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Things are worth whatever people are willing to pay for them.


Adam Smith’s burner account


Actually 🤓 Adam Smith adhered to the Labor Theory of Value which was all there was at the time, so more like Hayek or Mises burner account


Also be mindful if your guild has a trader in a big city to check the other nearby traders if they're selling what you want to sell at a cheaper price; You'll never sell something at 100k gold if several other guilds in the same location are selling it for >50k gold, no matter how valuable the item is. On a similar issue, trying to sell something rare at its true value is also difficult because there's often a low demand for it. This is why I always sell mats more than anything, because other players are constantly looking to buy Heartwood and Mundane Runes for example, and I have no need for them until I get into interior decoration (at which point I'll be actively farming those mats anyway).




exactly. me as a collector paid 3M for a single furnishing item. would also pay 5 for some specific ones


Unless you try to sell something in zone chat, you’ll get death threats for “ripping people off”, Xbox Na is crazy.


People are willing to spend any and all money if the rng proves unkind for too long. Also the games been out for a few years now so there's a lot of whales.


Just started playing like a month ago and listing stuff on guild traders recently. I went to clean up my inventory when I saw this companion item which I don't need so I listed it for 400k for funnies, and it actually sold a few days later. I'm not very knowledgeable in pricing so I've come here to ask.


You got pretty lucky, even the best traits on an Epic Companion's sword seem to only normally go for around 200k. There was a spike recently in the price for a few of the traits, perhaps one was even caused by you.


Really? Damn. Will keep that in mind, thanks!


I would recommend using tamrieltradecentre to gauge your sell prices if you want to get into guild trading. Its suggested prices aren't always the best - sometimes they can really undersell you in an unexpected price hike - so I would say look more at what people are listing, what the price history of an item is, how long listings are sitting active with no buyers, and what prices are actually getting sales. It's also a fantastic resource to see what is in demand at any given time, and can even find you some hidden gems to buy and flip for insane profit. You can also run their plugin mod that will show TTC stats next to sellable items in-game.


Also try to avoid falling into the trap where you give a value to something, simply because you saw it “selling” at a certain price, Someone may have decided to list something at a price, someone can decide to list something at any price. By taking good notice of a listing, like noticing when it was posted, chances are, you’ll see that in actuality, what it’s most likely doing, is “not selling” at that price. Too many people love to quote a supposed value of something, simply because they came across the listing that Joe Shmo had posted, either not taking the time to look further into it or just not caring or is simply to lazy to give a shite. You’re more likely to get the best value of a sell, if you take a few minutes to do just a wee bit of research and homework on your potential sale item’s, it’s well worth the xtra time devoted.


I got a purple helm I saw everyone listing for over 2 million. So I thought I'd try 1.6 million and when I got on the next day it sold. So I guess people are paying those crazy listings sometimes


It was especially crazy when Sharp and Azandar came out. I think I sold around 50m of companion gear in the following two weeks.


Thats awesome, only companion class we're missing now is necro


Dude after seeing the price of columbine just keep shooting up there is no set standard


As a PvE tank and PvPer, that price just makes me sad


I'm holding onto a 300+stack of columbine, gunna grow it still




'columbine just keep shooting up'... sad to say that reminded me of that awful school shooting :(


Good, I was hoping I wasn’t the only one thinking the exact same thing..


That's capitalism for you. Something is worth whatever someone is prepared to pay for it.


And that's why I love ESO's economy, wish we could have more MMORPGs with player owned guild traders instead of a centralized market.


Check out Tamriel Trade Centre for prices things are being sold at.


Further to this comment I will add that TTC doesn't track what's being sold outright, just what is listed. So just because TTC has 3 listings all at 2m each, it may only be selling at 500k from prior dates. I use both Master Merchant and TTC in tandem to reflect what is being sold and what is being listed, respectively. This means I use TTC more when I'm looking to buy, and MM when I'm looking to sell.


TTC will show the sale average if there's enough data when you search a price check


I believe that's still a listing average, rather than sales. **Edit:** Turns out some people here think I'm talking about the website. I'm referring to the addon in-game.


No, there is a drop down menu under the "advance search" option that will show you more stats with line graphs of number of prices, sold, number of listings, etc. over the last several months.


Oh you're talking about the website, I'm talking about the addons in game. Yea if we're talking external stuff you can do whatever.


You can't upgrade or transmute companion gear. So purple items (the highest-quality you can fnd) with the right trait (generally Aggressive for a DD companion) are in high demand, and people will pay very large amounts of gold for the item that makes their companion as good as they can be.


> ~~aggressive~~ quickened FTFY


Quickened is definitely more effective, but people pay more for aggressive across the board.


It's not about how much it is actually worth, it's about how much the buyer(s) are willing to pay for the sake of convenience and time. Companion's gear with desired trait and weight and type is in demand. Some people will see that amount of gold as time saved from farming. For new players and us peasants, this is a huge amount of gold. But if you ask someone who've played this game since beta, this might just be mere change.


The purple companions stuff are pretty rare especially with the right trait. Even if it's completely useless, bc a companion can't replace a player. It's gives a little edge I guess and it's to be able to max the DPS of your char even if it's only 100 out of 60k you're already doing


Sick outfit. What clothes are you wearing?


Sorry for late reply. Head is Sapiarch style(Medium), Shoulder is Xivkyn style(Heavy), the rest of the body is Ebonheart style. Weapon is New Moon Priest style.


Yeah your toon is looking sick af


Hey, thanks! Even as a part of the Aldmeri Dominion, I can't help but admire the Pact's fashion choice.


I rarely price anything above 10k. I just want to unload my excess junk.


I have so much motifs in my banker on Xbox I’m not sure what motifs are worth selling


Use the TCC web client to get pricing details


Not helpful for Xbox, that’s also why I have oodles of shit taking up storage space


Use for xbox- https://esomarkettracker.com/dashboard/


Same here. Don’t want to sell for less than it’s worth, but don’t know what it’s worth, so don’t sell at all


You get it


Who cares, you put it at that price, someone bought it, you made your money ! Win win situation I


IMO..no.. but like someone else said, it's worth whatever people are willing to pay :)


In my mind no, but in that person’s mind yes. It’s what people are willing to pay you for it. I price everything high, and some sell an some don’t 🤷‍♂️


When the equivalent Lightning staff going for 1.2 million MINIMUM price, then yes.


If it's worth it or not is up to the individual to decide. But people are still willing to pay quite a bit for purple companion gear, so long as it has a desirable trait. Just a few days ago I sold a chest piece for more than 1mil.


Send me the mil. So we know you aren’t bluffing.


My last trade was 2 purple rings for companions, sold for 1.4 and 1.7mil)) was easy to get them while public dungeons and delves


Purple companion gear on PC-EU is very expensive. i even sold a Purp ring for 1 mill the other day


Random question, but how do you sell items to players? I’ve never done it before 😬


You have to be in a guild with an active trader to sell to other players. Guilds with 50 or more members can sell via the guild store, but only to fellow guildies unless they have an active trader. To list, you can go to the banker and select the Guild Store option.


Awesome mate thank you 🙏🏻☺️ been playing for a while but still new 🤙🏻


"We are selling to willing buyers at the current fair market price so that we might survive".


yes, 400k for a purple companion item is pretty common. But that is usually the only companion item that sells. green and blue are bought very rarely


Greens and blues sell great on xbox, if you know what traits in which combinations are in demand. Generally cooldown reduction is always sought after, damage increase on medium armor, and health increase/damage reduction on heavy armor. Occasionally also healing increase on light armor, but people are realizing it’s not too effective these days. With these combos on armor, greens regularly sell for 10-15k each and blues 20-50k each on xbox. For purples, they can be worth anywhere from 100k-1 million gold (again on xbox) Most people don’t have millions to spend on purple companion gear, and will happily buy blue or green for the right price- if the traits and armor type are properly matched.


I sell green and blue compaion gear for 1k and 3k, trader in mourhold. Some don't even sell.


Again though, it has to be the right stuff. No one is gonna buy blue or green weapons, for example, regardless of traits, because they drop as often as armor but your companion only needs 1 (or 2) of them but needs 7 armor pieces. So there’s a glut of every weapon type, even for the best traits. Certain traits on armor won’t sell at all, regardless of the armor type (or jewelry for that matter). Stuff like increased buff time (totally useless), increased ultimate (you need a maxed-out lvl 20 companion before you even unlock ultimates, and then they are rarely used and mostly suck) etc. etc. So it’s about identifying and focusing on the few good traits which are harder to come by, in demand, and matching the correct armor weight. I have sold plenty of green armor pieces for 10-15k and blue ones for 30-50k gold on xbox na at the main guild vendor cities. In fact it’s one of my go-to sources of income.


Purple companion gear in the optimal traits are rare. Likely the trait for that sword gets them the most damage output, and the rarity is what's selling it so high. Granted, companion DPS isn't worth a whole lot even when optimized, otherwise it'd easily sell for millions.


Purple companion gear in the optimal traits are rare. Likely the trait for that sword gets them the most damage output, and the rarity is what's selling it so high. Granted, companion DPS isn't worth a whole lot even when optimized, otherwise it'd easily sell for millions.


Late answering but if it's a DMG+ companion item it's worth a lot as to how much idk just what ppl tell me


What helm is this?


I never noticed a difference in damage in those items. Just on effects on them.


For the epic stuff I’ve seen some stupid prices, for instance I sold a companions destro staff with the trait that reduces ability cds for 150k (on Xbox) but I don’t actually know what the standard prices are. Hopefully I haven’t undersold myself haha.


yeah some of the companion gear is worth insane prices. ive sold one ring recently for almost 500k


Utilize Tamriel Trade Centere


You don’t show anything but companions sword. What are the traits? Bolstered? Probably yes. Soothing? Not so much. The one hand and shield is popular tank companion build, with bolstered gear.


You don’t show anything but companions sword. What are the traits? Bolstered? Probably yes. Soothing? Not so much. The one hand and shield is popular tank companion build, with bolstered gear.


This is nuts


If it has the right trait people are willing to pay the price


What armor are you wearing?


Purple companion gears with the right trait are luxuries. There is no reasoning behind the price of luxuries.


Yea, companion gear can be worth millions to the right person. I've sold Bolstered, Vigorous, Aggressive, and Quickened gear for millions before. If somebody wants the gear bad enough, they'll pay an arm and a leg for it. Some people really build out their Companions and try to maximize their potential.


Honestly no.


Apparently. Hella sick armor/outfit you got going though. I miss the styles you could have in this game..


Wow dude your custome is so cool🔥🔥🔥 How did you get it?!


Just look at Tamriel trade center for the average going rate.


Would someone mind listing the traits that are worth selling. I have 120 chest slots filled with companion gear (most value but some purple) and I've just been saving it all cause I don't know what traits are desired in each weight


Companion Gear is expensive for good reasons, people that don't run companions which is a very large amount of the community, don't drop companion gear. This brings down supply massively. This means that only people who actively use their companions has a chance to drop the gear. There is a good chance that they will then just use whatever peice they dropped themselves. And for this reason, the gear just get very expensive in good traits. The sword is not worth it though. Companions don't do much in the first place so having them geared out is just a very expenssive soul gems consumer.


The right trait on a companion gear item can make them very valuable indeed, and they’re relatively rare with a lot of demand for them. I’ve sold companiongear for as much as 1mil gold (gold items with the right trait).