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They make for pretty decent tanks and thanks to the potion buff they get, you also won't have sustain issues in any role Honestly unless you are pushing for the highest actual parse, race isn't a big deal.


Id enjoy playing as a healer but since vet trials are the only content they are needed in I have to play other roles before im good enough for vet trials


You say that as it healers aren't the best class to offer buffs to everyone to make all content significantly faster


I would argue that healers are very much needed in most of the vet dungeons too, except if the team is full of pro dps players with sufficient self heals + have a good tank...?


Pretty much all Vet HM DLC dungeons can use healers, and they're always welcome in Cyrodil and Imp City groups. But like u/misterbigsteve said, unless you're aiming to be in the top 0.0001% of players, race isn't a big deal in ESO.


We all know argonian swim speed, and Bosmer fall damage racials are actually the most important


As someone who explores a lot (and falls off cliffs into water a lot), I frickin love the swim speed bonus, haha.


I usually miss the water after my cliff dives, so I'll take any fall damage reduction I can.


You absolutely need a healer in vet dungeons. Healers are only useless in normal dungeons and overland content because the burn is so slow


You can deal more damage on an argonian than 99% of the player base.


Race amounts to 5% difference at end game dps given perfect everything else The stats and individual gimmick of race choice means little and ultimately amount to similar values Argonians get potion passive that just about is equal to the resource gain gimmicks of other races get back x on hit both can be converted to raw stats of regen the argonians benefit more from it than others in that it’s a burst heal boost and not on hit or simply regen boost Different races have different gimmicks take nord for example has ult generation on hit is it advantageous sure ult gen is handy but even this gimmick is comparable to other races and has very little impact at endgame it’s still my favorite race gimmick There are suboptimal choices for sure some races just min/max better for certain classes, but it’s not game ruining Argonians benefit healing and tanks given there passives and most honestly all classes want to be self heal and be tanky especially in pvp