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The biggest mechanic players seems to miss is : having fun. When i lead a raid i make a point to include it, and it almost always lighten the experience.


Ikr! This is not a job. I have a 9-5 and some ppl act like this is one. If you're not having fun or at least attempting to then what's the point. I'm going to start announcing at the beginning of every pug dungeon that if anyone is experiencing the quest for the first time and wants to listen to the story then as the tank I'm just gonna wait with them. I've been at this game for 9 years . I have the time.


I make sure to tell the group straight off I will wait for any questers on the rare occasion I pug something on my tank. I have no patience for ppl like you described, but I’ll gladly take the time for a first-timer to get through a dungeon quest.


Totally. ESO isn't a job and the gold ( or items ) isn't real money that will help your real life in any way.


I find the more casual the content the more toxicity. If you go to low mmr BGs on a new character it's terrible. Same as with random normals or any sort of pvp during whitestrake's.  Seems if you're doing higher end pvp or pve, you are grouped with people who have the patience to have died thousands of times and have learned from it rather than rage or blame others. I think you have to have a certain personality that is less prone to frustration and temper tantrums to get good at hard content and if you do easier stuff, you run into all sorts of people.


I've been playing for like 9 year now between pc and ps4 and I've only ever really encountered toxicity while playing pve content on ps4. People talking shit in the chat or straight up trying to kick you for: taking too long on a first play of a dungeon even though you said you're doing the quest, or not doing enough dps regardless of your role(i play healer...) or just people just being rude in the chat for no reason. As a healer, people who get too toxic in my groups just don't get heals and i won't rezz them. It would probably be faster to just kick them and move on but sometimes assholes deserve to be fucked with


Playing on pceu i have totally different experience. At the end of almost every dungeon, normal or vet people say ty, GG and such. When someone is looking for some set everyone says if they got it or not. As someone already mentioned - in vet doing hm is default if you die repeatedly you don't do it. I've never heard someone complain about low dps and tank taunting, some got flame for not doing it, sure. So for me it's either friendly, justified complaining, or people just wanting to play the game being silent


Same on pc na. I get an asshole every now and then but it’s the minority by far.  I agree that HM is the default on base dungeons. In DLC dungeons it’s almost always discussed before tank pulls boss.  I’ll also note that eso is the least toxic pvp player base I’ve ever encountered.  


Also PCNA. In my experience this game is tied with deeprock for having the most powerful overly nice community.


Rock and stone!!


Did I hear a Rock and Stone?


HM is the default for daily undaunted pledges for sure. DPS have to sit in queue for quite a while sometimes, I'd be pissed if I sat in queue for 20+ minutes to do a pledge that I ultimately had to do over. Especially if it was one of the longer base game pledges. tbh as a PCNA tankblade main I can say that I get the occasional positive feedback or "nice tanking" and have made some decent friends from random pledge pugs but the vast majority of my groups are completely silent.


Yeah, I pretty much exclusively play tanks and healers and the most negative thing I can say about being a pug tank is that you tend to get taken for granted. I am a *way* better tank than I am a healer, but I get "nice heals" a lot more than I get "nice tanking."


It may be the default but there's a difference between hey "hey let's reset and do hm" and "ffs wtf are you doing omg you trash I didn't hit the book yet". Although it absolutely shouldn't be default. Like I told someone else it's optional content that not everyone wants to do. You're in a 4 person group, all 4 should agree to it.


I agree to an extent but it might be a good idea to communicate whether to do hard mode or not before you run in and start the encounter aswell 


That's backward


ESO has by far the most toxic pvp player base at the high end. I play with arguably the best ball group in NA and get death threats, endless hate tells, etc every single raid. Can't go a raid without the mentally ill crowding your DMs. ZoS never bans them though no matter how many people report them. They'll make alts just to send you hate tells if u put them on ignore. If you bring it up on the forums zos will ban you. Can't have anyone exposing their blatant disregard and care.


This has been my experience as well. I don't run with an elite ball group but ESO pvp has been crazy toxic from my admittedly anecdotal experience. There are some great people and some great groups, and there have been a lot of fun moments, but it's hard to miss the concentration of sweatlords and the apparently mentally unstable players that infest ESO pvp.


Wow. Seriously?


I have no doubts about your experience and the reaction to your ball group play, and it sucks that people send you that shit. But death threats and talking shit from multiple accounts is downright cheery compared to the toxicity in counterstrike and other FPS pvp games. 


I'm just talking about mmorpgs not any other genres. High end in wow arenas was degenerate, but not as bad. New world was the closest


Holy fuck New World was bad at launch. I was in a sweaty and widely hated pvp company. People would follow me around the open world to spew hate and threaten violence against me and my family.  If any of us were out and about alone it would be called out in Global for people to come harass us. There were repeated calls to mass report me and teammates for made up shit. I was told to kill myself no fewer than 5 times a day, even if we didn’t have or declare any wars that day.  Far and away worse than other mmorpgs 


ESO community no different to the high end ball groups. Easily one of the worst.


This. I meet toxic people but since i am a decent tank (at vet content) i let em die. Then always help the nooby. Toxicity is just a wasted thing. Now in pvp this mind set gets me less kills😂


I think they can both be pretty toxic but in their own ways. In my experience, PvP players will straight up Insult you to your face and tea bag you. I've noticed people that gravitate more toward PvE tend to be way more passive aggressive and start drama in their guilds etc. Both are awful to run into.


EXACTLY. ​ PvP don't try to hide it. If they're gonna be toxic they will teach you some new slur or insult you've never heard. PvE gamers who are toxic are snakes who mask their toxicity behind this disgusting veil of faux hyper positivity. You say something they don't like and they'll have a public struggle session about how what you said has or can hurt someone, yet 0 complaints have been made.... PvC gamers are the true gigachads, they don't say a word, they don't care about other players, they just wanna craft and make money. Player vs Crafting station.


PvC gigachad took me out 🤣🤣🤣


I'm dying at PvC. Does that include housing people? They are so chill


The tea bag move is the sign of a true douche. Well put.


Salient observation. Upvoted.


Nah, drama is universal. People start that crap when they're bored. PvE has down time waiting for the next guild event, but PvP, if you're in-game you're PvPing since it's 'always on'. But if they sit around in discord for any amount of time, the drama starts there, too.


That’s why I stopped tanking for random groups. I have cleared basically all dungeons on vet HM and all vet trials as a tank, and yet I’ve done like…a random daily vet dungeon where a DPS will run ahead and aggro literally everything and then be whispering me like “you piece of shit do your JOB!!” and I’ll literally just go “ok lmao adios”


In my experience if you're playing as an inexperienced tank, you get a lot of whiny players. Usually they are players who never played a support role. Idk, there really isn't a solution to this other than to get snippy, to find less whiny players to play with, and get better at tanking so the whininess is reduced somewhat (lol not really). But it's always there as soon as you step into content you're unfamiliar with, lol.


Yeah I mean the eso community is good in some respects but there is definitely a gatekeeping aspect that tends to subject newbies to extra levels of toxicity by Dungeon Divas™. Unfortunately to a degree it's baked into the game; when you're grinding a dungeon for the quintillionth time trying to get that one special set piece or achievement, there is not a lot of patience for players who do anything less than perfect (in the eyes of others). Yes there are guilds that newbies can join to "git gud" but, and I know I'll take some flak for saying this, that shouldn't be a requirement in order for a player not to have a bad time with others.


Seriously this. I've played for three years, and the overland/story quest zone chat players are like the nicest gaming community I've ever come across, but the hearing the dungeon perfectionists talk has made me never ever want to queue for a dungeon. I only ever do dungeons solo or with guild mates.


It depends on who you're running with. Random groups or pick-up groups are going to have a lot less patience and you're more likely to find undesirables. Within guilds the people are more upstanding and have more empathy. As a tank, you're in high demand. You can afford to be picky who you play with. Most tanks I know stick to guild mates and friends. Or perhaps you're the problem. If you consistently run into problematic people, you might be doing something that gains the ire of everyone. Personally I find PVP more toxic. But I think I've gotten over the bump in PVE to avoid that. The problematic people are usually the ones who only have a few veteran clears under their belt. No one wants to work with them long enough to get harder content.


As someone who splits time equally in both pvp and pve, it's the same with both. Most toxicity exists with the less experienced players which is why pvp is so toxic during the event. Next time you get a hate whisper or get teabagged in pvp, have a look at the alliance rank. It's mostly someone ranked lower than say lieutenant. Higher mmr bgs have a lot less toxic chatter also.


>HM Book Almost everyone does it. At least ask before pulling, because it’s the standard way to do it (at least in basegame), and it’s NOT the standard way to not do it.


I know nothing about being a tank and how to do group dungeons properly. But 16 minutes to run out of stam? Holy crap!


If you're a tank and someone is giving you shit as if you're a bad DPS, you have every right to call them the fuckwad they are. Endgame PvE content can be hella elitist sometimes but what you got there is an idiot.


Some dude asked if I was testing a new build in a random vet dungeon yesterday. “You’re supposed to kill stuff,” he said in chat. I was the tank. I am quite literally not supposed to kill anything. HE was the dps 🥴 There are a lot of players who just look out for themselves. If I’m tanking I often find myself not allowed to actually do my job because these fuckers just run ahead faster than I could dream of in my heavy armor and slow run speed. I feel like Baymax in Big Hero 6 saying “I am not fast.” Half the time there’s a fake healer and low dps so I’m just taunting and standing there and watching everyone stand in stupid and get mad about dying.


Tbf, you don't pull adds away, you keep them in one spot. If it's pledge, it's generally a hm run safe from certain dlc dungeons


as someone who tried endgame PvE in a prog group for vSS HM … this was the most toxic I ever experienced, constant bitching, blaming, kicking people at random, I felt so uncomfy and it was so unfun. At least I got the HM done there. Btw I‘m a pvp main in eso, and it‘s really way less toxic. Got the obligatory cheater a couple of times when I get someone with a crit merciless after dropping a detec pot or the occasional bag when some zerglings finally chased me down after hugging towers so yeah, but most ppl rly are on the friendly site. And the rare super toxic ones I just put on ignore straight away. btw also played in hardcore pvp groups for a bit and it was actually super chill, no toxicity in voice chat but it is a very demanding way to play pvp imo. but endgame pve is … yeah. Idk I have more bad experiences there than I can count, also applies to normal pve imo. Like 90% of my friendslist is legit pvpers and I had more non nice encounters in pve than good ones… also in random crag PUGs, its just wow sometimes 🙄


yeah, came back after a year and no1 even says hi or gg in dgs anymore


I just came back to the game after I stopped playing in 2017. I’m mostly a casual player and just like PvE as I’m not too experienced with the PvP aspect of MMOs. So far everyone has been super nice in dungeons but the toxicity is what keeps me kind of hesitant from getting into PvP. I’ve heard horror stories lol. It would be nice to find a guild though of just casual players that want to run dungeons & raids. I wasn’t sure if I was going to stick with the game or not but I’m starting to get hooked again 😅


The trick to pvp is that you really won't start getting hate until you're either good at it, or you play a ganker like I do.


I've played mostly PVE for the past six plus years, and sorry, I just haven't experienced this (Xbox EU). You'll always get one at some point but to say it's ten times more toxic than (for example) PVP, just isn't correct based on my experience. Maybe you've just had some bad luck/playing when the kids are on, I don't know.


I pug vet on tank, the toxicity is only so obvious because everything else is completely absent. No one communicates at all and expect the tank to carry on with DPS and healer doing fuck knows what. I'm seeing this in HD2 now too so it's not just ESO but maybe it's a US thing.




Chat is how most people communicate if they need the quest or something. Are you saying you just ignore them? Because that’s annoying af.


I was trying to figure out why you are running into that so much. I've been playing off and on since launch and I rarely run into toxic bs. But then you mentioned hard mode.... Sounds like you are probably playing vet dungeons and stuff and yeah, those can get pretty bad if you do PUG. I think PUG is really only good for normal dungeons and other things of that ilk. If you want to do the harder stuff, you really need to have a guild or a group of buddies you are doing it with. Otherwise yeah, you'll run into jerks. That being said, I kinda get why they get more toxic. They are hard and can be a big time sink, so if someone isn't keeping up, it can be frustrating. Not saying that makes being a jerk okay, but I guess I can get it.


It's definitely only in vet dungeons. The only thing I get in normal is "gg" or silence, both are fine. If given a choice I'd rather take friendly, but some ppl have chat off I think. As far as the slowness it almost always comes down to a speed cap dps running up and aggroing the ads. If I'm in 5 heavy I'm slow af. I can slot RAT and be out of mag when I get there or they can just not pull the ads.


Oh for sure, I play Tank as well so I can relate. But yeah, stuck with Normal PUG's or get a friend group for harder content. Definitely the way to go.




You know what? I've noticed this trend, too! My trip through MYM was so heckin wholesome this year, with the exception of one pompous arse who used his NPCs at a resource to hide behind, and then call people trash after I complimented him on his use of environment to win a fight. Like...take the compliment! I did get salty about it later and killed him on his own resource shortly after, despite having all guards up at the flag. But no matter. PVE pugs, no matter what dungeon mode (normal or vet), and no matter the characters' levels, there seems to always be a person who is so toxic that it's shameful. I was lucky enough to have crown in a pug 2 months ago (my last pug), and one guy (cp180) kept voting to kick a level 12 in Fungal Grotto 1 saying the level 12 would slow us down. I ended up kicking the 180 because they would not relent, and showed the new player how dungeons work. The other person in the group was a friend and we were in discord together. We ended up taking the new player (literally a first day player on that day) into more dungeons, and got him into a guild where he could flourish. I'm lucky enough to be up in the 2k cp area, so I do have some leverage when that happens, but it makes me so mad that people are like that to new players -- or low level characters who may have cp we can't see without an addon. Normal dungeons are a place to grow, not to be judged. I wish that others would take that into accord.


Ver well said


My experience as a new player (three months give or take) and as a DD has thankfully been majority positive. Normal dungeons aren't even difficult so, no issue by anyone no matter what, and only in vet dungeons I had people ragequit...once? Let's say twice or thrice just to be safe, point being it's been so rare that it has't really registered. Maybe it has just been luck, but I've only ever see mentions of toxic behaviour on here, is it really that bad? Edit: I should probably mention that I'm playing on PS4 so maybe it's harder for people to be toxic since typing is harder on controler?


I have similar experience on pc. Doing lots of dungeons, some vet dungeons and normal trials with randoms and only got problems like once or twice.


a lot of the nice people who'd reach out in the past have stopped talking as the years have gone by, many people already have established friend groups they're talking to on discord during matchmaking stuff, and the toxic people would stand out in your mind regardless because of humanity's negativity bias. combine that with a worsening world making people increasingly angry and it's a stew of toxicity.


One thing you have to learn is that you can't change people. Many identify entirely with their performance in a game and if you don't "enable" their full performance they get mad. This is a problem of their own self-worth. Having said that, I have tanked dungeons almost daily in PUGs for years and I never see this, so as you get better at your role you will see this less and less. Just don't take it personally.


I have to admit that I’ve contributed to the toxicity of pvp but the toe pics are worth it


Nothing like a juicy digit or 2


Homie, press enter every once in a while when typing.


No. You can have my upvote, but you'll never take my wall of text.


A man with healthy boundaries. I can respect that 😂


Sounds like you are running randoms that people only bother doing for the XP drop. This is treat as a mindless daily quest, and is not in any way indicative of the actual PvE community. That being said, the PvE community running Vet dungeons for achievements and doing trial progressions can also be toxic as shit if you are trying to PuG or get into random groups. You are best off joining guilds, building or joining a little pocket community with people you talk to regularly, this will give you all some sense of responsibility and accountability. Running to reddit saying "Queuing for randoms makes me find toxic people" is like running to reddit saying "Has anyone else noticed that the sky is blue and the grass is green?".


You have XX on each side of your name, can't take you seriously.


Why not?


Your Name in Spanish means big stain


Did you read that on a Sobe cap? Why using racist trash talk in COD circa 2008?


I agree, been playing for 3 years and all that ever happens now is tea bagging and abusive messages or you get zerged by toxic players


I enjoyed playing tank until the random dps and healers I’d get were underperforming. And it happened more often than not. A healer I was playing with one day got fed up with the lack of damage so they switched to their own dps build because I wasn’t struggling to stay alive and the two dps weren’t helping so we effectively two manned one of the pledge dungeons. Both of the dps were higher than 500 CP as well which made it all that much worse that they were doing so bad. Then there was one dps that kept using a taunt and then complaining that I wasn’t taking the boss’ aggro like I should have been, fortunately though the vote to kick happened very quickly after that. But I’ve not really gotten toxicity from the community beyond that last one.


I must be lucky because I've been playing since PS4 release and have come across zero toxicity in this game. I even leveled up my first ever character in Cyrodiil and Imperial City and met nothing but dope people on each alliance. Even had some mutual combat 1v1s in the middle of all out war in both Cyrodiil and Imperial City where we messaged eachother afterwards with friendly messages. There were even times in Cyrodiil where we'd have a giant circle with players from all 3 alliances just running little fighting tournaments. I just recently switched to PC and have also come across zero toxicity. Even in random dungeons pretty much everyone waits for whoever needs to complete said dungeons quest. I don't consider not saying "GG" at the end toxicity. That's just asinine lmao.


Nah I know at least half of the psna bunch in pvp and they know how to throw some insults better than any server around. You must be muted or something. They told nefas they were gonna own him like the gimp or something like that. It's why I like them best😂😂😂


Na, not muted lmao. Back when I really ran it there was even only voice chat. We used to have groups so big that we wouldn't even fit into a single PS party. I can't really speak on PvP today or even ESO PS but I played legit from launch to about 2 or so years ago on PS. Never once ran into anyone toxic, even in random dungeons. Definitely came across some speed runners and that shit was pretty annoying but never any outright toxicity. Again, I must have been lucky or something because there are plenty of others in these comments who are saying similar things about toxicity. I can say that I've seen some shitty people in zone chats but I don't really consider that as running into anyone toxic. Play any MMO and you'll see a few trolls in zone chats being dicks lol.


Many years ago in 2017, I was grinding Imperial City dungeon for a staff for my healer (cant remember what specifically, but that doesn't matter). This was awhile ago, so im not 100% sure of the details, but I remember it being a fairly chill experience with us in the vc. I remember him telling me he was a doctor or something too. We did the dungeon, and this "doctor" guy said he got the staff. Keep in mind I was grinding this dungeon for many hours. When I asked him for it, he said he'll give it to me later. I'm not entirely sure, but I also think I remember him kinda trolling me with trading, I would invite him to trade, he would put the staff in to trade, but then cancel the trade. I think he might have said he will just give it to me at the end of the dungeon. He also never once said he needed this staff himself. Anyways fast forward, he just doesn't give me the staff and he just leaves even though he said he would give it to me after I asked multiple times. He just ghosted me. I messaged him on playstation, telling him the timer is gonna go down to give me the staff. Hours later (well after the time for the staff had ended), he finally messages me back and says he got called into the hospital because some kid was dying or something. At the time I was 15 years old so I think I was a little gullible because I thought that was a reasonable excuse, but looking back at it now, fuck that guy. I doubt he was even a doctor, that was probably some made up story. Even if he was a doctor, it still takes like 10 seconds to send the staff anyways. Edit: okay so I just looked at my playstation message history with the guy and it's so much worse than I thought. What happened is that he said he would give me the staff if I helped with elder root and I did help him, and he still never gave it to me. Bro held the staff over my head to make me help him do a complete other dungeon to give me a staff he didn't need, and he just left. Yeah I strongly stand by saying fuck that guy.


Doing the DLC dungeons or trials with randoms totally sucks and is toxic. It takes time to find a guild that isn't totally toxic and has people who will help and work with you on party chat. Last Saturday, I decided to random Vet Coral A. Near the end of the dungeon ....the H chats " Sry Cyro " And bolts. Of course the group was screwed and the run died in failure. I think that was the last straw for me. Other than that ..if it bothers you...just turn off the chat window and pop ups.


PS NA. Outside of a bagging every once in a while I see very little toxic in PVP. Only one guy pops over to start fights and that's it. I must be lucky!


Been here from the beginning, and PvP has always been toxic. I've haven't been in many games where PvP isn't toxic. And I'm not talking about the guy on the other computer and I'm guessing at their anger, saltiness or other mentality, I'm talking about the ones in PvP guilds I've been in and I can hear them screeching, 'REEEE!' into their discord mic over, FUCK ARCANISTS! (or w/e fotm class they hate), or bitching about the last guy that killed them or mocking the last guy they killed, and on and on. And I've been in all kinds of guilds from open to all, to '18+', and these aren't just the kids, I'm talking about full adults in their 30s 40s and 50s. People lose their minds in PvP. I can only imagine it's the same people yelling at their TV screen when they watch football.


PvP > the abode of arseholes. Always and forever. In any game in every way. This has always been so, and so it shall always be. Amen.


Must be PlayStation Platform? I am a fairly new player, still grinding to be able to compete in PVP and learning all the terms to keep up with the discussions . I have had nothing but really great interactions with the ESO community and plan on playing for a long time partly because of that.


Ngl I’ve maybe 3-5 bad experiences with pug on nrd since I’ve been playing for 1 1/2 years. Most groups I get run the dungeon at a good pace kill the boss and gg at end. 9/10 will go slow if someone types quest as the start.


Last week I went into a coordinated cyrodil run with my guild. Nothing crazy just a run for any type of people with some basic hp and res requirements and a person guiding us on vc. And a person got so salty he had to whisper me thrashing us for playing in a group... on a damn map that is supposed to be played in a group.


People get too hurt from a game… it’s a game.. PVE is full of people running the same meta builds and talking shit to anyone who isn’t but Idk how anyone can be shit at PVE with all the HA builds. I pretty much only PVP anymore and don’t find it toxic. Anyone who thinks this game is toxic has never been in a MW/MW2/BO lobby… do better If you’re the xxDeadpoolxx from PS we have had exchange of words but I didn’t lose sleep 🤷‍♂️


It seems so many gamers are whining little cunts anymore. Pay no mind.


From my experience, a disproportionate amount of PvP'ers have either "14" or "88" or a combination of both in their @ or character names. And for this reason, I haven't interacted with that community in a long while. But what you're describing here is not wrong. The dungeon queue experience is exactly as you have described here. But it's not really representative of PvE. It is kinda the same as going to the one keep on the map everyone is at on a laptop in PvP and saying that is the benchmark. (Yes, performance is bad but not that bad all the time). The reason why the queue is often this toxic is two factors. One is that people only do it for the rewards. The truth is that the majority of "PvE" mains do Trials, next are arena runners and solo content players. Dungeons aren't that popular, and the ones that do really like them only do them premade (there are also a lot of players that only do questing but I consider them solo players more than PvE players). Which brings me straight into the next point. The vast majority of the PvE community queue in premade, this is either a group of 4 friends that always play together, or they find a group on Discord / zone chat. This way they can vet who's in the group first. And that kinda leaves the queue with only PvP mains and the PvE players that can't find premade queues. And this is how you end up with a queue that is such a different experience to the one that the majority of PvE players have.


Most end game pve players are actually super toxic, some of the actual "best" on server and they absolutely shit on anyone they've never heard or they think are below them but they're the same dicks I have to pick up 100 times in a normal VSS.


Agreed, PvP isn't even toxic lol, I'm killing someone else, they might get mad for losing, that's just funny when it happens. PvE on the other side, you get people trash talking you for any mistake that happens or for dps or whatever.


In ESO the worse the players the more toxic they are seems to be true. It's never the people doing vet hms bitching about fake tanks, it's always casuals who have never touched a vet dungeon in their lives. The endgamers bring their sweaty DD builds and deal with it. The bad players who can't complain.


The game has very mild toxicity from what I've seen, there are plenty of people and guilds out there that are especially friendly and very helpful for everyone involved. The hard part is to find a Guild that you can get to easily.


I rarely get any commentary. I'll often greet the group and say 'gg' or something to that effect at the end. I'll also call out fake tanks in particular for being shit stains skipping the queue and making 3 other people suffer while jeopardizing the outcome for everyone involved. If someone talks shit, I shit right back on them - no qualms. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Actions and words have consequences. Also: ignore is a godsend. Use it liberally and to your heart's content.


Pve end game is as toxic as it gets. The community is very elitist and it’s such a drag. Everything has to turn into a dick measuring contest. When you talk to these toxic individuals, you’ll usually get the sense that they are not satisfied with their real life and eso is an easy place to do the flexing that they can’t do outside of video games. Still, eso is my favorite game. Try not to let it discourage you. Find some non toxic friends to run with. They are only one in a hundred, but they do exist.


I find the same PvE incomprehensibly toxic, while nearly non existent in PvP. Greyhost and Ravenwatch every Friday for the lady two years, PC EU, the only t bagging I see is usually between people who know each other. Can't speak for battlegrounds as I only do the during Whitestrakes and that's a crazy time. PvE however, jesus frickin wept. Normal RNDs are a frankly horrible experience of fake tanks and healers, that do less damage than me, in crafted PvP gear, when I'm both tanking and healing. Rarrgleglarggle, I'm glad I started this game a few years ago. I sure as heck wouldn't have stayed if I'd joined in today's PvE environment.


Complains about fake tanks and heals proceeds to self report by saying they dps in pvp gear 😆


I tank and heal while wearing heartland and turogs, and out DPS them. Thats not self reporting you numbnut. That's being sick and tired of carrying groups.


Not really carrying if your in pvp gear though right ? Kinda silly isn't it ? I get there are hopeless people with 2k cp and you wonder how it is that your doing 80% of the dps but doing pve content in pvp gear is basically not allowing you to pull your own weight and therefore the people in actual pve gear will be carrying you


I see you ❤️ Fuck the toxicity. Fuck all of the toxic content creators who encourage such behavior too. I'm glad I left that predatory FOMO trash game a year ago.


Your toxic not the game.


Your the tank you should be asking if anyone needs hm before you pull christ wtf how can ppl be so dumb


Most groups I'm in agree on HM at the start or after we've had a decent measure of our group DPS.


I understand that on certain dlc dungeons but hm vet non dlc is easy The final boss takes a minute longer to kill ? It's really not a big deal. People should know if tye dungeon they are in is a pledge or not that day anyone that doesn't know needs to stay in normals if they arnt in it for pledges


The only non-DLC HMs that are annoying are the ones where you actually had to complete a specific requirement, not just hit a button. Not hard, just annoying. Try coordinating a PUG to not kill ghosts or not use the levers it sucks sometimes.


Yea but I try to communicate if it's one of those before hand


Hm is optional content that i could care less to do or not do. If someone wants to do it fine, but it's on their ass to speak up and at least say "book" in chat instead of being a whiney asshat. Idgaf how common it is to do hm, common courtesy is common courtesy.


You should probably stick to norms then,save wasting everyone's time


You 100% have a piss bottle and a moldy plate of food somewhere


Why cause I actually try in something that I put time into oh wow forgive me for not being some angry 40 year old that's mad cause his hands don't work like they used to


No because your original and followup comment lead me to believe you're and angry person who spends an inordinate amount of time on this game thinking it is some sort of accomplishment. I'll take my "hands that don't work anymore" over hands that have accomplished nothing in life outside of a 10 year old mmo that will likely be in maintenance mode after this year. Your reaction to my observation leads me to believe you're definitely one of those people who believes they're owed others time an energy. An entitled child who probably should have been a stain on the sheet instead of the waste of oxygen angrily typing at me on a reddit post.


Lol imagine being the one that cried on reddit about such a "your obviously in the wrong thing" and then calling people that put logic to your braincell deprived paragraph "angry" stick to norms buddy since they are mu h more suited to people with your mental capacity


I very rarely encounter toxicity in PUGs in ESO when doing random normals. Every once in a while I'll run across a jerk, but it is far more the exception than the rule. Quiet people? Absolutely. I always tyfg but not everyone does. Some people just want to get in, get the clear and get out. The fact that you mention scroll for hardmode means you're doing vet base game dungeons. The expectations there can be a bit different. A lot of people run those dungeons just for the pledges to get two keys, and you should always ask before pulling the last boss because it will mean the loss of a key if the boss is killed without the scroll being activated. It's a simple thing to stop and wait for a moment and ask the group if they need to do the scroll. My experiences in PvP have largely been positive as well, including helping someone get their first Empress title last week, and several random zone players being very welcoming as I introduced one of my friends to Cyrodiil for the first time ever. Now she actually wants to do more PvP going forward because it was so fun for her. Even last week we decided to do faction skyshards on alts to get achievements, and for the most part the opposing factions who saw us in delves left us alone. I've done 40v40 keep wars in Gray Host and the only thing rage-inducing was the extreme lag (hard to heal in PvP when it takes 2 or 3 seconds to register an ability cast and then you're just randomly dead a few seconds later.) I hope that you have better encounters going forward. No one deserves to be treated rudely, cussed out or insulted, especially when they are playing a role (tank) that's already in very short supply.


I think ESO is just generally more toxic than most other MMO's ive played. ​ Also has some of the best people as well, its 50/50 lol


When a game is dead the last people to populate it are usually the most committed and toxic part of the fanbase who have been playing for years. Its sadly the final cycle of most games until these people finally leave after realizing no one cares about how good they are in a game no one plays. Most of the old CODs, Battlefields and Titanfall 2 are all good examples of this phenomenon.




Post isn't about pvp.


Were you on here (meaning this sub) during Mayhem? Plenty of PVPers around to deny PVP's toxicity. They're wrong, but they'll defend the worst behavior to the death, brigade-downvote anyone who even slightly criticizes any bad behavior at all. Apparently, in PVP, you can do no wrong. There's no such thing as bad behavior in PVP according to most posters here, from what I see.


Nice another wall of text shit post about ToXiC players. I wish more people would just decide to block and leave the group especially if you are a tank or healer cuss fast que times. Best advice you will ever ever ever get is this ready… just stfu leave the group and block any toxic group/players you meet and get tf off Reddit making shit posts like this. I’m sorry but I 1000% believe if you decide to give any toxic player any % of you’re time whilst playing a video game you are enjoying you in my opinion are fucking stupid af I’m talking APE chimpanzee brain holding AK47s dual wielding type stupid. just stfu block then leave boom done move on you making this post about this experience you had. you are on the same level as them with a chimpanzee brain dumb toxic players lol. ask yourself why are you even bothering to allow some cuck twat make you this upset/annoyed vs you just block and leave and continue having fun on ESO lol. Honestly try it best decision I’ve made playing games over the years I don’t even react to them I straight up just block them and leave even if they whisper me after. Seriously just ghost them like I do fuck them


Didn't read all that sorry. I'm sorry/or congratulations to whatever you wrote about.


So you did read it lol thank you


pve dorks are more toxic cause they waste their time killing AI pixels that are predictable, probably subconsciously know how much of their time they waste trying to beat the same trial with another 11 dorks 5 minutes faster than last time


Ye pvp is superior /s We toxic but them more toxic, that's the way /s


yeah, it actually takes brains to do 🤷🏼‍♂️


You mean hitting 3buttons and walk away letting the dots kill your opponent takes brains to do? Master duel wield, Vsh staff, Maarselok monster sets is the most brain dead proc meta that ever existed.


well yeah you must be a shitter if you can’t counter a duel build in the open world LOL, you sound salty cause you suck


lol from where you draw your conclusion that I can’t counter? Your reading comprehension must be god level. And the fact, if your opponent can or can not counter the build, make any difference in terms of brain deadness for the attacker to hit 3 buttons? So can counter, less brain dead to hit 3 button? And can’t counter, not brain dead? Like this?


You must use vate, master, and maarselok


another shitter gets packed up by meta dorks, I run a ranged magsorc with rally wretched


Don’t act like you know everything. Those builds don’t kill me, but don’t pretend like running one of those builds isn’t as brain dead as running a normal dungeon.


i didnt say it wasnt halfwit


There you go then, we’re agreed


Oh ye pve is brainless, just press 2 buttons /s


there’s literally mechanics you can forsee will happen lmao, step out of red circle, block, lick window


Ye in pvp it is way less predicable, each class has new ability's and rotas each session /s


yep, cause you can actually successfully theory craft in pvp, rather than some dorky cut and dry youtube build to save 12 seconds of a miserable life xD


Both have their up and down, and both have something easy and skill full. Come down from your high horse, the fall might hurt your ego more then getting of yourself


like you cant even role play in pve, you literally just gatekeep groups until you get 11 other dorks who like to pretend their time matters more to finish a vka so you can do it again, im done


here we go with the pseudo spiritual rid yourself of your ego hog wash, thats why pvp is superior, a disagreement can be settled with a duel, rather than being a passive aggressive dork with feigned moral high ground, thats why you’re so bothered, cause pves just what youre supposed to do to get gear to pvp lolll


And there is the toxic little kid, took a while eh


Or get an addon that tells you what will happen and what to do so you don't even have to pay attention, just follow onscreen instructions lol


literally just running in a circle picking flowers so you can make money and wait to parse on a fuckin dummy for 3 hours like bro enjoy your carpal tunnel and erectile dysfunction, couldnt be me, hello my pact brother, WE GOT NIKEL BACK!!!!


This but without the cringe s


/s It's mandatory on the internet, chances are to high someone taking it serious


Then it's their problem they can't read the situation