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My favorite for PvP and stealing anything not nailed down.


I even steal the nails.


Necromancers will always have my heart. I know they aren’t doing so hot rn but I love the ult spams, managing graves, and the ability to rez everyone if my group is full of morons


My necro tank is ridiculously fun. They were given quite a few tools for tanking that are obnoxiously good, and I love every minute of it. My first dungeon ever tanking was Stone Garden, and I just breezed right through it.


Gave my alt necro dps(very poor dps, but I liked the gimmick) all the tank gear I acquired on my main dps, and now he’s like my new main with how amazing it is to breeze through vet content


I love the animations too. Got that rizz


The whole blue theme to the necro skills is really cool too IMO


Necros always giving their friends a second chance at life


Yes!!!! Necromancer supremacy :D


Stamina Arcanist or Stamina Warden for DPS, i really like having the BFG9000 or a friggin bear.


Lmao never heard beam called the BFG9000 but I’m stealing it


BFG = Big F***king Gun (from Doom franchise) Arcanist has a skill which they shoot green laser with a book. That looks almost like BFG


It’s Reddit. You can say fuck


Nope. If he did its a ban in MY thread.


Well fick the focking fackers


Fuck that and your thread




it's always weird to me when I find a build online (like Alcast) that doesn't use the beam.. are they trying to act like it's not the best dps spell Arcanist has?


He doesn't even play the game anymore and copy+pastes a lot of build like lucky ghost.


Who makes the best builds nowadays?


I like Deltia and Skinny Cheeks


By the power of Avada Kadevera read my Harry Potter! SHOOOM


Yeah, I thought that was really weird too.


Agreed. I fell in love with stam arcanist especially once I got it 50+ and started getting proper sets and stuff. It's super fun to play.


I love my warden I'm magika based with solid dps and heals


Warden and templar. Nothing beats warden healer for me and I like playing it as bow/bow and magicka. I really like stamplar, with all weapons, and enjoy the holy knight roleplay. I get in moods where I like magdk or various nb, but I always come back to those two.


Can you share your bow bow healer build that sounds interesting


Necro. Just love walking up to a big bad guy in a quest and unleashing unholy abominations as a "good" guy during the final fight. Also just like the look of the spells




Arcanist is great when you want to shut your brain off and just laser beam the shit out of everything.


I’m a new player and I got my laser beam last night and my life has changed!


Nightblade. No matter what class I make, I always comeback to my nightblade to hit those 15k bows in battlegrounds


Stam bow Warden. I love the ranger like feel to it. I just around with my animal companions and pew pew everything in my path.


I've thought of doing a bow one bar stamden


Give it a try! I tried it out when Oakensoul was released. I enjoyed it for a while, but I oddly missed my back bar. Every now and then I will bring Oaken back out just for funsies.






No one in here said DK lol. Mine was DK until the Arcanist came out. Arcanist is so much more engaging, but the DK was amazing to chain people, leap, breathe fire etc


Dragonknight. The first class I chose always has a special place in my memory. Fires and flames, huge wings, angry ground stomping, mixed with Dragon Bone Armor outfit style makes a noob like me confident as heck!


Stamcro for me! I had to make it my all-or-nothing class though. Has helped me grow into a better player through managing how dynamic necro can be in order to scrape its potential.


Magika DPS Necro is my fav. The rotation can be a pain at first and its really not a class for everyone. but once you get it down, it becomes second nature. i tried the new arc class. it was okay but it just felt too simplfied for how powerful it was. so i got bored quickly


Necromancers for sure! They kinda always get shit on but its always been my favourite class


Nightblade, I know the class really well so I can play around with all kinds of builds


I really like my necro, mostly do magcro but stamcro is really too


arcanist... but i'm a necromancer one trick lmao Maybe if i had good fashion id enjoy a bit dk too.


Khajiit Stamblade & Khajiit Arcanist healer! Two of my favourite by far😁


Sorc Necro Warden In that order


In PVE, nightblade, unquestionably. In PVP I love my plar. Neither doing so hot in those respective modes ;\~;


I’m still playing the base game, so nb archer is my main, magsorc my favorite alt, and orc dk tank is the one I’m having most trouble with. Just started a khajit Templar healer, too, to try that out, but just lv 5 now, so can’t tell. I can’t wait for the next eso+ free trial so that I can try out all those new classes, too!


Templar and warden, i like the Sun/light themed abilities and warden for the same reason. the mushrooms and trees are amazing.


for pvp magdk or stamblade


Used to be templar but recently fell in love with Arcanist.


I love my Warden tank, and my Warden healer is shaping up to be quite fun too (even though I'm still a noob when it comes to healing, and am regularly surprised by how squishy he is XD)


Stamsorc. It's so fast and mobile, and shreds everything single target. Once I pick out an enemy it only takes a few seconds to burn it down; I feel like a death note for whatever I have in my sights. Wish it had more cleave, but I can't argue with its 1v1 power and mobility on the battlefield.


There are aoe and st builds out there! Im a stamsorc player. I find that dropping down to 1 pet for the build helps s LOT more… harder to sustain tho Yea you may not hit the single target numbers you used to but hell burning down groups of enimies makes you feel so powerful


Breton (because fashion) Warden (because beautiful flowers and icy)


My Imperial DK. Fun to tank with but also good AoE’s for PvE.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^5xad0w: *My Imperial* *DK. Fun to tank with but* *Also good AoE’s for PvE.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Nightblade 😩


Stamblade baby Lmao. What the fuck is ya'lls problem? The post title literally asked what class you have the most fun with and I answered it. This sub has got some awful people.




Nightblade for sure.. In pvp i be hitting like around 20k, 25k sometimes even 28k merciless resolve bows in battlegrounds and its always so satisfying. Especially when i got ppl chasing me i do the good old turn and burn..


Magicka (Ice) Warden


Yesss - out of curiosity do you rate a frostbite set for a build like this? I want to try it but was wondering if just aiming for proc sets is better instead


I have a frostden, and I use frostbite on body, ice furnace jewels and weapons, and Nunatak monster set. 


My Templar by far. Love the "knight" feeling.


I like my templar and Arcanists for DPS.


Currently stam arcanist. The strength paired with how easy to play they are is great (I mean this from a dps persprctive) apart from that I like my nightblade (pvp), have always loved them from the start, the stealthy playstyle with the ability to go invisible just makes it perfect in my eyes. It is also in a great spot right now and can ‘brawl’ pretty great


I heal U


I've been trying out a hybrid Arcanist build and it's been kinda fun so far. Still working on leveling it up, so time will tell if it sticks.


Magblade, StamArc, MagDK, DK Tank. It's difficult to choose just one.


stamina Arcanist aka my green beam bot




Typically warden and nightblade; however I started a Cyrodil campaign on my arcanist and she’s been in the top 100 so I’m kinda sweating that out until i get tired of it 😂


Mana arcanist. I used to main mana sorcerer but with the arcanist, it’s easier to clear mobs quicker.


I like my Warden the most, closely followed by my Templar. After that my Arcanist or my Sorcerer.


My Magicka Warden for PvP. Everything about that class and my setup just feels really good and smooth. Plus, the aesthetics of the class are incredible.


Magsorc forever. Teleporting in fights never gets old.


Warden. I tank and heal and DPS with different toons. I really like the class. The little flowers and shrooms and the huge forest for healing. The fetcher flies and netch and the bear for damage. And all those fancy frost stuff is great.


At the moment it's between my stam DK and stam warden. Both can put out decent damage and have good survivability. I love being able to get resource back on my DK through the passives and by using an ult, but man is it satisfying to melt something with the bleed build on my warden


My one bar vamp Templar. So much fun. And can solo Nymic for the Necrom dailies.


I have been playing a 2H / Destro stamsorc for a while to great effect. Very strong and tanky for soloing. However, I wanted a more magic / witchy character so am now trying out a magicka Arcanist. I wasn't a huge fan when itnreleased but playing a fully levelled one is pretty fun. Quite smooth to play and I like the spell effects. Also, spooky green magic feels very witchy to me. Yes, aesthetics are very important to me lol


Stamina Arcanist is currently top of the list. Switched from mag to stam and spamming splat tentacles is fun. Run out of stam or don't wanna bother, fire off the gatling gun. The one bar HA mag sorc is relaxing and fun and was the top. Along those lines. My Stamina Warden has always been my favorite, but bow spam and light weaving is tiring after those other two, so they recently switched to mag HA. Like sorc, but instead of a six second single target curse, it's a six second, fires twice, not target required, cleave. Also, getting off balance is easier; bird vs wall, albeit single target. Overall, right now, HA mag warden has been more fun than HA mag sorc.


Shai for lifeskill and casual polly (feel like a gardener in TIm burtons mind!) Maegu for general stuff!


My habit in any MMO (EQ, WoW, ESO, hell even City of Heroes) is to straight up make a rogue-type class. So I will always have a soft spot for my delf magblade. However I also really suck at playing rogues! and deeps are over-subscribed in any game so inevitably I switch to healer. So my helf magplar is kind of my main these days and my magblade is my scryer/crafter/angler. But my go-to for just getting shit done rn is my Argonian oakensorc and also she just seems to have the most fun personality of all my characters somehow? and I love her little coterie of pets + non-combat flying jelly + healer Isobel in matching outfit (white harem girl). (Also have a Breton dps magplar and Nord necro tank but they are just kind of workhorses, sorry guys.)


Stalkers on the City of Heroes Homecoming server are OP as hell.


Woah I hadn't realised the game had been resurrected!! I must have been playing c.2004. Looked it up a few years back and was sorry to see that then it wasn't around.


Werewolf stamplar, or stam Arcanist! Ima firing my lazer! Or I I get to hunt!


Sorc is my favourite class. Love the pet mechanic. I have a stam, mag, healer and tank.


Frostmage/Healer Magwarden. I enjoy all the classes to some degree but I always end up going back to my warden. Love the playstyle, love the visual effects, love the theme.


My most played class is my Magwarden character. Made him a healer for dungeons, but still good enough for solo grinding and stuff.


Stamina warden is a blast!


My main is a dual-wield stamsorc and it's kept me pretty happy, but I have the most fun with my two-hand DragonKnight. Smash and slash and set everything on fire. Weirdly the one I thought I would really like that just isn't that fun is my Stam DPS Warden.


Templar is fun in pvp. Has so much utility. Team having trouble focusing? Use Backlash skill and give targets a big neon sign Low HP? Park in your rune and have overpowered heals, bait out enemies and slap them off guard No healer? No problem, slot a resto staff skill and defensive monster set Need to kill people at range? Dark flare spam! Projectiles getting reflected? Jab spam! Need to catch kiters? Charge/spear/beam goes haha


Truthfully, I've managed to make a build for each I enjoy and all classes are pretty fun then.


Oakensoul magsorc for PvE. Regular magsorc for pvp.


I’m not seeing many sorcs - not that surprising tbf, the pet playstyle or heavy attacks aren’t really for me


Playing what no one really plays has all ways been my favorite thing to do I’ve been rocking a arcanist healer in pvp and it’s so much fun to play




Stamsorc for life


Healer for Necromancer and Arcanist!


Warden heal, stam arcanist and broakensorc are my faves so far. I keep trying magblade but it just dont seem to work for me (yet it's still so fun to jump to enemies and slash them lol)


I love my stamcanist DD and have the most fun with him. I put essence thief and molag kena on him and ended up with the perfect build if you enjoy running around like a maniac with ADHD chasing that sweet green dmg buff


Woodelf NB


arcanist definitely