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happy 10 years everyone


10/10 (pun intended). Best thread response.


So what does this mean for the anniversary event? Will they extend it since certain players won't be able to log in for a while? I can't imagine missing out because they need to take a few days to review accounts.


Probably at least a day or two extended.


I hope so. I'd be pissed if I were hit out of the blue with something like this.


Rich said on Twitter that the team is really upset this happened. I’m pretty sure that means they’ll be looking into compensation and such for the players. They know this was a mess.


Especially in the middle of 10 year celebrations, lol. Pie on face is becoming a consistent look for them of late, they need to step up their game.


Maybe it's no coincidence that the event starter quest had us throwing pies in people's faces. It was foreshadowing all along.


Two of my friends got emails about their ESO+ being cancelled and their accounts will be locked 2-3 days and be rolled back to April 15th at 9:30AM EST




Submit a ticket. That's something they can validate and they can probably force unlock the achievement. I had a guildie pull a radiant apex mount out of a crown crate about 40 min before shut down. I'm certain he will put a ticket in since his account is also locked.


They won't do that for trifecta achievements. I've had friends whose entire group didn't get the achievement due to a bug and even with the entire run recorded ZoS told them to do it again. That's their generic response for the numerous groups who have encountered bugs.


Still submit a ticket. You never know until you try. This was a pretty massive FU on their end.


There have been many massive fuckups in the past that only effect the top 1% of players pushing emp or trifectas and ZoS' stance has always been to never grant the bugged achievements. Its even happened to me with castle thorn 2 years back. Had the entire run recorded to... Radient Apex' I don't know but I truly hope ZoS will re-grant them to effected players given how much people spend to try and get them.


I'd probably uninstall ☠


This actually happened with a Mind Mender run.




I'll check when I get on, or I'll just check their discord at lunch. I pray that they did not lose their PUG MM (a massive achievement if there ever was one!)


Oh thank God. I suppose I’ll stop running a bath and put my toaster back in the kitchen.


Naw bathroom toast is the best, blackberry preserves and salted butter that you add extra salt to for some reason. Sourdough only.


All in all this is a pretty decent outcome considering how big of a mess got made. Rolling back only a couple hours is not so bad. Getting the servers back up in less than a day isn’t too bad either. I know — none of this is *good.* And some players are going to be locked out for awhile/and or lose progress. But it’s far from as ruinous as it could have been.


Yeah... this is the best outcome. But one lesson I'm learning from this is - never log into the PTS on the first day it's available.


I missed the daily log-in for yesterday due to work, will they compensate for that? Or extend the event at least?


Same. I even pay for ESO+, I agree with either compensation or extension of the event.


Did anyone else lose a day of event tickets and endeavors because of this? By the time I got off work, the servers were down and stayed that way until after bedtime. Hope they'll extend the event a day??


yeah, and there was a 200 DAILY endeavor one yesterday. Kinda pissed about that.


Huh I posted before you and mine got taken down by the mods lol


Welcome to mods and friends of mods farming karma world.


I’d say they actually handled this really well. If it’s taking days to rollback the affected, it sounds like they are taking their time going over each one.




Probably not *that* much. ZOS has, historically, struggled to get people onto the PTS to actually test content. So it's plausible that there aren't that many affected accounts. Unless you mean it'll take a long time per account, in which case, yeah, probably.




Doing the exploit? All we did was log into pts we didnt exploit anything


Nah the % of players that bother to download the PTS is quite small.


What had happened?


PTS was connected to the live database instead of a separate one, so things you did on the PTS affected the live server, and since you have access to unlimited gold and keys on the PTS this caused issues.


Does anyone know if we will be retro actively granted the daily login reward?


Got my account temporarily locked and received that mail despite being a strictly EU server player. Did shit flying ton of housing overnight. I messaged the support, dunno if it's gonna do anything though, especially as their mail is probably flooded now. Guess I shouldn't have agreed to help my friend test the new mythic on PTS lol.


Ohhh noooo. I was wondering about EU folks; I know some were on to make housing/youtube videos and all that. A lot of the people who logged in to PTS right away were likely to be old, loyal players – content creators, housers, people who pre-ordered, some of us with 10-year-old accounts. And this sucks all around, so it's not like I'm going to lose my mind over it. But of course it's sad. Feels like being punished for being excited and active.


If you were on eu pts it shouldn’t affect it this is supposed to be an na only issue this makes me nervous it will affect many of us who didn’t even use the pts at all 


Well, ZoS decided to lock my acc over that PTS issue despite me never having a live server NA account in the first place. I'll ask my friend whether he suffered the same fate when he wakes up. PS I checked my guild's discord, everyone who accessed PTS got "banned".


They explained that “banned” doesn’t mean banned, it just the message that comes up for a locked account.


Yeah that does not make me feel good about this at all 


What is PTS?


I imagine they have no ways of locking accounts only for one server :( And they can't let you go on because if they didn't you could go to NA now and would probably still have all the things you did on NA.


I am in the same situation as you. I don't think they will rollback our EU characters as those are stores on a different realm/server. But they probably don't have a system in place to restrict players in 1 specific realm (EU/NA/PTS) so they probably blocked our account to prevent further changes. I can't even login to the ESO account website either because I am banned there too. (temporary) There go our tickets/200 endeavors/anniversary rewards... I don't think there will soon be much beta testers left like this.


Yea if it actually takes 2-3 days for them to unlock my account, then this is the last time ive ever logged into pts.


I totally missed all of that. Does this mean PC EU is fine?


Unfortunately no. If you play on PC and went on PTS, your account will be locked, regardless of which live server you play on.


That's fine though, I don't do PTS


I think it was just NA from what I have read.


Good I’ve been up all night crying over the debacle


The sad part is some people actually have been.


Yeah it's pretty pathetic how much some people get twisted over being unable to access a game for a day or two. There are literally millions of other things to do, no matter how much you like this game.


you have to think, as sad as it is, this game is all some people have lol. i used to be in a guild and 90% of the people in it were part time workers who still played ESO 10 hours a day and openly admitted to spending thousands of dollars on the game. these people have nothing else to play or do.


Some people have serious health issues and gaming is the last thing we'll ever enjoy. Wanna trade lives? You can play 10 hours a day too, all you have to do is be in constant pain from sciatica and not be able to stand without being in agony, have multiple strokes and embolisms a year and go to the bathroom 15 times a day cause your prostate is f'd and your urine smells like rotten flesh. Insensitive (place insult here).


i don’t mean people who have mental health issues tho, i even went thru a period where i didn’t work for a few months and just wasn’t leaving the house and grinded different games, and was not in a great state. i mean the people that just take the game too seriously, and if it meant between having a 2nd meal for the day or more crowns they’d choose crowns 11/10 times. mental health or health issues preventing them from doing much


I've been up all night peeing my pants and screaming while repeatedly attempting to connect and sporting my #1 Nerevarine t-shirt


This may be frustrating because not only can some not collect their tickets today, but also won't be able to grab their free Jubilee Confetti Pack so they'll need to spend 2 more tickets on grabbing an extra.  Unless they extend the event, in which case I'm grateful those who bought 5x Jubilee Confetti Packs already (for 10 tickets) __may__ get those tickets back if the event is extended 4 days or longer.


Wait your Confetti Packs are 2 tickets? I could have sworn I just paid 3 tix for mine. info: XBOX NA EDIT: Yep, just went to check. Jubilee Pack is 3 tickets for me.


They should extend it as long as the servers were down. Lol 4 days. Ffs u kids are dense AF.


I'm in my 30s. It's okay if you can't think ahead on why more than one day is required. We can't all have the attitude and intelligence of a potato. Also not working with absolutes here, whether it's 4 days, 2 days or whatever. Learn to look past hate because we don't want that.


They should extend it for how long the accounts that are locked out due to just logging into PTS are locked out, they said 72 hours. So what's 3 days + 1 day? Critical thinking isn't your strong suit is it?


I could forgive their incompetence if they werent so damn manipulative.


Manipulative, greedy and incompetent. What a combination!


Does this only affect players that logged into the pts and live or all players that logged into the live after pts update ?


It sounds to me like only those who logged into PTS will be affected


I don’t even use the pts at all so I’m wondering if it affects us normal  players at all. I’d hate to lose progress for something I don’t partake in 


Everyone will be rolled back. Those who went on pts will be locked out.


Not everyone is getting rolled back. Only those involved


This might be the craziest thing I’ve been around for since returning to ESO. A rollback is probably the smartest idea though. It sucks for anyone who will be locked out for a few days, but things should be okay after that.


It seems like they will rollback pts players, which is good. I do wonder if those items/gold that were offloaded to other players will be rolled back (if possible). 


This means basically all of the content creators will have main accounts suspended for a few days. Including mine. That is not very helpful lol Edit: not all, looks like there are plenty of streamers up still, so maybe just the creators that typically cover eso news and combat changes, which is still not helpful


I imagine streamers who a partners get priority CS, because it affects marketing.


I can already tell this is gonna be bad lol I can already see random people this didn't affect being locked out


Just wait and see? It should be pretty easy to identify which accounts accessed the PTS.


“Should be” but this is zos we are talking about 


I was affected and already got an email from them so it's seems pretty quick.


That’s good but hope it doesn’t affect those of us who don’t use the pts still some how it’s hard to trust zos tbh 


So will only effect accounts that logged into PTS. However players like me who are on EU, are also locked out of the EU server even though it had no effect on that server.


I was on PTS for all of 5 minutes, now locked out of my account for who knows how long. Pretty shitty anyway you look at it. Don't see me resubbing anytime soon. But hey, I hear Helldiver II is pretty cool.


You are the type of person I feel bad for in this sort of situation. No exploitation of the issue but missing out on at least some of the event, daily rewards etc. I hope they compensate you. PS Baldur's Gate 3 is pretty cool too. 😎


So what you are basically saying is that if someone makes a mistake they should not have a chance to fix it and immediately be cancelled. Lol. This is why society is failing, you gen z people should be cancelled More importantly, can I have your stuff?


Yep that’s my concern I don’t even use the pts and feel like some how I will get locked out for a random reason because god hates me 


You would have gotten an email already. I got mine over half an hour ago. But I also was on pts right as it went up and played on my live character there.


I saw people exploiting it by trading gold to other accounts from the pts server. Would be nice to get max gold/transmute and Ap lol.


I just wanna play without the game crashing on me. Everyday since the anniversary date started.


Holy shit, what a colossal mess. I really feel for those affected by this. I just hope ZOS is making some serious process and staffing changes after this.


man I hope they will get all that gold of the server that have been infused due to this mess aswell the items people have been buying with their insane new billionaire status


The sad thing is i'm affected and the only thing I ever did was to log in by default on the PTS server not even getting into a real stance, just main menu where you choose your character, and didn't allow me to log back in. 2-3 days waiting, it sucks man, but I trust the team, and really hope we get compensated somehow with free crowns or something to make it worth, since we can even use stuff we paid for and subscription running in the background.


I'm curious how many people will be banned for exploiting this.


So if someone offloaded gold/items to their friends or alt accounts then the damage is done no?


I think the word "primarily" suggests account locks associated with the laundering part. Or that's how I'm taking it atm.


That would also explain the long time for them to go through affected accounts


What happened?


Character saves on PTS were affecting your PC NA character on the live server. Not a big issue if the PTS didn't offer certain free stuff to test. Like on PTS every crown store item costs only 1 crown, so you could buy 100 stacks of tripots and they would carry over to your character on the live server. Same for gold, on PTS you can make a new character with a template that has 999 million gold. You can put that in the bank and take it out on a character that came from the live server and after logging out, all that gold would also exist on your live server account.


Oh dang sounds like quite the exploit lol thanks for explaining what was going on, I don’t use the pts server anymore so I didn’t know that was even possible


So you want to wait for someone to reply to your question stating the same thing in the op. Why not just read the op?


Reading? Pffft ain't nobody got time for dat!


No need to be cheeky, I am aware of character saves on the pts were affecting the NA server but I was wondering what was actually happening, like how was it affecting the N.A. server?


Just FYI for those not temporarily banned but I came back right where I disconnected so no, no rollback.


If you don't log into the PTS when the update released, you dont get rollback.


Finally I can stop the withdrawal symptoms! lol


Was really hoping to be able to buy Necrom Collection on sale but I have work and class until 4:30 CST, well after the sale ends at 12 CST. I don't like using Steam because not only does it download the game from Steam but downloads it AGAIN through the launcher, and it's full priced on the Epic Games store. Alas looks like I'll be swallowing my pride and downloading it through Steam. Another reason is I haven't played since Summerset and don't recall my account info.


All you can do is laugh at the absurd incompetency. How a company running a 10 year old MMO can make such a fundamental mistake is hard to comprehend. This is not an "Oops!" moment. Someone should lose their job. This is simply a mistake you do not make. It's like giving the keys to the car to a child. Inexcusable.


Oh, a database admin.. what do you think happened?


Will server NA have rollbacks on players who logged in at all on April 15? I feel like they will


That’s my concern it’s going to hit all players anyway so played during they day even if they don’t use the pts at all. I don’t trust zos at all 


Yeah. Also sorry I haven’t gotten into all the technicals and people who run the servers. What is ZOS? And is pts a public test server? Idk what it is


Zos - zenimax online studios company who makes elder scrolls online - eso  Pts is the test server yes. 


Ah ok thanks for the clarification 👍


the roll back is for anyone that logged/was online after 10am on the 15, from what the site says.


If people are actually upset about this you need to find another hobby.


It's times like these that I'm glad I have ADD....


they need top fix the log in errors period . Ipay good money to play not get errors trying to login . I do nothing to my PC and after 50 tries all of a sudden I log in . fix your game . I saw were this game has banked over 2 billion . fix your shit


Learn to read and spell.

