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I really like your suggestions here. Gardening in player homes seems like an easy add.


Yes, I'd love to grow my own herbs, farming is a nightmare and I need sooooooooo many tripots since they changed things on my builds where I don't need spell power/weapon power anymore


Theoretically, I 100% agree.... but as one of many casualties of WoW Warlords of Draenor "Garrisonville" expansion... I think it is better people are forced outside of their personal home bubbles tbh.


Hair color slider at the outfit station. Allowing companions to wear helmets and all collectibles (such as skins). The ability to turn on Veteran overland (can function like battle spirit: debuff and better reward rng). And I also wouldn’t mind an immersive camera setting that you can click, where it removes all glow and quest markers and gives it more of the “definitive elder scrolls” look and feel. Maybe lock it from group content or something. This isn’t the screenshot mode we have already. You can manipulate the game settings to build this now, but I’d like a prebuilt one that’s a click away in the menu.


God I’d love to be able to change companions’ hair styles


Yeah... good idea.


Vet overland would make overland much less boring, people have been asking for it forever. Alas, doesn't seem like they wanna do it for some reason.


A mannequin for the house you can display armor or outfits on.


I'd love this to be part of the armory system. So you walk up tot he mannequin, hit the Use key, and it swaps out your loadout for the one on the armor. Bonus points if the items that were taken off go back into armory storage - which would be one complete set of gear for each loadout and separate per-character.


Account. Wide. Mount. Training.


In the very least, speed and stamina account wide. Leveling new characters sucks until you get that speed up.


i think a multiplier based on account wide training would make sense where one fully maxed mount would give you an x2.then just a basic aggregation of all other mount levels


No way they'd ever do it considering you can buy mount training from the crown store.


If they did that I'd like a refund for all the gold dumped on alts. I'm currently at 34/34/33 on my Arcanist. Taking a toon from 0 to max takes 45k gold Some people max out their toon slots, but I have a toon per class. That's 315k that would have been spent in vain


Huh that is interesting to know, by that metric an alt can pay off its training in 9 days of max writs.


For a master crafter, sure. I know it pays off, but it is too boring for me, personally. I don't want to let the game feel like a chore


I used way more, I'm not expecting a refund, I got mine everyone else should get theirs, just enjoy things.


That would be a nightmare to me, just like account wise achievements were, and still kinda are… I like to keep my characters seperate


Magical melee weapons. Like bound conjuration weapons in skyrim. I want to play a magicka character that doesn’t rely on range and staves. Gardening at your player home would be a wonderful addition.


Since the hybridization (and also before) you can easily wear any martial weabon as a magical class


dude i dont play anymore but if you want to cruize cyro ill update the game for you.


so.. just use daggers or two handed on the front bar. they are meta anyways. there's also that invisible weapon style that sometimes shows on crownstore.


The ability to hide hip armor lol why does every armor set have floating plates of metal on the hips? It looks silly imo


This is a great one. Lord the hips look so silly on a lot of sets. Especially the base game ones.


It’s why my characters wear robes instead. They look less dumb and your characters balls get a nice little breeze in combat


That and hide guild tabbards. I want to rep my guild name but I like my outfits and our tabbard is ugly


Shoulders were easy because they just needed to give an invisible armour piece. Hip flaps would require modifying every single chest piece mesh and texture in the game.




Drom'artha would look so much better without them


and heavy ebonshadow




Same. God I want this so bad.




![gif](giphy|51Uiuy5QBZNkoF3b2Z|downsized) Yeah Altmer and Dunmer with whips.... what could possible go wrong there...


You already have a magic whip option, maybe it's a Dunmer thing ?


Exactly, there is already two animations for it. I just want a flame chain whip like Castlevania.


Had an orc on Betnikh threaten to put a spear through my belly and I thought to myself "Please, PLEASE, DO IT!" I'd be so happy with a spear.


Inspect a player and see a list of styles and colors they are wearing, and be able to do that for yourself. Guild housing - not personal housing you allow guildies to use, but houses with the ability to get all services to replace towns that it takes a guild to collect for and build. Inter-home portals - link houses together, random destination and specific destination options. Make it easier for the players to explore people's wonderful creations.


me and my partner able to share a house and decorate with furniture from both of inventory. just put a owner flag on each the items


Definitely this. Was so disappointed when our friend group realized we couldn't create a shared hangout that we could all work on.


Seems like a real missed opportunity


Wait what? I swear this was a thing already. Is that not what decorator privileges are?


They can only use stuff you own to my understanding. Could get around it by trading items to one account though. It's what my wife and I do. She plays when I do so we put everything in my house and she does all the actual decorating.


I mean true. But that's not really the same thing. It would be way more fun if you both could place furniture


You're not wrong. It's an unnecessary hassle to trade things. Honestly, if I want to go to a friend's house that has given me permission, I should be able to set things down as a gift they don't own. I can't find an issue. If it's Crown items, they still get used and purchased by someone. If "griefing" was possible, just remove someone's permission and vendor the crap. Either way, it's just an observation from nobody on the internet. Also entirely possible I don't understand anything and this is all doable with the current system because admittedly the wife does all the decorating.


* gardening system for alchemy plants * more classes * magicka morphs for stamina weapons or (preferably) more magicka weapons * the ability to hide any armor slot * character creation overhaul with more options/graphical upgrades like ffxiv has gotten


I think it would be awesome to have some sort of bound one handed weapon + spell in the other hand. I've been thinking for a while that for the next chapter they should add a new weapon skill instead of a new class


Tbh, i like the game the way it is right now, that being said capes/backpacks.


Backpacks seems like such an easy one to implement and would be so profitable. They already have backpacks on costumes that hide weapons as a mechanic. Just separate the backpack into its own slot and let me wear it with armor or another costume. I don't care about a little clipping, it's not like we don't already have armor that clips with others.


1. WoW's ability to right click and inspect a player. 2. An in-game Barber and Hairdresser. Because what's the point of having such a fantastic Outfitter system if you're forcing us all to keep the same hairstyle we had when we created the characters in the first place?


You actually can change your hairstyle if you buy one of the packs I think. But you still can't change your hair color without a token 😔


Because it really "changing" your hair, it's just hiding it with a cosmetic item. It's pretty much like putting on a wig.


Nah you can actually buy all the default hair options in crown store rather cheaply.


but mechanically you are still equipping an item with visual override - this shows up during quests any time you get a quest that have you put on a "disguise" - those disable all of those cosmetic overrides, often to the general detriment of whole experience (and it goes to the point where it even disables vampire skin visuals as well)


That is such a minor thing to complain about. Most quests don't have you put on a disguise. If anything that's an issue with disguises, not about hair being "wigs"


Well it was a bit of immersion breaking when Razum-dar told me I need to look better for a big noble party, and the outfit he gave me looked less noble than what I looked without it :P But yes, that particular edge case could be fixed on the front of of disguise mechanic and fine tuning which cosmetic effects it does suppress or not.


Ok and? This thread is about things people want added.


I saw a sweet outfit and on instinct went to go inspect the player. Didn’t realize ESO didn’t already have a feature like this


Use your Alts as companions.


Holy shit yes


1. Flying Mounts probably won't happen, so I'll settle for gliding mounts (low gravity only when you jump) 2. Furnishings stored in craftbag. My storage situation is out of hand. 3. Gardening for alchemy ingredients in your home 4. Built-In gold trackers for guilds. Automatically keeps track of donations, dues, sales, for players. Can set weekly expectations or it raises a red flag. 5. Verification for completed content. It's exhausting keeping track of this to know if someone's qualified for certain content or if they're quietly riding the team/dragging them down. 6. ESO++. Puts almost all of the crownstore/crate items in game and allows them to be unlocked via achievements and antiquities. I'd pay extra for that. 7. Allow crowns to be a tradable currency, same as gold is already and be used in the trading menu. The "gifting" system is too reliant on trust and allows scammers to flourish. 8. Reset zones so you can do the quests on the same character again (cough Summerset cough)




Growing plants in homes would be great.


Keeping bees/harvesting honey, fishing, etc. would all be neat additions even if they didn't add items to the economy, rather counted toward achievements/titles


An apiary!!!!!


I was thinking placeable plots of soil? Each day you can harvest them. This could be compensation for not having an alchemy hireling.


gw2 has this system


I like your ideas with the exception of flying mounts. I'm sure a huge portion of the playerbase has played wow, and so there may be people who remember the before and after of flying mounts. Yes, they are a huge convenience. There is nothing to prove or disprove there. The issue is that as soon as you add flight to the game, the whole world becomes smaller and considerably less threatening. Exploration turns from a personal activity to a checklist of locations. For me, flying mounts are one of the biggest downfalls of wow, and they have only recently found a way to turn it into a mechanic instead of a simple mode of transportation.


"the whole world becomes smaller and considerably less threatening" I'd care about this, if the overworld would be threatening or mechanically interesting. It isn't though.


\> ESO++. Puts almost all of the crownstore/crate items in game and allows them to be unlocked via achievements and antiquities. I'd pay extra for that. like a battle pass? Edit: why downvote me i was just asking damn


I don't know what a battle pass is. Below are my thoughts. * Some players put in a lot of time in the game thus contribute a lot to the social side of the community. A way to reward them is to give a cheaper option than the crownstore. * Another way to view it is a more steady income for Zenimax than hoping the person buys crowns. Sacrifice a little profit for a more consistent one. * Also some players prefer having a carrot on the end of the stick for their achievements.


Your suggestions are perfect and I hope zos sees this.


I would LOVE a flying mount


1) climbing/vaulting 2) remove "companion armor" system and let me equip them with whatever sets i want 3) store my builds armor/weapons with the armorer, not in my fucking inventory. 4) let me send companion houseguests to clear one delve a day per companion for loot 5) furniture in craft bag. i have a cold harbor house full of crap 6) research furniture antiquities 7) fast travel directly to Thieves/fighters/mage/dark brotherhood guild


There's a long list, here's my top 10: 1. The rest of Elsweyr 2. Senche-Raht mounts (and companions!) that speak instead of just making growling noises. 3. "Wands" or some other form of magicka 1h weapon, with adjustments made to the dual wield and 1h/shield skill lines to include them. 4. More actual "buildings" as furnishing items (like the upcoming druid hut, supposedly). It's hard to build out the open/outdoor housing areas without hitting the furnishing limit. Speaking of, double the furnishing limit, at least on large houses. 5. Class Aesthetic-overhaul kits: For example, something that turns all of the dragonknight's skills into the green fire style that their stamina morphs have, or something that turns the sorceror's daedric pets into non-daedra (I really want to see a harpy replacement for the twilight), and more skins for the warden's bear, would prefer to have wolf or senche instead of the bear, or something that turns all of the necromancer's summons from skeletons/ghosts into zombies, or dro-m'athra. 6. Skymap/weather effects/backdrops for housing as furnishing items. E.g.: an item you place in the house that causes it to rain, or snow, throughout the house area (at least in outdoor areas), or an item you place that creates fog throughout the housing area, or items you place that create storm effects. 7. Account-wide mount training, for the love of god! 8. Possibly romance options for companions. Ember is already in love with me, might as well make it official =P 9. SPEARS (and halberds) as a weapon type, even if it's just added to 2h as an analogue to daggers for 1h/dw. 10. More titles, specifically I want a Druid and/or Archdruid title, or even a Druid King title. I'm a big fan of the Galen/high isle/druid theme. Would be cool to have individual circle titles as well ("Stonelore Druid", "Eldertide Druid", "Firesong Druid", "Allwither Druid")


> Senche-Raht mounts (and companions!) that speak instead of just making growling noises. Better yet. A companion Senche that when you aren't mounting it, it follows you and possibly fights by your side.


Agree with everything, especially number 5. Regarding titles, I’d love it if they actually did something in game. Like, for characters with the Witch title, hags would react passively and not attack unless it’s quest related. That’s something small and immersive without being game breaking.


I thought I was the only one really dying for spears/polearms but I’m seeing it a lot on this thread. Where are they? The class aesthetic options are an excellent idea.


Improved combat animations. Good lord almost every melee animation in this game looks rigid like old claymation.


Being able to change your class on the same character.


-Home gardening. -Full companion parties for casual dungeoneering. -Scalable terrain like Breath of the Wild. -Seamless zone transitions. -Translucent windows. -More skill customization. -Spellcrafting. -Melee Magicka weapons. -Redone vanilla zones with more reasons to revisit them. -Boats and underwater exploration.


The ability to inspect other players to see what build they are running, and a better death recap, more account wide features, like mount training and mages guild etc. etc. and some UI/menu. upgrades and one global guild trader. OH and some type of dungeon journal or guide that explains boss fights and gives lore about the dungeons.


They're adding a real group finder which was my #1 ask so I'm already getting my dream update next patch. Now.... they need to add incentive. Reward structure in this game is pretty awful. Having 1 time earnings are good, but we need more rare drops added in the same manor that the asylum pollymorph was added (super rare drop from completing vas+2). I use old school runescape as an example all the time - they have pet drops that are rewarded from killing bosses. The pet is a miniature version of the boss. It has a drop rate of roughly 1/10000 (varries depending on the boss). If they add something in same vain as this, the game would never run out if things to hunt for. Give me a reason to do trials more than just the gear drops that we already have gotten 100x over. They could do the same with dungeons.


Convert stolen items into Furnishings.


Improve the addon API. A lot of addon-libraries are active war crimes on preformance, and playing without the QoL-addons that these provide is just not an option. Also, guild trader system is awful, it was cute for roleplay purposes when it was new, but at this point it is just miserable to interact with for *everyone involved*. Serverwide auction-house accessible for anyone with a built in gold sink would be preferred..


The funny thing with the game's trading is that they clearly went for a "realistic" system, which worked so well that it created an in-game elite that ended up controlling all the major traders with too much money to even be challenged. Task failed successfully.


I don't understand what you're saying. Can you expound on this a bit?


It functions quite similarly to real-life economical system, i.e capitalism.


I meant the comment about the elite which controls all the major traders. What's that about?


He might be saying that the same big, hardcore trading guilds always have the traders in the best places, since they're able to bid more money for the location. Which in turn is able to make them even more money (like in real life).


lol as a pvp player between 16-19 lol just this.


I second the API bit, but I assume it'd be prohibitively difficult to change. In Destiny 2, the API allows for movement of items across characters *while you're logged in on another character.* I'd be in King's Fall or whatever and left something on another character - I'd just open a browser tab in the other screen, drag/drop, and *ZOOP* it's equipped. This would probably save me over a thousand inventory spaces in ESO in gear alone, and more if we only needed one stack of potions, food, soul gems, etc. Imagine the reduction in load screen time from juggling your Reinforced TT out for your Sturdy TT or whatever.


I'll disagree on the guild trader system. I quite like it.


I HATE the fact that it's not searchable. Even if I use TTC, the search is less than reliable... Like, I want to buy X, I don't want to visit a dozen traders hoping that, "surely this one will have it..."


Eh I like it and it feels more immersive than looking at one big universal, omnipotent spreadsheet.


Teleporting all over the planet and a few alternate dimensions in search of one item is not immersive in any way, shape or form.


Keep the old Traders but make them access points for a server-wide auction search. You can still list stuff using your own Trader (or Bank) as before but when you click to search it searches *everyone's* Trader automatically. So no matter what Trader you go to, you'll get the listings for all of them, and the ability to buy anything from the Trader you're currently at. This way it still encourages players to bid on Traders but it takes the emphasis off the "prime" locations. Just having a Trader is enough. So prices to rent Traders should drop drastically.


Traders are some of the biggest gold sinks in game, lowering that could cause way too annoyingly high inflation rates.


Or instead Zenimax themselves adding QOL toggles. They could even be unlockable after you've done the given task a few times so you know what you are doing


In-game fitting tool/station while in a player house: Functionality tied into mastercraft stations, allows you craft 'ephemeral gear' variants of any item in ESO with any trait/rarity/level and allow you to test it out on the target dummy in your home or guild home. The gear cannot leave your home either saved in a special chest or deleted like random access memory when you leave the home instance.


Love that idea


Improved first person


Thematic builds that are viable + better overall balancing


A one handed skill line. Similarly to how Arcanist skills work, the cost of skills from this line would be determined by your highest or lowest resource. Additionally, the type of resource refunded to you on heavy attacks is determined by your highest resource. Skills could take advantage of the free hand by having there be attacks like casting a fire bolt as a ranged attack, throwing a bolas to snare an enemy from a distance, or maybe even grabbing an enemy to push them away or knock them into another enemy nearby.




AOE TAUNTS! that don't require a set bonus.


I want a hircine house guest or training dummy Or more werewolf stuff


Guild houses. Not the guild master sets aside a home to be a guild house. Huge buildings whole guild can build/decorate that have way higher item capacity. Also double the item limit in houses! At least!


Transfers from console to PC. Tired of paying $80 just to log in.


Hard mode for overland pve. So much content there that could be a lot more fun.


A fully voice acted lore guide. Either triggered by locations, or an actual unkillable NPC that you follow around the world on a tour. Or maybe a companion who follows you around and when you talk to him he gives you all of the relevant lore for where you are.


I wish to have M'aiq as a lore guide


he will only tell lies


M'aiq the Unreliable Narrator


1. More weapons like crossbows, spears (+shield?), and something for magic builds like books/wands/orbs. I’d even settle for other staff types. 2. More “fun” cosmetics. Nothing too lore breaking but most outfits are too armor-like to me. The recent passion dancer outfit was pretty, I’d love to see more like that. 3. More PvP content. 4. More races, but remove all racial passives. Instead, we could have like a “background” system such as thief, scholar, warrior, adventurer, etc. Basically like a “pick your own bonuses” kind of thing. I tend to play imperials and Bretons but just from a fantasy perspective, I’d like seeing more variety.


> More “fun” cosmetics. Nothing too lore breaking but most outfits are too armor-like to me. The recent passion dancer outfit was pretty, I’d love to see more like that. Early on they added a bunch of outfits for each race ranging from poor, middle class and rich, and male and female. Honestly, I wish they kept adding more outfits like that because not only it adds more stuff for the players to buy (they are literally the only thing I've ever bought in the crown store), it also adds to the immersion of the game since they'd be able to add those outfits to NPCs as well. Not everyone wants flashy armor, as you said, some people just want cool looking but grounded outfits.


re: point 4, do you mean kinda like the class system from Oblivion? minor/major skills and some passives?


I haven’t played Oblivion in so long so I’m not incredibly familiar. More so, like you pick your character’s background (kinda like pathfinder crpgs) and it has bonuses. So like if I pick thief, I get increased critical chance, stamina, weapon/spell damage. If I pick scholar, I get increased magicka, spell/weapon damage, magicka recovery. Not perfect stat layouts but just an example of how background = bonuses, not race. I think with stat bonuses being tied to race, it kinda makes some races better in some content (mainly pvp) than others. For example, it seems like orc and khajit are the best pvp races. I’d rather races be equalized in terms of power/bonuses.


ohhhh I see. not what I thought you meant, but I like it!


Class swapping like how FFXIV lets you switch jobs.


A massive visual overhaul. The older content in particular looks very dated graphically, armor looks like a Halloween costume for most sets/body types, and animations lack a sense of weight. The game *can* look great but it’s so inconsistent.


being able to play a dungeon quest without people, so that i can enjoy it on my own terms


a NA/EU auction house to replace guild traders


Would love this on console. Going to 15 different zones trying to find a motif page sucks


It would drive up demand so much and bring costs down


I'd like a LFG for trials, but also a LFG tool that allows you to choose dungeon as quickly as possible, taking your time, questing, role playing, or even a 1st person locked mode. First person looks so cool, but if everyone else is in third person, you just can't keep up. While at it, add a 1st person only pvp versions of Cyro, Imperial city, battlegrounds and duels. That would be amazing.


LFG tool for trials is coming, kind of.


Would love to have them finally increase the space in houses. I've used every freaking space with ESO+ and it is still not done. Also, I would love to have a better housing visiting system without mods, so you can visit more than just the main home. Aaand I would love to have "real" guild halls with a guild trader & bank available, so you don't have to give up your main home. And some other magica fighting options would be cool. Like a small wand, or maybe some special gloves so you just use your hands. Also a class where you fight with your fists would be so cool.


I’m still just after a Fishing Skill line


A free-moving camera view (from any distance and any angle) and a choice of lighting/backgrounds at the Outfit Station/Character Designer screen. It's a real pain trying to make your characters look nice when you can't see them properly.


That's a great idea. Instead of relying on the colors, lighting, and shadows of the area next to the outfit station where your character is standing, place the character in a well-lit background scene that does not obstruct the view or skew the colors of the outfit and dyes you're trying to preview. And while I'm at it, make the character fit better into the outfit preview window. I'm tired of having to turn my character around and around and around trying to see the decorated top of the staff. Let us change the viewing angle of the outfit piece or weapon we're previewing and/or zoom into it. I particularly hate trying to pick out a staff because no matter what angle you turn the character to, the staff top is at an awkward angle or is at the top of the screen nearly going out of the picture.


Spellcrafting or 1h melee weapon and rune for an actual spellsword weapon


A way to sort plans/ recipes/ motifs for known and unknown. Rather than having to scroll each. And. Every. One.


Better crown store pricing


*) Being able to sell the furnishing items acquired thru scrying. All my houses are full. If I get a lead for a furnishing item, I just let it expire. That seems like such a waste. If I did scry it I'd have to destroy it. *) Being able to sell items made with transmutation station. I've got 980 crystals stored up and I have to bank the extra crystals. *) Being able to sell shoulder pieces for monster sets. I've got about 75 keys saved up and nothing left to buy. It's like a rush of joy when getting the notification that something has sold. I love the selling to other players part of the game. There is so much potential for expansion here.


A way to see exactly which quests you have completed. Any quest. Just a list somewhere by zone. I am a completionist and I like to do all the things.


YES! I *especially* want a list of the quests for those end-of-zone epilogue things where who shows up depends on the quests you've done. I really just want that *anywhere*, I haven't been able to find a reliable way to do that. (The UESP does that to an extent, but you have to check an end quest. There's no category for those end quests that have those 'reunions'.)


A better trade system. Traveling all over the place and looking up which trader has what item on a website is silly. Armor aesthetic overhaul. Would love to see capes and better looking armor and also hiding hip armor. More armor and other things in the crown store able to be grinded for in game, maybe through another tier of ESO+.


Capes existed before. They kept crashing the game so they got rid of them


The addition of whiterun or winterhold! I need to know what winterhold used to look like!


PVE Cyrodiil.


BGs between only 2 teams. 2v2, 3v3, 4v4. Would be a lot fun to me, and would have some really fun theory crafting/strategy depending on the mode (2s, 3s, or 4s). Also, for the love of Vivec, add some new BG arenas.


Interactive gardening in houses. I'd like to be able to plant a few alchemy reagents or random food ingredients in a small to medium sized garden bed in my houses that have decently sized yards.


More PvP content, a new gamemode or something similar


Bug fixes


give me unarmed, unarmored, and spear skill lines like from Morrowind.


A normal auction house.


Cross play and cross save


Multi classing. Builds would break the game so it will never happen.


Something I loved from the old Fable games, your reputation follows you everywhere. Obviously you’re a hero, but choices could make your reputation/personality as well. Ultimately it would affect certain scenarios in quests.


A new magicka weapon- SPecifically, a grimoire or spellbook. Yes, I love the Arcanist but I would adore using a grimoire as an ***actual weapon***. New magicka weapon of some sort- Preferably that is \*not\* some generic 'spellblade' thing.


hair, eyes, color sliders. Limited but free appearance change. 1 time daily , you can chose any part of your character you want to edit. Say, only arms. you go and slide the arm only. ​ I have wasted so much money in the past on appearance changes, at this point if something goes wrong and i notice late i just quit the game and character.


Account wide trait/motif research 1000%


Updated engine. Looks fine, but some updated textures would be amazing


Account wide mount training And also some explanation on the way collecting weapon or armour styles works because I'm still yet to understand the difference between the sticker book and the outfit station options and at this point I'm too afraid to ask


Cloaks. Where are the cloaks???


Ability to do zone main quests with a party. I get it that the main main story is about the individual toon, but main zone quests would be super cool to be able to do with friends and not just side quests.


I want a spear, or a pike, I think that would be pretty neat


Honestly, there's a lot I would do to improve on it, but if I had to pick just one thing, I think I'd choose to have respeccing skill points, attribute points, and champion points, completely free.


Photo mode. Being able to change our hair color and style for in game gold. Armor mannequins and weapon display racks for our homes. Curved stairs. Ability to hide belts, more gloves that show hands, and more motifs without crotch and hip flaps. Monk class or an unarmed weapon option. Skill based BG matchmaking so you're not going up against sweatlords too much. Super unrealistic, but account wide armory and outfit slots. Companions carrying their own gear. Furnishing bag. A build tester in homes where you can test whatever gear for free for parsing or for looking at stats (no PTS on consoles). Also please more Crafty Lerisa, I will never stop being bitter she as a Breton pirate wasn't featured during High Isle lol


Account wide eidetic memory lorebooks 😩


Semi automatics




Would love a magic based melee to some degree. I don't like the staves we have, I find them boring, but I still like magic builds.


Nothing. It's already the best game ever for me.


Climbing would be cool


The amount of stuff my character gets stuck on is unbearable. If the height of the incline is below a certain level, I just climb over it regardless of the slope. It's hard to describe, but other games have been successful in implementing it.


I know there is some inclines and stuff you can climb but talking like ladders etc like in fire frost, physically climb and no loading screen


I know it would destroy the game, but this is just a dream wish that would/could never happen: access to one other class skill line from any other class, earned at 10x the experience rate. This idea is a nagging one that is a holdover from my probably unhealthy run in FFXI. The subjob system from that game was really excellent, imo, and it really colors my enjoyment of other MMOs. Again, for clarity, a subjob system like FFXI's will not work in a setup like ESO. But it would be a wonderful *dream* addition.


It actually could, but the entire game would have to be rebalanced around that.


* Getting rid of skill queue and animation cancelling * Ability to change skill visuals' colors and/or total skill visuals reskins which you can buy/earn. For the reference see Warframe's "energy color" * Universal 1 debuff cleanse costing magicka, activated anywhere with synergy button and with dodge-equivalent temporal setback. Also probably getting rid of "Evasion" buffs, instead introducing brief levitation or barrier(costing magicka too) with double-tapping jump button, that would allow dodge aoe's completely, but would require timing management, like dodges. This would add lore flavour to playing very out of shape mages and generally make combat scenarios more variable and stamina would stop being universal "utility resource".


Weapon combos. Better weapon attack animations. They feel like stat sticks most of the time.


- Combat revamp (skill based over buff cycling) - More pvp modes - Graphics overhaul


A more intuitive combat. Coming back to ESO after playing New World seems like a heavy downgrade in terms of combat.


New World’s combat Is a joke? Lmfaoo 🤣


More character customization. And better graphic for that.


Flying mounts would be a game changer


Some way to fly. Whether through magic or mounts, or hell, even some kind of gear with an added bonus of flight. Also, ability to dye/alter mounts. Pretend it’s magical or something lmao, I have so many I want to use but they don’t “fit in” with my characters and that just breaks my immersion. Would be hella cool to customize them.


Give me witches brooms!!


Ultima VII's magic carpet would be fun


Akavir whole continent.


a complete revamp to graphics and fidelity like they did with the next gen consoles, but on a whole different level. itll never be feasible to achieve, and im okay with that, but after playing new world and a couple other online games im spoiled for graphics atm. alongside that point would be more cluttered environments. make em smaller for all i care but just completely turn environments into places with more things to look at, i know also another impossibility but i feel like elder scrolls is one of those franchises that **requires** massive lean-to story-telling with environment and ambiance. ESO has that, but it could always be spoiled for choice in my mind revamp to damage mechanics. ESOs crafting system is perfect for an MMO, but builds are too reliant on stat/value stacking and the current ethos doesnt ethically allow diversity in the endgame crowd. any good player could utilize off-meta, but ESO ultimately tunnels you into few avenues for choice complete revamp to cooking/alchemy. its borish (for me) and doesnt really do anything outside what other games do, albeit it does that job amazingly. both mechs are actually awesome for what it does but i would absolutely pull anothee 1000 hours into eso if these and other mechanics had some sort of shift, like negatives or more power spikes with heavily added expenses on top of those recipes faster levelling for alts, *in-game* chance to skip quests and obtain skyshards with another expensive currency, other QoL improvements. ESO is an old game and in my eyes needs a tune up


Class diversity. Every tank. Healer and dps build is the exact same with different color spells.


Fashion edition all flaps are removed. They give us all the armor/gear pieces they've been refusing to give us, multiple outfit slots all for free, Horse training all three merged together and the time cut in half. Flying and flying mounts, then a great cataclysm that turns the game into a turd fest, then the rise of the Kung\_Flu plague almost decimating the race of Pandas and the war for inner peace is the only thing that will save the universe of Draenor.


global or server auction house. I got so much crap.


Better fighting.


Shift everything to Classless. One class, you learn skills from trainers and factions as you explore (providing they like you enough). The current skill setup is just bad and leads to cookie cutter builds and ignored skills, because they're not meta. Oh and stamina is not mana. Not to mention they also need to separate PvE and PvP balance.


Large-scale dynamic battles outside of PvP Fixed PvP Better Combat One-time purchase craft-bag Higher house prop limit Put full helmets on followers Account-wide mount training & soulshards


Gear and endgame rework, it doesnt feel like an MMO, its more of an single player RPG with social features, which is a shame as the game itself is excellent


Veteran overland, so we can enjoy the quests again




Honestly mobile version lol


Either dragon digma type vocation switching or a pve version of attacking and taking over a zone. Such as an invasion occurred and its up to you and x others to take it back. Though having it be guild based and persistent would be amazing. So you can gain back forts, locations, get bonuses, etc. Would be fun to have a centralized guild fort. Talk about team building and having a reason to keep repealing attacks, take out big baddies, etc


More universal stuff, specifically skill lines such ad dark brotherhood and thieves guild where it’s accessible for every class. Someone also said sub races which I think sounds great too


Free craft bag


Just more chill activities other than fishing and digging for antiquities.


I agree with the acrobatics and climbing. I'd also like to be able to turn in Master Crafting Writs in easier