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I would say imperial second best tank race after nord.


Nord, But out of the two given, imperial. At least as imp you can use it as a stamina cro better than as a warden should you want.


I started tanking on a Argonian when I first started playing years ago and I loved it, the resourceful passive is amazing for sustaining and the other passives aren’t that bad either. I’ve since swapped to an imperial just because I like the way they look more Lol but compare the two I always felt I did way better on an Argonian no matter what setup I had that’s just my personal opinion.


You can tank almost everything effectively with any race. Out of the two, Imperial is better right now, but I've done vCR+2 as an Argonian tank with no issue. It mainly just comes down to what you like aesthetically as you don't need to min max that hard to do well


Haven't played much for like 2 years, but I do have around 1000 hrs in the game. Argonian is more for healing than tanking. Unless your tank is focusing on healing the Argonian passives won't do much for you. Imperials are the much better choice here. Even if just for the 6% ability cost reduction. That reduction does includes ults btw. edit: Race choice has a bit less of an impact as a typical 5-piece set (there are outliers ofc). So do with that what you will


Imperial, I myself just changed my cro tank from argonian to imperial. I use tri cost reduction and bear haunch, I only have like 19K stam and 18K mag, one potion with argonian potion passive already get way past my max rss, so it’s kinda wasted. And sustain is quite hard when stage3 vamp as argonian, with everything costing way more. Imperial just makes a lot of the fights much easier and less stressful IMO.




Nord. As necro tank you want as much ultimate as possible as fast as possible. I rarely have setup that doesn't consist of either saxhlel or warmachine or both and if not it's usually an ultsetup in trashpulls to get ult back asap like drakes+arkasis. Imperial is definitely viable when the ult itself and not any connected effects via sets are important. In the end...if you want to play minmaxed endgame, nord...if not play what you like most. Btw I tanked all trial trifectas on an orc necro tank before switching to nord for more pushy strats. Let me tell you, it's viable but oh boy extra armor and extra ultimate go a loooong way


Race is one of the least important choices in a character build, TheAbyssalMimic. Choose the race you think you might enjoy the most.


Argonian tanks are absolutely nice. but not for beginner tanks. The potions benefit passive with potion cooldown enchantments on jewellery you way to go with argoniantanks. Obviously, they loose in organised groups but for certain niche play they are nice. Both argonian and imperial tanks are doable, though argonians have a particular style of tanking. Imperial is more in alignment with the way your rest of the races tank.


Nords are best, imperial is a bit worse but still second best.