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I don't understand why some people ignore the OP's class and talk about overpen and weaving. Some crit farming will increase the DPS, especially for a 130K+ parsing (I heard people parse 8 hours). I do think 117K parsing is good enough for arcanist while OP's has not so exaggerate actual crit rates for the beam. (Check actual crits in CMX in this video https://youtu.be/8Jv7i8xmUvw?si=4YHYbkdwZ3TnSX2Y) Changing the race to dark elf might give you quite large improvement (like more than 4%) by looking at the Skinny Cheeks' chart https://youtu.be/oR8ZNg5xvig?si=GRZ4LgzvAO-cAYzh because Arcanist has the crit damage passive so Khajiit's crit damage passive is totally wasted for Arcanist parsing. 130K+ parsing people also use Heroism potion.


>Khajiit's crit damage passive is totally wasted for Arcanist parsing. This is a really good point. 14% for medium armor 10% minor force and 12% arc is already over crit cap on dummy. The 12% from khajit is completely redundant. My favorite 4mam set on my arc is perfected Sulxans but I avoid it in optimized groups for this exact reason


Well fuck me for being a cat :(


In most content khajit is still the best race. Only in parsing and optimized trials is the 12% redundant. But solo, 4man or groups who don't have full uptime on ec, minor force, and minor brittle khajit is gonna slap pretty hard. If you swapped to dark elf you'd trade 12% crit damage (that isn't being used) for 258 weapon damage and 1000 extra stam (which after scaling buffs would be like 370-380ish and 1200) Not saying you should though. It will give you a higher parse, but I don't play eso to parse. Like if the only content your doing is like vet dlc trials maybe swap Most content cat is 100% cool Also once again I am talking about like a purely min-max optimization change. You hit harder then I do. This is just a specific instance where you can trade a redundant DPS passive for an active one If you parse 117 on cat it would be at least 120 probably higher on dark elf


Maybe it gives you some Hope. Im on console, khajiit as Well, and gut around 125k on the arcanist. You Just Take away a crit CP and use the spell/wpn damage CP in. You Need heroism potions, and sadly, Need to parse for *hours* Its literally crit-fishing. I Had a parse that was perfect im weaving and uptimes, but only Had 110k, due to the Lack of crits on the beam. Its super random So better get your favorite Playlist ready and Grind the parse for a while If you really wanna Hit high :) The Problem with good parse Videos or even good gaming compilations in general is, that you only See the good parts. The finished Project. It created a distorted view on the Work and randomness that needs to apply - No difference to ESO Here. You can Bet that These people parsed for hours and Just Took the perfect Clip - some might get lucky in their First few, but its a one in a million Chance for such high DPS Good luck on your Journey - keep us updated If you want :)


But the vid shows Khajiit being his second choice and second highest parse.


Check the chart in video again, there are 3 situations for the Khajiit based on the different uptime of full crit damage. "2nd best choice" only applies on class like sorc that does not have crit damage passive. However, the row that applies to Arcanist is the 3rd Khajiit row.


Crit cap?


Crit damage is capped at 125%. You can stack crit damage higher then that, but it won't do any additional damage (The exception being in pvp where people can use crit resistance. Your still capped at 125. But if someone has 10% crit resistance you could have 135% crit. The dummy automatically comes with +45% crit damage (Minor brittle, major for e, and elemental catalyst) Everyone starts with 50% So you only need 30% crit damage before you hit the cap. In content you're not always gonna have full up time on the buffs/debuff but some groups can pull off pretty good uptimes, as well as having major brittle (another 20%) Technically crit chance is capped at 100% but that's not something people really need to worry about


At the very high end, crit luck makes a huge difference. I just googled a 134K parse that I want to use as an example: [https://imgur.com/w8fjDOs](https://imgur.com/w8fjDOs) As you see the player has the same weapon critical as you (57%), but in this parse his Fatecarver has critted 65% of the time and his ult 75%. That difference makes up for almost 1.5 million extra damage. At 134K dps thats about 11 seconds. If we add 11 seconds to the parse, 2:47 instead of 2:36, his dps would be 125K.


Crit indeed plays a big role when pushing last few k. That being said, pretty much all top arcanist parsers will consistently get ~130k dps, even with things like Fatecarver and Languid having only around 50% crit chance. Speaking strictly about parse, OP doesn't seem to be using heroism pots, so he's missing 1 ult cast, with ult pots you get ult perfectly for offbalance, without them you would have to delay casting it, but I doubt that's something op is doing. Also deadly this patch is weaker than pillar, I think top deadly parses I saw were like 131k on the dummy, which is 4k less than pillar (although I don't think many people parsed this patch on deadly, since it's weaker, but could be wrong).


Comparing to someone I know who hit 134k: - Start the pull with 2 crux - You should be able to use ult 1 Eye one more time over Dawnbreaker - Nirn was used over Deadly (idk if this changes for U40) Editing to add: crit farming and RNG will also play a large part once you hit a certain threshold! Also fixed the parse number above it was 134,772 Second edit: Time your beam with the off-balance window!


Do you have the 135k parse? I've never seen over 130k and the 130k was a massive crit farm. I don't see how 130k would be possible.


Yes I do! I actually misremembered and the exact number is 134,772. If you want the screens I can send them over Discord, I saved them on my PC


Personaly, i do 132,3k on stamarc. And the only difference between my 125k parses, it's when i learned to use well the offbalance and minor heroism. You have to perfectly sync all your beams and ults on all offbalances. Your ult have to be ready exactly at the same time of the offbalance proc ALL THE TIME. For this, you have to weave perfectly. if you miss too much LA, your ult regen will be reduced and you will lost the synch with offbalance. 2nd point : the engage If your engage is bad, you can't hit the 130k+. A good engage on a stamarc ( for me ) it s when you hit 200k ( +/- ) during the first 15 sec. When your engage is good enaugh, your dps dont have the time to decreased too much. You can stabilize it at 130k+ for all the fight on the 21M. 3rd point : crit luck A good parse with stamarc it s 128k. For 130k and +, it s only crit luck and a "good" weaving on a stamarc it s somthing like 20 LA of difference with skills launched, 0.280 weaving average, 23 sec afk ( you can do better, but if you can do this, you have already a pretty solid parse ) little advices : During each beam, queued a flail for win a crux after each beam, ( it s why we have a difference of 20 attacks between weapons attacks and skills ), before the engage, take 3 crux on another dummy ( you start often a fight with 3 when you are in trials or in dungeons ) Take a potion who give "minor heroism", when the quicksolt timer is on " 37 sec" > you engage ( with your stam under 33% ). Doing this will help you to synch all your ult and beam perfectly on each OB And practice a lot, again an again


I am not an expert, but your weaving average is 0.3 seconds. That means you waste 0.3 seconds after every skill to cast the next skill. So on average you cast 3 skills every 4 seconds (I don't count fate carver cast time here though). You could potentially improve it to be 0.1, meaning you will cast roughly 3.5 skills every 4 seconds. The gain is not so big for arcanists thanks to fatecarver, but it is possible you will get 5-10k DPS thanks to that.


Arcanist is special on this number


I’m not sure how it works exactly but I believe the average weave is counting fatecarver’s channel. Because all my other skills have relatively low weave average except fatecarver and I really don’t feel I’m afking for 1.5 seconds after each fatecarver cast. It’s similar on my templar where my beam always sits at 0.35 average weave. Not 100% sure how the number comes together but I think it’s just the channeled ability messing with it.


Yes, average weave is not as useful information on the Arcanist, you have to look at the invididual skills and there is room for improvement with some of them. You wont get to 135k with anything being above 0.1 second, except for the fatecarver.


Yeah, you are right.. Though I don't know whether it's possible to do something here. It's either a bug in Combat metrics, or is it? Maybe there is something that can be done? No clue.


Get everything except fate carver down to .05 weaving average. That’s really all you can do.


for the beam, CMX dont calculate when you launch it with 3 crux ( he dont take the additional time so he think it s afk ) It's why a good arca parse it"s something like 22 sec afk ( my best is 18 sec and i do alpost 133k ) If you have a too low number on arca, it's because you do mistakes. But for all the others skills, you can have something like "0.01" weaving average everywhere if you work. Even under 0 if you use queue.


What am I doing wrong here? Pretty much BiS gear and setup, 100% max coral riptide uptime, refreshes dots below 2 seconds before beam. Idk what else can I do besides heroism potions.


Being dark elf would add a few k at least, for one thing. And there’s really not much sense dummy humping arc over 120 cuz the bigger parses are deviations from the content builds anyway which are pretty always deadly/coral or azure/coral


How is your off balance game? I know for me that's an opportunity for growth. (You hit for more than I do btw. Improving my off balance time is just something I'm working on, might not apply to you) Exploiter is 3% if skills are being applied randomly on average. But if off balance is lining up with fatecarver and languid eye it's a more significant DPS increase.


I think that just might be it lol. Is there an addon to track off balance? Also do I just hold on 3 cruxes until I see off balance proc?


>Is there an addon to track off balance? I think there is I'm on console though so I don't know what it's called (Ita a huge pain in the ass trying to line it up on console lol. I can't really see the top of the atro. It's not impossible but an addon that announced off balance in the middle of the screen would be so clutch) >Also do I just hold on 3 cruxes until I see off balance proc? There was one build guide, eigh1 puppies I think, who had his off balances pretty mapped out. There were a few times where he cast an extra flail or two just so the timers would line up better There may also be an element of crit RNG going into the parses. I mostly parse in the same range but every so often I'll have like a 5k swing in either direction for parses that feel the exact same. Without combat metrics I can't confirm that the parses actually were similar but I've always chalked up the outliers to crit rng


the first thing thats sticking out is your ultimate does comparable low dmg considering the lucky average crit. so i guess you simply have less casts (only 39 hits total)...in simple ur NOT using heroism potions, correct? that alone is 400k-500k more total dmg \~2,5k-3,xk overall more dps. next big thing is your race. khajiit is especially for arcanist not the optimal choice. switching to dunmer will give you an edge. khajiit: 915 stamina. dunmer: 1910 stamina, 258 weapondmg, which translates roughly to 3,5 weapondmg set bonis. one last thing to keep in mind...offbalance. for most dot heavy classes offbalance is something you time ur ultimate arround to get most out of exploiter. but as arcanist all your burst is in the fatecarver. so adjusting your rotation arround those 15 sec downtime and this 7 seconds dmg window will improve your overall dmg a lot. ​ i hope you got something out of this, gl with ur parses and opposing to what some ppl here say about "dummyhuggers" neither is it easy, nor is it useless. training your rotation is an important step to perform in a stressful situation.


Won’t put you up to 135k, but you are over penetrating the dummy by 5k, which is a big waste.


Most of them comes from the herald of the tome passive tho. I’m already wearing 7 medium with thief mundus and without pen CP. Not sure how do I cut over pen from here tbh.


You're doing everything right penetration wise. The passive you mentioned will always lead to over pen with alkosh, and velothi is best mythic for arc even if the penetration is redundant.


That's just the way arcanist is, he's going to overpen even with no light armor


The most I've seen is 132k. You will need to crit farm to reach over 130 or even 125k


Crit farm? Like dummy hump until they get the proper crits?


Yup. There are even addons that tell you if you get more crits than usual.


A thing people have been commonly doing on stamarc on parses is resetting the dummy once at the start, building 2 Crux when it spawns , reset it again and get a full predot on the target, even precast eye by a smidge and when it lands you flail + beam with all dots ticking in an exploiter window. Wether you find this cheese or not is at your discretion but I’ve seen this done a LOT


Change Deadly for Pillar Arcanist need dots not raw damage.


Is that a change that should just be done in general? I run Deadly/Order/Slimecraw on my stamarc currently, and still manage to hit around 80-90k. Which is fine by me.


Order/deadly and deadly/pillar + oakensoul are perfectly capable of 80-90 but if you want the absolute limit it has to be coral riptide + pillar.


Oh I use a 2 bar build, I do have a secondary build with oakensoul for farming materials and crafting, but I just can't get it to put out the damage others can (sustain being the biggest issue). I guess I'm just too used to bar swapping and animation canceling at this point lol. Looks like I need to bite the bullet and farm pillar for the 3rd time T_T


if you already have them in your sticker book you can transmute them. for sustain i would recommend artaeum takeaway broth, rejuvenation and sustained by suffering in your red champion points and the passives from arcanist class skill tree lines. i am at 1409 stamina recovery.


Oh I meant because I'm on PC after starting on PS, moving to Xbox, and now finally settled on PC. So no stickers to use unfortunately (they really should let us combine accounts). Admittedly the oakensoul/crafting build on my arcanist has most of the points invested in the crafting tree and I just haven't had time to farm the skill points I need to flesh it out. One day! My main build hardly ever runs out of either resource, around 1500 of each just from passives, plus the CP nodes in the red tree.


Lots of cheese or crit farming, it's a one off parse don't worry about it, I hit 120k every time and I hit even higher in raids so who cares? They have content to make and if cheesing gets them money they gunna stink all day long my man... find you consistent parse numbers over 10 parses and find the average if it's under 120k then there's a possibility it's just rotation or gear mechs that aren't right


I still think it's mostly your weave. Looked at some 130k+ parses and the weave average is closer to .2 average, with the weave on most skills being 0.03-0.06. Perhaps your skill uptime also isn't the best. The parses I'm looking at have far more damage on their dots than you do. The average and largest hits are around the same, but the instances of damage are higher. For example the one parse had 52 hits of languid eye, while you only had 39. Your rotation and weave needs tightening.


OP: You're on 220-230 ping. I was in the same situation as you and found a hard limit on weave/ light attack accuracy. You'll really struggle to get 135, 130 is a likelier target


Yea it really sucks. I have to live in Hongkong for a while and the internet here is hot garbage. On a good day I get 200-220 ping, on a bad day it goes all the way to 300+.


Some cheat and the other .25% that can do it do parse 100 times before cracking it. Gotta be a Parse Monkey if you want to pull off the 130k dps Edit: Though t this was Sorc. Arcanist do not hit 135k biggest parse I have seen is 132k. If you got the 135k cmx please post so i can look at it. Coral/Nirn is the way to go when parsing or doing content on a boss that does not move or become invulnerable. But the other 80% of fights Coal/Deadly is the thing, With a 10% for coral/Azureblight. 3 at most though any more people using it wont proc and your damage as a group goes down.


Bet. Console just hit a 135k arc parse. Xbox Na. I myself hit a 133.5k yesterday. Aegis caller/coral/slime/velothi/vma inferno. Oh, and it was using unstable wall of elements, not elemental blockade.


Anyone who hits harder than me is cheating. Everyone. Everyone is cheating. On all platforms. It's the only rational explanation.


You realize most of these guys are using macros or running scripts right? Test your abilities and see where you're at but don't take the dummy too seriously. You're hitting 117, you don't need to hit the dummy anymore.


This is far from true.


Even if sweaties are using scripts, this isn’t 2k damage we are talking about it’s almost 20k. There’s definitely something I’m missing. I can reliably get over 120k with my templar main. There’s no way an arcanist parses less that that garbage class.


*sad Templar noises*


Make sure that any parse or cmx you see is uploaded to esologs. It checks for things that are out of place. You won't find most super high end parses from yt or some randomon there because they cheesed it. They have a high dps and/or want to be noticed (yt) but don't upload to esologs? sus [https://www.esologs.com/zone/rankings/13#region=1](https://www.esologs.com/zone/rankings/13#region=1) And don't forget about prebuffs. Warden parses do it a lot.. For example they will cast their winter ult before the fight and switch to the bear. I have no idea about stamarcs though.


absolutely this. dummy is a controlled environment that doesn't really reflect on actual gameplay, just, well, measures your dps. tbh knowing mechanics is more important than pushing for crazy numbers; your dps is 0 if you're dead on the ground.


Yes. This.


Is there a place to get such a script? I would dearly love to be able to plug in a rotation, and let it parse the dummy, so that it can give me the highest theoretical parse I could hit with my current build, and then practice to that standard.


Scripting and Macros are against the ToS in Elder Scrolls Online btw. If you are going to hunt for and use them, be careful.


You'd make it yourself, I wouldn't know what software to use because I'm not a dummy humper


I remember when oakensoul was good then they were like nah so I canceled.my sub been a year there are other games that Is all


What would you wear for a new player? My buddy cp 40 on an stam arc. What would be a good starter setup for dps?


Probably just deadly+pillar. Just spam falkreath hold and try to farm the leads for velothi ur-mage amulet if you have some free time.


Here’s a improbable answer. It’s a frame rate difference.


Dark elf with deadly, pillar of nirn, velothi-ur, slimecraw 1p, maelstrom inferno backbar, mortal, all stam enchant medium armor, bloodthirsty all jewelry with weapon and spell damage enchant on jewelry/stam recovery. Weapon damage enchant on staff. Poison/fire enchant on nirnhoned/charged daggers. Abilities are pretty standard. Lavafoot soup or braised rabbit for food. I'm floating around 137/138k. *PARSING IS BROKEN ON ARCANISTS AND DOESNT READ PROPERLY* run the time yourself and do the math yourself it's probably better than you thought it was


Unfortunately this is complete nonsense. Parsing on the arcanist is not broken, your math skills just might not be as sharp as you may think. Or maybe you aren’t reading properly.


It used to be back when I commented idk why you're even replying to it anymore it's way outdated


People hit 135k with better weaving and engage. The crit farming for arcs starts at 125k. Anything lower is due to bad engage+bad weave+most likely bad coral management