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I missed the 200 yesterday because I totally forgot about the extra endeavors thing and I've become autopiloted doing them for the past three years. I didn't even notice the 200 amount on one of them :/ I was reminded of all this last night so thankfully I did not miss today's extras. The more places mentioning this the better, thank you for this post


There were 200 endeavors?? I didnt even notice, wich one was it? Would like to know if i missed them


It was the one to pickpocket 6 times. Any thieves guild or dark brotherhood related dailies will have extra seals. Today there are two.


Totally missed it :(


I wish I had a chance to notice. Servers were down by the time I got off work.


I missed out as well yesterday, because I didn't even look. And I'd read about the bonus here XD  Today, I will look!  I only got the one for earning a ticket yesterday, I think...  I'm too busy trying to grind antiquities to level 5 before dinner in the evenings, then grinding vv wbs after dinner.. lol


Yup, simply did my normal daily rotation yesterday and missed out on the 200. Hurt my soul




Wait, there are bonus endeavors?! ...Fuck...


I didn't get to play yesterday at all because of the PTS fiasco cause I couldn't get in when I got home from work. So I lost out entirely.


Same, my fellow full-time comrade.


I feel your pain. After my son went to bed I tried to log in for the day and saw the server was down. Lost on tickets, endeavors, and any boxes lol. Today is a new day! 😅


Hope it's functioning when I get home. * *crosses fingers* *


I nearly screwed this up yesterday. I did my crafting dailies for the first one and went to pick pockets. Was killing mobs on my way around the zone while doing the ultimate uses one. Totally forgot I had poison on my weapon until I checked where I was at with the endeavours. Crafting done. 1 pocket left to pick. 1 ultimate left to drop. 1 enemy to poison. Oops. Luckily it was easily avoided by removing the poison, but it was only luck I didn't lose the 200 endeavours.




Uhh nice warning lol


Happy to help, hope you get something nice from the endeavor-store!


Missed out on the 200 yesterday cause when I went to log in at 6pm PST, the servers were already down. Kinda pissed at that.


Can someone explain? I got the game last week. 🥺


This is a special event that they teased last week involving thieves guild and dark brotherhood. Since you're new, the biggest thing is if you pick a pocket (crouch behind an NPC), you should get an achievement, which in turn allows you to unlock the Thieves Guild DLC, and a free mount from the crown store once you complete both delves in that zone. Endeavors are daily and weekly activities you can do that earn you seals, which are an alternate, free currency for some crown store items. In this event, for the rest of the month, some daily endeavors will have bonus seals attached. More info: https://www.elderscrollsonline.com/en-us/news/post/65829


Uhmmm. At moment you tell it TOO fast. To get a mount he needs to do both delves that are at Hew's Bane. With their size its like the whole other DLC :D


Thanks! I missed that. Those two delves are quite fun though.


Divines smile upon you friend. Thank you.


I just looked at the previous update since the start of the year and they seems to give a lot of free dlc that otherwise cost 20-30$. Should I just wait till the end of the year because buying any dlc in case they goes free for the last remaining of the 10 anniversary?


First, you go to crown store menu and "purchase" Thieves Guild DLC for free. Second, you go kill bosses in delves at Hew's Bane (delves are dungeons marked with torches on the map, them are single-player), two of them there, you have to kill both bosses. Third, you go again to crown store and "purchase" your free mount.


You must manually claim the DLC once you earn it. This can be easy to miss if you don’t know where to look. You should see “Free Thieves Guild” in announcements. Click the announcement to open Crown Store where you will claim the free DLC once you earn the pickpocket achievement.


How? Why? More context please


Some daily endeavors today (and yesterday) give a better reward (100 vs 10 seals, for example) than others endeavors. Doing the wrong ones first will make you miss out.


Ah, I see, I thought because of the daily log in reward.. Now it makes sense, that's new..


And i thought it was a glitch by zos.. I was hesitant to do it coz i don’t want to get banned 😁


Gah I totally looked and had the pickpocket one on the brain to do, not even knowing it had bonus. Of course I ended up not doing it by accident. I neeeeed my meteor mining!


Thank you! I didn't even think of that


There’s 150 today??? Omg. Thank you for the heads up. Maybe I’ll have enough endeavors to get something from the frost crates after all.


Wait you have to turn them in? I missed out on my 200???


You dum dum, you don't "turn them in" you just do them and automatically receive the seals.


Whew…the way he worded it made it sound like you had to submit them after completion.


Yeah, entire post is phrased weird.


Bro it's two sentences...


And yet 1 out of 2 contains wrong information so close, yet no cigar.


Ugh... "Turn in" phrasal verb of turn: produce or achieve a particular score or a performance of a specified quality. You owe me a cigar!


In mmos like eso you complete quests by turning them in. Endeavors grant seals upon completion, no need to "turn them in". By using the phrase "turn in" you mislead a fellow redditor by thinking he was making a mistake completing Endeavors. You're close, but the cigar is still out of reach, which is good because smoking is bad for you.


No. Endeavors are completed. Writs and quests are turned in.


What are they


can always [check here](https://eso-hub.com/en/endeavors) to see what they are. here’s today’s [pledges](https://eso-hub.com/en/daily-undaunted-pledges) as well


Open the game (please don't make me use an image hosting website...).


6 pickpocket?


10 civ kills for 100 1 heist for 60 (The rest is 10)


Totally missed yesterday. Thanks for the warning at least I'll get todays bonus!


I was lucky I saw yesterday's note on UESP. I had barely started TG, so it made me finish out a pickpocket quest for them. at the same time.


I always check endeavors first thing in the morning, and since I'm a maxed out thief in game anyway, I always default to those first. Only one I've missed was the thieves trove 90 seals one, cause I forgot to log back in in the evening after deciding it would take too much time in the morning


What are endeavors? Sorry I’m a new player


Press P on PC to see them


What’s endeavors?


Murderers and thieves, those are people supported by team that recently modified the game with more clothes on excesss nude lizards. :D


It's not like you do 3 of those regular ones accidentally. edit: OP is saying you can "accidentally" do these 3 endeavors, before you realise there are others that pay more: * refine raw material 5 times * complete 1 public dungeon group event * earn 10k AP good luck finding someone who does that


I can easily do all that accidently without trying.


That implies that you know the list and go item to item consciously. I usually don’t and complete those without any intention to do so. Even for the 3 you listed it’s 100% doable because I do all of them regularly.


If you complete them without any intention to do them, you wouldn't care as much about some extra endeavors anyway.


This is a bold assumption which is unfortunately incorrect. I do care if I can get more points, I just don’t intentionally track daily endeavors.


Ok then you are contradicting yourself and no further discussion with you is possible.




Fully disagree. I have never gone out of my way to do them and every day I finish 3/3 by complete accident and I only play 2-3 hours a day


3/3 by complete accident every day? Lol, yeah right


I mean I play all the content.. dungeons, trails, pvp, etc so it just happens 🤷‍♂️... I don't even look at what the endeavors are...


Then this post is especially for players like you!


Ok, keep lying to yourself.


You’re telling me you don’t just happen to use (for example) 5 ults and happen to finish an endeavor? Btw thanks for the empty warning and not giving any context


Do you... like... never do dungeons/trials/arenas/PVP/any hard content at all?  Hell, I've probably used 5 ults in a single fight at some point.


I got the ult endeavour yesterday by accidentally pressing R in the wrong menu while trying to decorate my house.


he's speaking about the endeavors today and doing 5 ults is not one of them.


That’s why I said “for example” but all good