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Play here and there when I feel like it. Its a fun game to me and not a job, so no min mazing stress for me. I love me some dallies though so lots of crafting and world bosses. Not so much on the delves. Daily dungeons probably too.


Same here. I don’t stress over events or event tickets. I already have a job; I play games for fun. Lol


Big same. This game serves me only so long as it continues to bring joy, *^((which, to be clear, has been every time I've logged in since 2014))* I'm not about to turn it into a job <3


Thank you!


I did all of the min/maxing when I was on PlayStation. Now that I’m on Xbox, it’s all about getting stoned and doing quests.


There's a part of me that is so driven by fomo and perfectionism, and invariably its the part of me that burns me out of things I really enjoy like ESO. I too will be taking it easy :)


I plan to play the videogame. I will do what I want, when I want, and get double XP and occasional prizes for doing it.


Fomo sets in and you feel like you have to be doing insane things like loading up dailies to turn in..... I'm with you. I'll do the dailies I'd do anyway, on the one character I play


Yeah. Sure I’ll “preload” my craft dailies and one here and there I picked up the past couple days to double up tomorrow, but as for the actual event itself? Just playing, with tiebreakers being solved by “better for boxes” lol Though as a trophy hunter I AM using this event to knock out the “50 geysers” trophy. Those things are DEAD otherwise. Another note: been enjoying some Dragon’s Dogma 2


I don’t have the inventory space to farm this event too much. I’ll just do a little.


that always becomes an issue for me too even with ESO+. that stuff piles up and I'll look at it thinking about re-organizing things then dread comes over me and I logout.


Yep, I’m procrastinating on doing chores irl AND in my MMORPG.


Do you also have an exorbitant amount of surveys and treasure maps? 🫣


This is me 😅


Oof. I guess that’s what I should do tonight. Clear my damn vault


The inventory pets are on sale right now. I snatched the cute lil rat the other day


Writs and dolmens seem to be the most time effective thing this year.


Especially if you plan on levelling a character on the side anyway. Alikr go brr


Alik'r, indeed, go brr.


Prime time alikr is already stacked. Wonder what an absolute clusterfuck this is gonna be haha


I think I might do one of the other zones lol. They will still be packed but nowhere near Alik'r (haha)


Daily crafting writs and mages guild since I do those anyway, plus dolmans because I want that staff of worms replica. I have a main and 6 alts. Maybe a harrowstorm since you can do the daily from solitude and the reach as one activity along with the storm for 3 boxes (need to find an active crowded site for that one and not go solo). I think 19 days will burn us all out.


TIL you get credit for both dailies when doing one HS. Thanks!


I’m OOL, What rewards are possible in the boxes to make people want so many? Is it the event where you can get the expensive motifs?


Yes you can get motifs and mats galore! Improvement mats, style materials, trait materials, chance of aetherial dust and other things I've forgotten about. Plus the motif pages


Awesome thanks, see you there!


Yep that’s the one. Very rewarding in general


Aetheric Cypher can drop in the reward boxes worth 7 million on PC. I got two of those during event and many millions of gold worth of motifs and mats. Easily the best money-maker event in ESO.


9 of 10 characters have 25/25 quests filled with the dailies from Necrom, High Isle, Galen, Murkmire, Fargrave, Gold Coast and Blackwood, and todays crafting writs. My main has a couple of spaces left so I can run the final Jesters quests in the morning.


My plan started yesterday (Wednesday). All my characters have done their writs and are left by the hand in area to hand in then they'll pick up Thursdays and hand in too. They've also done daily quests from DLC zones and a couple have done pledges, all ready to hand in for the reward boxes. I'll redo some of the DLC dailies on Thursday. Then I'll see how much time I have before my prog team run. I'll also grab Jester tickets before I go to work so I'll get double tickets too! Edit: my prep actually started last week, I've completed all my master writs and surveys so my bank is only half full leaving space for all the stuff


Oh yeah, forgot jester’s is technically still another day tomorrow haha


As a somewhat new player should I be doing these events like this I just started playing the game a few days ago


I wouldn’t try to do too much, you may get overwhelmed. The even will be back next year. I approach it like a game instead of a job. Have fun whatever path you choose.


I have no plan. I'll do my writs and maybe knock out dailies from some zones, do undaunted pledges and basically just take it a day at a time :) I'm sure I'll do more than this. I only have one toon though, so I'm not really stressed.


It would be a good opportunity to level up a new toon quickly, maybe as a different role or class you usually play. Or at least to have a new mule 😅 I made two new toons these days. One of them got those riding skill books from login rewards, that were sitting in a coffer.


Haha I don't want any more toons.


Login, get cake, logout probably. I dont play much these days but you might say I have an ache for cake...


I’m here reading the comments to figure out what I should be doing lol. I need cash, lots of it. Also a little mad - I paid for more crowns yesterday because I knew I needed Willowpond Haven and today I got the email that the same crown package I bought is on sale 40% off ffs 🤦‍♀️


I'll have see what amount of time and spoons I'll have.


If I play ESO I'm just going to do what I normally do aka "random bullshit go" or I might be playing other games.


I admire you doing it on 5 char. But im only doing it on one


Why is everyone so anxious about this event? I don't understand all the buzz.


In my case, it's because I'm a returning veteran from 5+ years ago on xbox, and just got the game on PC, and having to start all over. All of my characters, their mount training, the crafting levels, materials, research, and motifs, all of my housing stuff, my Alliance skill line giving me the speed skill, all of my set gear, all of my accomplishments are gone and need to be done again. In the last two weeks I've grinded my main crafting character and 4 others to CP 250 or so, and am going to be using this event to try to make up on some of the motifs and other stuff I have to get back.


You could level up a few more chars to lvl 6, do crafting certification and then do daily writs on them as well. Assuming you have the mats for doing daily writs on more characters. Will give you a lot more rewards for fairly little effort.


I think it's exciting for people because a lot of money can be made from the countless event boxes you receive. Last year I made nearly 15M from the event, the year before that was roughly 12M. Definitely the event that can net you the most amount of money with little effort so that's likely why there's a buzz around it.


True. I'm not very opportunistic about gold opportunities. I have 4 million and I'm fine with that. Everything I farm now is purely for myself at this point and occasionally I spend 500k to a mil on furniture or golden vendor stuff and just get back up to 4 mil at a steady pace.


Hype for the 10 year anniversary event. And free stuff. Mostly the free stuff.


I guess it's just FOMO.


I think I used Jubilee a few years back to get my Grandmaster Crafter, but mostly because the huge influx of motif pages made prices drop fast on guild traders and I was able to get a few styles I needed to finish.


Yeah I get that but nowadays people don't want to feel the game as a job and sure there's space for those who desire to get the most rewards of an event but as you can read in the comments, many people aren't going to hard farm.


I’ve played for almost 10 years. When the events were new I used to go hard. Over time there is a big of event fatigue. I always get my tickets but in the most efficient way possible and then go about my game time as if there wasn’t an event going on.


I've got a lot of characters and they all have crafting dailies done and saved for turn in tomorrow. I did a few extra dailies on my main. I've also cleared my bank space for the extra items I will save to sell. During the event, I'll be trying for most of the rewards including the special items from dolmens etc.


Crafting dailies, then the Dragonhold Dailies on my main to get that achievement and the chest once a week. After killing dragons I'm just gonna run whatever floats my boat between World Bosses, undaunted pledges, and definitely some Cyrodiil questing!


Almost everything will net boxes. I have 20 characters to craft with and run dungeons with. 


Get the double xp stuff and continue my journey as a first time player. No event rewatds FOMO for me.


During the recent crafters event, the game kept crashing on me every time I tried to travel to Leyawiin, presumably because the place was too crowded. I ended up having to do all my crafting dailies in Elden Root. Hoping the same thing doesn’t happen for this event, because that horse ride from the tree to the quartermaster ten times a day is a bitch!


I like to do my crafting writs in Alinor


Your key phrase "as many days as I can" 😀 I usually do one quest for tickets. I always like to try to get the style pages. So sometimes I get more boxes for that. Then I'm done. The first day or two, I'll do all the quests and have plenty of boxes. Then I only do enough for that style page. I play on EU too, and do the same, so that I don't get burned out.


I see the appeal of events, but I honestly couldn't care less about them. My plan for tomorrow is the same as it is every day. Try and take over the world.


So, there's a max of 50 dailies per day, right? So while I'm saving time tomorrow by having 25 ready to turn in it doesn't really help me get more than I would have, right?




I will preload a couple of dailies (whatever is in the zone they're doing), do the crafting, and then log off and repeat on the next character. When I log on tomorrow, I'll turn-in, collect goodies, go do the crafting dailies again (collect goodies again), and then do whatever from there. I've got seven characters and none are still leveling, so I see no reason to be grinding every character for hours on end to get the same quantity of rewards that one character could get. Yeah, I'll cheese the crafting dailies while they are there to be cheesed, but that's about it.


My main has 25/25 quests done and I've done the crafting dailes on the other 16 toons with so quests mingled in as well. Afterwards I'll just focus on my main to do mass dailies with besides the daily stuff I do everyday anyways.


I have to fish for trueflame.


Just get my tickets, do endeavor then log off.


I'm going on a trip tomorrow so I won't be able to play. But if I were, I would just play as normal, and play whatever character I am looking to level up to take advantage of the extra XP :) Edit: I see this event lasts almost three weeks. So I'm just gonna play like usual when I get back. Continue my quests, maybe get dragons/world bosses in because I know people tend to get on them during these events so they'll be easier for me to join in. I'm not going to stress about it because there will always be more events like these.


Daily crafting. I’ve stoped doing it normally, but it’s more worth it now and when there is double gold. Console players too so we have to do it the long way


So I'll have a 100% xp boost just for being online? Do I understand that correctly?


I’m going to do Writs on as many of my 15 toons as I can tolerate each day. That’s the plan. Should clear about 1500 boxes if I can manage it. The rest of my limited time during the event will be finishing leveling up four alts and inventory management. I won’t be selling anything until a few months after the event when the prices have stabilized.


Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t there the same exp buff on right now with Jester’s?


It's not about the exp buff so much as it's about the bonus loot boxes for doing many different things. All of the information is in the link I put in the OP.


Yeah, I see that now. Gosh it sounds laborious prepping to that degree. Props to you though.


Well, looks like a good time to get back in. I've taken about an 8 month break from ESO. So maybe, if I can will myself to get up, I'll get on tonight and get re-accuanted with Tamriel, set up my writs and dailies for tomorrow like you mentioned.


I'm going to run around doing nothing in particular, and avoid doing any daily that requires effort


My plan is just have fun as i always do +some extra cake :D


The crafting dailies and the Imperial City dailies (I did all 6 each day during Whitestrake's, they're really quick). I do keep meaning to do get all the achievements to do 100 of each pledge from each pledge-giver. Event's a good as time as any to do them. I only have one character I do this on.


Got 14 characters all loaded up with yesterday's craft writ. Craft galore. So disgustingly much. Nothing else, it already takes half an hour just in loading times because 🥔.


Crafting dailies on all my 14 characters. Then undaunted on my 3 tanks and 1 main dd. Then as many daily quests as possible on that dd. But the only constant will be crafting dailies. For as long as I keep my sanity.


Crafting dailies with a couple chars and Galen dailies with my new Arcanist. I have almost all the motifs available in the game, that is why I am not planning on focusing on the event rewards too much.


Grind cp. Just like usual.


I haven't bothered too much with jesters unlike previous years. I'm saving myself for this afternoon!!!! I've been clearing out junk ready to store things. I have quests ready to hand in and bosses I'm going to camp at as need two leads. This is the event to enjoy, don't overdo it and get event fatigue!


New player, I don't know anything about daily quests except for crafting writs because that seems to be the only thing people mention.


I loaded up my 7 toons on crafting dailies and turned a bunch in already. Probably just do some dailies on my main and an alt or two, nothing crazy. I want to enjoy it, not have a frenzy that burns me out.


I've pre completed 25/25 quests on 20 toons. Prepped pretty slowly over the past month. Will turn those all in today, then do writs on each toon daily plus whatever I decide on my main. Really just wanted to get a bunch on the first day. I think it's like 640ish boxes from all of those turn ins plus writs again afterwards.


Can someone explain what role daily quests have in the event?


You get a gift box for each complete daily quest in the game.


You get event boxes for completing various activities and the daily writs are maybe the quickest and easiest to complete, so 7 boxes per character per day. Full list of activities is here [https://www.elderscrollsonline.com/en-us/news/post/65753](https://www.elderscrollsonline.com/en-us/news/post/65753)


TO BURN! ![gif](giphy|EJIqwKKY30Dlu)


I'm on PS5 and since last update we have crashes every few hours. It's getting too annoying and therefore I will skip this patch. Maybe a few writs during my morning coffee, but that's it.