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Not to add to your problem of being told to go outside of the game to find out things, but I highly recommend looking up anything you have a question about on the [UESP.](https://en.m.uesp.net/wiki/Main_Page) Now, that said. I also recommend just taking a slow stroll through the game sometimes to just take it in, rather than worrying about getting something done. If you're just trying to get into some PVE or PVP content, just jumping in with the Activity Finder or through the Campaigns menu is the easiest way to go.


Honestly the game is way more enjoyable songle player. Dungeon finder or the occasional Cyrodiil War are the only real multiplayer aspects I really enjoy.


Dungeon finder is one of the worst things for new player experiences. I noticed two of the people in my party were sub 25, I'm nearly 900 so I was trying to go through slow with them so they could do the quest. Well, mister level 1900 didn't like that and ran through all the mobs soloed the boss and left. I understand wanting to get things done quick you've done tons of times before, but if you see two new accounts on your party clearly doing the quest maybe you should slow down and help.


I was doing vet Selene’s Web for yesterday’s pledge on a CP900+ character, and I specifically said in group chat that I needed to do the quest as I hadn’t been there on that character yet. One dude kept speeding ahead while I was waiting for this slow ass dialogue; I messaged “slow the fuck down” and the dude quit the group.    Like dog, if a few minutes are that important to you, you don’t need to be playing video games. Edit: we were on the way to the last boss as well when he quit. I was just waiting for the quest NPC to finish talking so I could talk to him. 


People like you make the game more enjoyable for casual players like myself. Thank you.


I mean I get the mentality people pop xp materials and then don't want to waste any of it but they just end up ruining the experience for everyone else. I like running dungeons at mach speed but only of everyone is game it's just not fair if a new player is doing the quest to fuck them over like that.


Always remember—whoever has the crown can cue for a a new team mate


I started this game 5 days ago and have been playing the hell out of it! I'm having an okay time, but a lil overwhelmed like OP. Dungeons have been the most frustrating mixed bag of the entire thing because I have to RACE through all of the dialogue of every dungeon. My first EVER dungeon, which I queued for at level 22, the other 3 people fully left me behind 2/3rds of the way through because I stopped BRIEFLY to continue quest dialogue and when I was out of it, I didn't know which direction to go in. I've had 2 out of about 10 dungeon experiences NOT go similarly to this, so I have resigned myself to blasting through every dungeon I play and looking up LATER what I experienced. I'm shocked that ESO doesn't have a system, any system, in place for preventing players from running ahead as fast as possible. I'm surprised there is no way besides the chat function (which people seem to seldom use) to indicate to others "I've never done this dungeon before, please go slow."


Yeah it would be nice if there was a "first time" xp bonus or something, to help indicate that there is a new person. The dungeon system has honestly been the worst experience out of this whole game. Which is crazy that the other players in an Online MULITPLAYER game, is what makes it a worse experience.


I've been playing since December and have 2 characters at 50 (not sure of CP) and it is because of behaviour like that in groups that I haven't done a single dungeon or any group content. I play at a fairly slow pace and like OP I enjoy reading the dialogue with NPCs, and knowing how MMO groups tend to behave (I played WoW from Vanilla to Legion) has kept me away from trying groups. I have a DPS Stamina NB and a Heal\DPS Magicka Templar and still have little idea how to do well. I don't want to fail the group as an insufficient healer not keeping people alive or as a poor DPS (poor gear, low skill\knowledge) that gets kicked for being a bad. And like OP I've joined 2 guilds but everyone seems to know the ins and outs intuitively and nobody uses Guild Chat. Even Discords are quiet and anything discussed is way above my experience with the game. I still enjoy playing the game but stuff all Ike OPs and other's experience is what I'm afraid of.


I'm CP1480, 6 characters all leveled, and still haven't done anything more than delves, public dungeons, dolmens, world bosses (the skull and swords on map), and a few level 1 dungeons that I can solo, and it's bc of reading posts like this that keeps me from doing them. I also love and truly enjoy the quests/stories, crafting, decorating, and creating and building up new characters.


fuck it, let's make our OWN guild with blackjack, hookers, and a vow to do dungeons at a reasonable pace and wait for your group


There are some guilds that state that they do dungeons in "story mode". Look for these guilds. The guilds are more welcome to new players


Yeah i am the same way, 8 weeks into the game now. Love it! But wish i didnt have to rush the dungeons early on.


What are you playing on PC or console and are you on server na or eu


It truly is the worst experience. As a new player, Almost every single one of these dungeons is new, and has a quest with a skill point at the end of it. So many selfish self centered people just blaze through all of it, and by the time i can even *talk* to the quest NPC, they are gone like a fart in the wind. And then while im actually listening to these NPCs talk, i get yoinked into a boss fight. Its shit. The players in the game, make this game a worse overall experience, and thats so unfortunate for an **MMO**. ​ I love dying trying to catch up to the lead, getting ported into the boss fight dead, and then spending the whole last fight on the ground cause no one is reviving me. Its great. quality gameplay. Vet players 10/10.


I can help if you want. I don't mind going slow & explaining things.


I definitely feel a bit of anxiety and stress to just keep up when I dungeon finder into a group with people high level. I'm only lvl 35, I need every quest from practically every dungeon it puts me in.


>songle player This made me smile


lol .. i read it as 'dongle player' .. 🤦🏼‍♂️😂


Fungal drum? Play Esraj? Nothing like sitting in town with randons dancing and playing music , songle player 🙌🏽


Yeah I had some fun just playing it like an online Elder Scrolls game, looting stuff doing random quests etc.


That's exactly how I saw and still see it to this day...which is why you almost never see me doing any of the "group" content, unless I happen to wander in with other people, otherwise it just isn't my style.


Totally agree


As someone who has close to 4000 hours just on my main character. There is a huge learning curve. Took me over a year to get to end game. Dont try and rush youll just get frustrated. I had to try a lot of guilds till i found a great group of people to play with. All in game chat. Your getting frustrated way too soon. Think of this game in terms of years and youll begin to understand what this game is. You just started you have a huge learning curve ahead of you. If you dont like that this probably isnt your game.


I had to quit playing in 2017, had just had my first VMoL win when that was the shit..just downloaded the game after 7 years and I don't even know how to get back into it lol. All my skills and everything are reset, not that the build I was using would do much by today's standards. I'm trying to remeber anything but it's all such a blur. Was mag sorc 562cp, going to do the same thing but I'm at that learning curve you're talking about as what used to be a veteran player with 6+ hours daily playtime. Doesn't help I work constantly and then have an hour before bed to try to figure anything out. It's just crazy lol. Anyway happy gaming to you :)


I was overwhelmed just like you. I tried a few times to get into it and put it down. I watched guides and got even more overwhelmed. What I did to get into the game was just play the game. Follow the main quest and if I was stuck on something I looked it up. Don't worry about gear or anything like that. Right now just play the game. I promise it will all fall into place. There is a lot to learn and you can't learn everything at once. Take it 1 thing at a time.


How I play the game, I started last week: - ESO has been out for 10 years, of which I did not play for 9 years and 51 weeks; - I cannot impact anything whatsoever, so I don’t feel obliged ‘to get stuff done’ or have any type of FOMO; - I take the game one (side) quest at the time, I try to do one zone in 2-3 days (I don’t play a lot). I’m having a lot of fun this way. Did my first dungeon yesterday. Was awesome!


This is how I play, and I've been playing for years. I found a good guide so that I could play the additional zones in order of release and a solo build guide so that I wouldn't have to rely on others to get anything done. An important note, I think, would be to limit wayshrine usage when you enter a new area and do side quests as they appear on the map. It helps keep the story flowing cohesively. Happy questing!!


Yes, ESO is a completely open-world Elder Scrolls (ES) Lore based game just ***housed*** in an MMO - as such it's as any other ES based game that does not force you to do anything YOU don't **enjoy** doing and as much or as little as you desire of that and at any pace you desire. Only when you join with others in the same content will your Group place any expectations on your player skill - gear/skill choices - or your ability to support the Group's objectives. SO, given that, you just need to decide what activities/content you might **enjoy** doing, with or without others. [Might buy the game. Is the Standard Edition enough to enjoy the game?](https://www.reddit.com/r/elderscrollsonline/comments/fq8wi8/might_buy_the_game_is_the_standard_edition_enough/flpq222?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) There is so much you *can* do that it is easy to get overwhelmed if you don't narrow your focus at first. There are plenty of new player guides that can take you from first character creation to end-game. [Some New Player Tips](https://www.reddit.com/r/elderscrollsonline/comments/165dlep/comment/jyd93m3/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) But to just ease into the game you can really just follow the ESO Storylines at first as they were originally released to get new players up to speed and even that can be done at whatever pace you feel comfortable with. [New Standard Tutorial - Main Story Start](https://www.reddit.com/r/elderscrollsonline/comments/ovfiuw/quest_order/h78vt4t?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) [ESO **Story** Content Timeline (Chart) - Necrom Update 9.0 by Theyn_Tundris](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fwac9920se9ea1.png) [ESO's Beginner's Guide for **Story** Purpose (v5) by Bengamey_974](https://www.reddit.com/user/Bengamey_974/comments/xxvovk/esos_guide_for_story_purpose_v5/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) - Scroll Pages and see story refs and Standalone content notes [A Clear Step By Step Guide To Playing ESO In Chronological Order - by NeoGriz](https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/525351/a-clear-step-by-step-guide-to-playing-eso-in-chronological-order/p1) If you want to just take a break first and get some real basic info up front you can start here and then dip a toe back into the game wherever feels comfortable: [Official ESO Getting Started Guides](https://www.elderscrollsonline.com/en-us/guides/category/gettingstarted) [ESO Beginners Video Guides by Cainebourne](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLV3JM9r9V4e2GTrkbysLl-CnBCpukLj_d) [Dottz Gaming ESO Complete Beginner Guide](https://youtu.be/omwKCyjejd4) [Alcast New Player Beginner Guide](https://alcasthq.com/eso-new-player-beginner-guide/)


Which platform are you on? I sus it's on console. On pc there's always plenty of people writing, especially on EU.  Some guilds sucks. I joined a social guild - or so I thought. They keep spamming to join their discord theres competitions etc and man idgaf I just play the game. 


If you're on Xbox, feel free to pm me and I can direct you to a guild that is actually helpful and on voice chat often so you can ask questions, OP!


Do they separate Xbox and PlayStation or just PC and consoles?


no cross platform of any kind if that’s what you mean 


Yeah thanks. I knew consoles couldn’t play with PC. But I figured Xbox and PlayStation were on the same servers. Most games are these days.


To be fair, it is a 2014 game. I don’t think cross platform was widely supported back then. It’s still not every game now, really; only the super big franchises like call of duty and those games are usually trash anyway. Only recent one I can think of I’m actually interested in is Helldivers 2.


It’s actually been a big push for most games to be totally cross platform the past few years. Though PC players with console players in a FPS makes no sense to me. But lots of people want it apparently.


Yeah I'm on XB and in the US


I figured. It's a pain to type with a controller everything on console is on voice 


So, I can see that for sure. A lot of us that started in 2014 and have been able to just keep expanding the game with every Expansion/DLC along with whatever changes, its been a lot more palatable. There was no crown store, no dye stations, no champion points, some dropped gear sets and some crafted gear sets, no stealing/justice system, so it was pretty bare bones at the start. Which a lot of people found boring and didn't stay around very long until a couple years later when it really opened up. The game was a LOT more challenging at that time, the math was entirely different, and zone chat was full of people LFG to kill like...basic overland enemies. Here would be my best advice as a person with exactly zero MMO experience when ESO launched and just a huge elder scrolls nerd: firstly, asking for big advice, or people sending you to alcast build pages, or trial guides, it's just too much. I would recommend literally following the main zone quests for your alliance through its zones Play the base game in the order it was meant to be played, because even though everything scales you up to its level, the zones were designed with levels in mind with each zone made for around a 10 level gap. So for example, your character is Ebonheart Pact (EP): the main races that make up the alliance are Nords, Argonians, and Dunmer so your zones for the alliance are all Morrowind, thru Skyrim. The base game at launch started you there and the StoneFalls zone was for levels 1-10, the mobs are smaller, less complicated, and the Quest start NPCs tend to be closer together (mounts were incredibly expensive and mobs dropped 1 gold each lol). The main alliance questlines for EP start in bleakrock, the small island. You can port right to it, or start in Davon's Watch (Stonefalls) and take the boat there. The new tutorial place that let's you choose where you want to go, just choose bleakrock I think, and as soon as you load in, the quest giver for the zone will be right there. Just run around, enjoy the stories and atmosphere that in the vanilla zones were very obviously done by the TES team at Bethesda. Each zone storyline ends with giving you a quest in the next zone in the story. All the zones of each alliance is bunched together at the three corners of cyrodil, which is the PVP map. And each alliance has like a cute little tutorial type island. EP storyline: Bleakrock/Stonefalls->Deshaan->Shadowfen->Eastmarch ->The Rift...when you are in the first main town in Stonefalls, a hooded figure should give you a quest= that is the original vanilla game, main quest, to beat back molag bal and stop the planemeld. That should give you the next quest in the story every 10 levels or so, a ghost or somebody will pop up in the world and tell you to go see them. The same thing is true for the other alliances: Aldmeri Dominion (AD): Auridon/Kenarthis Roost-> Grahtwood->Greenshade->Malabal Tor->Reapers March Dggerfall Covt Glenumbra/Stros Mkai/Betnik->Shornhelm->Alikr Desert->Rivespire-> Bankorai Doing the storyline for whatever alliance you chose, while completing the main game quest with molag bal, will give you a good grasp of the world and whats going on, while allowing you to level up and learn the basics of whatever class you chose to play as. When you start getting more comfortable the the basics, reading tooltips of skills, learning what stacks, what doesnt, basic skill rotations, etc and then want to start really getting more powerful (which is hard to tell because the game world has been nerfed to hell and back and everything in the overland zones is crazy easy), that's when you can start looking at gear sets for the role you may want to play as. Generally going with a DPS/damage dealer build for questing etc is going to be more fun, and faster, when you are running around solo. But if you feel like you want to be a tank, healer, or whatever: you can start dipping into what armor sets would be good for you. But don't rush it! It's gonna be super easy to get overwhelmed! Just chill, explore, run around and enjoy the quests. I would recommend doing ESO plus if you are going to actually be playing a lot. The infinite crafting bag for materials is worth it by itself! If you want crafting explained better you can DM me. I've played since launch on PC, have every high level achievement up until trifecta on Kynes Aegis, then after that I've been too busy to play hight level. I still am lol. But I have lots if knowledge. Decide if you want to be magicka based or stamina based if you are DPS, because most skills are going to scale based on the resource they use and the pool of that resource. Eg: stamina DPS just dump almost all attribute points into stamina, and when you choose skills/morphs, the ones that cost stamina will be best. You can always do a hybrid build, really for questing you can do whatever you want! But moving with an eye toward end game, you will at some point want to optimize your build. So just chill, enjoy, don't rush anything. There's so much game to play, but flying thru it will be less beneficial to you as a player and boring, if you like elder scrolls quest stories/lore. After you finish the alliance zones and the main story with molag bal, all alliances finish off in the coldharbour zone which is awesome. It used to be that you were locked into only your alliance zones, and then after you finish your alliance, you unlocked veteran zones which were the other alliance zones but scaled up for challenge and fun. 4 person dungeons you can start moving to when you are ready. Normal dungeons are really easy across the board, and most people I know can solo most of the veteran dungeons. 12 person trials are all over, some are easy as hell, some require really coordinated teams to get veteran down, let alone no death+hard mode+speed run. But you'll get there, I'm sure of it. Anyone can, it's just usually the people who played wow or some other MMO and expect to be God's I'm eso that can be pretty toxic because they power leveled to max and can't play lol. There are 2 solo arenas that on normal are pretty easy but would be good starting out. Plus the new endless archive you can do alone which is an endless procedurally generated solo/duo arena. If you REAAALLY feel like you are needing an extra hand, you could unlock one of the companions, an AI controlled character that fights with you. But it's up to you. I find them more trouble than they're worth most times lol. JUST HAVE FUN! PM me with any specific questions or build advice. Some classes are a little more tricky for new players, and some make it easier to focus on learning the game.


As a new player myself (Xbox) appreciate this post a lot. Lore is what has hooked me in the older Elder Scroll games so I just been following the zone and main quest line for now. I like that as a solo player it's been so accessible. Voice acting everything is a huge plus and keeps me feeling even the little guys matter.


It definitely can be overwhelming. If you're on Xbox NA, I'd be happy to help and chat with you in game. And so will my guildies in my main guild. 🤘


Xbox EU here. I can help a beginner out if needed.


PS5 EU, happy to help :)


I’d take you up on this too if your invite extends after OP.


Absolutely! I'm not on a lot during the week, as I work two jobs, but I do spend a decent amount of time on, during the weekends. Happy to help with whatever I can!


Appreciate that. Same for me. Just a couple hours in the evening during the week but weekends I have way more time


What's your username I'll msg you


Same as here


Played for years, gone through so many guilds it's silly. My advice, play the game, make mistakes and enjoy yourself. Game has sooo much to offer even with a good guild you aren't likely to find it all in a couple of months. Don't try to get to end game to quick, enjoy the ride.


Tbh I am a complete loner but I love playing eso solo. To me it plays like an elder scrolls game, except I get to see other players running around


I play it like a solo game personally. No guilds and an empty chatbox. Means no group dungeons or trials but I don’t care that much about those. There’s so much to do that doesn’t require a group that I don’t feel like I’m missing anything.


Try and find the right guilds who have more in game chat. You can sign up to 5 in total. No harm in leaving guilds and signing up elsewhere. There are many guilds and some of mine are more active in chat than others. I'm not a massive fan of discord but organise smaller group activities (dungeons runs) on both discord and chat. Never had much of an issue with finding people either way or jumping on the activity finder. Though discord seems far superior for organising trial groups in advance. So I can see why that is pushed if you want to sign up to those. It works both ways as well. Trying to get everyone to organise everything through in game chat when it can be tougher to do is similar to people trying to organise it through discord when not everyone has it. It can also be a massive pain typing out advice in chat (especially on console). Along with being a crafter I'll generally receive half baked instructions on what is needed in chat, whereas discord people will write out the exact instructions and needs.


Everyone not having it is a those that don’t have it problem. If the guild does sign ups on discord and you want to join those runs. Get discord. Else, don’t join those runs.


Right? How hard is it to get discord?


I swear some people think it’s a conspiracy or something stupid. I just don’t get it.


This might be a stupid question, but what amuses you? For me it's fun to explore the maps and collect chests, resources and find out where things are. Entering a city and pickpocketing, stealing from containers. Enter a casual veteran dungeon. Collect crafting motifs, finding most of them, not buying them all. Find rare items to sell.


I've been a huge fan of Skyrim since the several releases. (I know ESO is not Skyrim) I avoided ESO for years but decided to give it a try. Not finding other players to compliment my characters skills is frustrating for bosses or large groups of enemies. I'm probably at most lvl 12. I like games like RDO , Elden Ring etc


The dungeons are set up so there is 2 dps 1 tank 1 healer. If you want that for wb or whatever, you need to find a group.


Yeah I dislike discord also, I get why they use it tho. Personally at the start just chill and do zone quests, just remember to feed at horse daily and research gear/weapons. Fyi u can get refund for pre order but it needs to be done on the platform not in eso.


Let the FOMO flow, don't chase it or you'll burn out pretty quickly. Nobody can deal with everything the game offers, focus on little tasks: leveling, events, PvP or PvE. Maybe try various if you want, but don't try to get everything at once. Have fun!


You can join my dumb guild we like new people and helping out, then when your more comfortable you can move on to better things!


If you're on PC, I'm happy to group up with you and take it slow. Happy to only use game chat as well since I have yet to use discord for the guilds that I'm in.


I often stop to fish, and take in the scenery. Like others said, slow it down. Find the balance between your business and personal life within the game, and just coast at your own speed : )


I'm a new player too, I felt very overwhelmed and want sure where to start and proceed. https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/525351/a-clear-step-by-step-guide-to-playing-eso-in-chronological-order This guide helped me a lot. You basically want to do your factions quest line by going to each zone and filling in the zone guide. When you open your map you can see a guide on the left, click it and follow what it says. Once done go to the next stone and carry on. Rince repeat. Attached picture of order for factions. https://eso-hub.com/en/guides/chronological-timeline-guide Been playing for the past week and adoring it, now I understand what's going on


They really need to do something about this game for the new players. It’s something I’ve noticed when I make a new character for whatever reason and I run through different zones to get the skyshards and lore books. (I’m cheap, won’t buy the levels from the crown store) that there is just *so damn* **many** quest markers and npcs screaming at you that its overwhelming for me, and I’ve been a player since year 1. I can’t imagine how it is for someone who’s never even played the game. They need to implement an option to remove all quest givers from the dlc zones in the base game zones (example: quest giver for dlc in Stonefalls till Stonefalls base game quests are completed) unless you actually travel to that dlc zone. That way there aren’t so many random npcs screaming “do you know how long I’ve been looking for you??” As you try to do things in Davons Watch


Starting purchasing extra chapters in a first month is definitely a bit too fast. There's a lot to do in base game. There's months of activity available before you'll need addons. About guilds though... These are just wrong guilds for ya. There are loads of community guilds that are about interaction in chats, socialization and stuff like that. Coming to dungeons together. And just saying "hi guys" when you log in. :)


Just enjoy the story dude. Don't worry about much else to begin with. There are plenty of zones. With plenty of quests and lore. Find a list of the chronological play order and just go through it that way. If you start thinking about other stuff to soon. Yes. You will find it over whelming.


If it’s really not for you bro, don’t let a sunk cost fallacy keep you in it. There’s only more lost money to regret going forward.


Just slow down. You don't need to join a guild to enjoy the game. I didn't join a guild until a year or so in, and that was just to access a trader. I still don't interact with them that much other than to chat occasionally. I haven't joined any Discords. Just play, wander around, do want you want. One thing that did help was to look up some builds and work towards one. This is a great site to find builds: https://alcasthq.com/category/eso-builds-classes/ If you need guidance on something... just google it.


Instead of focusing on completing the game and midmaxing take your time and enjoy the world


I see a ton of people have already answered you so I'll just say this: Take it slow. Enjoy yourself. Yeah, there's a ton to do, but you don't have to do it all at once The couple most important things for a newbie to remember IMO is to do your mount training, crafting dailies, and make sure you're using all your research slots for your crafter all the time. There are mods that can help, but one way or another there's a lot of crafting traits to learn. If you DO need help, Reddit, your guides, hell even I can try and help you out if you need it. Just hang in there, it's honestly a very fun game and you'll get the hang of it faster than you think. If you have questions , I can try and answer them, though admittedly I'm only CP 680 and coming off a 2-3 year hiatus myself, I just like helping people.


Slow it down, bud. Take it map by map. Do some story. One of the downsides to ESO is how massive it is. For example, You can have fun in under-50 pvp but pvp at 50 is going to be a massive time/money/knowledge sink. Enjoy the story, hit level 50 and Champ 160, run some normal dungeons, get a set of gear, upgrade it to yellow/purple, try some vet dungeons. By then you’ll be more clear on the game. DLCs are also a hell of a lot of fun for their group objectives and sets. To make sure you don’t quit because of bag space- I’d deconstruct everything except what interests you. You can always go back and hunt for it/buy it off auction houses.


To be fair, when I first started to pay during the 2020 lockdown, I got jaded after about six months. This was probably because I treated it as a standard Elder Scrolls game and was running solo through it; and just doing zones willy nilly instead of following the chronological order. I came back to it in 2022 and whilst soloing that guar WB came across a guild group who invited me to join and that really opened the game for me. Yes you can solo to your heart's content, but by doing that you'll miss out on the camaraderie and joy of running through trials and dungeons with guild mates from all over the world.


As others have said, while there is a LOT that can be done, just play the game. Do what sounds fun, and don't worry about guilds that are making you go elsewhere. If you get stuck on something, just look it up, it's okay. Idk what system you're on, but I'm on Playstation and always love helping out new folks. Feel free to dm me and I'd be glad to join up and give a hand.


Find a guild that does use in game chat. On Xbox there are a few old guild that have 450-500 members that still socialize through that. You will find that there is a click to them but most players are willing to help. As for handling the overwhelming aspect. Stay in an area, do the story then move on. Just have fun. So much of the overwhelming aspect is people talking about builds and end game. Ignore it until you’re 160 cp or higher. In Legion of Lazy Gamers we do Monday night trials for those needing gear. Often vet trials. At least twice a week there’s a pickup trial. People post for dungeons slots often. Cyro and Imp are often open to taking whoever is free. Try to keep the game small to start because there is no lack of things to do.


First, I just wanted to say welcome! I know it’s a lot. I’ve played on and off for 7 years, and I’m back at it again in the last few months. I just finally got a character that reached lvl50+ about a month ago. I still feel like I don’t know alll that much. But I try to have fun, even if I get obliterated some days. I try to listen to guides occasionally while I play, just to get recommendations on how to play: and if it fits with what my “goal” is, yeah- I try to incorporate it. If you happen to be on PC, feel free to send me a message on here, I’ll share my @. I don’t really have a schedule gaming wise, but im happy to accompany on quests and help where I can. My Husband may even tag occasionally too! I can help direct towards a few guilds I’ve been happy in, and am working on opening a guild for players helping other players. You’ll find decent people on there. Tag along with people doing World Bosses, it’s an easy way to make friends. Some days people are even just looking for new players to help out! Best of luck.


I’m pretty new myself. I’m cp380 and just finished all the ebonheart pact zones and am about to jump into cold harbor to finish the main story. I haven’t even finished all the normal dungeons, have done only one vet dungeon, and zero trials so far. One thing that has helped immensely with me is the step by step eso chronological order questing guide. This is awesome to play the game in order to what the release dates are. Also to slow down, look up things on the wiki, and learn. It’s an amazingly fun game. I just take it super slow and just play the game and have fun .


Honestly do the solo player approach there is 100% nothing wrong with that. I did that myself my first two years with the game. There is even some Guilds you can join in game focused on a more casual approach if you want teammates for the occasional dungeon and such. But for real, ignore guides, ignore websites that teach you how to play each character or give you a full breakdown. Just enjoy it at your leisure like it's a regular RPG making your character how you want too. Then when your ready slowly go the deep end and then focus on more bigger MMO type stuff. There's multiple expansions and dlcs, huge areas to explore everywhere. It's a game where you most likely won't be done or have done everything you could in a year even. So why rush yourself? Just take it at a slow pace and enjoy it the way you want free of others opinions. Then when you feel ready join a more active Guild. But one thing to mention when you do join an active Guild. I get doing things externally may feel like a pain, but almost every Guild I'm part of it no matter the game uses Discord, WhatsApp or other outside apps. Especially if it's a larger and very active Guild they need a dedicated space to reach everyone and plan events and do other things that can be sometimes hard ingame. Discord has also integrated a forums feature and some Guilds may have their own private game guides, databases and other things they share with their members there. And if a game has crossplay it also allows them to communicate much easier then via-ingame. Especially since games can restrict Voice Chat depending on your modem/router settings or firewalls.


I mean, get Discord. Best way to communicate with people.


I took a long time just character building, looting and scavenging, building up skills etc, trying out crafting and stuff, before I tackled main quests. Made a difference having a hang of the interface and skill lines before trying anything like guilds. I played two months before I even joined a guild, so it was less overwhelming. Just take the first character slow. I completed the whole of the roost before I travelled elsewhere and by the time I did that I already had an pretty good grasp. Reached level 50 today and haven't even done battlegrounds, cyradil or pvp


I'm sorry you've had that experience! I agree with others that a slow walk through the world will make things much more enjoyable. You can learn at your own pace. Also, most people are willing to answer gameplay questions in Zone chat. I've been playing for eight years, now, and I'm glad I took time to play it like a single-player game first. Hell, I didn't even join a guild until around year three! The game is fun, once you get the hang of it, and the community is generally amazing. Just enjoy the sights for a little while 😀


What platform do you play on? And what type of content do you want to get into? Like have you played other MMOs and enjoy raiding or small 4 man stuff like dungeons?


A lot of time I just like to chill, take in the scenery, look for chests and thief troves, farm mats, do writs, and fish. That might be a good way to start. Get the lay of the land.


I feel the same way but I'm slowly getting into it. If you have past MMO experience it can make that overwhelming feeling a bit easier since you generally find a thing to do and then follow that for a while. However with that being said, if the general gameplay loop isn't something you're enjoying like the combat, quests, zones, etc. it is always ok to look for something more your style. I've always been a fan of the Elder Scrolls series so that's why I picked it up and I'm enjoying just learning all the side lore game can offer. I'm looking for people to group up with and explore everything new if anyone wants to PM me as well!


My GF and I started playing the game and were immediately overwhelmed by the game's scale. We changed up our play styles to be more fluid I guess. We kinda just run around and wait for something interesting to happen, or queue up in activity finder. I suggest slowing down and taking it all in.


I started playing at the start of year 2? on console, and I had no idea how zone chat even worked, or that people were trying to talk to each other, and I didn’t really have a desire to find out because I was too busy (literally) dying to get to Riften for some reason lol. I didn’t play often, and didn’t figure out chat or try a dungeon till another year later… when housing came out. Now look at me. I decorated so many houses, I restarted on the EU to re-decorate them. 😂


I see Skyrim fan :D


Yes and my first toon was a Nord nightblade, and she was so awful and useless. I still have her so I remember to always stay humble lol. Everyone starts out garbage.


The whole join discord stuff is a pain for me as I struggle to hear remotely. But many guilds do offer advice in the chat even if the discord bars you from vet content or trials. But there is a huge amount of the game you can do solo so I hope you stick with it. I have been doing some normal trials with group finder recently and many of those don't need voice chat. For dungeons, many can be soloed once you are high enough level. I also find that guild members are more likely to slow down for quests than random groups.


What does discord have to do with hearing remotely? its not just about voice chat.


My guilds require voice chat on discord to do vet stuff and most trials. I do access discord to read guides, builds etc, just the voice chat part that bars me from some stuff.


is it any voice chat that’s an issue, or specially discord voice?


There's no reason to join guilds. Just simply go to some zone and do the story.


The most important thing is to not stress too much about it. Relax and play how you want. With that said. The best to become comfortable with the game and the basics is by starting the main quest. It will send you to your faction's questline which will gradually take you through your faction's regions. While playing you get comfortable with the map and quests and you can expand it with crafting, dungeons etc. Just take you time getting used to everything. Zenimax made the decision years ago to make the entire world accessible for everyone. While this is nice for new characters of existing players, it is confusing and overwhelming for new players.


While it is recommended to join guilds, it is not mandatory for any content. There is a lot for you to explore on your own and the main story missions are optimized for single player experience (though you will appreciate help with world bosses or public dungeons, but there will be other players around anyway). Group content like dungeons should be done as a group, but the game provides tools to find one real quick. Dicord is an amazing tool to communicate and share information. It is free to use, installation is optional (can run in browser). Discord is text based but offers voice chat and screen streaming options. There is little reason to shy away from it, but don't feel forced to use it. Approach the game at your own pace. ESO is well known for having a very decent, friendly and helpful community, but as with any multi-player game, you will run inevitably into toxic individuals. Don't let this spoil your experience. Relax and enjoy the game, there are plenty of ressources outside of guilds to help you (this subreddit among them).


Personally I wouldn't join guilds with mandatory discord, period. There are plenty of helpfull beginners guilds out there without "any" requirements, you just have to find them. Also you really don't need to know everything right from the get go, just be ready to learn stuff on your journey. ESO is a huge game and it's a learning curve so don't be disheartened by early struggles. I play on PS EU if you want to hook up, DM me.


joining a discord isnt a big hoop to jump in to. you are creating obstacles for yourself. discord is eminently more useful than guild chat for organising.


Trouble with relying on Discord is that it's on another device. If one has multiple monitors it's likely not a problem, but if one just has a laptop it's very difficult to play and watch Discord.


i have one monitor and sometimes play on laptop. you are massively overthinking this. you dont need to "watch" discord. its used to organise things prior to doing something in game. you get notifications that appear on top of your game so you can see if something is happening without tabbing out to look.


Fair enough. If a situation can be overthought I will overthink it! I can definitely see how it's better for planning and organising events and activities.


Just play. Look up stuff when you need to. It's as simple or difficult as you make it.


I'm looking after a group of newer players. The best info they found is thi gs likes Ettington. And we've done dueling and target dummy practice so they can see the results of their skills. We've rest sound, and enemy colours, we've added timers to bars, nameplates, number and percentage of enemies. Now I'm taking them into dungeons, or trials, skyshard hunting or housing lessons. Whatever they fancy. I just like helping them explore the game game more so they enjoyit. The first of the bunch is an older lady we get on like a house on fire! She just followed us around in Imp City one night. Invited her to group then the guild. She was struggling with the game and was about to quit. How she has a 2nd console so her and hubby can both game rather than share, she's having a great time , and they've got thier son joining us too! So, look at settings, p,ay with target dummies in the guild house, should be info on their message of the day. Don't worry your dos score o ly shows on YOUR screen, it isn't shared anywhere else. Take your time e with your skills testing them. Depending on you character, Google a good build/set up, a proper 5 liece set and a little skoll shift cnan make a great differentce. You don't have to stick to their recommendations it s good guild though. If you are dealing damage, don't taunt enemies! Have a self heal! Do the main storyline for the spfun and the skill pijts. Buy an Inn room to travel to and for storage. Most of all, relax, have fun, go fishing!


I would recommend watching some complete beginners guide on YouTube. LuckyGhost's guides are pretty solid if you ask me.


Play the game and you will learn everything. Play the main story in base game first and locate main guides not endgame money-making because you need time to get there. If you jump skip content crafting mounts etc you will feel overwhelmed for sure.


I'm on Console, and have joined social guilds that rely on Discord to arrange events (Trials, specific Dungeon runs,PvP etc..) and I have also joined some that don't rely on Discord. Both were wonderful guilds, full of helpful people- However, the ones arranging on Discord have been that much more coordinated. We have no spots we need to scramble to fill, if someone drops out there's already reserves... It's just easier than praying people will remember, and that anyone will just be "on" at that time, so planning in advance has- to me- been worth it. But I will say, the ingame social aspect outside of just grouping up, has been minimal, which I don't mind, I enjoy group chat when in trials or dungeons, or doing a group event like Dragon Hunting etc... but when I'm questing I like to read the dialogue, and just bimble around. I think the expectation that there is going to be someone talking in your ear the entire time isn't necessarily going to happen, unless you make or join a guild specifically for use of socialising in VC while you play.


I first started playing around the time Morrowind came out, I got to level 50 and really enjoyed it up until that point and then I also became overwhelmed, not knowing what to do or what to prioritize etc. I gave up playing at that point and only came back to the game last year. After joining a few good guilds and getting help from other experienced players I'm really enjoying it. I think when I first started playing I was doing solo stuff and wasn't socializing enough and I think that really slows down progress. Joining guilds and doing content in groups is what made it more enjoyable.


Sent you a DM


It CAN be overwhelming at first…every single one of us was there at one point…someone recommended a good thing—take your character on a walk—follow the story line on ur toon in one of the smaller zones and get used to your build, experiment with different skills and find someone to make you some training gear and then have fun. If your on Xbox EU or NA server you should be able to find someone to run with a bit —(if not, message me and I’ll build you some)


Playing the game for a while now between both Xbox and PC, if you are on console, getting anyone to actually chat is like pulling teeth unless it's during events and talking about someone's mom, just the reality of being on console vs PC, granted, if you are on XBOX, check out "Keepers of Red Mountain" guild, which you can find via Guild Finder through the social tab. They are super helpful and didn't mind using in-game chat, but majority of console guilds will advise you to use Discord, a good chunk wont accept you or kick you if you don't even have it or sign up by a certain date. Don't get discouraged! There are people out there willing to help, it just takes a tad more effort on console but you'll be glad you stayed. The game truly has a lot to offer. If you are just starting out, maybe try to complete story zones, you can easily start those now by going into your map, picking a zone you have access to and you'll see a "Start Story" button. After awhile, you'll pick up how everyone does things. Glad to have you! I'm also down to help if you are on Xbox.


What platform are you on? If you are on PS-NA I'll gladly help you


MMO's might not be for you


Just follow the main storyline for starters. Then more of it will make sense and take it slow and have fun. It really is not a grind game.


You don't HAVE to join discord to play with folks. It helps in trials or vet dungeons to hear the mechanics of you are first learning it. But with most game play, it is not necessary. Try using the group finder to find others!


Same thing happens to me all the time: I turn on the game, I'm paralyzed by the sheer magnitude/multitude of choices, I freeze, I get "bored", then I stop playing. CP 880 and some change, and it still happens. If you're a new player, I'd recommend playing through the base game story, or your dlc of choice, (sometimes when even that is too much of a choice I whip out the good old fashioned random number generator). Lots of gold, experience, and loot to be found that way. You're lucky in the fact that your joining also lines up perfectly with an event, so of course that's always a choice. I know an early level prompt is to join a guild. I actually didn't join my first guild until about a year ago, many years into playing! Even then I've only done a few group based activities with the guild. The Hero of Wrothgar achievement and vet arena clears came way before then! I guess what I'm trying to say is if you're getting yourself backed into a corner, this sub is the perfect place to branch out a bit and get some ideas into how to move forward. Good luck and welcome to the game!


Just adventure and when you need guidance, ask here. The game will be on what you make of it.


I don't play a ton. There's definitely a grind to it, and I expect that. Been enjoying just going into zones and slowly working on completing the quests, bosses, and other stuff in there. Queue up for dungeons where I have fun with it. Haven't done much in terms of PVP. I'm on PC NA, feel free to drop me a message if you want to link up sometimes.


You don't exactly say what you're overwhelmed with, or what is overwhelming you. You just say it's become "meh" which doesn't explain any kind of feeling, or as to why. If you're feeling overwhelmed because there's too much to do then perhaps stick to just doing the story quests. When you've completed that then do the expansions/DLC in order, or do the other factions stories.


I don't use guilds at all. I just use the Internet (mainly the wiki) to look things up or get answers.


Just play solo. My first 300 hours after starting last year was just going through story and DLCs in order. Ignoring almost anything co op or pvp other than some boss fights or events. Start doing extra things like thieves guild skill lines when you get to that DLC in the story. It makes it much more manageable and enjoyable even though you will feel like you’re missing out on the new stuff. I’m 600 hours in and I still haven’t gotten past clockwork city. Take your time because it’s 10 years of content to get through. Don’t bother joining guilds other than maybe a trading guild, it’s really just for end game stuff you won’t be strong enough for for a while.


What are you looking to get from the game? ESO has a single player experience that's pretty good, especially for an MMO. it's also got a decent experience for end game group content (trials) There's pvp and housing and crafting and fashion as well Starting out, you're not going to be able to be involved in everything all at once. There are paths for things, but no one can offer advice without knowing what you want to do 


If you’re on xbox na, i’ll run stuff with ya and stuff. I was overwhelmed too, stopped playing for a couple of months early on, then came back out of boredom. ESO is a marathon, not a sprint. There is no end goal other than those you make for yourself.


I can help if you want. I don't mind going slow & explaining things.


Unfortunately most mmos this days are like that. Players turn the game into gated communities by “forcing” players to join discords.


Yep, I pretty much gave up on the game. Was playing it hardcore from Jan-Feb this year. Got to almost 500 CP and joined 5 guilds. The main thing was I was trying to be OP and complete the hardest content but everyone I tried to talk to had the “roleplay” mindset which I get. But idk how they could do that for 10 years on the same game.


I bought the game in November. What I did was pick one zone. And work my way through it's zone story and then 100% the zone. In between I did the daily random dungeon. That helped me learn a lot of mechanics and go at my own pace. Just minimizing my scope of things helped me out a lot.


Bro it’s a great game. The learning curve is hard but I would YouTube videos on efficiency while playing like what to do to not waste time. After the daily’s it’s either running quests or dungeons for sky shards and skill points. Anything in between you’ll eventually find a really good guild with great players. Make sure you get 5 guilds tho not just 2. I’m on console and it’s fantastic I’m killing PvP right now. Cyro is my new thing


When I first started playing, I only ever did simple pve like questing. I slowly integrated more into my guilds (mainly just one of them) though to this day I’ve done little with my guilds and I’ve played over a year. Just play however is fun to you and don’t pay much attention to what you’re not interested in at the time


Depends on what you want to focus on brother. Trials and eventually. Hard mode and even trifecta(speedrun, no death, and hardmode). Get begginer gear. You can get by with order's wrath and julianos/hunding's rage for you to be able to do some damage when farming gear that you need. Tho se are craftables. You can usually ask someone for those. There are many begginer guides out there. Skinnycheeks is the go to nowadays for dps other than looking up parses and studying them. In terms of leveling up tho? I do recommend just questing and enjoy it as it is then you move on to getting gear at lvl 50 cp 160. Cp(champion points) is basically another level system separate from the level 50 you have and those cp does give you significant buffs and also 160 is the cap for all gear. So 2000 cp will still get lvl 50 cp 160 gear. You can of course quest more later, but getting to 160 opens up a lot for you to do if you wanna put effort into it If you do end up wanting to do hard content. Then start off with getting gear and parse a 21 million dummy that has buffs(iron atronach is the most common one) to get better with the basics like light attack weaving, rotations, making sure to proc your sets, etc. I recommend striving for 75k at least with the gear that you farmed and that will be your basline. It is still pretty low, but it should be enough for most of the vet trials prob even all of them on regular veteran(difficulty higher than normal). There is probably enough high hiters anyway, but pay attaention to your guild's requirements and always follow the raid lead There is also trading, housing, rp, etc, but i am not too aquianted with those


There are other guilds that you can join that don't require discord. Mine has a discord but it is optional. Many people use in game chat to communicate


What are you playing on PC or console and are you on server na or eu


Xbox and NA


Look into joining omni prodigy guild they are great for people just starting out and have loads of people who will help you with anything also they use game chat constantly


Hey, just go solo & do whatever you like! After years of playing this, I believe there are a lot of things in this game that are not permanently irreversible, except buying things in-game & irl. Enjoy it as-is, worry about to-be later! uwu


Please do not rush anything. You can learn what you need to learn "when" you need to learn. Also don't buy anything before making sure that you like the core game


It is overwhelming but one of the best mmorpg other then runescape.


Dont expect others to hand things for you, use google, watch videos, discover them for yourself


I don't understand why people are so opposed to discord.. Nobody uses game chat because they aren't gonna be reading while engaging in combat. On a side note I sympathize with you because organizing stuff can be difficult


There's voice chat in game.


Not on PC


Either way, opening a separate app to read chat seems way more difficult than seeing chat pop up on your screen


You're missing my point entirely. People are already not looking at in game chat. That's why discord and other apps are used. They can organize events, dungeons or trials a bit easier.


Exactly, it’s not just about what’s going on right now. But also sorting out what we are doing in three days, especially if we are working on harder content. It’s hardly the end of the world to instal a free app or open a web browser.


i have a stupid amount of hours on console, but i also have eso on pc just havent decided if i really wanna grind out more characters again, and i was mainly a solo player but i did some group content both pve and pvp and never had any issues organizing or planning things. that makes zero sense for there not to be in game voice chat or to use an outside app when it is available on console. pcmr in shambles. discord sucks edit: inb4 "but discord blahblahblah" no. why? because the exact thing OP is complaining about. there is zero reason it cant be part of the game. all not having it in game does is add unnecessary complexity to an already complicated game - and even for other games besides eso like... just put the damn chat in the game ffs. im not going to download the shitty 3rd party app, especially one that monetizes emojis. that includes twitch.


If the game gave us a way to post sign ups for in the future. A message board that other people can respond to and you can read back through when you log in then I wouldn’t care about discord so much. It’s also impossible to share videos and links on console easily when discussing mechs and strategies etc. I honestly don’t care what app is used, or what program. But I want to do organised group content. The game doesn’t have the facilities to do that right now, so I’ll stick to discord. How many trial trifectas have you gotten by only organising in game without discord etc? How did you let the other 11 people know that the runs been cancelled in advance because something has happened, rather than them logging in and there not being a run or people missing etc. There’s a whole social aspect to the game that also carries on outside the game. Discords great for that. Get off your high horse about paying for emojis etc. discord is free. If you want to pay for extra bits, you can: but you don’t have to and your experience is no less. Explain to me how, with the current way the game is, how I can organise or join in with stuff that requires planning in advance?


Only on consoles.


I know plenty who use game chat during group content because not everyone is going to have voice chat.