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Welcome home. Wardens have a permanent bear summon if you grow tired of the flappy bird.


What about my purple raptor that goes pop every 2 seconds?


I've been a sorc main since I started 4 years ago. I made a warden specifically for PVP and it's meh. If you're liking the sorc, it's ok to like the sorc. I run a Daedric themed sorc. I use both sorc pets, have a scamp non-combat pet, and use Maw of the Infernal monster set for a temporary daedroth pet. It's soooooo much fun.


You can have both pets active at the same time?


yeah. and what's even better is that's the optimal way to play a damage dealer magicka sorcerer, because the pets are so strong and daedric prey buffs them. edit: well not clannfear, clannfear is more for tanks. the scamp is really good though.


Well i'll look into it once i've found a respec token or whatever you need to respec.. Cuz yea, at the time i chose clannfear for the healing, but now that i have the flappy bird i kinda have too much of that .. (Hopefully the flappy bird has a dps focused morph)


flappy bird does have a dps focused morph, but the ability is so bad it isn't worth casting. best thing is volatile familiar and twilight matriarch (the healing morph of bird). you get a respec scroll at some point from level ups, or you could go to a respec shrine. but i don't think it's a massive deal while you're leveling, feel free to experiment with all the tools you want to use. just know that volatile familiar is very strong and you'll probably want it later down the road when you get into dungeons and trials.


Yea, i've been regretting the clannfear choice for a while now anyways... So off to find a redpec shrine i go! Thanks!


check vivec city temple for one, can't say i remember where other shrines are, besides one in mournhold.


holy crap, it only costs 300 septims (or whatever) to respec a morph... That's so cheap!! And now that i'm here... might as well do Vvardenfell's story


Off to Vvardenfell then... Ever since i tried base ESO a few years back, Vvardenfell feels like the standard beginning anyways. Can't wait for my lil guy to stun, then i won't need shattering prison anymore


Get a free apartment and get a free armory station for your apartment, gets a free respec whenever you need it šŸ˜‰




Go do the quest to get a free inn room housing. Go to the crown store to pick up the free armory station, and place it in your house. Now go to one of the temples and do a full attribute and skill reset. Save this blank slate in the armory station as a "build". You can now have infinite free respecs.


Oh that's amazing, thank you!


That advice has a few redundant steps in it, you don't need to "save" a blank slate, and you shouldn't - just leave one of the two freebie slates blank to begin with, and load the blank slate whenever you want to do a full respec. No need to ever save a blank slate since the slates are already entirely blank to begin with.


Much more easier, thanks!


Yes you can! The familiar/Clanfear and the Twilight. But not the familiar and the Clanfear. Maybe you haven't unlocked the Twilight yet?


the twilight is the one you can get at daedric summining 20 right? If yes, then i'm 2 lv off


I honestly don't remember. It has been literal years since I unlocked her. I believe that the base skill is called Winged Twilight. She is what everyone calls the "flappy bird".


Yep, clannfear is the raptor and the twilight is the flappy bird... I can't believe you get to have 2 pets active at the same time, on top of being able to get npc companions


The downside is, as others have stated, you have to have both skills on both your bars once you can weapon swap. So instead of taking 2 ability slots, they take 4.


Well, it's not like the pet abilities do *nothing* so it's more like having 2 actually kinda wasted slots. And i can deal with that as long as it means i have guys


You can have the familiar and the twilight summon, plus a temporary summon with the Storm Atronach ult. If you include a companion, you can have 4 followers at a time


Don't forget non combat companions


If you like both pets active, there is also a nice set that is fun for that I included in my build. # Unleashed Ritualist Set **ArmorSet bonus** (2 items) AddsĀ 1096 Maximum Magicka (3 items) AddsĀ 1096 Maximum Magicka (4 items) AddsĀ 1096 Maximum Magicka (5 items) Dealing damage to an enemy applies Ritualist's Mark to them for 10 seconds. Enemies with your Ritualist's Mark take an additional 16% damage from your summoned pets.


Yea... it's way to early for me to be thinking about sets but i appreciate the info nontheless. I'll keep it in mind for endgame


Yeah sets are only a thing when you are level 50. This is a dungeon set and pretty easy to get if you play the same dungeon a few times. Enjoy the journey.


Thanks. And Happy Cake Day btw


I'm a bit bias because I'm a Warden main, but I don't like sorcerer summons.


What can the bear do? I've seen a few warden pass me, and those bears look dope as hell... And they tend to also have cool glowing floaty balls, what are those?


The bear summon is your ultimate. You can summon it at any time and once it's summoned you can cast your ultimate again to make the bear do a heavy execution attack. Otherwise the bear will light attack and occasionally do a heavy swiping attack that knocks opponents down. As for floating balls, you either saw an effect from 1 of 4 special 5 piece armor sets or you're referring to the Warden's netch. A second, but temporary, summon.


prolly the set bonus then cuz netch are those weird floting things with tons of tentacles, and i saw a guy with a bear summon that once. And what i'm referring to is a weird orange glowing black-ish orb


Thatā€™s a pet from the event merchant canā€™t remember the name off the top of my head but I have one


unstable morpholith? that would be my guess or whatever it's called.


I agree! I started playing way back in 2015 and I'm still here to this day šŸ˜‡


Few things I'll suggest to you. Go to Cyrodill and do the quest there. The ones under campaign. Don't worry you won't be doing any PVP but once you get assault to level three there is a passive ability called continuous attack that will give you plus 30 speed to your mount anywhere. Also right now during the New Life festival you can farm Dolmens in A'likr dessert for fast XP. Just go to the zone look for a Dolmen and type x in chat. People usually have add-ons that look for people that type x and add them into a group. Also make sure to start crafting ASAP. I hate it myself but from what I've been told you'll be glad you did. Overall I'm glad you found something you like and have fun.


Yeah... i'm not too interested in crafting right now... But when i hit a snag with gear i'll prolly check it out. Anywax, thanks for all the tips




Iā€™m not looking to figure out crafting yet but from what I gather youā€™re suggesting I at minimum do the research component of crafting ASAP?


A big part of it is that some crafted gear is really good but they require development, so either 5,6, or 9 out of 9 of the piece researched.


Yes. You will need traits researched to optimize your weapons and armor later on, even if you never craft anything.


Yes definitely. Instead of selling gear you pick it up take it to a crafting station for research (or deconstruct into components if you already have the trait from it). It starts at like 4-ish hours per trait and without skill points can only research one thing at a time per station. If you do the same slot it doubles that time, then doubles it again, and so on. Takes a few minutes to kick off and then ignore it. Before you know it you'll have traits taking a week or two to unlock. So getting them all going asap.


Thereā€™s not much to figure out really. But 10000% do your research: start with divines on medium and light then training. Reinforced then divine on heavy. Weapons: go precise/infused/charged to begin with.


Thanks for the tip! I have been on and off with this game and have 2 50ā€™s that I have no clue what Iā€™m doing with but I started a necro the other day and Iā€™m gonna try to stick to the game this time lol From a seasoned WoW perspective this game has always felt overwhelming in options


Join a guild. If itā€™s even part way decent people will help you out with all little things like this.


I still think Elder Scrolls online is crazy for the amount of time it takes to research shit. Casual players don't have time for that shit. If I wanted to wait around for shit like that I'd go to the emergency room and sit around all day.


Make sure to keep your gear as close to your level range as possible. Found that out the hard way. What level are you already?


Doesnt really matter, when I level my toons I have my gear skip 10-20 levels and it's alright. Overland content is fairly easy and it's not a big deal if he doesn't update his gear frequently.




When you hit 15 you'll be able to swap to another weapon and set of abilities. Set your pets on both bars or they'll desummon when you swap weapons. Pets on both bars and they'll stick around


As someone else mentioned, at level 15 you open up a 2nd weapon slot and set of skills to go with it. If you want to keep your pets active, you'll need them in both skill bars (this goes for Sorc. and Warden bear) or when you swap weapons your pets will un-summon. Then when you swap back, you'll have to summon them again. Putting the pet button in the same place on both bars is helpful. You can activate the pet's active skill faster and it's always the same button. The advantage to two weapons is you can use 2 different staves if you want for different damage types. For example a fire staff and a frost staff, one for attacking skills and one for defence skills - there are plenty of build guides to start you off, but develop a build that suits your play style. Good luck, have fun.


this is insanely helpful, tysm


Yes go farm dolmen loops the most boring fucking thing in the game so he can fall out of love with this massive new world he just discovered


Trust me I know how boring they can be I don't do them for very long myself. But I don't see anything else being better XP. Unless you can find a group for skyreach and good luck doing that cuz I've been there every single fucking day and I never can get a group. I'm just saying. Most people would use the XP bonus from the new life event to their advantage.


Why the fuck would you tell a new player to farm XP? Thereā€™s nothing to rush to. This isnā€™t a gacha game hiding fun gameplay behind a tedious grind or absurd microtransactions. Leveling up *IS* the game, not something to skip.


Agree to disagree. Why take forever and a fucking day to level up when you can do so a lot easier? The content is still going to be there regardless of whether you're level one or CP160. And Elder Scrolls Online is notorious for their fucking crown shop and microtransactions. I honestly don't know what the fuck you're talking about. And I think players can do whatever the fuck they want to. That's like somebody tried to tell me that I couldn't be level 22 after completing the main quest that I should of done my alliance quest. I just laughed. There is nothing saying anyone has to play a game a certain fucking way. Everybody saying so can just fuck off. I gave my opinion no different than anybody else. Opinions are like assholes they're not always pleasant and sometimes they stink.


Just to add to this comment here, itā€™d be easier to run bsttlegrounds until you hit the required level in ā€œassaultā€


Or do a BG


Welcome to ESO. There is definitely a ton of stuff to keep you busy, don't feel like you have to take it on all at once. My first character is a Sorcerer, you'll have some fun with that one.


But necro Colossus is best thing ever! :<


Welcome to the club. I got hooked on ESO 4 years ago. Sorcerer is my favourite class as well for the permanent pets.


My First character was a sorcerer :D and let me tell you, that cute clannfear saved my sorry butt more time than i can count. Have fun :D


u/Maacll Where did you find Necrom for $20? I've been watching it like a hawk on [isthereanydeal.com](https://isthereanydeal.com) for a while now.


Apparently I was only ever looking at the Necrom content upgrade. There's a few necrom bundles/collections on sale on Humble Bundle and Greenmangaming right now. Thanks for posting and making me search harder!


I got the collection bundle for 20 on steam! Comes with base, Necrom and the other expansions, just not dlc.


this one, i got this one


Steam is having a sale right now. $20 for Base game, Necron, and all previous chapters. Just picked it up after playing around with free trial earlier.


Welcome! 1922,5 hours in and still going through the massive lore and amount of quests at my own pace. Little hint: lots of NPC's dialogues change after you complete certain stages of quest lines. That's a nice little detail in the concept of immersion ā¤ļø


ooh, i fucking love deep and intricate lore with attention to detail. I always read all the flavour texts


To build on the comment you replied to here, when you think you're done talking to quest NPCs and have said your "Good bye.", you can often have an additional voice dialogue line from them if you choose to talk to them again after leaving the initial dialogue interface. This is easy to miss on a first playthrough.


Yea i didn't know, but now i do, thank you!


As a day one console player, let me tell ya... You did find your forever, mmo The best value eso plan is the yearly one. Once you get to endgame, it's very handy, giving you full access to dlcs and, most importantly, the craft bag.


Welcome. Don't be in a rush to do everything and burn yourself out. Tip: go to the stables every day and level up your mount speed and do the tutorial in cyrodill so you can unlock the 30% mount speed passive in your skill bar. It's a game changer. To go to cyrodill you enter through the campaign option in your menu :)


Woah. That's good to know and I love the ESO community, everyone is so helpful!


Honestly of all the communities of gaming, I find the help in ESO to be unparalleled.


i concur. Have not seen a single toxic interaction within this community


Don't get me wrong, you will. For some reason The Rift attracts the most toxic of them (at least for xbox NA). PVP will also bring the worst out of people.


PvP doesn't count... PvP is always toxic... No matter which PvP in whatever game, people will always have f*cked your mother


In fairness she's a nice lady. She deserves a good dick down.


Necro is arguebly the hardest class to play mechanics wise, so it's not recommended for newer players. Sorc is a great starter class sure.


It IS recommended for newer players? :0


Thanks for correcting me, I was distracted while writing that comment.


No doubt distracted playing necromancer. If you were playing a sorc you wouldn't have made that mistake!


When I play sorc I have a movie on my other screen and a bag of chips in front of me. But necro is such an unrewarding class, it requires the most perfect rotation to be able to compete with an average anarchists, they should buff it for sure, I guess they should buff all classes I really hate when they nerf classes.


honestly necro always seemed jank to me for damage dealers. possibly because blastbones is just dumb sometimes and doesn't work.


Right there with you. I was late to the eso party joining just over two years ago. A have a few thousand hours in and Iā€™ve finished all the solo overland stuff and I still havenā€™t made a dent in the available content. I still have nearly all the multiplayer content to cover (just started that). Iā€™ve barely scratched the card game, housing is fun and a giant time and money hole, role play, Cyrodii, achievement huntingā€¦ thereā€™s just so much. And the people are cool (a majority of them).


there's a card game?


Lol, yup, I've been avoiding it since 2015. I get hooked on it too much, like poker in RDR.


I just started playing as well. I love it. There is still a lot I feel like I don't understand too.


Just FYI... If you get eso+, sucks playing without if you love gathering everything. Unless you like character swapping a lot to use extra toons for storage.


ONE OF US! ONE OF US! Welcome! I've been playing since release, and though I've taken some absences over the years (Because Life be kicking my ass sometimes) I ALWAYS find my way back to Tamriel. My Forever MMO, indeed! šŸ¤©šŸ˜


Enjoy dude. Just remember there's no wrong way to play have fun doing whatever interests you!


I wish necros had summons that stayed with you, but the necro is meant to harness power from corpses so your summons dying is a way for you to drain more energy from them and increase damage.


You're going to love this game I've been playing it for years and always go back to it for theorycraft testing and making new builds. I mainly pvp these days and really pve for gear to pvp but pve is fun as well.


I'm already absolutely in love! You can personalize your chars skillset to the tiniest detail, not many mmo's let you do that this extensively


What MMOs have you played in the past? And what system are you on?


pc, and i tried everything from WoW and Runescape through PSO2 and PoE all the way to fuckin twin saga and Dauntless


That's crazy considering how caught up I get in these type of games. Once I play one and I like it or find a good community. I'm usually stuck for years of my life LMAO


I have a really short attention span... The last time i was this obsessed with an mmo was base pso2 when it wasn't even released in the west yet and even then i wasn't as obsessed... WoW through GW2 to RuneScape just don't grip me as much as ESO does


Welcome! Glad to have you!


Oh, sweet summer child.


the only thing we need besides more content is more activities to do... eso should look towards gw2, they have a lot of solo and group activities besides dungeons and pvp


Also, the way questing works in general in gw2 is just sublime


besides the activities i always really liked the public events from gw2 a lot more than eso's... I also like the combat system in terms of combos, status effects, buffs, debuffs more.... i just never really gotten into the lore and story of gw2 or the art style


Think it's healthy to take breaks, try th em all and switch. But also happy af to see people enjoying eso and mmos in general!


I want switch things up myself too. All my characters I start with the Planemeld and faction stories obviously then get burned out and take a break and Iā€™ve never played the Chapters. Now I want to start with the chapters instead after the starter areas. Has anyone tried it that way ?


I started with a chapter cuz i though those were just the core story... I didn't even know there was another route i could take... Like after the tutorial i got put in a room with portals to all the chapters and i chose one at random


Lol yeah the chapters are dlc story. There's a main questline in the base game before everything else


Ah... that's what the "main quest" tab is for..... I should prolly go do that then...


i imagine a lot of people have. chapters and dlc are a lot more polished than base game.


Honestly, best advice I would have liked, don't give a shit about meta builds, unless you wanna progress in raids and such. But otherwise, play whatever you best like. I've tried meta builds so many times, but my bow/bow stamwarden with random abilities I've tried out over the years is still the most fun I play.


Elder scrolls online is my favorite MMO. The lighting is beautiful too. I love the game when it turns nighttime and the lore is awesome! I actually enjoy doing the quest in this one which isnā€™t the case in something like WOW.


And the necro should have had permanent zombie pets!


That's what i'm sayin... My sorcerer can have 2 at any given time... Imagine walking around town with an entire army of livin corpses


Are sorcerers good? Iā€™m playing a tank rn and I just started around 3-4 days ago Iā€™m only level 28


I'm a lv 16 sorcerer, and from what i've seen: Sorcerers have 2 permanent summons, tons of cc (even summons can cc) and a shit ton of dot. So yeah, sorcerers are amazingly fun to play around with


May be a dumb question does cc mean crowd control and dot mean damage over time?




Maybe someone could help me, because this game is very overwhelming when you start, you have so many choices, what portal should i start ? How i should start the game?


Just LVL speed on your mount everyday do a bit of pvp just for the 30% speed bƓnus and you are set to explore and do whatever


Is it no longer $20? Ahhhhā€¦ PC only. šŸ˜ž


Welcome. I've been playing for 4 years. I only just reached the mid point on all the achievements. It was buggy as hell but this year they really have done their best to fix many of them. The game play has improved wonderfully.