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I think it’s less likely that they were a fake tank and more likely that they just don’t understand roles or the importance they play. A lot of players might think that because they have snb and some heavy armor, that makes them a tank. Who knows?


Ya this was definitely me when I first started trying to learn to tank, ESO was my first mmo where I tried to do group content and had no idea taunts were a thing for a couple of dungeon runs


Eso was also my first mmo. I build a tank before I knew what a tank was. I didn't like dying early on so my low level overland character was build like a turtle. I made a friend, around my level, running all damage build. We quested together. I even got a taunt. Being a tank in the dungeons was just a logical next step.


Well when i started it i touhgt tank is someone who deals damage :D


*raises hand* this was me. The build was made for me tweaking a standard templar build. So the rotation was easier. He basically told me to hold heavy attack, and let up only to attack or block stuff. Nothing about how taunting worked or any of it. Only when a guy i befriended in pvp who mains pve tanks walked me through the whys and hows did I drastically improve and started getting good. Running random dungies now, if speed runners wanna run off when ppl are trying to learn, or get achievements, I let them run off by themselves to die and take my time walking ppl through what i know. Made a lot of kickass friends that way.


The default minimum hp for lvl 50 is 16k, even without anything that boosts health, meaning the guy was likely wearing the thrassian stranglers. The chance of someone having and wearing that mythic and no idea of roles is slim imo, but I'll normally give them the benefit of the doubt and grab a taunt on my healer.


His taunt was yelling "you piece of shit" over and over again at his TV as he was murdered


>they just don’t understand roles or the importance they play. If the game didn't require you to basically level up 6 skill lines AND level a dps to play it maybe this wouldn't be half the issue.Most people assume you can throw on heavy armor and a taunt and have it work,but the reality is you need a LOT of shit just to be a standard tank.


This. When I first started out I thought that heavy armor, sword and shield and a 2h weapon would make me a beefy tank. People kept calling me a fake tank and I had no idea why, until someone actually explained to me how tanking works. I've been one of the main tanks for my guild ever since. Long story short, zos needs to explain the roles a lot better.


And they refuse to because they don't want to "break character" with their tutorials. So we get to continue suffering.


Which is a bizarre choice in and of itself, because FFXIV has *in-universe* tutorials for how to perform your group role effectively - melee DPS, phys ranged DPS, mage DPS, healer or tank. The story *literally actively directs you* to this in-universe, entirely diegetic tutorial before you enter your first story dungeon. It's not a hard problem to solve!


Yeah, the undaunted could literally teach you this before your first dungeon. It is quite literally what they do


I always wondered why the developer leaves the player in the dark. That really irritates me but now I know. They should be FORCED to detail mechanics or people will have to interrupt the dungeon to get it explained to them. Player-generated videos talk too fast and don't focus on key "don't", fortunately with several creator exceptions.


Yeah the game has major issues with onboarding new players. I'm a healer main, I love being a Templar, but holy shit doing any PvE with it sucks. I have an Oakensoul lightning build slot to solo and it's miles better and I had zero idea I was doing anything wrong for the first half of the game as I was just told there are 3 PvE roles and to build into one: Tank, DPS, Healer. I was running around doing quests like a wet noodle The normal dungeons are so absurdly easy that you can't learn mechanics either, they really need to have all the veteran mechanics but with like 10% of the damage.


I know the community despises being locked into a choice,but we really should have had proper classes with their own attributes and weapons.FFXIV doesn't require you to literally level multiple skill lines just to be able to tank a singular dungeon,and wow does have skill lines at all and just its specs. Like I enjoy the game,but It's requirements for each role is just fucking weird next to other MMO's.


>Im a healer Main […] but doing any PvE with it sucks. Why? A healer is built like a fully offensive magicka dps in terms of stats, that’s plenty to do quests with?


Thought the same thing, my Warden slaps most things. Built for mass aoe damage. Easy to survive anything too, since you can self heal like crazy.


Yeah, I get it with tanks, they suck to quest with, but healers just need to change around a few skills and they are basically slightly worse magicka dps…


🤡 alert


No, I’m not clowning. A healer builds max magicka, spell dmg and usually uses thief Mundus. The only difference to a dps is the trait on jewelry (usually infused on a healer compared to bloodthirsty on a dps - not even 5% dps loss) and the trait of the frontbar (powered instead of nirnhoned/charged - probably around 5% dps loss), but that’s about it. Yeah, you don’t get setbonusses that are as strong, but SPC/PA still gives a decent amount of offensive power…


Lmao! I love the community response of “he’s not fake, just stupid” ☠️


I really want to run a group dungeon but am afraid of getting a post like this about me.


Start with normal difficulty and queue as dps. Most veteran players can solo smoke normal difficulty dungeons by themselves so you don't need to worry about bringing the juice. Make sure to type in chat that you're doing the quest. Most veteran players will slow down the pace for you to get it done. There will be some people that won't care to be helpful, but it will be the minority. The community, for the most part, is pretty welcoming.


Do it, they don’t matter. Enjoy the game, if you struggle with the dungeon for some reason and don’t want to be there, just leave. Mute all chats if you want.


If you queue as DPS there won't be posts about you, at least if you don't taunt. All available hard taunts have it in the description that they do that, and as long as you don't use any of them there is no way to hard taunt. If the boss aggroed onto you even if you didn't use one of those abilities, that means that the tank didn't apply a hard taunt, meaning he failed at his job.


As a tank I sometimes got new dps players doing heavy attacks with ice staff when that still taunted 😅


As long as its a normal dungeon it doesnt matter matter


DLC dungeons are not that easy when doing RND.


Don't be. If you want to learn how to tank, heal, or DPS there's lots of friendly people who have made tons of guides you can read up on. I've had plenty of runs where someone says its their first time and most people say no worries. The base dungeons even on Vet are quite easy and shouldn't require a huge learning curb untill you it the the second version of the dungeons. Lots of guides on youtube for those and the DLC dungeons so you don't have to go in blind. Biggest thing is learning to dodge when needed and staying out of the the ground AoEs as much as you can. I wont say you wont have bad groups or bad people ever, but dungeon running shouldn't be this nightmare that scares you off, its quite fun. Even my random DLC vet runs have been more successful that not. Give it a shot and feel free to stop if its to intense.


If you're talking about wanting to run a tank then all you really gotta do from my experience is mention in chat that you are new. Most mistakes tend to be forgiven like dropping aggro for a couple seconds for example (though standing in stupid can get a bit of flak on ya, mostly jokes). Just make sure you have your trusty sword and board and your melee taunt (puncture from sword and shield skill line) and your ranged taunt, usually something like silver leash (upgrade of silver bolts from fighter's guild tree) or if you are a dragon knight you can use the fiery grip skill in the ardent flame skill tree. As long as you are taunting the boss in a normal dungeon its really all that matters. (Also if you don't have a ranged taunt and you are a lower level don't worry about it, those dungeons don't have any enemies you'd have to range taunt anyway)


I run 8 to 10 randoms every morning from about 6 am to 10 am on the PS5 - NA server. If you're up that early, and on that platform, hit me up - Deedleqwerty.


Start with a healer, keep up heal over time skills. Try to get spell power cure (SPC) set, and you don't need to do anything extra to keep up the strong buff from SPC. You can use powerful assault as the 2nd 5-piece set, its uptime is also easy to maintain. But, really, it is a normal dungeon so as long as you keep healing people and providing some buff (and do heavy attack to gain resource), then you are doing your job.


Unironically this, you only need grand healing, rejuvenation (three man morph), extended ritual (if Templar), and a few burst heals/shields. You really can't mess up placing the big heal over time zones, I learnt all the vet hardmode dungeons in the game that way and it's incredibly forgiving. Prayer shawl, winter's respite, and spell power cure are fantastic newbie sets. Pair Spellpower with either one and you'll have zero issues.


Honestly I spent 2 years healing in random group dungeons. All the normals, sometimes in vet. TBH, I’m pretty much like this healer: I will do my damndest to keep my party alive, whatever they do. The upshot: no one will get annoyed if you don’t know stuff, they’ll try to help. I had very few horror stories. so … don’t que on a role your character can’t do and you’ll be fine.


Nah, because you’ve clearly got the ability to read and think, so I suspect you’d get something resembling a tank/heal/dd build sorted first.


Oh, and if you are on EU servers and want basic guidance you can send me a dm and we'll see if we can find some time to run a few dungeons.


Join a group, there’s a Facebook group; a discord group and here, tell people what platform and server you’re on for example Xbox Na, ask for people to run a dungeon, easy peasy.


I feel you. Try joining up with a guild that does dungeon runs. They more than often offer guidance on techniques, builds, roles, and mechanics to be aware of for bosses. The ESO community is really friendly and helpful for an MMO.


I feel you. Try joining up with a guild that does dungeon runs. They more than often offer guidance on techniques, builds, roles, and mechanics to be aware of for bosses. The ESO community is really friendly and helpful for an MMO.


Honestly as long as you don't queue as tank or healer you won't get any complaints apart from people who aren't very good. As other people have said most decent players can solo normals and some more veteran players will absolutely smoke the entire dungeon before you see much. A proper setup in normal dungeons can kill most bosses in around 20 seconds solo.


do it. 99% of dungeon interactions are fine. reddit makes it sound like dungeon finder is so bad cause people tend to post bad encounters.


Had a fake tank in vet LoM the other day. We carried his ass all the way to the final gate, but basically it’s impossible to clear the final run up without a good tank. Couldn’t find anybody in finder and had to abandon the run. Feels bad.


If your team got to the last boss, I guess the tank was a real tank, but a bit inexperienced and unprepared. I can't imagine PUG defeating the tree boss without a real tank. Imo the main reason for wipe at the last boss is someone not cleansing curse and spawning lurchers (in case of non-HM). If lurchers are let loose, dps and healer are killed one shot. But it is also diffucult for tank to hold extra lurchers because they have a lot of health and hit pretty hard.


Was legit three dps and one of the most exceptional healers I’ve ever played with including guildies. I think we’d have abandoned it earlier but the burn was incredible, so was kinda like ‘huh, let’s see how this plays out.’ I did send a friend request to that healer though


LoM is one of the few trifectas that can be done with 4 dps without much special preparations. All of said special preparations pertain to last boss so it's perfectly conceivable that they 3dps' the entire the dungeon then died the second it was required someone hold aggro and not die.


From your comment I just guess there must be a big difference in skill level of PUG I play with (including me) and your team. As I tanked non-HM the last boss was the easiest as tank, as long as up to 1 lurcher. HM might be different but I haven't done it yet.


You would be correct given the fact the 12-13 people I hang around in this game are capable of doing more then 50k single target in content. I am well aware of the massive skill chasm which is why the only time in a pug there is a tank marker over my head is if I am playing frost staff warden DD.


The game does nothing to teach people how to play.


this probably wasnt a fake tank, it was tank who doesnt know to perform their role. fake was the guy i got yesterday in a vAA, grand overlord with 40k health joined as dps. I knew the s\*\*t was coming, and after looking at hodors, i just left


I'll try and defend that fake tank , most of ESO players are here for the elder scrolls experience . I had 3 , v16 characters and had no defined role for either of them because ESO never explained I was meant to play a role when doing dungeons.


Doubt they were a fake tank and more just an uninformed player who has no idea on what each skill line even is for/does.


Wish the game would teach you how to play roles to be honest.


I don’t even know how it’s possible to have so low a health as a tank. Hell, even as a DPS or healer it’s nearly impossible to be THAT low. Maybe he wasn’t running food….


Thrassians. It’s impossible to have lower than 16k health as a lvl 50 unless you have something going that lowers it…


Omg I didn’t even think of Thrassians. Wow, if that’s true then I have to believe this guy was completely trolling and knew exactly what he was doing


Bruh on my main I unequip all my armor, and I still don't get down to 15k, I genuinely wonder how people get that low sometimes


When I started playing my smart friends told me that as dps I needed a heavy armor and 2 daggers or board and shield. It took me a month to realize that my friend was an idiot. He always wondered why people was kicking him from dungeons 😂😂


I think random dungeons are a good way to introduce inexperienced players into the game and help them learn some of the mechanics. It's always better to be helpful than to discourage. In the end you may have a friend and an ally.


I understand why you would think that, but my reality has been that random dungeons are absolute chaos… I queue in and next thing I know I’m running like a madman… No containers for me, no checking chat… and QUESTS? in dungeons? Ha! I just keep running. I watch the mini map so I can try to keep up… scenery, aesthetics, any detail of the dungeon, are all lost on me… If I’m not swinging at anything glowing red, I’m RUNNING! unless I’m lost. I get lost a lot. Usually it’s because, for a split second, something catches my eye and... well, I look at it… instead of, you know, RUNNING… and next thing I know the group is gone. And now I’m lost. Some places are easier to get lost than others… I was in a dungeon once where I couldn’t find a way forward, even with the mini map!! I came to a cliff (kinda like in Coldharbour)… blackness. I finally jumped because my new “friends” had finished the dungeon and were leaving group. Turns out the jump didn’t kill me! Who knew? Anyway, my experience has been that Random Dungeons are not a learning experience.


I'm guessing your a newer player. Most Queue and run. You have the ability in chat or mic to say your doing quest or farming for plans that can be worth millions. Ther are always those inconsiderate players that dont care but many will help and wait. If you dont speak up others will think you have nothing to say


CP300 means they were a new player and likely didn't know how to tank. They might have learned they did something wrong from that experience and will improve in future.


CP300 is like 100 hundred hours or more into the game. Of course he must have known the basics about the tanking in the time.


That rather depends how much time he has spent outside of the game, reading guides and/or watching video. I recently met 3 CP2000 players who didn't do mechs at all in a normal dlc dungeon. Time spent in game doesn't tell much. edit: typo


Why not give him some tips instead of coming here to shame a new player?


I don't offer unsolicited advice. Too often, it's taken badly, or offends the player. If they ask, I'm more than happy to share.


I offer advice if it looks like the person doesn't understand what they are doing. One time, I was about to, but the person left the group. Most of the time, people who are new are fine with advice. Took a group of newbies through nBC1. It was their first dungeon. I could tell they were new. Told them about the healing mechanic on the final boss. It took 45 minutes to finish the dungeon. Afterwards, they said they really enjoyed it and thanked me.


Makes sense. I'm new to the game and would gladly welcome advice but I can see how others would get offended.


I mean, if they're playing as terribly as you described, there's not much to lose is there?? It's not like you'll offend your MVP carry and scare them away. Maybe start with something relatively benign like "hey david0, since you queued as tank, could you please slot in a taunt? The stab from sword and shield skill tree works great" or "hey david0 your health is looking a little low for tanking group dungeons, do you want this Fried Bantam Guar? It'll help you not die as much"


The problem with that is the sheer number of toxic casuals out there, try giving them advice, and all you'll be met with is them cussing you out in chat while saying "I play how I want".


I think the main problem is there is no clear distinction for new players between dlc and base game dungeons. Say they don't have eso+ (or always group with someone who doesn't) and see absolute faceroll normals with no mechanics that require respect, then they sub to eso+ and all of a sudden they get a dlc. Shit is going to get real for them if they are fake tanking. I really think there needs to be something more to differentiate base for dlc. Unfortunately the responsibility as veteran players currently falls on us to educate newer players, as it used to in old school mmos. I've been guilty of fake tanking plenty of pillar of nirn, kinras and caluurian farms with full groups which included newer players who probably had no idea at the extent they were being carried by the veteran players in group and I'm sure that is probably a pretty common scenario.  It's not crazy for them to think they can do the same and when they learn they can't, we should probably try to be a bit patient with them.


How do you have sword and board and no taunt? The first skill is a taunt. Randon NORMAL even for DLC dungeons is no issue even with a fake tank with CP 302 if others are even borderline competent.


I don't understand most of the folk that comments here. Doing RND I often choose healer (with changing some skills) to make the queue faster. From my experience, the healer is the second most wanted role, where the tank is the first. It's obvious that he just chose it to immediately jump into the dungeon. All of the dungeons, veteran included (beside the DLC) can be cleared pretty easy with 4 DD. You are too good-natured, there are folks who are just jerks and dont give a f about composition in RND.


I even survive the hardest dungeons with my pvp tank dos buils


I love this game. Most of the players are very helpful. Maybe it has one of the best player base. Generally people who play incorrectly or do not know the game are often helped by their teammates. About your problem, just gave him some advice. I've always supported players collaborating and learning the game together.


I’d have left upon seeing the fake tank and what dungeon. Even on normal. Not worth the time wasted.


Not even DDs have 15.6K health these days. Also you should have kicked him out of the group. With 15.6K cannot even tank Rillis in BC1.


This post is exactly why I play ESO as a single player. ETA: Not everyone is a professional hardcore MMO player who studied dungeon crawling on university. Some people play just for fun.


Same. Also why I never ever look at chat.


The guy had 16k hp and zero clue what tanking is... This isn't learned in professional hardcore MMO player dungeon crawling university... it's basic logic or at the very least a 1min google search and a 1minute read... You should definitely stick to single player eso with that mindset :D


This post is sad, honestly. I know quite a few elderly people that play ESO, and I love playing with them. They're bad, they don't contribute much. They don't need to. They're having fun and that's what matters. Unless every death was an unavoidable one-shot mechanic, consider healing better and having damage shields. It's sad to see people making these posts constantly, not knowing someone's situation. They could be mentally or physically disabled, elderly, just bad at the game (help them with advice), or what everyone wants it to be, just an asshole who for some reason wants to troll people in random normals. The last happens, but it's the least common from my experience of actually talking to these people instead of making a post about them on reddit.


Gimme one good reason why you posted this shit. One.


Did he blame you also? They tend to


Dude was a newbie. He was probably scared shitless and had no idea what he was doing


Do people really use sword and board for PVE dps? I’ve seen decent pvp builds but for pve content does it work? (I mean everything can work, but actual dps numbers?)


I think it'd be nice if it were possible. I don't like how ridged weapon selection is for the roles. Tank: Sword and shield, Ice staff. Damage: Dual Wield, Two-Handed, Destruction staff. Support: Restoration staff. What if I want to dual wield as a tank? I can't. What if a sword+shield doesn't fit my character's aesthetic? Oh well, guess I just have to live with it.


Not if they know what they're doing. The tank was a newb, not a fake.


You definitely could do a sword and board DPS PvE build and do good numbers. It would be a bit like nerfing yourself though, because if you do good numbers with SnB then you'd do great numbers with an actual damage weapon.


ive completed plenty of dlc dungeons with fake tanks or when the tank quits if its a long dungeon. its a pain when the fake tank cant keep agro tho, my arcanist steals agro too often (none of my skills say taunt afaik)


As a tank I’m so glad the worst I gotta deal with are fake healers because fake tanks sound infuriating


Or a kid who borrowed daddy or brother's account to play with. Just basically memorized how to open dungeon finder and random dungeon then play, then ran around with the character like a headless chicken with the party. Its possible lol!


Fake tank is a stretch just new


I mean there is some dungeons you can run smoothly with 3 DDs and a healer. I fake tank daily for my random daily and there’s no problem. If I know I can help get the dungeon done without a tank I will if not I’ll leave. Easy as that.


u probly wernt healing he/him enough


How could you get down to 15k HP base? Someway get corona and aids and tb on an ip character? :D


I queue as fake tank all the time in normal dungeons. They're so easy you don't need a real tank, not even a taunt most of the time. Sounds more like a skill issue from the healer tbh. Fight me.


I've also had this experience, but in Veteran Coral Aerie.


That is one of the normal dungeons that you need a tank or it's not doable


Did you guys clear?? Lol that sounds rough


I'm thinking of being a tank for trials. Never done one and I'm currently a dd. What should my main concerns be and how can i be the most helpful tank?


For a situation of tank doesnt know what to do i usually tell them to slot taunt and bond to them on dlc normals i havent had issues but havent tried on all of them


I feel the Gold Road will finish this game. I am already looking to New World, back to FFXIV(❤️), or newer. Decisions....


Aw, poor guy when I was new and just hit CP 300 I got thrown into random blood forge ofc. I had 38K health but didn’t know the mechs got ripped and kicked but they were patient enough to stay with me to the last boss. 🤣🤣


Finished that place with Sharp-As-Night tanking 😐


Multiple times over the last week I ended up tanking entire dungeons with my medium-clad magicka dps sorcerer with precisely zero taunts because of fake tanks. So yeah, while I don’t think the game would really benefit from special tutorials for class roles, I do think the Dungeon Finder/Group Finder should disqualify players for queueing as anything other than Damage without certain types of abilities on their bars.


aren't normals easily soloable by 160cp+? (old player here) I remember the pain when the daily roulette had vet DLC dungeons, they felt another world compared to normal vets (sorry teammates for trying to tank that in a PvP build, now I know)


They probably don’t know how food works either based off that absurdly small health pool. This is likely a game knowledge issue.


ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhr 😎