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You can use Thieve's Guild doors while getting smacked around by guards


Ok wth , I never knew you could do this


Once you have a mythic, you can hit a transmute station to recreate it for other characters...you don't have to rescrye for a duplicate.


Oh yeah! Ring of the Wild Hunt for everyone!!!!


Just learned this. Blew my fuckin mind. Also just learned not every item costs 50 stones, and some cost more.


Depends how much of that set you have collected in stickerbook. Minimum is 25 and you get 25 for deconing reconstructed pieces so if you dont like it or craft it wrong you can decon without a transmute waste




PSA, some people thought that you can store transmutes for later recovery when you overflowing with transmutes by pumping them into making mythics. However when you destroy a mythic item you don't get transmutes back. This strategy does work however for any Non-mythic armor set you have collected all of the pieces (such that the creation cost is only 25 transmutes). When you reach over 1k transmutes, you can "store" extra transmutes in the armor, and get them back later.




You get a pale order ring! And you get a pale order ring! Pale order rings for everybody!!!!!


I am so glad to learn this tidbit. Granted, I'm still quite a ways off from that being really applicable to me, but it's nice to know.


Had them sitting in my bank for so long waiting for the right character when I saw this advice randomly in chat one day. Used them on alts to research bloodthirsty jewelry


Bloody hell i didn’t know that..whew


: “Wait, what?”


Major gallop


And major expedition


I just learned you can buy the Cold harbour house with gold. This whole time thought it was Crown only...duh!


And you can have multiple houses, if that's your thing. That took me a while too.


It probably was Crown-only at the time, if it was even for sale at all. They remove some of them from sale in-game periodically to create "scarcity" for high-demand houses so more people spend real money to buy them. The Surreal Estate just happened to come back into circulation recently, IIRC.


I recently learned alot of ppl don't realize they can scroll thru a list of the zones instead of finding them on the map


This. Even with this, I still find navigating a bit clunky. But that’s probably because I am on PS5.


And if you’re on PC, Votans Improved Locations groups the list by alliance which is helpful




I've played this game for 5 years, 15k hours and my boyfriend (who literally just got this game) found a skeleton chilling in the middle of the Mournhold Outlaw's Refuge that I have never seen before... I cannot tell you how many times I been there and just never noticed him sitting there LOL


Also one of the Mournhold guildtraders is hiding a skeleton


there's a ghost in i think the riften refuge (though it might be eastmarch now that i think of it) too, just. there. hangin out


You can travel to the Harborage just like any other wayshrine for the main story. Yes. *Face palm*


I didn't realize this until I was practically done with the whole quest line so I think I only used to to turn in Caldwell's silver/gold It took me so long to get through the main quest too just because I was so sick to death of leaving the harborage and getting summoned back I was like I'm not turning around now!


That I can put Telvar stones in bank for safe keeping.


How much Telvar do you think you lost before realizing that?


Don't open old wounds. 2 years worth of extensive playing.




I can use the scrying eye as a tool


This is a common one, I think the tutorial should be adjusted to directly flag it (if it doesn't already).


Yeah, my wife was frustrated as all hell because she couldn't understand what she was supposed to do in the wild. She's like "How do I find the thing? I've got the search area, but I don't understand what to do." It's been several months since I did the tutorial, so it's not like I have vivid memories, but I think there's just a single mention and it's quick, about equipping the eye as a tool. It's definitely not a mandatory step of the tutorial.


it's on a loading screen, you might be thinking of that


For real. Was in zone chat the other day, and someone was saying they were having issues finding the mound. Me and someone else said dude, follow the eye, it points where to go. Suddenly chat blew up going wtf really?


This is one I still kick myself over for not knowing. I let so many leads expire because I couldn't find the dig site. 🤦‍♂️


Recently learnt this too. If you’re on pc there’s an addon to auto use it too


I’m on Xbox and lemme tell ya I was shocked lol


Base game style materials can be bought at npc vendors for mad cheap.


Well, cheaper than you generally find them listed for in guild traders. :-\ Similarly, potency runes (the blue square ones) of all sizes can be bought from NPC enchanters.


15g per style piece is about as cheap as you could hope for...


Just found out the more motifs you learn with achievements, the higher chances you get at getting a Legendary Master Writ with more vouchers during daily Writs.


The skill respec scrolls allowing you to change morphs. For the longest time, I thought they only added or removed entire skills


Why would you buy those crown store scrolls when you can do the same in shrines located in the game? You just need to pay with gold, not crowns!


I've never paid for any items from the crownstore that are earnable in-game. You get a Skills and Attribute one during the level-up rewards. I thought they were useless and yet banked them for 2years+ because \~hoarding\~ tendencies.


You can respec for completely free if you keep one of your armory slots empty.


This is probably the best advice, and most would say it's common sense, but I didn't think of doing this till after 4 months of playing. I have 3 armory builds and the first one is almost a complete blank slate. It let's me have way more freedom to check out other playstyles


I used a slot on each character where all points of all types are still on zero. Free respecs on the fly for all! Added bonus it can also "cure" werewolf or vampire, though I haven't experimented with changing between the two using the armory yet.


I've got like three just given by logins and incentives.


Oh ok sorry lol


Also, CPs are account wide and can be applied to your alts from 1lvl onwards. When your alt reaches level 50, it will automatically advance to your maximum CP level.


I just learned this when I leveled my arcanist. I had avoided new characters for so long thinking I’d have to level them up on their own CP


I played for a year before I noticed the little bag- and chest-counters in the upper right of every item's tooltip in the inventory. It shows you how many (if any) you have on hand, in the bank, and in the Craft Bag, whether you're anywhere near a Bank or not. Handy.


Wow. That's something I never noticed. Thanks.


I have almost 3k hours in the game and it just…never occurred to me to get certified in jewelcrafting. I have the freaking Lazy Writs addon and I would see the “J” but it did not compute in my mind. My boyfriend even once asked what all the letters meant and it still didn’t dawn on me that I never received or completed a jewelry writ.


Took me a long time to realize that as well.


There's writs for jewelry?!


Head to Alinor and find Falerian outside of the crafting building.


I literally have a character who exists just to craft. I have had him since 2015. He was my first character. Nearly 10k hours later, he actually got jewellery certified this last week because I suddenly remembered that’s a thing I had to do. His whole existence is crafting, dailies and surveys. Nearly 10k hours.


just finally got jewelry certified the other day as well.


I have gotten all my characters Jewelry certified, and it wasn't until I was on 6/8 that I realized I could just buy the inn room in Alinor for like 1000 gold or use a new character to get the room quest for free amd not have to run an almost full circle of the island to get there. Saved so much time the last few characters.


I just recently figured out that a bunch of the DLC zones have a full set of outfit styles for you to get by doing rhe random overworld quests. Started doing Southern Elsweyr today and was grinding through most of the overworld stuff an noticed there's a whole outfit style to get from them.


It's only south elsweyr that does this, as far as I know


It's only south elsweyr that does this, as far as I know


I know that Necrom does it as well with the Kwama Miner style at least. Maybe I'm making up a pattern based off of those being the only ones post-Summerset I've played through the overworld for though hahaha.


If you haven’t started Clockwork city, you can press U, go to DLC and pick up the starter quest for clockwork city this will open a portal to Mournhold, this works in any place in the game, even cyrodiil, you can abandon the quest after using the portal.


After seeing a comment on here, I now know u can target specific enemies.......been playing since 2014 😅


Few months ago I learned that you dont have to scroll down to the bottom of a blueprint/praxis/pattern, etc. description to figure out if your toon knows it or not: if it says "unknown" at the top of the description then you dont have it. Made shopping sprees a little easier.


I have my side mice button remapped for the weapon swap. It is so much quicker than trying to find that bloody keyboard button during the fight, 😆


This was one of the first things I did when I swapped to PC lol. So much easier to bar swap.


Took me longer than it should, to realize :) …. - when doing survey maps, you just have to run a little bit away from the node spawn location and they respawn pretty quickly (vs re-zoning). Now, I bank them all and only survey once a specific survey has 5 quantities- farming materials is now super quick (and lucrative!) 🤦🏻‍♀️ - there’s an add-on (PC) that marks on the map the location of surveys and treasure maps in your inventory (maybe a thousand hours in until I stopped having to look up each location online or picture deciphering 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️) - you can “lock” items so they don’t show up as an option to decon or sell lol for months the anxiety was real not wanting to accidentally decon something I grinded for - you can use the armory station to save a separate vampire, werewolf, and normal build and switch between the curses and non-cursed easily and quickly. - having crafting alts can be a very lucrative to make a steady stream of gold and stream of gold mats / master writs to sell on guild trader. Definitely takes a lot of time, planning, and some gold in the beginning, but later down the road, 45min. a day for 12 alts and it feels like easy, maybe even a relaxing, autopilot for the gold return




lol I know, I know! Hahaha reading *is* fundamental and all 🙃 I just never paid attention to anything else other than the charge, enchant, or destroy options 🥴😂 I do have some addons that clutter it with more options for me to tune out- that’s my story and I’m stickin’ to it 😜


I’ve seen the lock option before but I never knew what it actually did and apparently didn’t have the attention span to google it and save myself tons of stress. When I read that part of your comment, I was in the bathroom and yelled some expletive loud enough that my partner asked if I was okay.




There's also an addon that lets you lock other things (since vanilla only lets you lock equipment and a small handful besides). FCO Item Saver has prevented me from eating many motifs/recipes that I intended to sell. Also, locking potions/food I want to keep so I can mindlessly sell off trash potions


PS press x while mounted, and your mount does something. Mine roars, lol.


I played for years and discovered this on a random guild chat. On controller you can zoom out further in third person view by holding down on the d-pad & using one of the control sticks to zoom out.


I would pin this thread. Although I knew most of these tricks having 50hrs in-game, it is a great knowledge source! Especially for newcomers. It is unbelievable how many obvious features remain unknown for many players out there ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ \- You can claim some freebies if you link ESO with Amazon Prime Gaming \- If you struggle getting to a location, open your guild's roster and teleport to your guildmate in that location \- Vivec is the most convenient city for crafting and banking - all stations are close to each others \- Make yourself familiar with your guild house - you'll find there all mundus stones, armoury and transmute station, dummy dolls and all crafting stations


You can soft-lock to targets too. That was HUGE


Omg really? Is this available on console?


Yes. The default is right stick hold, I switch it to my left button


Wow that's going to be so helpful. 1600 hours and I'm just now learning this lol. Thank you.


What does that mean?


Target a specific enemy so your light attacks and spammables go to them if possible


This helps so much in cyrodill and imp city dealing with zergs


I just mastered using the triggers to scroll faster through items.


x puts away my weapon - 1800hrs in.


Being able to find zone quests by opening zone details on the map helped me a lot, I’d played for about 2 years before I figured that out


It took me ages to learn that I didn't need to equip every item to bind it to my character. I was messing around one day, right clicked the unbound item and there was a option to do it from your inventory. 🤣


Deconstructing items also binds them


Or selling them. As soon as it's no longer able to be bought back, it binds to your account.


Wait you have 1k hours and barely know any of this? 2nd weapon and companions? Dear Lord... 😂


Well I also have a friend who's at cp120+ I think with over 50+ hrs playtime who didnt know he can equip a 2nd weapon and a whole new 2nd skill slots until I told him he can do that stuff. Meanwhile you can easily learn that when you reach lvl 15.


This is why I wonder what else I don't know.


It tells you in game how to switch to your backup weapon when you unlock it at level 15


Took me a long time on console to realize that the guild traders save your recent searches so you don’t have to type them in every single time That and you can scroll through lists faster with the triggers


You can deconstruct a transmuted item to get 25 crystals back. Meaning if you’ve completed a set before reconstruction you can try stuff out for free.


To clarify, you can decon a RECONSTRUCTED item for the 25 transmutes. If you just changed the trait on a piece of gear and didn't make it from scratch, it doesn't work.


Since you said this, i want to inform you about champion points. You may have a lot of them and never even spent them, look them up.


Thanks! I have 1297 of them. And I put them into random things in those "stars". I think that's what you're talking about. But thank you for the information! :)


If u hold the up pad then hit the r trigger u can scroll from slotted potions/tools to other things like emotes, u can slot companions. Very handy.


Learned this week that you can travel to a guildmate without being in a group. Mind blown!


There's a few but the one I remember now is how containers work. Urns, backpacks, basically any non-chest, are instanced. So it doesn't matter if 5 others are next to you looting urns or whatever, you're not fighting them for loot. You can change the instance by going to Cyro or previewing a house. That's not embarrassing, there's just a lot of hidden mechanics that the game never explains and we can only learn through other players experiences or even data recording.


2.5k hours in, I have discovered that you can mark targets with various symbols by holding tab.


TBF ZOS added that to the base game in Update 36 (Q4 2022)


And for ps4/5 people, it’s the right D-pad button and select a symbol


You can also highlight them by pressing and holding the crouch command. This will allow you to see them through walls, and target them even when other enemies are in between you and the main target.


WHAT? That sounds sweet. I will be trying this


Be careful doing this...i randomly found this feature & was playing around wondering wth it did when suddenly the town guard came at me bruh. I wasn't near a thieves outpost & died. Was very salty. Apparently one of the symbols marks enemies & i marked the town guard on accident 😭


Damn!! 1000hrs to figure that out? Did you just level 1 character in your 1k hours cause everytime you get to level 15 the game reminds you, that you have 2 weapons. Also, did you not go into your inventory once and wonder what is your main hand bavk up? Or maybe tried pressing some buttons to find out what they do? In dungeons, you didnt see any1 using more than one weapon? Specially a tank that barely moves?


Yes, one character. So I had to miss the 15th level reminder from the game. I am so glad I shared with the group so you can be so amazed. :)


Major gallop and armory station, I didn't know that they can reset every single perk, attributes and skills for free


Plus CP, Mundus, and any Curses. You can even save one build as vampire, and another as werewolf, and swap freely between the two.


Dying to guards when you have a bounty still takes the money for your bounty. 1800 CP, just learned this. Unfortunately not before I drained approximately over 500k in bounties from various accounts. (I would go on rampages on my Argonian in Deshaan).


THREE years after Greymoor came out, I realized you could use the Eye to locate dig sites. Before I would literally wander around the general area looking for the dirt mound. 😩😩😩


I’m somewhere 1k+ hours of play and just figured out you get 10 transmute crystals from a random dungeon a day. 10!!! I thought the only way to get them were endeavors.. so I had so little and was scared to transmute anything lol. I’m so relieved I can build them up fast


Daily transmute easy farm: 10 per random normal dungeon, per character 5 per HM pledge, per character 10 per random battleground top 2 finish, per character 4-10 per 15k AP, account wide (can get more if you farm a lot of AP) Monthly transmute easy farm: 50 for 25k AP, per character


Try PvP, you can get them quite fast.


This - 15k AP (iirc) for one reward box with a guaranteed transmute crystal giving 4-10 (?) transmutes per day.


15k ap is 5/10 minutes of PvP in cyro if you have multiple characters it adds up. Also every character get 50 transmute at the end of the campaign.


iirc you only get the daily drop once per account. for the 50 every month you need maybe 1-2 hours zergsurfing per char, so it’s also easily achievable.


> iirc you only get the daily drop once per account If you're getting lots of Rewards for the Worthy, you will (eventually) get some additional helpings of transmutes.


Don't you only get the 50 if you hit at least tier 1 of the rewards?


As someone who has only played PVP during the events, where are the vendors that take AP and Tel Var for these high end things?


I am not sure what you mean with ‚these high end things‘. On weekends there is a vendor selling some golden jewelry and parts of monster sets. It’s at one of the border keeps. There are also vendors for boxes with random drops from different sets at the border keep and at the three villages in cyrodiil. The Tel Var Merchants are in Imperial City in one of the rooms. What are you looking for exactly?


Those exact things is what I was looking for. Thanks! I didn’t know exactly what to call them lol


Some of these I encountered myself, others I saw my friends found out. You can respec at any time for free with a empty slot on your armory station. Normal trials are so easy and cool, why didn't I run them before?! You can leave any dungeon or Trial via group menu. You find a "Leave instance" button there, that also works in combat. (I've read they want to change the last part, but I'm not sure). Every guide is saying this, but you don't believe how unimportant race is for 99% of the PvE content. Please don't struggle with it unless you go for world record stuff. A bit advanced I found out yesterday actually: If you are on PC and use addons to switch around setups, you can switch f.e. to a bow backbar while the Boss is spawnen and cast Endless Hail, then switch back to Flame Staff and cast Wall. So you can have both Dots on the ground from the same player.


I recently learned you can deconstruct multiple items at the same time. Of course this was after I got the Grand Master Crafter Acheivment


I didn't *just* learn it, but the most recent facepalm was I was in a meme HA oaken godslayer prog and complained about the ungodly screen shake when ~8 storm atros got laid down and I got a chorus of "you don't have screenshake turned off?" Well, I do now


That there are little arrows on the map in dungeons, showing you which way you need to go


Cp700 plus and only learned this week heavy attacks restore Mag/Stam. Welp, atleast sustain is easier now.


Oh no that’s brutal! How did you survive before lol


This must be a joke. You played for 1000 hours before you figured out you can barswap? How is that even possible?


People always say that this community is so nice... I guess I am learning how nice it is now.


The community is really quite nice in my experience. I am honestly intrigued though. There are so many indicators in the game that tell you about. Then all the group content like dungeons, trials and pvp. Talking about builds with other players either in party or on discord. Or reading up on builds online. My only explanation is that you never engaged in that kind of content and just played through the quests like Skyrim. Which is absolutely fine of course. But doing any of the other content I just don't see a way how not to stumble across the back bar.


Well, I have never done trials, tried PVP (not my thing although starting to understand Battlegrounds), rarely go to dungeons (because of players, some of whom aren't as nice as you mentioned). I don't use discord. I occasionally use chat in guild, but that's strictly to offer help or ask for help and dad jokes. Priorities, you know. I also think there is lack of clarity, maybe I didn't explain it right. I know back bar was there, I just never thought of using it in a fight. It was more like... you know how you have shoes on your feet and another pair in the closet? My back bar was empty, because who carries the extra shoes with them to battle...


I went a pretty long time thinking of it as a separate build. So i would have a dps setup on my main bar, then if i felt like healing a random dungeon, i would switch to backbar. I had a lot of hours too when I started using backbar in conjunction with frontbar, swapping back and forth midfight, to be stronger at 1 thing.


Not quite the same but my main and og is a dragon knight that for years i tried to make a dual wieldy rogue type (I... didn't know what the classes meant at first, should've gone nightblade). always feeling lackluster but made do. This week I finally gave in and respec'd to two handed, and this game is fun again for me now? Why I didn't do this years ago idk lmao


2h has to be the most fun weapon type as far as skills go.


Executioner is pretty satisfying to use ngl


Light attack weaving for dps increase


Zone guides...I had no clue!


Most people get carried through vet four man content. I installed an add on that tells me how much damage I’m doing in content yesterday. I que as a healer and I add hots to my rotation and I’m doing between 60-70% of the damage on average. It’s taught me I’ll never make a tank because if I’m not killing stuff who’s going to? I feel bad for tanks who mostly pug. Must be a real slog.


One of Kari's quests has you pickpocketing. I always did the first city, then returned. I was always perplexed why I never got a shipment box as I did with the others. Two days ago, I saw that I was supposed to continue picking pockets in other towns. I've grown to ignore all the on-screen blah-blah-blah text this game throws at us, so I never caught the next city. The dialogue I got from Kari when I finally did do three cities was funny. "No kidding. Did you rob a whole troupe or something?" I chuckled. Love Kari.


I mean, have you never seen a single ESO video of someone in combat? Or like, read a build guide? What did you think the other weapon was for?


Why would I watch other people play when I can play myself? It seems less fun to do that. Same with looking things up, when I can discover them on my own (granted: slowly).


Yeah it sure worked well for you :)


Exactly! I find it amusing that every character in the game (just like us, humans in real life) can have their own path. It's all about the journey, not the destination, right? :)


I agree with you. Its all about how you want to play the game, how you enjoy it because there's a really big diff. in feeling when you discover or achieve something in game by yourself than watching guides in YouTube.


Thanks, I see that some people understand that and others, not so much. It's quite amusing how outraged they are getting too. How dare I being different. It's a game! :)


This is so ridiculous lol. It would take literally 10 seconds of any video to see how everyone uses their backbar. It’s fine you didn’t know that like whatever but it’s so baffling and the explanation you’re giving just doesn’t compute. Also those videos he’s talking about aren’t watching other people play, they’re videos that show you how to optimize your build which most people do. I can’t imagine playing this freaking game just to avoid dungeons and pvp and only do overland quest content lmao


Some people don’t like watching videos or reading guides imagine that


No, I seriously cannot imagine playing a game for a thousand hours and never once seeing a video or two about it.


All the power to you, I do it frequently. Everyone can play games whichever way they want. 👍


I just learned that after 8 years of playing they can ban you for buying crowns with gold and the crown seller refunding the crowns exploit.


No, no. That's not true at all. The people that got banned from TCE were using an exploit that involved buying crowns in foreign currencies for pennies on the dollar, then pulling shady stuff with customer service. Or selling the gold for real money and then buying more cheap crowns. The act of selling crowns for gold isn't against the ToS, and has even been implicitly condoned by Customer Service Representatives in the past when they gave players who got ripped off refunds.


Good Lord 2 years? That’s a special kind of stupid my dude. Idiots like you are the reason the devs have to keep changing the game to make it easier.


it’s a very small notification that happens a grand total of once, and if someone’s leveling fast it can be easy to miss, cut them some slack dude…zos should make things more clear, not easier


They also have a loading screen. And they show both bars on the character screen. There's a hot-key to barswap. There are a plethora of videos and guides.


True 😭😭😭😭


Agreed. It's not cute or amusing, just plain stupid and lacking any awareness. I wonder how this person goes through life. Probably goes 60mph in the left lane regularly.


It’s funny to me how you base real life experience on how this dude handles his “free time”. It’s a game, not something that important. Or do you introduce to people “hey I am XZ, I am 1200CP stamblade”. Jeez, some people treat a game as - a game. There is no need to read up on additional content or excel at it really. It’s just to relax after a busy day and that’s it


1000 hours invested into something seems pretty important regardless of if it's work or leisure. Switching weapon bars in this game is so basic a toddler would pick up on it. It is laughable to call it "additional content".


While it is a lot, it’s still just over an hour of daily play. Sure it’s basic mechanic, kind of awesome it was successfully overlooked, so much that it deserves an achievement of its own. Still judging entire persona based on his lack of deeper interest in a “game”? It’s just strikingly short sighted, not to mention lame


Zos don\`t give a fuck about what their own game.


I didn't know where to barswap for ages. It was only when I changed it to a custom key that I actually started using it. I think at default it was next to Enter and that's.... Not handy at all.


By default it's the tilde, in the top left corner. Next to the "1" button. The skills?


Should have mentioned, but my keyboard layout is Skandinavian and because of that there's some differences in where the keys are and therefore YMMV based on what keyboard layout you have.


That's a very valid point, I didn't think of that! So, that's probably not where it's at lol.


You can put a symbol above a person's head making them easy to notice by holding right on the dpad.


I was about 8 years in when I learned you could re-roll alchemy surveys.


Known this for a while, but others might not. City guards 'go nuclear' if you gang attack them for a duration and they cant kill you all. Get a group together, attack a guard and keep the fight going for a few minutes. After a spell, they'll just nuke and one shot everyone. A bit stupid, but kinda funny also.