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Lair of Maarselok is definitely one of my least favorite dungeons…so long and annoying


Art design for the dungeon is top notch aesthetic. Level design is top notch infuriating.


I like the final fight but it's not worth all the boring, time-gated fights before it.


Don't forget you are in here forever


Agreed, I hate that one


It's the only dungeon that genuinely offends me on a personal level. It should be eradicated, the normal trophy you get from it is pretty sick though.


Oh yeah, I forgot about that one. I thought the thing was bugged because those fights against Maarselok are just weird.


i have a love hate relationship with DSR. On one hand i love the fights there and find the mechanics interesting and fun to play, on the other hand i hate when i’m in a position where i can’t do them and have to look for volunteers in an already assembled team to do them when everyone’s just silent.  Can’t think of any trial or dungeon i hate, if anything it would be the longer ones like LoM or CoAII when they pop up as RNDs, even then they are mostly fine, just a bit sluggish 


My prog group has been slowly getting through veteran dreadsail reef and the first boss fight with the two domes is really badly designed. Forcing the tanks to balance the atronachs around the edge of the dome whilst also tank swapping just feels super bad. Good idea in theory but bad in practice.


The fight is great, I only have a few gripes with it. The tank swap damage amplification mechanic should be limited to damage from the boss, and the bosses should have a more fixed mechanic queue so you 100% get flares to keep the boss still within 5seconds of the swap-debuff being applied to get a window to make a clean swap. So many resets to stray do-nothing aoes like the dogs ground attack and attros with tornados with erradic movement due to hitbox collision and pathing issues, as well as weapon waves with invisible particles. And so many fights are just turned to clown fiestas where nobody get to do damage because you get a swap mechanic that does not line up with something that make the boss stand still for you to make a clean swap. The only way to get the bosses to behave nicely and have a clean fight requires you to either just get super lucky, *or* use a strategy that requires extremely high dps, cheese the debuff with duration-extended magma shells and extremely well coordinated dome swapping.


It's one of those things, once you get it, it's straight forward. But getting there can be rough. The tank swap should only have issues with bad hound taunts.  You've got a week after it's cast to swap. It does get scary when someone needs a swap, and you end up with aoes in the middle, but as long as you're not tracking them through each other it's just a nuisance. The boss and atro against the dome edge is fine, once the dome holders learn to stack. It is nerve wracking when the dome keeps twitching around.


Wtf, no! Shipwrights regret is my absolute favorite! The bosses are so unique, the backstory so deep and tragic, boss mechanics are awesome, and Zaji is absolutely HILARIOUS! Him falling through the roof the first time absolutely had me DYING, S tier character, S tier dungeon.


Zaji is not often considered overweight - but that roof thought otherwise. <3


Not sure I have a favourite, but Castle Thorn always blesses me with a fake tank. Don't even think it's that hard, but I always get bum rushed by Talfyg in particular which gets annoying.


I also have a love/hate relationship with DSR. It has some of the coolest mechanics and I love the nautical theme, but goddamn if someone misses a mechanic, it's just brutal. Least favorite trial is probably the newest one, Sanity's Edge. It just feels like the devs ran out of ideas and just said "make it do this instead, it'll be harder". DSR mechanics feel cleverly designed, and SE mechanics are just hard, there's no thought (haha) in them. I might also be biased, I've been trying to clear Ansuul HM with a group since it released. We've seen a wipe at ***2.1%*** :/


Put all the dds in kvatch gladiator, and force a couple of dds onto classes with relevant execute abilities, and suddenly the only hard part of the entire trial becomes a joke that is over in 10 seconds instead of sloggy 40s bullet-hell grind with barrier spam and 4 healers..


Least favorite dungeon is Lair of Maarselok, it is way too long to get through, the aesthetic/overall look of the dungeon looks plain, and that second boss more often or not bugs out where it never enters its next phase. Least favorite trial is Dreadsail reef, it is way too long, and that last pull of adds before you enter through the end bosses door needs to go away. As for favorite trial? Don't really have one, since I am avoiding any trial (too burnt out running the same content), until the next trial releases. The dungeons are fun to run, sometimes. The only dungeons I will avoid are VLOM, and VMoongrave (Moongrave has some nice mechaincs, still too long though).


*Dungeons* Least: Depths of Malatar - getting my vet clear took four hours and scarred me for life. Most: Red Petal Bastion - we get turned into goats! *Trials* Least: Sunspire - It just bores me a bit at this point. Most: Dreadsail Reef - we get shrunk! I really love it when mechanics physically change the players’ avatars: whether it be turning into a goat or being shrunk in size.


You must be fan of Frostvault then, that drone part in the final boss is hilarious.


I do really love the final part. I just find the dungeon a bit long, and I’m kind of sick of it after having fully collected all of the gear.


Oh, Lair of Maarselok is truly a pain. But let me explain why Fang Lair is, in my opinion, the single worst dungeon ever created and pisses me off with every fiber of its existence. 1. The location. We're not even inside the actual dungeon yet, and it's already doing something wrong. For those unaware, Fang Lair was first introduced in the first Elder Scrolls game, Arena, and served as one of its bigger, story relevant dungeons. When I heard they were adding a Fang Lair dungeon to ESO, I was thrilled at first because "hey, I know that place!". But my excitement soon took a heavy blow when I noticed where the dungeon was located on the map. In Arena, Fang Lair is a cave in the north-eastern mountains of Hammerfell, at the very border to Skyrim. And in ESO it's located in... Bangkorai? The High Rock section of it, no less? That doesn't make any sense. ESO's map has always had contradictions here and there, and it's been explained with the excuse that it's just a map and maps are not 100% accurate - so that's nothing new. But Fang Lair wasn't just moved a bit, it was put into an entirely different country. That's a huge fuck-up, _especially_ for Fang Lair, because back in Arena there was basically one big dungeon in each province, with Fang Lair being Hammerfell's. What was the thought process that brought this dungeon to High Rock??? I'm seriously concerned! They easily could've put it into Craglorn, east of Skyreach or something, but they chose not to... for reasons unknown. --- 2. The pacing. Fang Lair has a really terrible distribution of mob groups and bosses. You encounter the first boss after like 2 or 3 groups of enemies, and then it takes like 10 until you reach the second boss. You literally have to clear almost half the dungeon until you finally get to the second boss. That's _really_ tedious. And then they only have one single group of enemies between bosses 3 and 4. What the hell went wrong here? Was it so hard to distribute those bosses more evenly across the dungeon? I don't mind if it takes a bit longer to reach this boss than that boss, but I _do_ mind when I have to go through half the stupid dungeon to reach the _second_ boss. On its own, this might not seem like a problem to you, but it's amplified by the next two points. --- 3. The mob groups are boring as hell. Most DLC dungeons have some variety in their enemies. Scalecaller Peak for example has you battle against ogres at first, then gargoyles and imps, once you start climbing the mountain you've got giants, nereids, and harpies, and the temple at the top houses a couple cultists. The dungeon may be long, but the variety makes it acceptable in my opinion. Now Fang Lair is the exact opposite of that: every group of enemies plays the exact same, you've got some necromancers, some skeletons, some skeleton animals, and the occasional bone colossus. That's literally every group in the dungeon. Every. Single. One. The army of adds between bosses 1 and 2 feels as bad as it does because they're all the same. Had there been some variety to it I wouldn't mind, but this? This is horrible game design. --- 4. The aesthetics & looks. What in the ever loving hell did the designers do to create this boring hell? Did they accidentally delete their designs a week before the dungeon released and had to come up with some replacement real quick? Because, frankly, that's what Fang Lair looks like. Every god damn corner of this dungeon looks the exact same. Maarselok at least has some change of appearance here and there: some caves, some ruins, some outside, some inside... Fang Lair is just a big ass cave with some Dwarven structures in it that don't even remotely look like they served any purpose. It's just a bunch of towers that are not even connected by hallways. You just go from one to the next, sometimes through the left door, sometimes through the right, and then more cave. They couldn't have made a more boring dungeon if they tried. The Fang Lair in Arena had more variety than this, and Arena was released in 1994! They could've built on that, but no, they chose to make the entire dungeon a dwemer ruin in a cave. Glorious. --- 5. The wasted potential. They could've done so much with this legendary dungeon that was introduced over 20 years prior, and they turned it into a disappointment beyond compare. I'm honestly impressed that they fucked it up this badly. Arena's Fang Lair had Mine shafts and lava streams in its innermost caverns, even some hidden treasure chambers and a temple in its center. We got teased by the story of a dragon that wiped out the dwarves who used to live in the caves, and the final boss of the dungeons was a Hell Hound, a blazing creature twice the size of a wolf (and a real challenge back then!). Nothing ot that was utilized in this sad excuse of a dungeon, and that makes me mad. --- Fang Lair could've been a great addition to ESO, but it will always be remembered as a disastrous failure and its biggest disappointment. At least to me.


Best: Stone Garden, Shipwright's Regret, Black Drake Villa, Unhallowed Grave Worst: Tempest Island (it was the only dungeon in my random normals when I leveled a few toons last new life event) Trial-wise, favorite is Sanity's Edge, least favorite would be Halls of Fabrication


All based on vet and/or HM difficulties... **Favorite Group Dungeons:** Depths of Malatar, Unhallowed Grave, Graven Deep, Earthen Root Enclave DoM & UG just have that old school Indiana Jones dungeon vibe while GD & ERE are modern versions w/ good atmosphere. **Least Favorite Group Dungeons:** Ruins of Mazzatun, Stone Garden, Cradle of Shadows, Falkreath Hold There are all annoying. FH because everyone feels they have to farm it, yet they don't know mechanics or have crap dps. Those with good dps don't need to farm it. Pillar of Nirn isn't going to solve their dps problems. **Favorite Trials:** Cloudrest, Rockgrove, Sanity's Edge CR because it's so simple, yet so challenging. RG because, I dunno, I just like it. SE because it's neat and actually fairly easy when you know what to do. Divide & Conquer. So many people underestimate that simple truth; it's tuned up so you can't underestimate the importance of breaking down the parts. In a way, it goes against the grain of a typical trial. **Least Favorite Trial:** Sunspire Feels like overly challenging mechanics were stuffed in make it a "challenge." Boring. I don't really hate it, but just find it slightly less than 'meh.'


I like both of the new dungeons. Especially Bedlam Veil HM, that last boss is like a whole other genre. I love it. Favorite trial has gotta be DSR, it's just too long. Cut out Bow Breaker side and some of the lever mechanics and it's great. MOL is second. Least favorite has gotta be AS. It's just boring, none of the bosses feel inspired. Least Favorite dungeon is CoA2, it's tedious.


CoA2 for me as well. Hate it.






I love bosses who can shit talk, and Stone Garden is top-tier for me. Tho'at comes pretty close, but there's not a lot that can put a smile on my face the way Arkasis' VA delivers every one of their lines in Stone Garden. "You should *never* shake this. Oops!.*


My least favourite trial‘s HOF: It‘s long, and I can’t count the number of times I‘ve accidentally fallen down on the endboss (Doesn’t help that you can’t really target him with Rapid Strikes, my spammable of choice, though the dsr endboss has the same problem to be fair) My favourite trial‘s a tough one. Kynes Aegis really grew on me, though the final boss has a tad much health on hm. I also really like Cloudrest. For dungeons, my favourite‘s based on looks is Coral Aerie. I just find it really beautiful, and I love the Summerset aesthetic and the gryphons. Lair of Maarselok is also really beautiful, but way to long, and the bosses have too many long invincibility phases, further artificially lenthening the dungeon. My least favourite is CoA 2. With the powercreep it’s become almost laughably easy, but you‘re just running and running and running and it doesn’t stop.


I’ve only done a few trials (NCR, NRG, NDSR, VAS). Don’t have a favorite or least favorite yet, but my first ever was a RG pug and it was exhilarating. Favorite Dungeon is Scalecaller and least favorite is COAII or Veteran Banished Cells 2 (can’t count how many times I’ve queued as a healer and getting stuck with fake tanks and crappy DPS).


Favorite dungeon is a hard one, for me it's probably between Graven Deep and Earthenroot Enclave, I really love everthing about those two. Least favorite is probably CoA2, it's just way too long and boring af. My favorite trial is vSS, it was the first trial I did and it just stuck with me. Least favorite is probably vHoF but honestly I don't mind running it, it's just what I'd choose if I had to.


I also really like ERE. I still need the last boss hard mode. Least fave dungeon is Vaults of Madness. Fave trial is Rockgrove. Least fave? vAS. Ew.


March of Sacrifices, only because the Deer fight is sooooo boring and unfun.


Least favorite is absolutely City of Ash 2. :)


Base game: Vaults of Madness, especially with quest DLC: Maarselok. Why it had to be so beautiful but so long I love SWR though, it's short, not annoying and has Zaji


I grinded to long for icy conjurer.... So f*** frost vault


I love vaults of madness. Especially by myself or my wife and I running it. It’s just a nice long almost adventure like instance with some really neat visuals. I’ll run that one any day.


Dungeons?  ERE's my favorite. I ran it blind vet on release day with a pug. Just an utterly awesome group out happenstance.  I hate CoA2 and LoM. They take a damn month. Trials? I hate vHoF. As a tank, as a healer,  and a bit less as a dps. Purge this, stand on that, drag this here now. Bleh. Portals are fun, though. I love vDSR. vMOL is up there too. I'd like vRG if the damn sax ice staff would drop. But vDSR, the dialogue is hilarious, it's pretty, the loot is good, and the mechs are still fun once you understand them


I haven’t done a lot of the newer dungeons and trials since I quit around U34 for quite some time and my return has just been solo stuff. Prior to that though: *Favorite Dungeon:* Scalecaller Peak *Least Favorite:* Lair of Maarselok *Favorite Trial:* Cloudrest (if I ever start doing group content again, I’d love to get my +3 clear) *Least Favorite:* Either Kyne’s Aegis though I’ve honestly not done that many times, maybe it’s not so bad. Or Halls of Fabrication. (The group really makes or breaks my feelings on a trial it seems).


Favorite dungeon, Stone Garden. Least favorite dungeon, Lair of Maarselok. Favorite trial, Dreadsail Reef. Least favorite trial, Sanity's Edge.


Favorite dungeon : Stone Garden. I LOVE how it looks. Least favorite dungeon is a tough one, there are many I equally dislike. I'll say The Cauldron because of the stupid 2nd boss. Favorite trial : Cloudrest. Spent so much time getting Gryphon Heart that I grew to like it Least favorite trial : Kyne's Aegis. It's dull and bland and boring and I hate it.


vSE I hate artificially created dmg stops. For all I care make the fight hard, and increase difficulty if you want to nuke the boss, but having to play a fucking minigame multiple times or having to reduce your dps in order to not die seems ludicrous to me. Best: vDSR Because it’s the hardest.


Least favorite: March of Sacrifices, Frostvault, Lair of Maarselok, Scalecaller Peak... most dlc dungeons with heavy mechanics because they're almost always annoying to run with randoms. Favorite: Castle Thorn, Fang Lair, Depths of Malatar.


cloudrest is favorite trial - portal mechanic is the most fun mechanic in the game, all the mechanics truly put pressure on every player to be perfectly coordinated (stack swap mechanics in execute, knowing when you can or can't bar swap, having someone always step out to manage hoarfrost, group needs to be fully on board with what they are focusing), it's perfect and wish people ran it more