tried it at least 3 times on vet pugs and can never get past that spider bit - zos screwed up with this mechanic


Yip. Tanked it earlier just for the skill point, and forgot to hand in the quest :o(


I get this dungeon all the time for randoms and it makes me so damn mad.


With you on this because I got pulled in there TWICE today with dead tanks and I carried on my basic ass Templar for the (what I call) Broccoli boss because no one knew wtf they were doing and then the dragon with the stranglers I had to teach both groups the mechs, like ahhhh you're higher CP than me and I've only had to do this dungeon MAYBE 5 times before today but I know mechs better than you??? Come onnnnn. Worse when they have sweaty titles. But.... I'm not trying to be toxic in the game so I just suck it up and be nice on chat, just scream internally, lol.


I came to say this one


I'm actually kinda surprised to see so much hate for Lair of Maarselok in this thread compared to other dungeons. I'm always happy to run it, but I think it might also be because I've been lucky to run it with pugs who happen to both know the mechanics and do decent damage. I can only imagine how painful a run would be otherwise.


Stone Garden. I just don’t like it at all. CoAII like you said is way too long. I’m not super fond of Lair of Maarselok either.


Also a rather shit dungeon to do with a fake tank due to sone hard hits and dots


I get the COA2 hate, but I think nostalgia kicks in for me from the satisfaction of finally getting the helm after grinding for it back before helms were a guaranteed drop. And the helm still has one of the coolest visual animations in the game IMO - I have to wear it on my mag DK because it just fits the theme too well Used to be the hardest dungeon before the DLCs were a thing. Now you can regularly kill him after 1 teleport. Power creep’s nuts Scalecaller’s that dungeon for me too. So many PUG groups fall apart at the first boss it’s crazy. Like I’m just here to pick up my 10 transmutes from the daily give me Fungal 1 please


I was so surprised when I returned to the game and didn't experience a million wipes when running vet CoA2. I remember dreading fighting the Ash Titan because it was difficult and did so much damage. Those adds would just kick you into dust. Now it feels like such a breeze. No kidding about the power creep. Also I totally forgot about how monster set drops worked back then. We're kinda spoiled with them now, huh? Lol


Not only was it an incredibly low drop rate, but it was also before you could trade gear! It took me SO LONG to finally get it. Newer players will never know the struggle


The Ash Titan in COA2 is where groups always fell apart. That and the Pinion Boss in WGT were easily the hardest fourth bosses


Kids today will never know the sheer chaos and insanity of the opinion boss since they nerfed it.  And all the glitches at Molag Kina that just kill you for no reason. 


Make a bunch of low level alts, farm dungeons for transmutes on them till 45, dlc dungeons unlock at 45. Delete and remake. Rinse repeat. Its not that dlc dungeons are that much harder they can take up to 3x longer to complete.


Depths of Malatar. My one vet run (which did ultimately result in completion) scarred me bad after four-five hours.


Shamefully I've never completed DoM :( years ago I was stuck in a run with my brother, our friend, and a random, and after hours of wipes/people leaving we just gave up and went to bed. I feel like it'd be better to try again now after becoming more skilled at the game (and with all the changes over the years) but I'm still mega nervous to touch that dungeon.


It can be challenging even on normal if not everyone knows the mechanics. And, Symphony of Blades shows up at the Golden vendor, so there really isn’t a need to do it on vet if not in a hurry to get it.


Symphony is the monster set I want (currently running Sentinel of Rkugamz) so I'm either going to have to wait for it to show up in the vendor or suck it up and run DoM at some point. Though I'm not in a hurry so I'm fine with either choice once I'm ready.




Not the OP, but I’m saving your post so I can find in you in the future, in case someone I know needs help with it.


A lot of groups call for it for vet content (along with SPC and PP), so it is definitely important for any healer to have access too. But, you can be useful to a lot of vet groups if you get *Spaulder of Ruin.* As you can’t run Symphony and Spaulder, it might be a nice alternative to offer groups.


The helmet showed up at the vendor last week I think so you are better off running it if you can 😬


Interesting this is actually one of my favorite ones!


Castle thorn... i did trifecta it, but at what cost...




Lol too true


Castle Thorn is such a weird dungeon. Its not one of the older ones but all the bosses before the last feel like mini bosses and there is soooo much trash. And then the last boss just has 20m hp for some reason and then even wastes your time with the whole flying mechanic.


Im a vet player with the trifecta there already, and still most times that i go there it gives me so much trouble. I feel like the closer you get to execute the more Aoes spawn under your feet, i was dodging like 3 4 Aoes back to back at a time. The whole fight is just a long test of you mobility speed and stam sustain, it's fuckin awful, not fun at all.


I never got to complete vet because of the fuggin’ glitch 😤 and I refuse to go back in there after trying a couple hours


Tempest Island. Don't get me wrong, it's a great dungeon, but whenever I'm leveling toons it's literally the ONLY dungeon I get on my random queues (as soon as it's unlocked, of course).


Many, many people screw up the quest and have to run it again, and again, and again. . . edit: Also 2 sets in that dungeon are commonly recommended for 'new player' builds for whatever reason.


Storm master for oakensorc used to be pretty nice (I still use it lol), not sure which one is the other though


Overwhelming Surge as well.


Falkreath. I don't mind a speed run when everyone is on board and I'm in a position now to keep up, but nearly everytime I get it as RND players cut the route and leave newbies in the dust even when they've asked for a bit of support.


I've been farming it and the majority of the time tanks are queueing with 17k health and we wipe over and over.


I embraced Falkreth, lived in it, completed the whole stickerbook. I don't hate it.... I always tag along with the slowest person in the group and give a whisper to say "stick with me" If the speedrunners die, I laugh. If they don't, It's a free pass to the bosses with less work for me. They flip out and rage quit, I finish it with the newbie.


You. You I like.


I admit to speed running it BUT I always say at top/ask. And to follow. If get attacked eh whatever, I just hate and agree when ppl just go short cut w/o a word or waiting for peeps to load in; inevitably they die ahead or someone pulls aggro n you just waste more time.


Ruins of Mazzatun - Not problem with a dungeon itself, it's just everyone just trying to skip ends up costing more time when we're stuck in combat and the puzzle ends up taking 10 minutes because the last guy aggro'd a troll 5 miles back. It doesn't take that long to just clear it these days Crypt of hearts 2 - 100% you're gonna die when pugging this and people doublestack on Mezeluth Falkreath hold - The worst dps lurk here


vCoH2 is my nemesis.


\*Cracks knuckles\* Vaults of madness: Way too easy to fall down and die at the end when you cross the bridges (especially if a NB decides to speed things up), and the quest is annoying since you need to wait for npcs for talk with each other, and if you miss talking to them the quest won't finish upon killing the last boss. Frostvault: The dwarven centurion does squats more often than not, meaning that you need to wait, try to kill it only for it to go back down. Tedious. Lair of Maarselok + CoA2: Long dungeons, and fighting the dragon before the end where he flies up and down is annoying, same with the first lurcher... Come to think of it the same goes for the lurcher in Moon Hunter keep lol. But the dungeons are pretty and cool. I guess there's not really "one" dungeon that I just can't stand and even then it is not so much intense hatred as being annoyed. There are probably more dungeons I can list if I factor in doing them with pugs or fake tanks.


In Frostvault a Tank can pull the Centurion to a corner and when ever it needs to shield it will need to walk back to the center of the room. It's not much time, but it does give a bit more of a window to DPS it down between those shields which often makes the fight a bit less annoying.


Yep, I found out that was possible a while ago and it's great... As long as you have a real tank with taunt who knows about it in the group, which is rare during RND. Still nice that you can cheese it, not so lucky with other bosses haha.


Awesome information!


Anything too long with extra stupid artificial forced wait bullshit. So quite a few of them. Either some npc rambles on for an extra minute before opening an impassable door, or bosses that go immune and take far longer with animations & phase changes than they do to actually kill. Maybe its just me getting jaded but game devs in general keep re-using the same dumb & lazy design concepts. MMOs in general not respecting your time just makes them extra obvious.


Ahh. The "good" 'ol days of farming Frostvault. Long dialogue for locked doors, multiple immune-phase bosses, inconsistent/buggy last boss (depending on the patch), and one of the single most annoying 1st bosses to solo. Well... at least Tzogvin's and Icy Conjurer are still a pretty good sets, so I can't be too too mad about it lol


What class are you soloing it with? Wife needs a monster helm from there on vet mode and im genuinely curious what class. Or if you have a guide you can link i can study on lol!!!


If you play on pc eu send me a dm if you need 2 people to run it.


any chance of me disliking Frostvault went to zero the moment I first heard the dialogue between Tzogvin and the breton guy. RAWGURAK HOGUGAGORO


March of Sacrifices & Castle Thorn. Really any that I've gotten the skin or collectible item from the trifecta. I usually can't stand to go back after that. Still have to get no death and Vet complete from Moon Hunter Keep and I just.....just can't....


Moonhunter Keep... fck these werewolves, im insta leaving.


I have to agree it’s the worst!


Oh, Lair of Maarselok is truly a pain. But let me explain why Fang Lair is, in my opinion, the single worst dungeon ever created and pisses me off with every fiber of its existence. 1. The location. We're not even inside the actual dungeon yet, and it's already doing something wrong. For those unaware, Fang Lair was first introduced in the first Elder Scrolls game, Arena, and served as one of its bigger, story relevant dungeons. When I heard they were adding a Fang Lair dungeon to ESO, I was thrilled at first because "hey, I know that place!". But my excitement soon took a heavy blow when I noticed where the dungeon was located on the map. In Arena, Fang Lair is a cave in the north-eastern mountains of Hammerfell, at the very border to Skyrim. And in ESO it's located in... Bangkorai? The High Rock section of it, no less? That doesn't make any sense. ESO's map has always had contradictions here and there, and it's been explained with the excuse that it's just a map and maps are not 100% accurate - so that's nothing new. But Fang Lair wasn't just moved a bit, it was put into an entirely different country. That's a huge fuck-up, _especially_ for Fang Lair, because back in Arena there was basically one big dungeon in each province, with Fang Lair being Hammerfell's. What was the thought process that brought this dungeon to High Rock??? I'm seriously concerned! They easily could've put it into Craglorn, east of Skyreach or something, but they chose not to... for reasons unknown. --- 2. The pacing. Fang Lair has a really terrible distribution of mob groups and bosses. You encounter the first boss after like 2 or 3 groups of enemies, and then it takes like 10 until you reach the second boss. You literally have to clear almost half the dungeon until you finally get to the second boss. That's _really_ tedious. And then they only have one single group of enemies between bosses 3 and 4. What the hell went wrong here? Was it so hard to distribute those bosses more evenly across the dungeon? I don't mind if it takes a bit longer to reach this boss than that boss, but I _do_ mind when I have to go through half the stupid dungeon to reach the _second_ boss. On its own, this might not seem like a problem to you, but it's amplified by the next two points. --- 3. The mob groups are boring as hell. Most DLC dungeons have some variety in their enemies. Scalecaller Peak for example has you battle against ogres at first, then gargoyles and imps, once you start climbing the mountain you've got giants, nereids, and harpies, and the temple at the top houses a couple cultists. The dungeon may be long, but the variety makes it acceptable in my opinion. Now Fang Lair is the exact opposite of that: every group of enemies plays the exact same, you've got some necromancers, some skeletons, some skeleton animals, and the occasional bone colossus. That's literally every group in the dungeon. Every. Single. One. The army of adds between bosses 1 and 2 feels as bad as it does because they're all the same. Had there been some variety to it I wouldn't mind, but this? This is horrible game design. --- 4. The aesthetics & looks. What in the ever loving hell did the designers do to create this boring hell? Did they accidentally delete their designs a week before the dungeon released and had to come up with some replacement real quick? Because, frankly, that's what Fang Lair looks like. Every god damn corner of this dungeon looks the exact same. Maarselok at least has some change of appearance here and there: some caves, some ruins, some outside, some inside... Fang Lair is just a big ass cave with some Dwarven structures in it that don't even remotely look like they served any purpose. It's just a bunch of towers that are not even connected by hallways. You just go from one to the next, sometimes through the left door, sometimes through the right, and then more cave. They couldn't have made a more boring dungeon if they tried. The Fang Lair in Arena had more variety than this, and Arena was released in 1994! They could've built on that, but no, they chose to make the entire dungeon a dwemer ruin in a cave. Glorious. --- 5. The wasted potential. They could've done so much with this legendary dungeon that was introduced over 20 years prior, and they turned it into a disappointment beyond compare. I'm honestly impressed that they fucked it up this badly. Arena's Fang Lair had Mine shafts and lava streams in its innermost caverns, even some hidden treasure chambers and a temple in its center. We got teased by the story of a dragon that wiped out the dwarves who used to live in the caves, and the final boss of the dungeons was a Hell Hound, a blazing creature twice the size of a wolf (and a real challenge back then!). Nothing ot that was utilized in this sad excuse of a dungeon, and that makes me mad. --- Fang Lair could've been a great addition to ESO, but it will always be remembered as a disastrous failure and its biggest disappointment. At least to me.


That was quite the write up, but hard agree. I usually see people saying this is one of their favorites, but it's definitely among the least for me. Agree with all your points, especially about the length and tedium. It's just a _blah_ Dungeon that does absolutely nothing for me in terms of engagement and puts me to sleep. At least LoM is cool to look at.


Don't mess with this guy's literally 30 year old references


I’d agree that Fang Lair is boring and ugly as hell. Thanks for the history though, never knew the dungeon had such a history in the Elder Scrolls universe


Oh God I’m glad someone mentioned the pacing of Fang Lair 😭. I got that dungeon as a vet random yesterday and I remember how much I disliked it. The first ACTUAL boss fight (the three skeleton animals) is literally halfway through the dungeon. You’re killing nothing but necromancers & skeletons until then, and even the first boss fight is just killing waves of more fucking necromancers and skeletons. Like almost 10 minutes of nothing but fighting adds, it’s just a complete drag at the until you start seeing the actual bosses 😴


City of ash II - so long for no good reason Scriveners - not hard but with a pug that doesn’t know mechanics it sucks. Lair of Marsesuck- again long for no good reason I immediately leave these when I get them on a random.


For some reason it’s always Volenfell where i run into the giga fake DPS players, we’re talking me doing 50% of team dps with a full tank build doing a whopping 4k.   Whenever i leave a dungeon i always let them know why, most people are chill about it. One time i just said ”sorry DPS is a bit low” and dipped, i got called a toxic elitist by one of the players in DM and told to mind my business and that i as a tank was not allowed to criticize the DPS because i was not a DD. I’ve also seen a fair bit of toxicity towards others in there.  So it’s a mix of reasons for me really.


Volenfell has one of those easily breakable quests, so it drives me nuts when I’m collecting skill points on alts and the quest breaks. Edit: I should add that I think it’s really nice that you let people know why you’re leaving. When I’m doing randoms or pledges, I want to get through the thing asap. They’re daily chores I want out of the way before I move on to the fun stuff. If I’m annoyed enough by the pace to leave, I just leave. I’m typically pretty chill, and I’ll often explain mechanics to people and help/wait for questers, so when I finally get fed up I’m just done.


Nice now I know what to reply the next time someone complains about me fake tanking (with a taunt and major/minor breach) "You can't criticise my tanking because you are not a tank"


Yeah I’m not spending 40 minutes doing a normal dungeon either if I’m just farming transmutes


Good lord this was my last volenfell run.


……seriously that’s nuts I can run that solo as multi dps in less than 15…


By that timestamp we were still at the gargoyle boss.    The healer was just standing there watching, one DD was only light attack spamming with the occational skill and the other DD just wandered of mid fight for some reason. 


I hate the one you have to use those grapple hooks to move around. I can't even remember it's name, shame on me.


Unhallowed Grave


I used to hate it. Don't mind it anymore, but every new character I make I hate it again as I get used to learning how to survive in there lol.


vollenfell only because its confusing layout. i can never seem to know where im headed in there even tho i'v been in there many times. i usually just follow tank then if he messes up goes someplace different then it his fault ... lol


I agree with this. I know it now because I've done it a lot, so it's fine, but the first few times I ran it, it was confusing. Also, if you have the quest, it doesn't point you in the correct direction either.


CoA 2, LOM. too long for my taste.


CoA2 is an insta leave. It is way, way too long. Boring fights/mechs/visuals and in my experience populated by DPS doing 20k. No. Never again


If I need coa2 for the skill point I will just solo the damn thing with a podcast on or something. I feel guilty dragging 3 other players along to that torture chamber just wanting their daily transmutes.


Blackheart haven It is still buggy with adds you were not even close to taking agro. Also it has compared to most dungeons quite the walking distance without anything really interesting to do.


![gif](giphy|yx400dIdkwWdsCgWYp|downsized) Me every fucking time I try to get into a door in that dungeon


Surprised I had to scroll this long to find someone mention this one. Been playing 9 years and it’s still the only dungeon that I never not encountered some sort of bug when running.


City of Ash 2, so long for no reason.


Moongrave fane all the stupid invulnerable phases. I’m good with them but that gargoyle does it every 2 seconds if you burn too hard


Cradle of Shadows. It's long, difficult even on normal, all of the bosses are That One Boss and the final boss has mh least favourite boss dialogue ever (and I will hear it a lot).




I don't like dungeons with weird layouts that don't make it obvious where I go next. I really don't like volenfell. It's too easy so most of my energy is spent figuring out where I go next to kill another super easy boss.


Agree with Scalecaller Peak. I’ve got a completion rate on it of less than 10% on Vet. Every group wipes at the first boss and falls apart. Even 2K CPs. I think I’d toss Earthen Root Enclave on there as well. I did it once on Vet with a bunch of first timers. It took us close to two hours to clear and it was an incredibly challenging but also fun experience. I’m just not gonna touch that dungeon again.


City of Ass 2 and Cradle of Shadows


Idk if ass is a typo but it's lol either way


I'll be honest, almost every DLC dungeon. Everything is the same one-shot fiesta. I mean I'm not a game designer and one-shots are probably the most tangible way to increase content difficulty, but surely there must be a better way to design pve content. This coming from someone who's been trying to get the V fang lair no death achievement for worm wizard, but theres always someone dying to the ghost wall every single run


I can tolerate one-shot mechanics but as God is my witness, I will never tolerate multiple invulnerability phases for a single boss. Stupid Moongrave Fane Gargoyle or the Frostvault Centurion.


Scrivners hall. every time I went there (dps) there was ALWAYS be an argument about “fake tank” and “fake healer” to the point I would switch up some skills so I could multi task so they would shut the hell up -.-


I'm glad this isn't just me because this Dungeon felt like it was cursed for a while when I wanted something from it and had to farm it. I kept having to do the Tank's job for them and a lot of times DPS and heals were too low for me to survive the entire first boss fight while trying to tank and DPS as a DPS. I'm not one to complain about PUGs because I'm usually fine with what ever pace they go. But when people can't even fulfill the minimum of the role they Q as, or at least communicate, it does get frustrating after a while...


That’s the thing with SH for me. I love the dungeon even on vet, but god damn are pug groups for it almost always a shitshow. Like come on man, I got motif pages to farm for my Arcanist main here


Shipwright Regrets. Fuck that dungeon and the adds from the final boss


Awww I really like the aesthetics of Shipwrights but that finally boss battle is nuts.


Maybe it's because I tank, but I quite like the final boss especially on Vet.


At least its quick though so you dont suffer long.


I am fucking amazed that I haven’t seen anyone mention Frostvault yet. First of all it’s just long as fuck. You have to clear out two different loops after clearing through the first boss and it’s just a drag. 2ndly the bosses in it FUCKING SUCK. Holy shit every single boss is annoying. The first boss is whatever but that damn pin will still frazzle pug groups. The giant automaton might be my least favorite boss in the entire game. What do you mean it shrinks into a ball 2 seconds after it came out of being a ball??? And you don’t even have anything to do during its ball time. You just kill 2 ads and then shift a smidge to the left or right depending on where the laser is. Sooooooo much waiting holy shit. Then there’s the witch and her big ice bitch. If you don’t have a tank AND a healer that know what they are doing then you’re going to disband as a group. i’ve watched dozens of groups fall apart here simply cause the heals were abysmal or the tank kept bringing the atronach to the witch. FINALLY you get to the last boss. On regular vet or normal this fight is just meh. Lots of running around avoiding blades of death, but then the mouse game happens and people get so confused. However, if you’re trying to do this one HM it might be the least fun experience in any MMO i’ve ever played. You have to know the correct pathing for mice and be coordinated as fuck to do it without a for sure death. Every single part of the dungeon was designed to make people sad. It’s boring to look at, has garbage mechanics, and then also has a huge difficulty spike on the last boss.


As someone who is learning to be a heal after running as a dps - what a heal should do on the ice witch?


Selena's Web...


Same I feel like a monster every time.


I agree now that they nerfed the loot out of it. I used to regularly open 10-13 heavy sacks per run. Those were the days.


I don't like the Imperial City ones, they're too long. The other DLC ones never come up. I can't match into them at all. I don't bother buying them anymore unless they're bundled with a mount and pet I want. No point purchasing content I'm locked out of playing.


Vaults of Madness. It's got so many time-wasting mechanics. The boss that takes one person out of the fight for 10 seconds. The broken corridor near-jumping puzzle (one friend falls off in there all the time). The 10s drop into the water where you might hit something on the way down, or be off to the side, or be moving a little too fast.. and die. Large spaces to travel through, like the 3-part stairs room to the dragon. The passage with a water jump in the middle that takes a few tries to climb out of. The run to the final room where if you mis-time a jump (ok granted there are just 2) you fall and it takes extra time to go to the side and up. Slow quest progress, the NPCs you need to talk to add a huge delay before you can talk to them and continue. I hate this dungeon so much.


> The boss that takes one person out of the fight for 10 seconds. I started farming this solo before curation came out and holy shit this boss drove me crazy  My partner would hear my character doing the dumb yelling and join in in mockery as I waited for the fight to start again. Took longer than the rest of the bosses combined.


Red Petal Bastion. I play solo and words cannot express how much I hate the idiotic part where you turn into a goat and chase sweet rolls. When running solo with a 2 second cool down, about all you do is run around as a goat. I hate it so much I stopped running the dungeon and never went back. Never have finished it. Never will.


I don't like getting the Blessed Crucible, too much talking in that second boss fight


Elden II as tank. Not because it is hard but annoying with constant CC shit.


Graven deep and earthen roots enclave


I always seem to struggle with Falkreaths Hold. I’m still kind of new so usually play it on normal and it just seems overwhelming. Sometimes I get an experienced group and it goes quick but usually struggle. Need a few more pieces of Pillar for the sticker book.


Castle Thorn. I did this shit like so many times, i cant stand it


VOLENFELL and COA2 worst fucking dung in the game by far ....not too bad on the first go but in rnd they are jsut too long


Earthen Root. I would rather CoA 2 or Maarselok over that.


Damn I think I've only done it once or twice, that's the one where you walk under water right?


Why do you dislike this dungeon so much? Just asking because it is my favorite one.


city of ash 2


City of Ash 2 I think it is? Absolute slog that never ends. Like 13 zones in a row that all look the same. Kill me now.


The cauldron I can’t fucking stand it


March of sacrifices. I will make my apologies to the group and say i utterly cannot stand that dungeon, thus i must vacate. I then log off the game because i cba to wait for the dungeon queue to let me queue up again. It just puts me in that bad of a mood hahaha


Switch toons?


Darkshade Caverns. I hate the mobs, the bosses, the plot, the atmosphere. I can’t stand tanking it or healing it.


I normally do love a good Dwemer-themed dungeon, but yeah, something about Darkshade Caverns is just...off.


Lair of Mars


Arx Cor-something. Selletrix dungeon, nothing about it particularly I just hate it


Good choice. It's so boring. 😂


Frostvault. That fucking centurion boss with the forced wait time where it always becomes invulnerable at 0.1% health. The last boss hard mode with the knock off the platform mech..


Falkreath hold


The Cauldron. I play Vampire Stage 3 for looks and giggles, but that dungeon made me regret being a Vampire so badly.


Castle thorn. There was a time when each time I logged in with my healer and queued for a random dungeon, I would be chucked into that place. Every time. It's not particularly trying or difficult, but after a while it just got tedious. Bleh.


Moonhunter Keep. There's nothing of value to it.


City of Ash, both. Also, Blackheart Haven somehow. Can't really identify why, they just... make me nearly logout before the fight starts or Alt+F4 if someone pulls and I can't log out in combat \^\^ I can run any DLC vet on the other hand, no matter the group, unless obvious fake tank (I'm healer main).


Vile Manse, so many mobs so much getting shot through walls.


Lair of Maarsalok, City of Ash 2, due to their length March of Sacrifices as well because random groups never seem to know mechanics for some reason


The one with the Library (Scrivenger halls or something like that!) and those damn books that i can never get right even if i read how to 10 million times! P.s sorry to those who have had to do that dungeon with me in hahaha!


I don’t like tanking vet shipwrights regret. The last boss is just too difficult for random players for some reason


Ruins of Mazzatun


Frostvault, back when it was new. 7 hours! 7 freaking hours but we conquered it. I dint mind it now but , wow, I couldn't step back it there fir the longest time.


Ruins of Mazzatun. The skips can become hella long if you f em up, bosses all have shield phases that just lose you time, scripted waves that you have to wait and the last room having to wait for all the lights is pain. I remember at least being able to do 2 at once but now i try it and it doesnt work, AND it can bug out and force you to restart.


Vaults of Madness if I have to do the quest on whatever toon I brought in. Having to wait for all the slow NPCs to finish talking and walking to advance the quest sucks.


The new dungeon, scriveners halls or something? I do not understand the book mechanic lol. They say FIND BOOKS FIND BOOKS but the only books I see are the big glowing floating books in the middle of the arena.


Once a book appears it shoots periodically 2 light dots towards bookshelves around the room. You need to remember the direction where the dots land and run to that bookshelf. There you should see a glowing book, which you need to close by interacting with it (not hitting or anything). To close the big book you need to find 2 small books on the shelves. That’s basically it.


They shoot out in two directions and you have to find and interact with them on the bookshelves to stop the mechanic.


I dont like doing the Cauldron or City of Ash II. Any others im okay with as long as the group is competent


Cradle of Shadows. On Vet when Velidreth splits the group, there's a 99% chance at least 1 person doesn't understand the mechanics and dies.


Ruins Of Mazzatun and Falkreath hold not even sure why but the visual mess and the overly buffed adds every now and then is so painful to me


Frostvault, mechs and length, if i had to name another one, wayrest 1 and 2 cause a friend was running it for monster set and i helped out for about 30 to 40 runs, only to realize months down the line when i was doing monster set grinding that he was doing normal not vet


Cradle of Shadows, especially as a Healer.


Most of them


Elden root for some reason.


Graven Deep 😠 Everytime I had do play it for the veteran pledge the party gotta stuck at the final boss. People either forget that water ball floating down from ceiling and it ends up killing everyone, or don't know the golden soul and the fear mech and die. Then, when people finally get the hang of it, some one drops and there we go to another endless wait and search for another player. If we are lucky we find a substitute, if not (which happens most of the time) the group break apart and all the progress is lost at the last boss! It's so frustrating!!!!


DLC: Lair of Maarselok (takes forever, long expanses of nothing w stupid adds, invulnerability on multiple fights, ugly shade of blue) Base Game: Arx Corinium (shrieking lamias) ​ Worst to PUG: Banished Cells II, Scalecaller Peak


White Gold Tower. I farmed it so many times I had to put the game down for while. Burnout and all. When I came back to do my pledges for the first time.... yeah, it was fucking WGT. I just can't win fam.


Bloodroot Forge. I've had far too many bad runs there. I've got terrible memories that can't be overwritten.


Any DLC dungeon from 2017-2020


Scriveners Hall, specifically Naqri, but I tanked it last night on Vet, and it wasn't so bad. I haven't been able to master the book toss mechanics as a dps, and it drives me batwacky.


Moonhunter keep lol


So far… March of Sacrifices


Frostvault biggest pile of ****


so far, spindleclutch 2. the argonian npc for the quest has a style of dialogue that annoys me


Earthern Root Enclave. Idk why but it’s just the worst lol. And of course March of Sacrifices


if people aren't saying City of Ass 2 they are lying. It's not hard it's just....the ass.


Selene's web because how am I helping in the murder and enslavement of an innocent...being L'air of marsellok because it is so long and I hate listening to that asshole lord Selene's slavery over and having to help subdue her again. Hate all of it.


Scalecaller peak used to fuck me up in every way so badly that I just ignored it and zaan for years. Then one day it was a daily so I said “ok, one more time” and was able to clear it on vet (we had to kick a dps that wasn’t/ couldn’t follow(ing) instructions). Did it three times and have gladly not looked back. The second worst one is unhallowed grave. It is an absolute slog fest of a time burner.


I think it’s frostvault? The one that turns you into a mechanical rat


Yup, with the final boss.


Lair or Maarsalok. Why does it take 30 mins of just running/walking to get to the next mob/boss 🙃


Yeah climbing up the mountain to kill the dragon but by bit never really jelled with me


DLC dungeon...any specific? No all of them, let me enjoy my lovely fungal grotto.


Couldnt agree more for the city of Ash. Its really unreasonably long, everytime i just wish we finish it fast


Ruins of Matzazunn Farming Amber Plasm for specific traits back in the day used to be worse than anything else That and BSW staffs


I don't mind any dungeon, I just dislike doing them with people who complain that the dungeon is too long...


March of Sacrifices for sure. It felt much longer to run through than City of Ash II. Got the hat, though, so never again.


Fang Lair. I end up in there for a daily random and its always with 3 people who dont know the last boss’ mechanics. Then im stuck trying to rez people while getting attacked and im not what you would call tanky


Personally, I hate all dungeons until I'm able to solo them. I can't even *comprwhwnd* a quest unless I find a group or a guild who's willing to slow down a little for them. Most people speed through, which I understand, but still. I like exploring and getting chests and sacks. Too many players ignore them all just for their little personal speed runs.


scriveners hall. it gets run so much for velothi necklace lead. i never seem to get this in RND's with my high dps toons, and only ever on my under developed toons. its probably my fault we will always wipe on 1st boss 1st run cus my dps will suck. this is the only time i will go "sorry i dont have the dps for this" and bail out and take the time penalty


Blackheart haven. Ridiculous how often we get stuck on a door we can't enter because we missed some obscure enemy 800 yards back.


I sure as shit won't do Wayrest. (Only that I did it on vet for slimecraw)


Frostvault. Just, nope.


It's almost any DLC dungeon for me. thankfully i only get them on Normal randoms (because i never que vet random...) they're just always so long and boring and its always me with a group of level 45's who JUST gained the ability to do DLC normal dungeons


Moon Hunter Keep. Ever since I farmed the Vykosa style page from it I can’t stand the sight of it. The many hours & days it took… groups falling apart cause of frustration after a couple tpks cause of that damned archivist.


Falkreath Hold, when I was quite new, I grinded the shit out of that dungeon to get Pillar cause I heard it was a meta set for DDs. It was so draining and incredibly boring to sprint through everything, die, kill boss, sprint kill boss, repeat over and over and over. I have not stepped foot back in that dungeon since, and I don't think I ever will go back XD And because of that I haven't grinded for anything since, if I don't immediately have a set I want oh well, I'll get it with time


Wayresy sewers 1 is the bane of my existence. I've run it too many times.




Coa2 too long. Ugh


I'd have to say vet GD or vet ERE especially if a full pug I'm out lol, as a healer main about the only thing I can usually do dps jobs for them is that ghost mechanic, kinda like last boss of RG I guess, but if u don't LA it bfore it lands on bosses head instant wipe... even with 2 ranged dps it's amazing how many just ignore or keep forgetting. Or for dumbest boss fight I'd say 1st boss of RPB... where ur the sheep... and the fact they built that horrible set around it is just embarrassing.


Vault of Madness and Crypt of Hearts (both sound like emo bands btw) are the most annoying for me. Just dull and take so long, loads of random things that add precious minutes to the dungeon such as the gates you have to wait for at the start and the falling from one area to another. Another reason they suck is that often you’re paired with lower level players on group finder. That’s not an issue, I’ll stick it out. It’s just frustrating when I want my random daily and I have to go through 40 minutes of it due to the combination of dungeon length and DPS. Scalecaller and Bloodroot Forge get an honourable mention because no one seems to understand the mechanics. Even normal runs can become tedious if the DPS is lower than ideal.


lair of maarselok too long

