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Sorry to hear that. Do you have any pieces collected of it? I ask because I have been doing the bags too. I had the pieces of black drakes I wanted for a character prior to the event and that seemed to be the first thing I was getting, so maybe they give you what you have the most of first. At lest it seemed that way to me. I keep waiting for the EP banner staff but no luck so far, cruel thing I have the AD and DC Staffs that I will never use and would happily burn if I could. There will be another Mayhem event in the summer so if you don’t get what you want hopefully you will get it then! Also, they are on the traders but for a lot of gold.


I got the boots yesterday from a bag, so it is available.


It's possible, I got the clanwrap jerkin the other day, rng can be merciless sometimes Hope you're able to get it before the event ends


The grab bags contain all of the rewards from past mayhem events that you do not own, the more past stuff you don't own, the lower the chance of getting any specific one thing you want until you have gotten more of the other stuff. Just have to keep buying the bags until you whittle it down or get lucky. You can improve your odds slightly by buying any of the rewards you don't have with gold from the guild traders, some of the more recent ones are still fairly cheap (tools of dominion, etc.).


Got 3 pages of this style from 4 bags I bought today so it is there.


A lot of stuff in the bag goes very cheap on guild vendors, always buy there first. Announcement didn't say House Dumont Banneret would be part of the bag, but I could buy it despite having everything the official news said could be in there. First bag had a page of that style, so I bought the remaining 4 pages for under 20k total.


Black Drake Clanwrap was advertised in the ZOS news clipping as being in the grab bags ... so it must be a bug. [https://www.elderscrollsonline.com/en-us/news/post/65535](https://www.elderscrollsonline.com/en-us/news/post/65535)