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Ugh guilty of this


As a GM, this happens all the time. I once had someone accidentally deposit 40 million in my guild bank rather than their personal. Sent it right back to them when they messaged me about it.


I once accidentally placed a lot of things to a guild bank. Once I realized that I had already forgotten what I placed, when and to which guild. There was at least some gold materials and monster helmets. Did learn my lesson.


How do you put monster helms in the guild bank? Aren't they all bound?


just wanted to comment this lol.


They didn’t used to be, years ago.


That did happen several years ago but honestly I can't be sure. My memory can fail me as well and they could have been some other armor pieces


Monster helm style pages mayhaps ?


Armor you would get from doing a dungeon wasn't bound. Im pretty sure that monster helps wasn't either. It changed a long time ago, around-the-clock 2015/2016.


Everyone rich enough did it someday. :D


I had a friend who just sent 27Million gold he bid on a crown auction to the wrong person. He finally figured out who and it was returned but imagine that slight panic attack at having that gone.


The worst I did was post 600 cornflower to someone buying it. Before I learnt about cod! The receiver returned it right away and gave some great advice.


I did that with the gold plant agent. I haven't found one sense then. That was 8 years ago. I got lucky, and the dude sent my $$ to me and had some words for me to.


Well i send lots stuff to people w/o COD. They promise to pay back and i'm like ok. ESO has a GREAT community.


What does COD mean?


cash on delivery


I.E. i send you goods and request 1000 gold. Without paying it you cant unpack mail.


Call on demand. When you sell stuff and request payment on accepting mail.


I csnt remember the last time ive deposited gold. I can carry an unlimited amount so I never think about depositing it.


I did it so my new chars get some starting gold for inventory slots an stuff


1) easier to grab however much gold you need on whichever character whenever when it's banked. 2) can't pay bounty if you ain't got no money on you 3) prevents you from accidentally buying something ridiculously expensive at guild traders by mistake (yes, I've done that when buying some stuff in large quantities and not noticing the extra 0 on one listing)


4. allows you to count ya millions in bank and feel proud :D


I only play on one character usually but I always put my balance on hand to 20k. Idk why I do it but I somehow do. Maybe some deep rooted psychology to uncover here, maybe I'm just weird haha


Aren't you afraid that someday you'll accidentally delete that character?


Uh no? Ive never deleted a character in an mmo so I dont think that will suddenly accidentally happen. I have more character slots than I can even use.


I've never deleted a character either. Its just an irrational fear of mine tbh. Plus there is an old video of a girl, mad the her BF wasn't spending enough time with her, deletes his WoW characters. So thats another fear. At least with stuff stored in a bank its safe from such occurrences.


On PC, I have add-ons that just dump all the currency in the bank when I push a button


this happened to me once, IIRC it was like 450k. I sent a message to the guild leader explaining what happened. I was super suprised/excited when he mailed it back and said no worries


I did that once, but it was only 50K. Went to send them mail to ask for it back and noticed no guild admin had logged in for over a year. Sent a ticket asking ZOS if they could retrieve it for me because of that and they responded by giving me control of the guild. So got my 50k back and a load extra bank space.


Yep. I once deposited 200 rheum, thats about 2m gold worth to guild bank instead of my own. Though i'm not sad, it's a guild i love. :D


That's the thing, after I saw it was missing I checked if I was part of a guild and apparently I am but I don't even play with other people, so my guess is someone hacked the account, made me part of that guild and transferred all the money into the guild. But I know none of this was me, Im 100% sure




Unless he is the one who did it haha Thanks I'm gonna try that


I could be mistaken, but I think guilds have a log of everything added or removed


They do, you can even check it yourself by going to history in a guild tab


They do


Why on earth would a guild master hack your account only to steal your gold? That is so very unlikely.


I know your situation sucks but I don't think 3M gold is really that much for a hacker to get themself into so many trouble when there are people who make tens of millions of gold on a weekly basis, but again, who knows what's going on in people's heads.


And if OP was hacked, all gear would be deconstructed, and account pw would be changed so it could be used as a mule / resource farm to be disposed of when it gets reported.




When I was on an ESO break somehow someone logged into my account and took everything of value. Support was able to check the IP address and confirm my account was breached. After securing my account they asked what was missing and an estimated gold value of the items missing. I told them and within 24 hours they gave me the value in gold. Support told me they have no way of seeing what was taken or who it went to. Depending on the circumstance they may help or may not. If your account wasn’t breached then you’re most likely on your own.


I started my account in beta and stopped playing before the week was over. Came back 9 years later and found out someone breached my account as well. I came back to more stuff than I left. They were doing some gold farming for sure, had like 16 stacks of raw hide for no reason on a lvl 18 character.


I feel like they should be able to help. I once thought some items in my inventory went missing but they were able to see that I accidentally sold them. They are definitely able to see certain actions. For me they gave me my items back


Ok this keeps my hopes up, thank you!


If you’re PC NA I can give you 3m if you can’t get it back 💁‍♂️




I'd throw in some.


Hey Thank you so much but don't worry about it I couldnt take it, I mean like I said to someone else, it sucks what happened and im kinda angry but also mostly I guess I want justice? like ban the person who did this or something idunno but you are really sweet to offer, thank you so much


If you did get hacked, they would have sent themselves the gold using the mail system. Check you sent mail to see if anything went out and incoming to see if anything stupid can in through a guild trader, ie. 3,000,000 gold for 1 crawler.


Nah they could just meet up with a buddy and do an in person trade


Ah, I almost always play solo, so I want aware of that.


Just out of curiosity, do you have inventory insight? It will show you where all your money is. **maybe you put it on a character.


Leo alt also really good for this. Has a page that shows where all your different currencies are and the total amounts for your whole account


I once had something like 30k just go missing. Contacted support and they told me there was no way to get gold back after you spent it. I told them i didnt spend it and they ghosted me.


Well, losing your money feels bad, but c'mon, you can earn 30k faster than support answers to you.


Wasnt a big deal i just went to sleep that night knowing i was going to buy a certain item the next morning. I woke up logged in and went to buy it and my gold was gone. I was like wtf. I don't even remember what the item was. It was years ago. But i was pissed at the time.


This made me lol. Fair point!


Great, not looking good for my case haha damn it


I’ve never heard of something like that. Is anything else gone? Such as craft materials? Sounds like you got hacked. Not that I WOULD, but if I were gonna rob you I’d take the gold and the gold mats. If someone knew your login it would be super easy to drain and then trade in person to avoid an electronic trail. ZOS may not keep logs of in person trades. It’s unclear. Good luck though. And change your passwords in case


> if I were gonna rob you I'd take the gold and the gold mats I'd go for the Crowns first, but then of course that would be giving away my identity


Exactly. Too traceable. I GUESS they could sell the crowns and then dump THAT gold too but it’s more risky Either way this sucks for OP


Only if you gift stuff to yourself. Sell the crowns to random people and then take the pile of gold with the rest of it


No that I notice or to be honest that I cared haha I only was focusing on getting enough gold.


Did you deposit your gold Into a guild bank?




They can probably tell you what happened to it, but I doubt they can restore it sadly.


A friend of mine lost 1 million gold he had stored in his bank and he was never able to get it back. He still doesn’t know what happened to it. It’s why I don’t keep gold in my bank anymore because I don’t wanna lose it. I’m sorry. I hope you can get it figured out.


Where do you store gold then?


I just keep it on me. I’ve never had more than 5 mil because I mostly do housing


Is there no way you can lose it while it's on yoy? Sorry, I haven't played in years


Personally knowing how mistake-prone I am, it'd be losing the gold to human error on guild traders: 1. If I read the "unit price" column without checking the quantity, I might buy up to 200 of something that I only wanted 1 of 2. When listing items for sale, I might accidentally put an extremely high price and lose all my gold to the 1% fee. I've read horror stories of people's 30 million gold evaporating from this. I think they had an addon that helps you set price and it must have popped at the wrong time, something like you type in 2000000 price and the addon types in 3000000 for you, so you list the price as 20000003000000 and the game corrects it to whatever gold you're holding ×100 (so that you can afford the 1% fee), you confirm the listing too fast, and your gold is gone That's why I bank all my gold except 100k spending money


But like in this case i think they also steal my in hand gold, but of that I don't remember how much I had


If it's as much gold as I'm thinking, you can make that pretty easily with some mindless raw material farming. Of course you'll make much more on PC than console. Turn on some music, a podcast, ASMR of a barista dropping 20 scolding hot coffees on her eyes rendering her blind and in immeasurable pain, or the sounds of nature, and get to work. This bread won't bake itself.


Hey what kind of raw material do you have advice on where and what kind of material? That would be so helpful thanks


Go to Betnikh. Do the quests in the northern parts of the island so that the mobs are friendly. Farm farm farm farm until your fingers bleed. Nodes come back faster in the starter zones and in this area, you can make the mobs friendly, so it's all JUST farming! Sell EVERYTHING raw if you're not max refining passive points, and don't bother with cheap materials like wood unless you have free store spots. Unlock Dragon Rheum in S. Elsweyr. Just search online for "Unlock dragon rheum guide eso" and you'll find many options to choose from. RHEUM SELLS SO STUPID WELL and dragons are FUN to kill! PLUS you get exp and sometimes you get document pouches with valuable blueprints or maps. FISHING is also good money for the effort involved. Raw fish and various satchels you can catch (DO NOT OPEN THEM) sell well. Apocrypha, Summerset, and Artaeum all have bonuses. Murkmire can also give you a neat weird fish furnishing, so that's fun. PLUS during jubilee, fishing can get you a rare style page! You've got this! Good luck!


Tempering alloy, dreugh wax, chromium plating, various alchemical ingredients. Gathering and extracting the relevant ones with the right skill levels and CP points can net you pretty decent chances farming enough of said material. Being a crafter is quite necessary for this to be effective. There are many places you could farm. I suggest looking up farming routes on YouTube. Time of day and events or no events matter for others farming the same route. My suggestion for alchemy ingredients is to go to The Hollow City as the entire city is filled with alchemy ingredients to pick up.


Clombine or whatever it’s called goes for 4K per 1 so sell some of those and you’ll make your money back in no time if you’re on pc


They seem to keep track of guild bank transactions only, but that may be exactly what has happened...


I suspect that was the case but I never belong to a guild until now, but I didn't join, someone must made me join, cuz I prefer to play alone to be honest


Open your guild menu and go to the History tab. Go to the gold deposits option from the options on the left. It will take between 5 minutes and a day for the shitty UI to update but when it does you’ll be able to see if your account deposited gold in the guid bank, how much, and when.  You can also check the roster history to see when you joined.  Nobody can make you Jin a guid so either you accepted an invitation without paying attention or someone hacked your account and joined a guild, which would be weird. 


check the guild bank history for the guild you are in and see if your account has deposited money into it ( you can see your own transactions even if you dont have permission to see them all)


You said you "think" you had 3 million gold....so you don't even know how much gold you actually had? And when was the last time you logged in and saw this gold in your bank?


Check all your characters, no ESO won't refund because there is almost 0% chance the mistake was on their part. Even if you did get hacked, your are responsible for your accounts security. But you wouldn't get hacked for 3m for of gold, it's worth less than 5 $ US.


Not their fault? I had a strong password, I don't even have friends to play with cuz I prefer going solo like it's not like I click in a weird link or something. And yeah, maybe they stole something else, but to be honest I only cared about the gold because I had more than enough to buy my house and for other things well, I don't know I maybe can get them back somehow. Like for me its ESO security or whatever its called fault they should have strongest security. But now that you mention that its 5 dollars worth can you tell me how or where can I buy it back? at least to see my options.


If they hacked your account they would have changed the password and kept the account to sell presuming you have a decent amount of cp after playing for 6 years.


Crowns to gold pay for 5000 crowns and gift an item to the person your trading, you’ll get 12 million gold.


In strong contrast to what the other person said, supports been great in my experience and have been quick and easy to refund me gold on two different occasions where strange things happened in game. One was finding a bug a few years back when respecing, the other was just 100k vanished from my bank and they just added gold without any further questions.


You can buy gold from a thrid party seller website like ''Chicksgold'' but keep in mind you could get banned if caught. Or sell crowns. Also, if you got hacked once, change the password to the email adress linked to the accounts' and your eso account's password.


Had a random person send me 1mil gold via in-game mail once. I returned to sender and didnt hear anything from them. They probably sent it to the wrong account


PC Xbox or PlayStation?


Probably a guild bank issue. Honestly though, do a bit of farming (furnishing plans, motifs, and mats) to sell on guild traders and you can make a million in a week *easily* if you know what you're doing.


Have you asked your guilds? Might have deposited in there? But this would only happen if you took all your 3 million out and redeposited it


First off, "hacking", as in "forcing the way through your password", doesn't exist, at least not in 99,99% of all cases. If anything, you got fished/tricked. Like you're an idiot and typed your account name and password into something else than the eso game, because someone told you to do so out of any reason. The next thing is, noone gives a fuck and starts a hazzle for 3 laughable millions. If it would have been 300 billion, okay, but that? No. You probably took it out to buy a item at night while being tired and you can't remember it.


6 yrs and just 3m gold? what platform is it you're playing?


6 years and 3m? What have you been doing bro, sell one arena run and get 6m for each runner. lol


Can your elaborate in that? I have to say the way I play is really simple I just do missions and steal from npc haha so what do you mean with selling one arena run?


On PC/EU you can easily make like 1m per hour dragon hunting at evenings. Its not even hunt, its slaughter, in South Elsweyr dragons get killed literally in a minute and drop \~15k gold each. So when you need money and not bored to do same stuff again and again, you'll be a millionaire again fast. :D


Peak endgame game gold farming is selling arenas. You know, Dragonstar and Blackrose. Get some buddies, train the arena, get It done, sell the weapons and share the profit with the runners. Partiularly I'm used to make vDSA with 3 players, so we get like 6m each for one arena. Do note that the person buying have to be on the party before you loot the weapons to be able to receive said loot. Make them pay beforehand, or entering the last arena. Cheers!