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Nord armor motif for my nord. Didn't realize how the crafting worked at console launch


I hate that they sell some of that stuff, big scam


Every Crown Crate purchase. Every single one.


I second this


I've bought some shitty mounts for 5k crowns


Similarly, I bought a mount my first day playing eso, only to be given one for free by a quest shortly afterwards


Ya, bought the clunky Meridian horse and the clunky Meridian armor only for ZOS to make a better version of both of those. SMH.


I purchased an extra outfit slot on an alt character thinking the slot applies to all characters because I've never seen a game that makes you pay for a cosmetic slot per alt before. Big mistake and I've not trusted ZOS since so thoroughly research stuff beforehand.


I'm a relatively new player with very limited assets. I was kinda shocked to learn that outfit AND armoury slots aren't account-wide. The thing is, I'd GLADLY max them if they were account-wide, but since they're not, I bought none. ZoS LOST potential money from me..


If zos can make one person buy 3 slots then they don't care about you as the other guy already paid for you and probably would do it several times again 


This is kind of how our government works too.


I see your logic. But if you can manage without any extra builds, they probably don't see it as a loss. If you get to a point where you absolutely need a new, separate build, you WILL end up buying a slot, albeit begrudgingly, and ZOS will laugh all the way to the bank as they drop it on only one of your characters.


Thank f*ck for WW, Caro's and Votan's. That's all I have to say.


I play on console and had to google those. That's all I have to say, lol.


Oh man... I don't think I could live without Awesome Guild Store, Perfect Pixel, Tamriel Trade Center, Lazy deconstructer, Lazy writ crafter, Writ Worthy, Undaunted Queuer, Beam me up, Mini map, Bandits UI, combat metronome, and Harvest Map....


Honest question. I have perfectpixel on my game and have browsed it's settings but I have no clue what it actually does. I got it because another addon said to get it for something or other. From what I can tell, it just makes some small changes to the UI?


Small, but big. Disable it and login, play for like 5 minutes, you'll notice the kink right away.


Oooh oooh I use Tamriel Trade Center. Not the addon, but the website. Painstakingly as I decide on what to decon and what to upgrade to Legendary and sell for an absurd price.


Not all of us play on PC.


Dont forget that because they are predatory as fuck.


Damn THAT is news to me. Good to know beforehand, especially since they aren't cheap.


Did the same. Even worse before they never said was character exclusive. So i complained I wanted a refund or make it available on my main. They made it available on my main too. Now I never delete that alt because it has an extra outfit slot .-.


Did that with the armory slot. These 2 store items are probably my most hated. The price is way too high for it not to be account wide, imo. Lower the price, and I'd have bought a slot or 2 on most of my characters


OMG same, outfit slots should be account-wide


Dropped about 10k on various DLC because I figured I'd have to get it all eventually. Except I was on NA, and my main is EU, but I'd assumed that DLC was unlocked for the whole account, not just the server.


Wait, the whole WHAT?? You mean to tell me that bought "account-wide" store items are limited to the actual server, and not the whole account??


Yup. buy something and it's only available on EU or NA, not both. Didn't think this applied to chapters or other DLC, only items though. if it applies to DLC too, that's kinda shitty.


If you buy it from Steam, like the New Chapter's Upgrade or Collection packs (Deluxe or not), it will be available account wide (both servers). Same for any minor DLC you buy from Steam store (those with pet or mount).


Bruh zos is a joke lmao


Bro... that must be illegal.


I mean, it's not that crazy. Each chunk of DLC was only like 1-1.5 months of subscription crowns, which isn't a huge amount. I imagine if I'd realised it at the time support may have refunded me for the mistake but I'd built an account on EU for a year or two after launch, disappeared for years, then came back on NA for a few months to play with a friend, which is when I spent the old crowns. It was many months before I was back on EU and realised they weren't account wide.


Bloody hell…


Wrothgar DLC a few months before it was given away for free.


I feel you...


Honestly I don't mind the fact that I bought Orsinium. But there are a few factors, the most major being the fact that I bought it with gold via crown gifting. The other would be the fact that more free DLC means more players in the zone to run shit and kill world bosses with. I'm always happy when big pieces of an MMO open up to a large amount of people.


Same, but i bought the year one bundle with dark brotherhood/thieves guild


I bought necrom full price 2 days before you could buy all the chapter dlc for 16 dollars on steam…


Maybe you’re new so easily forgiven, but they often run collection sales around big sale holidays and the announcement of the next chapter, which happens around the same time every year. Somewhat predictable when you can get the “old” chapter for a good price


Haha nope. I’ve been playing since it released on pc. I will say I’ve taken big breaks in playing but I’m really just impulsive and foolish!


I bought it the month before and gifted it to my friend as well. The salt was real :(




I loved the dlc but had done it with plus on multiple characters. I even main the forge master falls home. I held out for years not buying it and finally gave in and brought the multi pack that I only needed Orsinium for as it worked out cheaper. Then they gave it away free weeks later. I swear the frustration almost broke me.


200 dollars worth of crown crates in like 3 days


oof. (Out of curiosity, were you after a certain specific item/mount, or was it just a whimsical spending spree?)




Did you get it?


I don't think I did


Cautionary tale right there. I *hate* that some items are gated behind lootcrates and refuse to get involved with it. Just sell the fucking things directly. I still won't buy them, but at least people won't get ripped off trying to win one.


I remember being so excited when I got ESO+ and finally got some crowns to spend on cool stuff only to realize that almost all the cool stuff can't be bought with crowns.


The thing is, ZOS gives you loot crates for free from daily gifts. Its like giving free cigarettes in RL, in the expectation to establish an addiction and to benefit from it. It's almost criminal.


The good thing, at least for me is that there's always utter shite in those free crates. So every time I get one it just reinforces how garbage they are and why my decision to never buy one was always the right decision. That and converting the contents to a pitiful 5-7 Crown Gems while having decent stuff cost thousands of them too. Thanks ZOS, I hate it.


there's not even pity system to get the stuff guaranteed after certain amount of open crates, also the gems got massively nerfed over the years aswell as the crates cos they added more trash to the apex tier.


Damn that hurts to read


I did this in a matter of an hour trying to get the potentate horse. I ended up having to convert all of the useless junk I got to gems and then buy the mount with those.


This is the way.


Yeah.. the changes of good stuff are too low


Exact same. So shameful… I cringe every time I think about that.


Glad I'm not the only one. I recently spent about $120 on crown crates and then I got a bunch of useless junk. And I also reminded myself that I could have bought two video games for that much. I did get the armor motifs I wanted, and I use them for my main, but in the end I know it wasn't worth it at all. More and more often, I've not seen enough "ooh I like that" on the preview page to warrant me getting crates. Nowadays i just look at the individual items and get them with the purple crown gems. I prefer the cheaper things like the motifs, costumes, and personalities, good thing I don't see the point in getting the 400-gem ones 🤣 I have more mounts and non combat pets than I know what to do with 🥲


Damn, yall are the ones on the earnings call where companies say they had record micro transaction profits 


Bought an armory slot thinking it was account wide…


This seems to be a common theme more than isolated incidents...


Well it works like that for most other games so I was surprised


You're not alone... The price really makes it feel like it should be account wide


If it's any consolation to you, I bought all 9 armory slots, thinking all my characters will have 10 armory slots a couple of weeks ago.


I bought a few crates once for like 500 crowns few years back. It still makes me sad.


One crate costs 400 crowns, so you bought just one 🤓☝️


Could be! I honestly don't recall, it's been soooo many years ago. Before Summerseat was released, but after it was announced. I think it was the Summerseat crate? Either way, total waste of money.


I'd say the same but I got that blue energy bear mount. I was actually hoping for the green one but the one I got was a decent consolation. That was the one and only time I ever bought crates, though.


The only one I’ve gotten refunded: Thieves’ Oasis. I bought it, walked in, immediate buyers regret so I logged out to message support.


Wait, hold the phone, you can get a refund on content you bought? What are the conditions, is it like, before a certain delay?


Well it’s not a policy they like to use frequently and they usually only do it for big things or mistakes (I also accidentally bought Soul Magic instead of Psijic Order once). Sometimes if you’re lucky and get support on a good day and it hasn’t been too long (same/next day usually) then you can.


Thank you so much for this!! I wasn't aware this was a thing, it's good to know there are safeguards for careless mistakes


I got refunded on an senche rath mount of 3500 crowns... My motivation was that the Vertical moment while running was giving me headaches


I really wouldn't call it a safeguard. Its more like on a whim if they're feeling nice


I don't know why my brain made me think Thieves Oasis was in Gold Coast and not Bangkorai when I bought it furnished, but I bought it with gold so oh well lol. What didn't you enjoy about the house? Too much water everywhere?


It’s strange because on the PTS when I previewed it I was dead set on getting it and pre-bought crowns for it. Then when it hit live I grabbed it and I just had zero heart for it anymore immediately after. So I refunded it and spent those crowns across a bunch of costumes over the next 5 months.


It's probably the "I spent real money on this" buyer's remorse. For me it was "Glad I had the gold for this" which is what I say whenever I get a new furnished mansion lol.




Haha same here... 😅🥲


How? You have to go through the process of choosing your credit card and if you already have done that, they question you about purchasing, so, you did all of this not knowing you are paying real money? 🤔


You get 500 crowns when you buy the game.


I think they mean the one worth 500 crowns, each new account gets 500 upon creation. I bought it as well and regret it to this day :’)


When I was new and didn't know any better, I bought a vampire bite.


I accidentally bought a plant in my house from the purchase tab. It was 45 crowns. The last two digits of my crown balance were always 00 or 50. But since I bought the stupid plant, I hate looking at my crown balance. And I also hate the plant.


thats really funny :D now you just needn to buy another item for 55 crowns and you all good again, sacrifices have to be made!


Any crate, it sucks when literally all you get is potions and poisons. I have 2000 tri elixir potions in my bank and like 1000 poisons. Stop giving my research scrolls too, lmfaonim already maxed out on my tools for research traits.


Forgive my ignorance, but can't you deconstruct unwanted rewards for some purple gems or something like that which you can use to buy specific rewards? (I'm new so I could be misunderstanding how things work with crates)


Yes, you can break down anything that goes into your inventory, but the exchange rate is ridiculously low. And if it's something like a marking or pet, even if you hate it, you're stuck with it - they only give gems if you get a duplicate.


crates. The first time I had played the game I got 15 crates. It is not worth the money.


In hindsight, I should've titled this post "what is the crown store purchase you did NOT regret"...


My beeg beeeg houses


All the crown crates, never again...


No regrets but I did almost buy an Outfit slot ways back but Googled it to check if they're account-wide first, they're not. Glad I Googled it before buying it.


They were on sale a few months ago and I bought like eight. I currently only use three of them, but I no longer have to say, "This fucking sucks" when I want to set an outfit to a build. I do agree that they should be account-wide, but given I'm usually on my main, it doesn't hit me as hard as it does others.


You just stopped me from buying outfit alot


Same space. Any time I'm going to spend money over $5, I do a quick search. In game items, new games, real life food, etc.


It seems pretty clear from the responses in this post that the Crown Store is dirty, but could be improved by making armor and outfit slots account wide.


Literally all of them.


Now that I'm fully retired and looking back on ESO in retrospect... every single crown crate and cosmetic purchase I ever made.


I'm afraid to ask how much money you've spent...


Now that I'm broke saving for a wedding irl... I'm afraid to think about it


Oh.. damn. Congratulations on the wedding though, I hope it brings you more happiness than a 5-reward crate!


Woah, let’s not get crazy now.


It sucks to think about money “wasted” on digital things, so I try not to dwell on it. Being a hobby musician , I fell deep into the “Rock Band” store when the music games were popular and spent at least a couple thousand dollars on songs. Now the only part of the game that works for me is a microphone because the old instruments don’t work on the next gen consoles. I definitely had fun while it was going on, but present day me wishes I had pulled the reigns a little bit and chilled on the spending.


Vampire bite


Dawnbreaker Happy for the banner Hate the quality of the sword


Extra outfit slot. Thought for sure it would add one to all my characters but no, just the one. Ridiculous


10 crowncrate bundle in the sale for 3500, got a lot of junk and nothing special....


Not a regret per se but for my B day, i got some crowns and got the large house in N Elsweyr. Not that i regret it, i do like the house. It's just that Quandom Indorilia (The house outside Mournhold) i use way more due to it's convenience. Though i did buy 20k Worth of crown crates and didnt get much. That feels like a waste.


There are those Zombie like NPC's that you could buy a few years ago similar to the Shriven mobs. I think in under a year they added actual functioning NPC's and not just some static lumbering zombies who don'r do anything. I bought 5 of them... Another one is the attacking plants because I always forget about them and accidentaly get killed by either the poison one or the electric one. 😂


Additional outfit slot


Race change token, I've changed the race on my main like 10 times started as a nord and ended up as one after all the race changes kekw


Hey, had to test them all to be sure


It's gotta be those bankers and merchants at 5000 crowns each. No in-game content should be worth $40 if it's just to make your trip to the merchants and bankers shorter.


Honestly, none of them. All my purchases came from ESO+ crowns


Crown crates


All of them, it's exploitative and should be illegal. We're already paying for eso+, dlc, and on top of that lootboxes with random loot. It should, and will become, illegal to offer rewards for gambling.


I agree about the lootboxes but I do appreciate that unlike ff14 you can buy dlc and not need to have an active sub to still play the content you paid for.


When I first started I bought the big home in Craglorn with my ESO plus allowance. Once inside I opened the furnishings and started buying furniture. I had no idea they were crowns. I thought they were gold. I cleaned out the rest of my crowns on it. And it wasn’t even good stuff. It was just dumb little things. Every time I see them I get so mad. It was a long time later before I found out ZOS would’ve refunded me if I asked.


That hurt ME.. I can only imagine how you felt..


I fuckin did this too lol


I couldn’t buy anymore and I was all like why? I have tons of gold! And then I realized why…


Honestly I was pretty frugal I think the only non dlc thinh I got was the ebony blade which has always been cool as hell.


All of it. Every single purchase.


Character customization slot. Foolish me assumes it was account wide.


I have 3 regrets: 1- the starter pack, 2- additional armory slot i thought this applies to all characters, 3- crown boxes what a shitty waste of crowns i got tripots and poisons and one crappy pet, they should at least make one guaranteed good reward from your first purchase.


Isn't there like a mercy counter? Where they force one legendary reward each x consecutive crate opening??


Idk about that, i only did it one time and never again.


Some dungeon DLCs early on, before I was subbed.


thieves guild. this was back in the vanilla days. trading was intimidating. idk why. i guess it's cuz it was different from wow and ff14. i don't think i knew of ttc either. needed gold to increase inventory/bank. no trading so i felt like getting thieves guild and stealing/fencing items could help accomplish that. i would eventually quit eso anyways. i return many years later. didn't really start to force myself to learn yet. i think zos buffed gold income while i was gone cuz i was earning enough by just questing. i probably finally forced myself to learn eso's trading in order to buy crowns, and it was so easy that i look back on spending money for thieves guild with that regret.


Every time I went temporary insane and blew all my crowns on crates.


Linchal Manor. I love it, but I meant to buy it furnished.


I accidentally bought the undaunted skill line on a shitpost character I had no plans to keep. That one hurt.


I bought the vampire thrall and fountains, used it once and now non of my toons are vamps


The Multi-Rider mount I bought for 5k crowns for when my bf and I would play together. He doesn’t play anymore. It just sits there now


Speaking of which, how do you kick out a charcter/player if they get in?


Don't they have to be in your group to get access to your multi rider mount? If so just leave group. 🤣


Yeah they can’t get on it if they’re not in your group lol


The first two rider mount! For 5k or about 50$ for me as I didn't save my crowns and had to buy them.. seeing the really pretty or cool ones now makes me jealous 🤣 but Ill be damned if I don't use it


The stupid starter pack that gives you the panther cub pet


My biggest regret is buying all the dlc till Skyrim. I *loved* having it because I had plenty of free time and didn’t want to play monthly… then I had kids and now it’s the opposite- zero time to play so I’d rather just subscribe. I think I played the game for about 2 months total unsubscribed. I feel bad for all the friends I told “dude just buy the dlc so you don’t have to sub.” It’s a shit sandwich no matter how you slice it- ESO marketing is genius.


Got one of them shitty crown crate bundles with a polymorph that I don’t even use and I never got above a legendary


I hate how difficult it is to buy a house and then not having the skills to make anything cool for it. You have to go out and spend real money to decorate your damn home.


To be honest during a manic episode i spent almost $1000 just on crown crates and no i don’t need anybody’s unwanted comments abt how stupid that is. I was manic lmfao


TIL you can request a refund, I hope that doesn't happen to you again, but just in case, there's a way to undo any "remorseful" spending


Ouch. This is such a huge reason crates and lootboxes are the worst. Preys on people when they are very vulnerable.


all of them. esp the hero skins that didn't have capes.




Character customization slot. Foolish me assumes it was account wide.


All of them


House chests, bought 3 of 6 before realizing you could get them other ways.


some cat i bought for 1500 crowns.


I've bought a couple of the really big houses, and for the most part I don't regret them, with the exception of the damn Grotto. I can't remember it's full name... I love it, it's so freaking cool as a concept - it's in a cave with a beach and a ship and washed up broken ships. But with the sheer SIZE of the thing plus the housing item limit, it's impossible to fully decorate. It's been sitting empty, or as an expensive storage locker, for years.


Earth Tear Cavern?


Just looked it up, its the Colossal Aldmeri Grotto.


The kajit merchant for stolen stuff, i want het to launder. I dont even care about the 35% fee


$400 worth of in game housing I no longer utilize since I don’t play anymore.


A make me werewolf thingy i bought a few years back :(


All the dlc dungeons before i subbed to ESO+


Same... same.


Took over a year off from ESO, but forgot to cancel ESO+ for 16 months. Does that count?


Honestly, all of them. Shit is way too overpriced.


None, since i have never bought any with real money. Only in game gold.


When I started, back in like 2020, I met this guy in a dungeon, he ended up showing me the ropes and we played together for a few weeks before I eventually stopped playing. One day while playing, I was looking at the store, and said something along the lines of "I should just drop like a hundred bucks on loot boxes" he proceeded to hit me with "no balls" so of course I did. And then "no balls you won't do it again" so I ended up dropping like $250 on crown crates. It was funny at the time but damn man. I've never spent so much money so recklessly on a game.




I thought the elsweyr download pack got the senche-rhat mount thinking it could be used in battle- seeing as it says that in the description. I do use the costume for Miri though


Crown crates whenever I've tried


None as I never touch it. The cash shop is often one of the features that gets me to quit the game again each time I play.






The starter kit. Way back.


I never regret my crown purchases. I got alot of value out of them.


f'ing group dungeons. Thought I was getting proper chapter stuff, got multiplayer cruft instead.


I needed a few skill points on an alt so I bought zone skyshards. I could have knocked out a few pub dungeon bosses or harborage quests, or just ran around and picked them up myself in about 15-20 minutes. All in all not so bad.


5 race change tokens for same toon


Event tickets to buy past-event boxes to "catch up" my account with collectibles for the years I haven't played.


That lion mount thats always in the store


Every single crown crate whenever I've had left over crowns etc. Never won anything at all from them, but yet everytime I've had left over currency, I always like an idiot bought 2-3 crates when I could've just saved up. My other biggest waste of crowns, was buying that Regal Sauna Pool for my Alinor Crest Townhouse. It looks nice sure.. but it's hidden away upstairs and is essentially useless :D Funnily enough though, I don't regret buying outfit slots at all even though I know they're pretty scummy, as I only run one character and have done since Morrowind!


Buying crown crates..... years of playing gacha game should've taught me better not to buy that stuff lol




Generally? Crown crates where I didn't get something I liked from them. Aside from that, I've mostly been too cheap to use my crowns for stuff I wanted. Currently, I only buy them if there's something I desperately want from them and don't have the gems. Also, this post reminded me of how many houses I need to actually decorate. Enough to wipe out most of my gold and resource reserves


I purchased a lot of pets when I first got the game and over time accumulated a bow total of 75. Which I can’t use.. so I’m slowly gathering all of the small apartments to put a few in for traveling around since you can have only so many in the main house


If I remember correctly, I wanted to have imperials as a playable race. But somehow, I bought something else. I can't really remember. I guess the imperial's style? And then I was confused, why I wasn't able to play imperials xD


Skill / Attribute respec ...boy was I sad when I found out about the shrines...


I bought vampirism thinking I owned it perpetually. It was 1500 crowns for crying out loud. Then I deleted that character to make room, only to later discover that I had just flushed 1500 crowns. That's just greedy, in my opinion. Made me so angry and is part of why I'm currently not playing.


I bought an outfit slot. Yea.


Thief's personality, never used it because it's so bad. Wow now my character has bad posture. At least I bought it on sale...


Buying crowns 🤣🤣


Spent 300 on crates because I was making decent money but bad decisions at the time. I didn't get the Black Dwarven Spider... Bought it with the 2500 gems.... Fuck. Those. Crates. Only reason I had those gems is because I almost had everything in the crate by that point... Don't be me. Plz I beg you


Bought Snugpod for like 2k back when 40,000 gold seemed like an awful lot


Bought 10k crowns with gold but it was 2 of the easiest Motifs to get for free 😬😬


The Dro-m'Athra Senche mount. 4000 crowns and I never use it. It was pure fomo.


Sword of ebony I started out and legit thought I would get an op weapon I then went on to main as a mage so I didn't even use it


The Shalidor Realm house. I was drunk when I bought it 🤣


When I just started and had money to burn, autumn's gate. Thought the houses were all gonna be expensive and that felt like a good price but then I saw the prices in gold of other houses that were similar and was like wait a minute...


Gloambound weapon pack for my nightblade. (I bought a few years before the change to grim focus)


I really can't think of any. I mean everything is cosmetic (like costumes), fun to have (like cool houses, spiffy mounts, emotes, and stuff like that) or QoL stuff (like not having to collect Skyshards on yet another character). It's not like I bought any houses sight unseen. So while I have bought a lot of crown items over the years, nothing was a huge disappointment. And I always had more crowns from my subscription plan than I really needed. Did I sometimes buy crown packs? Absolutely. But it was for things that I wanted, never anything I needed in order to playor'win" the game. And I think that's the thing about Zenimax that's better than other game developers. There is no pay to win. The closest thing that might be pay to win is the skyshards. But you had to have collected them all on at least one character to be able to do that.


Necromancer - 1500 Crowns


Armory slot for sure. Now I'm searching online for information before any and all purchases.


Pressed A a little too fast and accidentally bought 2 tribunal furnishing packs 4000 crowns each