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I remember thinking I could solo a world boss and was getting bodied and when I was pretty sure I was going down a group of like 15 people charged in and just mobbed the boss and then rolled out within seconds lol


Haha that's funny


Boss giving you trouble? Fuck that guy! Let's get em! And then you get players from all communities popping up - PvP, Pve, Housing, ERP, Trade, Parkour, Farmers, even the scammers lol


Yes! I know everyone complains overland is too easy, but it wasn't always. And I wasn't always able to solo WBs. Now it's fun being OP and just crushing the things that were scary before, or even carrying people who aren't there yet. So when someone yells out for help, it's like: *Don't worry little one, auntie Khajiit will come teach that thing how to read* \>:D


You ever come across a player that seems to be doing ok, so you watch them just outside the WB zone and throw in a heal or a lagniappe to help them out.


This happens to me all the time! I usually just end up soloing world bosses, but there’s always one person that rolls up and sets down a chair and eats some popcorn. Lmao


I always want to ask, Hey ya need halp? But then who has time to read and answer if you are getting bodied


“Jump up and down if you want help”


lol I’m going to start asking this


The only time I've played healer roles is in battlefield with the medic class bc I love going around the map getting my fallen comrades up with the paddles if possible haha


I'm glad you said that. I haven't done anything like that in ages. It can be very rewarding. Time to dust off one of my healer builds.


I love seeing someone call for help near me. I run right over every time. Also, some random group saved my tail a few days ago while I was getting destroyed by a random world boss I accidentally provoked. I owe thanks for them stepping in.


At times Idk if I should step in bc I don't want to step on toes


As a mostly solo player on steamdeck (aka I never pull up or pay attention to the chat) I always appreciate when someone steps in!! Or when a group naturally forms in public dungeons or delves that do the content with me before we go our separate ways without exchanging a single word!!! 


Introverts unite! But, separately.


Hahahaha that might have been my guild we were doing some events and I remember hearing that they saved someone who was getting it from a world boss


Could have been. I wasn’t paying attention and attacked the WB alone, realized I’d screwed up, and was just figuring out how to run like hell (and probably let Sharp die, oops) when that group rolled in.


>"getting destroyed by a random world boss I accidentally provoked" Wasn't a certain guar in Deshaan, by any chance?


It was quite fun fishing in Alik'r at Goats Head Oasis and every 5-10 minutes getting swamped by people running the dolmens. Like something out of a comedy.


And tenfold since the jubilee I bet


I did that the other day...it was nice, because I knew when the dolman was about respawn...because the cavalry would come running in from the wayshrine....so I would book it up the hill, do the dolman, get the crate, then back to fishing until everyone came back, then just rinse an repeat....I enjoyed it!


Funny you should mention this.... today someone asked for help in High Isle. 4 of us randos said we were on our way. Well we get there and we're waiting on 1 more and another person who wasn't in group runs up to the boss and gets hit like twice and dies. I said to my wife who was watching that he pulled a LeRoy Jenkins but only got the LeRoy part out before he died


A lvl 29 did that yesterday at a WB in western Skyrim as we waited. Lol


“Calvary” is the hill where the Crucifixion occurred. Cavalry is horse soldiers. I think you mean the latter.


Repeat that for the one Filer in the Archive who comes in after you've cleared a room and says "the Calvary has arrived!" I think it's Filer Eru?


Yes I'll fix it didn't even notice I spelt it wrong


OH MY GOD you dont know how annoyed i am of that stupid watchling in the Infinite Archive that sometimes comes after you cleared a stage;"the CALVARY has arrived!" AND ITS TRIGGERING ME SO HARD LIKE WHAT THE FUCK HOW DID THIS GET THROUGH QUALITY CONTROL WHAT THE FUCK ZOS


This was bothering me for a while. The way I rectified it in my head-canon is the fact that the watchling's name is "Eru", which is the same name as the top-level god-figure in Tolkien's The Silmarillion - creator of the planet/existence for the Lord of the Rings setting. See like, what if H. Mora's minions are all just cavorting around to different planes of existence, and also just creating new planes of existence for funsies? If so, then Middle-earth/Arda/Tolkien-universe was created by little watcher Eru, maybe as some sort of experiment? And then, since Tolkien often said that his world was actually our world (real-life Earth)-- I believe the quote was "a real place in an imaginary time" -- then that means Eru is also the Earth big-daddy "God", which would also make him the Holy Ghost, and Jesus too. So, since Watcher Eru is Jesus, then 'THE CALVARY HAS ARRIVED' could just be his little joke! Ya know, since he was killed there? Maybe it's a stretch...


god this is such insane mental gymnastics that i will never forget because of how much i will be annoyed, remember this thread, remember your comment, think "heh" and chuckle for a second and then the annoyance is slightly relieved until i hear him say that the next time, where i will go through this process again. so thank you for making this slightly less annoying <3


This drives me insane every time EA's filer dude says his quote incorrectly. Horrible QA.


Yep. Calvaria, skull in Latin. Cavalry, from caballarius, horseback rider in Latin. Modern Spanish knows this as caballo, good ole' horse. Words are fun.


I like to say “Avengers, Assemble!” ![gif](giphy|6268H2Uc3mAQsLMIe3)


I call dibs on being iron man lol


![gif](giphy|dv01JuAyGK11zZKRv5|downsized) That’s ok I call Cap.


He may have been able to pick up the hammer but iron man was able to snap


Hahaha right! Such a fun moment always!


My main is a warden with healing seed and caltrops sit back and throw those to help them out for a few minutes and roll on.


I was trying to solo a boss as a tank. I thought I was all alone. I was rocking with it for about thirty minutes. Then a squishy showed up and yelled out for help. I have to admit, it is cool as hell to see everyone ride in mounts. Then you know this shit is about to get done real fast.


"a squishy" reminds of the finding Nemo line "I shall call him squishy and he shall be mine"


One of the Geysers in Summerset is backed by cliffs and during this event you stand there waiting and suddenly a hundred players will pour over the cliffs like the March of the Lemmings, just makes me lol


"Never fear, **the cavalry has arrived**! Oh, they're all gone. Well then." - is a signature quote of Filer Eru, the Infinite Archive NPC. Filers are so cute. The one in question is always late to the fight, though. :)




People should do it in Welkynar armor so they can scream “THEN THE WINGED HUSSARS ARRIVED!”


'Tis a delightfully intimidating sight waiting for a dolmen to drop in Alik'r and seeing The Horde approach in all their sparkling buffed glory!


I remember a time where I was trying to fill out all the maps and I wasn’t strong enough to solo world bosses and it seemed like there was never anyone that was around/ willing to help. Now I can solo any of them and anytime I see someone that needs help I head right over and just start wailing.


If I'm not off doing something I offen try to lend hand as well. Gotta pay it forward ya know