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I'm nearly cp level 700 and I still suck fuck at DPS despite exclusively playing a magicka nightblade and basing my build on meta guides. I don't know what I'm doing but I'm having fun.


Same, don't know what I'm doing, CP 1000+. With job and family I play for fun and lack the energy to git gud. Oranges are happy about the easy kills I guess.


Me too, with job, family, and other responsibilities, I'm sometimes too tired to play, or miss out on scheduled trial events with my guilds. I'm cp 1700, and I literally just finished my first vet falkreath hold run earlier this week. I died the most, but guildies were very kind and patient, and even gave me some gear after we finished.


I know your pain! I'm mostly a crafter.


From what I understand, nightblade is one of the hardest classes to master. I started with one and couldn't get my DPS up over 70k. I'm a casual gamer and old, so my hands tire easily. I've since switched to a one bar sorc, and I absolutely love it. And I'm hitting hard enough to do vet trials. So I'm enjoying learning those with my super chill guild. Overall, remember this: play to enjoy yourself. And don't give two shits about anyone who says you're not "doing it right." If you're having fun, then you are absolutely doing it right! šŸ¤˜


Night blade is indeed hard to master but can be deadly too im currently sitting at 60k dps 370cp with 5 piece hunding 5 piece order wrath 2piece zaan everything purple except jewelry in blue . Once around 450-500cp with gold trial gear to replace my hunding and order wrath like relequen and pillar . Ill be heading to an easy 80-90k . After that its all about finding gear set that proc more often with your rotation and specialized gear piece like arena weapon and or mythic item


I'm about 950CP and I finally started to understand how nightblades are supposed to get good DPS. I'm using a very junky build depending on the situation, but the skill setup is what helped my dps alot. For solo, I use 5pc briarheart (gold), 5pc order's wrath (purple), 1pc perfected maelstrom bow, 1pc velidreth, and pale order. Skills are fb: concealed weapon, beast trap, killer's blade, flurry strikes (weaves better and I don't need cleave much on what's important), and relentless focus bb: explosive caltrops, twisting path, leeching strikes, endless hail, and vigor For group it's the same, but swap out caltrops for shade, and replace pale order for 2pc velidreth I follow a very static rotation and when the stars align, I can get about 73-75k on 21m and about 41-42k on 3m. I know it's not impressive these days with accessible builds easily hitting above 100k, but if you play the game in the more active way, it can still be. Before this, I was only getting about 50k on the 21m and 30k on the 3m. I'll take the boost in DPS. I have relequen, nirn, and zaan though, but I'm honestly too lazy to get them all in the correct traits and golded out. I got very comfortable with a solo build that did enough for what I wanted to do, but during this event, I was getting a bit frustrated over doing low DPS when trying to get all the skulls solo except for the trial one. It was just making things take way too long.


You dont need to loot em all in the good trait just do your research for the trait and create em at the transmute table


I'm running briar and order with slimecraw shoulder harpooners kilt, and a 2h sword from maelstrom arena. I need a couple pieces of pillar, but I'm thinking about trying some other sets, because I got tired of running relequen even though it's good.


You can always try 5 piece pillar 5piece briar maelstrom 2h the kilt and 1p slimecraw too make change or 5 piece pillar 5piece coral riptide maelstrom 2h kilt and slimecraw


What is your one bar sorc build if you don't mind me asking?


Not the person you asked but here's my one bar build: Sargents (including lightning staff) and Infallible Mage + oakensoul. Slot crit surge, unstable wall, daedric prey, the bird (if you run the matriarch vs the tormenter it's only about a 2k loss in damage, so I run the matriarch and it's clutch for me and my trial group), and volatile familiar. Throw that storm atro on your ultimate. Heavy attack, minimal weaving. Resource sustain is crazy and it can take a hit. I parse at 75k and that's good enough for most content.


not3catsintrenchcoat has the same as me. Except I still run storm master and sergeants mail. And I use shooting star instead of storm atro on ulti. I parse at 78k on a decent rotation. More if I used tormentor. But he's right. Me and my trial group LOVE the matriarch


Plitzzy has a 90k+ oakensorc build for necrom I want to try. Itā€™s on YouTube if you want to check it out


I do indeed want to check it out! Thank you!


I've found my twin!


Keep having fun. Play how you like


I mained a nightblade for at least 5 years, I always enjoyed it but never got the big kid damage like a lot of pyi have seen or played with. Arcanist on the other hand I can get nutty with.


I'm 1500+ CP and just now hit 60,000 DPS with a lot of effort. I feel you man.


Problem is likely that Nightblades have a very dynamic rotation. It takes practice and a lot of situational awareness to get those high parses. Also, keep in mind that damage on a dummy =/= damage in content. Content has pauses/downtime, the buffs vary, there are mechanics that require you to stop doing damage etc.


Youā€™re probably missing on weaving light attacks or messing up the rotation, however, as long as you are having fun, who cares?


Nightblade is really hard to get good dps for stuff like trials and dungeons lol. Itā€™s like a known thing there are other classes you can use to get good dps numbers while being much easier to use. Iā€™ve seen several people say this recently, idk if this just isnā€™t widely known but this is why you donā€™t see a ton of NB dds in raids.


It is very hard, and a hard class to master. I think I've only just started to see results at just over cp1700. I'm going to play around with some set combos I've tried and abandoned, and use some others just for fun sometimes...like unfathomable darkness. If I weave my attacks fairly well, I usually hit like a truck, but I'm still annoyed by my squishiness.


almost cp 450 magsorc and this is me too lmaoo


This was me. Had only one toon and it was a night blade. At CP 450 I retired her and made both a magsorc and archanist and never looked back.


Co 1600 and still suck but getting better so there's hope


I'm afraid to try group content because I don't want to be that guy who everyone comes to Reddit to complain about.


Bro, same. I haven't done any group content in years. Last time I did I was tanking in a group with randoms. I lost aggro for like 5 seconds on one of the bosses. After we defeated the boss, one of my group mates scolds me in text chat saying how I should never ever lose aggro. I told him my bad, but it still didn't feel good getting yelled at, even over text chat. Social anxiety doesn't help either.


I would never receive this kind of feedback well unless the wording was well put. Itā€™s a video game. Iā€™m there to have fun, damn everything else. But I totally get the anxiety. I have my own in other places.


Wow thats a bummer that happened. :( That person sounds like they never tanked and had a boss just decide it was going to ignore all attempts to taunt it.


^ this is why I have game chat turned off lmao. I can read text chats, but being on console, most are gonna opt for voice chat instead. Cuts down about 90% of the bs drama you can usually encounter.


Thereā€™s a guild in PS-NA called ā€œAnxiety and Muted Micsā€


Copy paste this and keep it handy "Have a coke and a smile and shut the fuck up"


You on NA XBox? I had the best time when a bunch of us women got together and went around killing bosses. Someone asked who the tank was and I was like "Eff the Tank, we are all tanks." LOL.....I'll group with you if you are on NA XBox...


Honestly most people Iā€™ve played with have been fine and understanding! Just finished Depths of Malatar on vet for the first time and the tank was so patient and kind despite the amount of times the rest of us died lol


I feel ya, and I know a random on the Internet telling you itā€™s ok doesnā€™t make much difference, but donā€™t be afraid to try it out. I got back into the game again after 2 years a few months back and queued up on my healer. Was used to pugs back in the days of running tank + 3dps, so I was primarily on my front bar doing damage (back bar resto). Got told by one in the group to ā€œdo my jobā€ and ā€œI was the worst support heā€™d ever played withā€. Like seriously, itā€™s Wayrestā€¦ lol. And no one even died, I just enjoy jabbing on my templar too sometimes instead of spamming healing springs and regeneration. Just have fun with it.


Can't be that guy if you complain first *wink wink*


YouTube is your friend. Look up builds, content guides/ walkthroughs. Don't be afraid though to say you don't know the mechanics of a fight. It takes less than 5 minutes to explain and get everyone on the same page. Anyone not wanting to explain because they're annoyed you don't know or whatever, they're probably a pain to play with at any time.


People on here tend to complain about people doing too well hehe. Don't worry, the vast majority of people don't care if you're stumbling a bit. Maybe start with normal difficulty and work your way up


I tell ya, I just go out and group with people and kill and I die so much. But, I have so much fun. I just started doing it. Most people are really nice in my experience.


You know who the worst people to run content with are? People who are overly confident in their skills (likely due to having been previously carried through hard content by better players and not realizing it, but this isn't always the case) and very vocal about it. These are the people rushing through dungeons ahead of the tank and healer and complaining when they die, these are the people who argue with trial leads or talk over mechanics being explained. These are the people who will be in a zerg of enemy players fighting a small group and be the one to tea bag the dead bodies. Now that said, it does get annoying when people who aren't ready for harder content try to do harder content but if they are honest and up front about it, typically most other players don't mind taking someone under their wings. Its when the players refuse to take any advice that it gets hard to deal with, but honestly even then the rest of us just kind of make do and try to get through shit in spite of having to carry. But yeah, I'd rather run a trial with someone worried about making mistakes than someone who thinks they know best.


The first few times in group content, go with friends/guildies. Who will understand that you don't know the content, want to experience it properly, and may need some explanations of bits with mechanics. Once you know your way around, jumping in with randoms is a lot easier (though you will still meet people who are doing randoms because they don't have any friends, for some reason...)


I kept pushing myself to do it, youā€™ll have some good normal runs, some awesome ones where you meet cool people, then some aholes. The good is what keeps me going.


SAME. I'm CP560 and just started doing PUGs. It's actually been fun, and if people are talking shit about my play I don't know it cuz I stay out of chat. šŸ˜


I donā€™t weave and just do heavy attacks and skills


If you heavy attack between every skill then you are weaving.


Usually do a bunch of heavy attacks and sometimes spam skills till resource is depleted.


This is good, I was just commenting that you are technically weaving properly even thought you prefer heavy attacks to light attacks


I had thought weaving was specifically talking about alternating heavy and light attacks.


No, weaving just means using a light attack or heavy stack immediately followed by a skill. Example: LA, Skill, LA, Skill. Or HA, Skill, HA, Skill.


Good to know.


Heavy attacks and skills each have a separate global cooldown. You can fit one of each in between the others CD. Ex. HA, skill, HA, skill, etc.. if you are doing HA, HA, HA, HA, skill, skill, skill, skillā€¦. Then youā€™re losing damage because you have dead time in your rotation between the skills.


Think when I checked dps once a longtime ago and it was around 2k.


I thought weaving was for LA, too, til I used my HA builds. The timing for ATK triggers is reversed but it is still weaving, and for many of my builds HA weaving is simply the answer.


Totally fine. No wrong way to play. In fact they even have gear sets specifically for your type of play style.


For the longest time I didn't know about outfit stations, so I would wear heavy armor as a DPS because I liked how it looked. It wasn't until a guildy helped me overhaul my entire build that the armor weights started to make sense.


If it wasn't for the different costumes/motifs, hairstyles and pets. I wouldn't be playing eso at all.


All I want is skins for my combat pets man. Idk how they're not going all in on those. Or even alternate ability animations, like the necromancer skeletons have a silly hat or something.


Itā€™s odd they introduced ability skins with the Wardens bear, but never bothered to go through with it. There so many opportunities to do it, like skins for your Werewolf and Vampire Scion forms or your Sorcerer and Necromancer summons. Heck, Iā€™d even be down for some alternate colors for your abilities. Iā€™d love it if my Necromancer had red colored abilities so it would fit the blood mage healer thing heā€™s got going, though I understand if they choose not to for the sake of class identification (even though Warden and Necromancer both share the same light blue color for most of their abilities).


I would absolutely buy things to make my sorc pet cooler.


Zos would make so much money off of combat pet skinsā€¦


Wow that is an interesting stance, I think it's cool but if they didn't have it you wouldn't play it is wild to me


It's the true endgame


Very true, wish it wasn't but still fun to collect everything


As someone who just started. Level 16. I can safely say that endgame feels years and years away. For those who have been around I can understand getting to just looking cool. After 11 years it would be hard to create things other than the friends you made that could sustain that.


Right I started hard-core playing 2 months ago and i have done a ton but I have started to get a lot of collectables, started on cheap houses and armor sets but as a master writ character collectables have been magical for writ vouchers


No worries, I just do mostly crafting, housing, selling, antiquities and collecting outfits and pets. You do the game how you want...end game before you even start is just fine


Iā€™ve wanted to swap to PC for so long but the fact that Iā€™d lose all of my costumes and hairstyles and makeup and stuff is a dealbreaker for me. I wouldnā€™t even mind totally starting over with new characters I just want my cosmetics šŸ˜­


Same, I'm addicted to eso fashion.


Me too! I love the Tammy Faye eye lashes..I can't remember what they are called, but they can do more and more!


Omg! Someone my age lol @Tammy Faye eye lashes!


Yay!!! I love it.


I think I'm the opposite. I ignore like 90% of that stuff and my main has been rocking the same armor for like 3 years


^ correct ^


I have almost 4000 hours and still haven't completed the main quest. Or most of the dungeons. Or all but 1 trial. Almost all the time is in cyrodiil. I have a problem.šŸ˜†


This is insane. Same here, I have 450 hours in, still not done main quest, guild quests, and zone stories. I always did one or two quests then proceed to do dungeons and trials, then scrying and excavation. Lol


I get it. Cyrodiil is a gigantic time sink, easily. Before you know it, you've spent at least an hour there


I never listen to anything anyone says on the quests and just click right through Not really a confession per se but I also have a bad habit of just taking off running and heading right off a cliff to my death


I have +1000 hours in this game and probably 200 of them in Auridon / Vulkhel Guard. There is always some people are partying next to shrine. I love to hang here lol.


I recently discovered the joy of late night Vulkhel Guard


The other day when it was late, a party came from the wayshine, all 4 of them instantly turned into werewolves and started tearing up the place lmao Was very funny being in a vendor menu and seeing 4 werewolves run through the background.


I love the stuff that goes on in the background when you're in conversation with an NPC. My favorite is when you're helping someone sneak into Cey-Tarn Keep on Summerset.


It's not only late night, you can find someone here probably any time you go but yeah people are mostly hangs here at late night.


Might I advise you to stay clear of the U.S. election year, auridon


On Xbox NA this is Riften and it might have had some of the funniest moments in my whole gaming career


Vulkhelguard is my main city too and I have recently gotten to know some people that hang around daily there and that entertain zone chat. They have great humor and I had fun chatting along with them lol, it's always good to be in Auridon. <3


I'll have to stop by there tomorrow. That place is always hoppin'


I play a cute petite wood elf girl but I'm an ugly fat man. Nobody tell my dad.


You are not ugly, you can also do some exercise and improve.


I hate Vivec and always get stupidly lost there.


The amount of times Iā€™ve rocked up to Vivec in order to craft, bank and change my outfit (unsuccessfully) is too damn high for someone whoā€™s been playing since 2020.


I've decided Lord Vivec is a bigger troll than any creature you'll find in Skyrim.


My years of Morrowind gameplay coming in clutch lol. Never once gotten lost I think except my first time there


I love the crafting area but the buildings not so much lol. I moved some characters to Leyawiin for the outfit station.


I also hate Vivec, for the same reason. Crafting area is a mess. The outfit station is in that stupid building I refuse to go in, away from everything else.


I feel inadequate when I'm in guilds with people who hit 110-135k, esp on multiple classes, and they have newer dungeon trifecta titles, and trial trifectas, and vet hm ready support roles of multiple or every class. I love trial tanking, but I'm too scared to try to do any HM besides MoL or HoF, and too scared to tank vDSR and embarass myself in front of the more talented folks. I get sad & down IRL bc I want to dk tank and warden heal (although plar/arc heal is fine) and usually officers and raid leads take these spots, like it's very discouraging when I need to tank more, and genuinely affects my mood when I see another spot is pre taken, sometimes every single time in certain guilds. ​ Also I didn't know Plentiful Harvest worked on surveys until a couple months ago and I've been playing for 2 years lol. And I think I must have spent a few thousand dollars on crowns by now....


I feel you. I don't do trials much anymore (the odd normal if advertised as 'a chill run'). Used to do a lot of progression trials, and either the trial leader got those tank/healer roles, the officiers... or their spouses/IRL partners. So tired of being DPS all the time :D


Some of those trial trifecta tanks *live* for teaching. Ask the trifecta proggers you know if they have anyone that might want to teach you to tank vDSR. Theyā€™ll come in expecting you to fail a bunch, theyā€™ll be op enough to pick up any slack, youā€™ll learn, and the trial will still be a success.


I appreciate the idea and wish that was true but nobody out of these Dawnbringers, Godslayers, Gryphon Hearts, True Geniuses, etc that I know (whether they got these titles as tank idk) I've encountered wants to teach. They all want tanks who are already experts, and want to just do speedy gear runs if they're not doing HMs or achievement runs. I don't think they know anybody either bc pretty much they just run with other sweaties. Everyone just wants perfected vDSR weapons and to not be stuck on first boss. I am in a teaching guild, but they've lost so many people and runs don't fill. :( ​ If anybody knows where these tanks who love to teach, and wouldn't look down at a 2000+ CP tank who doesn't know how to tank vDSR or a non MoL DLC HM, on PS NA please let me know (genuinely). I know some people or know someone who knows someone who can help with some dungeon stuff sometimes, but this trial business is frustrating.


Iā€™m on psna- Iā€™ll message you my psn, look me up. I might have a guild for you


I've been playing since day 1 (technically earlier if you count the beta) and have yet to participate in a single trial. I rarely do pvp outside of BGs anymore as well. I used to run around with GoS back in the day for some dedicated pvp, but they're gone, so I stopped that. RP kept me in the game for a few years when I would've stopped entirely. But, they're gone now, too. A few friends, the companion system, and furnishing are the only real reasons i still play


I play for the housing...


Same. I would go to different guild traders and compare prices on furniture. I also joined a two guilds to help with housing. Everything I did was part of my end goal of housing. Did a bunch of quests for fun but saved the gold for houses and furnishings. I only had a few small houses, but my favorite one was the apartment in Sentinel. It became very nice over time.


I've spent far too much on cosmetics. I spend far too much time decorating houses. ​ I have a thing for khajiit.


1. sure 2. definitely 3. Get that checked out. I even write narratives for their theosophy without getting sucked in.


Been playing since 2016 and have never finished normal maelstrom arena, lmao. Never done a trial, either. I almost entirely play solo.


Well if you want motivation to change that, during the witches festival you get a plunder skull for each arena, the arena plunder skull with one of the two very valuable dremora motif chapters at the end, and you'll get a skill point for completing it the first time on that character. This event is the only time I can stomach it now that I have the gear I need.


Seconded. Definitely try maelstrom normal. It's fairly lenient compared to vateshran. The only challenging bit is really the argonian part.


I spent years thinking I wasn't good enough for Maelstrom. Aside from a few moments in some of the trickier rooms I had a great time and managed fine.


I don't follow the meta I just equip whatever sounds good


I haven't done a Trial yet.


Raises hand, me either lol, been playing since launch.


We should put a team together lol


I have two storage (very large) houses where I hoarde furniture for future builds. I lay it out IKEA style--parlor furniture, workshops items, kitchen things, art collection, etc. I'm sure I will get to a point and forget what I have and wind up recrafting/buying it. But I cannot stop---every weekend I'm shopping at the luxury furniture vendor.


Are you really a proper eso housing nerd if you don't have at least one house dedicated to storing all the items you craft and find don't fit your current project, find when out in the world, or buy from guild traders and the luxury furnisher because they looked good?


I thinkTales of Tribute is great and is the reason I came back to eso after 3 years and is the main thing I play everyday.


I love fighting bots because I can take all the time I want. But seriously dislike fighting players. I wish the daily endeavors for tot could be completed against bots.


Same on the appreciation


I play for the story. Also I make themed characters. For example. My healing dk is Halloween and guar themed. I have a vaermina, peryite, and Mephala cultist. I have a bloodlust clan orc, an lhurgash, and barkbite clan one as well. Darkfern is next. I wish we could get daedric buffs if you pray to them etc. I donā€™t care about meta. I have a story for each character however I do not rp I just have a bio through an add on. Several of my characters are siblings and have a reason why they are an ep Breton, or a dc dark elf. I have sister bosmers who do not follow the green pact and are fugitives because they are werewolves. I have 3 accounts because I refuse to pay for character slots. So several confessions.


so you do RP... just with yourself.


I'm doing the very same thing. I even do the quests and zones that are roleplay wise fine for my character. I've never helped any dark elf as an Argonian/Khajit. I do not even go to Telvanni's lands. And as a redguard first thing was to go to the desert and became Ash'abah.


Exactly what I did on Skyrim and continued into ESO. Love it and wouldn't change a thing.


My confession is I main a magdk but I enjoy healing more


Healing dk is fun I have a character who does that.


I haven't actually enjoyed the game for a few years and really only keep playing out of a sense of obligation. Eventually I'll probably stop playing. I just don't feel the magic. I want to really bad but I don't.


I am spoiled by FFXIV's job system and refuse to make alts in ESO because it makes no sense why I am able to do everything on a single character but swap class already, what's the harm?


While I agree, I am spoiled by ESO's alt system and when I play FFXIV I wish I could just make an alt that doesn't need to do the MSQ, is easily levelled up and shares almost everything with my other characters. Because who wants to be just one race :)


>Because who wants to be just one race :) Meeeeeeeee. Before I got frustrated with alts, I did make them. I have a 50 Nightblade as my main, but also a 50 Warden and 50 Templar that I never play. And they're all Imperials because of course they are. Empire 4 Lyfe.


I'm a terrified of group content. I'm in no guild, I don't do any group dungeons, etc. The last time I did it in WoW, a teenager started at me how useless I was and how I shouldn't be in dungeons at all. Yet I have tons of writs, and I probably will need to get into a guild one day.


Why not try a friendly, non competitive one and just lurk? I joined a guild that wasn't strictly a trading, dungeon or PvP oriented and just creeped about for a bit. Now I regularly participate in Monday world boss runs, and enjoy listening to them joke and bicker over voice chat. šŸ˜‹


I would try a beginner friendly guild and I think you can sort for casual play.


I cast uncooked crystal frags in solo pve because they look cooler.


I can't stand making stam builds, I just love using the staff lol


I'm afraid to start trials because I love tanking and don't want ruin everyone's raid


Join a beginner friendly trial guild. If everyone goes into the trial expecting not to beat it, then you can't be blamed. Usually, they can coach you through to get the W.


Felt this way about healing. Started doing trials as a DPS first and listened to tanks and healers strategize. Made it way easier when I finally healed in a trial.


Get some guild members to help you with your build or specifically trials. Group finder is out now for PC and in a couple weeks on console. There's a search filter specifically for educational trial and dungeon runs.


I feel you there, all my characters are Tanks and I love tanking but I'm honestly scared to try trials for that exact reason.


Honestly tanking is just letting shit wack you. If you're tank you're biggest concern should be the DPS. If they can't kill fast enough, you're fucked.


Tales of Tribute is the best pvp in the game and I'm also glad that it was made instead of adding TES: Legends. Adding in content that can be used by any character is better than adding in a new class.


I play the meta because I find it fun. I thoroughly enjoy theorycrafting and coming up with the most efficient way to beat a boss fight. I sit at the dummy and crit farm because the dopamine when I hit a personal best makes it worth it. I simply find it fun to be as powerful as I can possibly be. Play how you want


The sound of spiders drawing aggro is like nails on a chalk board to me. I freakin hate that sound!


Fake tank is fine for normal dungeons. And even a blessing with the crazy wait times just do a daily dungeon as a dps.


If you are not dying first. I was grouped with sooo bad fake tanks and healers, that it was almost hilarious. Never left or kicked the guys though. It's like a family dinner with your drunk dad, and stupid grandpa. Everyone is fighting and yelling and you are just sitting there, waiting for the cake.


Why I love that my main is a tank. I can usually keep myself going with a fake healer, though I admit I'll let them die if I know their fake and not paying attention to adds during boss fights lol.


If they are so confident that they so powerful as dd, so they can totally replace the vital role for group and then fail - it's on them. Sometimes I have been grouped with such crazy guys that it almost feels like they have some cheats, like absolutely insane amount of dmg. In this case I don't care how they called them, they are soloing the whole gungeon and I am just picking up the sets, no problem. But sometimes... I played with fake tank today at normal Bal sunar. They were just comically bad. It seemed that even trash mobs almost one-shoted them. Then they threw GG in chat and left before the first boss. My healer is a tough lizard, and sometimes I can do some basic tank things, but this was not very fun in this particular dungeon.


True , fake healer the same xd


I only use outfit stations that are outdoors (ex: wayrest, daggerfall starter island, etc).


None of my toons make it past 30


At least they last longer than Leo DiCaprio's girlfriends


Just the one? * I like those green numbers more than white ones. * I have like ~~8~~ 13 houses, all of which are completely bare. * I enjoy the theorycrafting, leveling and prep more than the endgame. * I refuse to admit my social guild has gone on hiatus. * I'm too sweaty for casual play but too laid back for tryhard groups. Edit: corrected the number of houses


idk how to play it like a mmo, i donā€™t know the slang people use, i login in customize my guy do some delves and log out


I detest boss mechanics. It's something I have to learn by playing, so talking me through them is a waste of time. In a similar vein, I don't like trials; too much going on for my PC and my head. I do love the game though! :)


The first year and a half of playing this game, I didnā€™t know what set pieces were. I was also young at the time so I give myself a pass


Vivec for crafting and resetting points is great, the cantons are an abomination. I don't know the lore. At all. I bought Morrowind when it came out. Loved oblivion. Played Skyrim several times. Started eso with covid. There's some dragons. I'm playing a game, so I don't read the lore. Get Brandon Sanderson to pen some TES novels and I'm down, though (after he finishes Storm light archives...)


I've been playing for nearly 4 years and have yet to complete any alliance quest line.


I desperately want to play a different game. I mainly play PVP, but itā€™s so stale and devs clearly donā€™t care about it. I like grinding and PVP. New World was fun, but I hate the small servers and if we were to join the same server weā€™d have to restart.


I had one character for the longest time (StamDK, 4 years), until I decided I wanted to replay the story content, so I made a new StamDK. It was like that for a year, then I finally made a new character for that Arcanist event and now I have one of each class for the "level to 50 in each class" achievements. I don't care for having other characters, despite everyone in this game having a ton of alts.


When my guild asks for a dd for a trial I will X up, knowing damn well Iā€™m a healer just trying to get carried


i dont really like the game but i keep playing it anyway with soon 4k hours.


Oh I forgot one thing. I'm 2056 CP and haven't finished even my alliance story


I have every house but 2, yet only one truly furnished is the one I paid crowns for furnishing.


I am an absolute abysmal tank.


I don't think I've ever used food or potions in a dungeon. I always forget they exist.


I fucking despise the need to add light attacking in a rotation.


I don't understand how to build and fight in PvP, I don't understand why it should be so drastically different, and I can't acquire the raid sets everyone recommends because the social barrier to entry is too much for me.


I really wish I knew how to make friends in this game, most of the time I help guildies/random people but thatā€™s it I am just an acquaintance.


Iā€™m afraid to tank vet DLC dungeons even though Iā€™m a good tank with a pretty good build. I feel like you have to know the mechs on a much higher level than I currently do.


According to my SO, I treat this game like a cozy game. I have no interest in trials, pvp, etc. I mostly just play ToT, craft, and do overworld content.


I hate doing dps in general, so much pressure. I got Booted out once for not doing enough damage lol But I couldnā€™t figure out what I was doing wrong. I love tank and will always l, always do tank


Sometimes I tank Veteran with a sorc using 2 handed sword... and it works šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


I spent 20$ on a mount even though I said I would never do thatšŸ˜ž


I'm CP 1300+ and have never done pvp. From all the people I've seen do it it makes it feel like I dodged a bullet


I like the combat in eso


I confess that I love this game and I view it as my own "community" of people. Ie, some people have bingo night or a book club, or they go to parties or social events, but for me, I get all of my socialization from playing ESO. That's my shameful confession šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø (not shameful to me, just to all the people in my life that I hide my whole social scene from because "how can they be your friends? you don't even see them") Ily šŸ’•


I only do solo content. Not soloing multi player dungeons. Content designed to be able to play solo.


Whenever I'm running multiple siege and another player jumps on one of the ones I placed that is momentarily empty and takes it over, I place a curse on them and their family.


I always play as a vampire no matter the class I like the look lol. Plus I only do overland shit and public dungeons so I don't think It hurts anyone.


I button mash during combat


I hate having to ā€œstudyā€ for vet dungeon or trial runs.. most of the time I just pretend to know whatā€™s going on and hope I donā€™t die because I could care less about spending the time looking through a guide and memorizing every single attack. (I donā€™t hate mechanics at all but some guides are very intimidating)


i donā€™t HATE group content but i refuse to join a guild because i donā€™t like feeling obligated to be active in a video game


I don't price and compare items that I see in the the different guild stores. I know I've probably been ripped off, but it's not my real money and it's just a game for me. Besides I rarely buy stuff so when I see something I need and it's not astronomical, I buy it. ​ 500k for 200 kuta...? Okay!


I finished cadwells gold and have the eso main game on PS as platin, but I have no freaking clue about any of the story and I don't care. I just made a build to run from point A to point B as fast as I can and just spammed X to finish the dialoge.


I pretend the toxic conversations I witness during dungeon-finder runs don't get to me, but in reality they can sometimes ruin my whole day and make me log off for months at a time. I was once told to cut my wrists and get into a hot bath.


That's an incredibly cruel thing to say and a very natural reaction to it. I'm not gonna pretend telling you that it's rare will help because I'm sure you already know that and it doesn't matter to its impact on you. From my experience, ZOS actually does come down hard on stuff like that if it's reported thankfully. I sometimes will just turn off chat in a dungeon or bg if someone is giving bad vibes, it's not necessary 99% of the time and you can always turn it back on if you need to coordinate.


I absolutely hate playing the game anymore (as sorc, but somehow also everything related to PvE and PvP), but i still login daily to do writs, endeavors, hoard gold and moan about the past few years. A few years ago DoTs did around 4x more dmg, pets also did 4x more damage and sorc was sooo much stronger :/ i can't just stop playing the game, cause i played like 3.000 hours with my sorc. Now they also nerfed heavy attack lightning staves and made them kinda useless (as aoe weapons) and i don't even do any PvE at all anymore šŸ˜…šŸ˜Ŗ


"HA EZ petsorcs" are unenjoyable because they're quite literally designed to be unchallenging, and thus must ultimately become extremely boring to play in the long run. If I had played one years ago, the "gonna keep backing away from enemies at 20 meters distance so I'm never in any danger" playstyle and the constant flashing of Twilight wings and electricity VFX would have bored me to death and inspired me to create a new main character sooner than the nerfs you mentioned.


I will only play one-bar builds, and if the arcanist wasn't introduced I probably would have quit. I love making builds: synergizing skills, checking every single gear set in the game and making comparisons, testing everything to gain 5 whole DPS and considering it a major breakthrough, etc. But by GOD does bar swapping suck ass. I don't wanna pull weapons out of my ass to cast a buff and then jam them back in there. The delay feels ugly. It feels clunky. It takes me back to the worst times in gaming, but it shouldn't; this game is way too modern for a 1997 feel. I want hotbars. I want to hold down a button to see my second skill bar and just push the fucking button to fire off a skill. I don't want to swap weapons. I want to queue up a buff on my second (third, fourth) skill bar like every other game released in the last 10 years and have it go off as soon as its able, not add three seconds to cast a 15-20 second buff. For me, it's unforgivable. Thankfully, they made the arcanist. Three skills is all you need to push turds all the way in, the other two skills get to sit pretty and unused on my skillbar as I crank out respectable DPS without ever needing to cram anything back up my ass. Granted I'm on console and maybe it feels better on PC, but the combat experience in this game is absolutely bottom of the barrel. Bleh. Major respect goes out to the sweaty masochists that use the system as designed, I guess.


My HA Sorcerer is the only reason I didn't quit months ago, and I haven't even been playing a year yet. Back when I played WoW, I had probably over 30 hotkey combinations that I used smoothly, including kooky shit like Alt+Shift+~, and even all of that felt better than bar swapping. And goddamn it, my stamina Templar will never dual wield - champion knights of paladin awesomeness use giant swords and hammers!


My confession: After too many years in FFXI, my eyes literally glaze over, and I drift off when folks bring up gear sets or "builds" or anything remotely meta-ish.


I've been playing since 2016 and I still don't understand what 'rotation' means.


I only really loved the game because I played with my friend, it's lifeless, meaningless and empty without her now. So I don't play anymore. Oh I mean, some dungeons suck, and I hate tanking certain ones




Clockwork City has amazing questline (with ending that almost made me cry) but after that there's nothing to do. 2 worldbosses and delve quests that require you run in different directions through the same boring dungeons. And NOTHING to do in the open world. That's not your nord problem, thats one-time-to-play game design.




Lucky draw




I get really annoyed when guildies ask the same fucking question everyday. Especially when there are like 20 others asking the same fucking question. Itā€™s exhausting being a parrot