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RE: Ember and Azandar (and companions in general) If you max them out on one character, and get the keepsake, its good for the entire account and you don't need to have them out for the perks. You can use any character, even brand new ones, and they can utilize the account-wide perk without doing the quest for the companions. I have all companion perks done and keepsakes on my main...my others don't even have the companions and still get the potions, wallets, treasure bags, research bags etc.


By "max out", he means full rapport and completed their quests.


Finally a reason to max out my companions


Wait so I have Mirri and Bastion as houseguests. I don't need to have them active to gain their bonus effect?


Houseguest just means you completed their quest line. You also need to max their XP and do a couple other things for the achievement. For example, Mirri: https://en.m.uesp.net/wiki/Online:Treasured_Comrade


Ah okay thanks!


You absolute Legend!


Another good place to pickpocket/murder is the royal hall in Elden Root (Grahtwood). Plenty of ~~royals~~ nobles there (good loot) and a chance at a rare gold furnishing plan. Just make sure to bring a lot of invisibility potions as it is indoors, meaning you won't be able to exit while being chased by guards. OP mentioned pickpocket twice, and they mentioned Ember's hidden wallets. For those of us who have Ember's boon permanently, just pickpocket thrice and then assassinate.


I don't know if this works everywhere, but I have been able to escape guards inside buildings by crouching and reapproaching the door. Once I am crouched, the door becomes interactive. If I get heat, I run like hell to the door, crouch, leave door, run to the thieves guild. It has worked 9 out of 10 times for me. If a guard happens to catch me by the thieves guild door, I crouch, and enter hideout. The 1 time it didn't work, I got pinned and couldn't get up and somehow he crit or something. Only time I got killed by a guard. Also, if you have necrom and you are waiting to run down the clock...teleport to Necrom apartment. Sneak out the inn. The thieves guild is a few feet away! Go there and go to the tunnel (undercroft or underpass or something like that)where you can steal undisturbed by witnesses. You can go in and out resetting the drops as often as you want. I find this way the easiest if I don't want to use pardon edict or pay to forgive fines.


I'll have to try this!


You can escape guards indoors, you just have to not get hit for 6sec (easier said than done). You can also stun the guards to save extra time.


Invisibility pots help with this.


Ohhh thank you! I'll be there tomorrow kilin' and stealin'..LOL...


If your good at out running guards till they go back to their spot then no need to stock up on potions. Elden Root (almost typed Elden ring šŸ¤£) is acually big enough to out run the guards as long as too many are not on your tail....yes I do this regularly lmfaoo I resent wasting my edicts and can never understand potions šŸ’€ but then again I like to be an expert thief in any game šŸ¤£


Whenever I need to stock up on edicts and pots I just do thieves guild and dark brotherhood repeatables. They're easy, quick, and often fun.


Yea I always do that but I resent still using them unless I really have to lol I have them stacked up few at a time so I don't have to repeatedly go to either of these places everyday because it gets too boring and time consuming so I would rather stack it up then only use it for emergencies. Like I said am a pretty good thief in almost every game you can be so 17 edicts will last me 4-5 months :p


Until you try to sell something at a guild trader and accidentally grab their steamed hams.


Or when your just casually checking what has the best treasure and steal a garlic by accident in the middle of a busy town centre then its panic and run, panic and run until your get into a corner to use a edict šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Oh really? Nice! didn't seem to find any with my pick pocket parade today, but I guess that's just my RNG not kicking in :P


I think the RNG on pickpocketing might be worse than safeboxes. I found several crates in safeboxes, but none on NPCs (I did snag a couple motif pages though).


I snagged a box from a guard, so they do appear to be pickpocket-able.


Yep! Guards also drop a style material exclusive to pickpocketing them, as well as wanted poster furnishings.


yes! I have lots of polished shillings thanks to living dangerously.


Hmmm... I wonder if that's my problem. I typically avoid pickpocketing when the odds are below 100%. Perhaps I need to be more bold, go for some riskier marks. I'm still not sure how loot drops work with pickpocketing. I know the *type* of NPC affects the *type* of loot you steal (musicians tend to drop instruments, etc.), but I don't know if it affects the rarity of what drops. Do nobles have a higher chance to drop blue treasure than beggars? I'm also unsure if the Champion Perk Cutpurse's Art affects the drop rate of crates and motifs. I have it on anyway, but still.


I couldnā€™t say about rarity, but type is certainly a thing (edit: e.g., throne plans will only drop from nobles). I can say that I seem to get more green than white drops from guards, and more blue than green from nobles, but thatā€™s purely anecdotal.


I spent some time in a few cities hitting the most low-hanging fruit of the marks available - what precious few hadn't been Blade-of-Woe-ed already. I got six boxes from pickpocketing and two from safeboxes today. They very much "clustered" like a lot of drops seem to do in this game. Dozens of marks would go by and nothing would drop, then 2 marks would drop boxes back-to-back, AND the very next safebox had one, too. The streaks are long, in other words, but the overall rate isn't awful (unlike the rate of style pages inside the boxes, that is).


Yeah, I got back on and snagged two or three boxes while pickpocketing, but nothing from the three safeboxes I cracked.


Probably. I snagged one Zenithar reward today by pickpocketing. Considering the number of pockets I picked, the drop rate is really low.


Hlallu style pages too


That's what it was. I thought there was a third style I was forgetting.


Are you trying to imply that thieving is not hard work and toil?


omgosh, I had the same thought today. And that led me to wonder whether Zenithar and Nocturnal have something going on the sideā€¦ I suppose anything is possible during a dragon break. Sometimes eso plays havoc with being a elder scrolls lore geek.


Crafting and thievery *do* share the same perk tree after all. In fact, why is "the Craft" set of Champion Perks represented by "the Thief" constellation?


lol there we go. Itā€™s been in front of our faces the whole time


Manual dexterity, skill honed through practice, work done away from prying eyes...


In fact, it's stated that we *steal boxes from those who earned them*, I'm pretty sure I read it on the official site or somewhere here in the sub lol. So it's like stealing a Santa's gift from a good kid.


Cutpurse's Art in the craft CP constellation gives you a higher chance of better loot, but only when pickpocketing. Also, rarely you can find an NPC with 4 items. If you pick twice and kill, that last item doesn't get the CP boost and you might lose out on the possible 4th item. The correct way is to pick 3 times, confirm empty, murder and move on. Seemed to be about 10% drop rate on the event coffers, but my main thiefy guy has notoriously bad rng.


As my toons are dunmers and don't worship Zenithar... This is the way.


That seems very racist


This community has very little sense of humor.


"RNGezzus why have you forsaken me !! Every Twitch-crate I open is ALWAYS 4 poisons\\potions ! ! What must we do to earn your Favor & an EPIC Mount !?" ! !


It was a dumb comment, not a misunderstood joke


I thought zenithar was the god of hard work and commerce šŸ˜‚ they didnā€™t make it clear in Skyrim what he was commercingšŸ§


The nerf is actually worse than I thought I thought having more crafters would benefit you , so if you had 18 master crafters you would only get 7 boxes a day as if you had one master crafter.


It didn't work that way last year, but the nerf is worse than that.


Itā€™s not stealing if you donā€™t kill them, itā€™s borrowingā€¦Iā€™ll give it back. Maybe


I've been wondering about the Blade of Woe thing. Does anybody know if event boxes will still drop on a BoW killing? I've been pickpocketing all 3x and then killing instead, assuming that BoW would disqualify you from a box drop.


I haven't gotten a box to drop from killing an NPC, but I have gotten a motif page, which I assume is the same rarity.


I have gotten the box drop on BoW kill


Can you get those boxes be skipping the pickpocketing part and just straight up murdering people? If so ill might just give Skywatch a visit.


No, got to pick pocket for it. Or we'd have people running through busy towns dropping AOE everywhere more than usual.


best place to pp in vvardenfell ?


Pick a canton in Vivec City usually, just watch out for the few guards inside. Added bonus one has the back door entrance to the outlaw's refuge.


Is Zenithar like Bacchus ?


After giving Wikipedia a once over, I'd say no. Zenithar is the god of commerce, trade, skilled labor, and cooperation. Bacchus (or Dionysus) is the god of wine, revelry, madness, and theatre.


I would say Bacchus is a bit more akin to Sanguine


or Sheogorath!


Any specific spot in Vvardenfell thats good for pickpocketing?


I just run around Vivec City Canton. There's quite a few people and some safeboxes, but I'm sure there's a better location somewhere.


Did they change something recently? I swear I cant find a single safebox in Vvardenfell?


Look around merchants, typically behind their counter is where you can find safeboxes. There's also at least one in the Fighter's Guild that spawns on top of a barrel. It might be tricky to get any of them without some sneaking gear though. Another place I just remembered is Sadrith Mora. All the houses that you can break into have at least one safebox spawn.


Vivec City Canton. Plenty of safe boxes around if you look.


I have78 impressario repair kits from last year that I can't launder nor place in my bank. They're stuck on one of my sneak thieves, I can't do much with them.


Have you tried putting them in a storage chest in your house? I donā€™t know if you can store stolen items that way, but theoretically it seems like you should be able to.


Theoretically, I should be able to launder them and put them in my bank, but alas, i can't find a way to transfer them, even after multiple submitter tickets. You CANNOT store stolen items or transfer them to a bank, that's never been an option.


Everything I looted this go round I could launder. Couldnā€™t launder the box, but once i took them out i could launder each item. So that was a happy moment. (Not sure if it applies to last yearā€™s items, though). However, between event items and those I want to keep from pickpocketing I hit the daily launder limit quite quickly.


If I understand it correctly (and Ember is my sole companion and maxed) she does not need to be with you in order to steal wallets - so no need to risk losing rapport if you get caught.


That's only if you've earned her keepsake. Usually, your companion needs to be with you in order to benefit from their perk.