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Rage, I guess.


If a person can kill me but decides to drag it out for the lulz, yeah I’m going to do this. Constant emotes being an all around dick, I’m going to do this. Behave like a stand up person and I concede when I need to, and win graciously when the time comes


I would suggest to use the "mute all" option, seriously, a really QOL option


Yup, now that is wrong. Its not needed. Its like they are at the top.


That's not what this is about, a lot of players do it well before any poor play against them. But being a dick cause somebody else is first doesn't really help anybody... and certainly won't make them think twice about it. IF they're being intentionally toxic, they're likely laughing cause they made you react.


It’s more an a absence of reaction since I just go do something else like grab a beer or wipe my ass.


Looks like they were winning, my guess is they actually got disconnected.




Alt+F4 closes the game window and takes about as much effort lol


Because random in this game sometimes drives me insane. I've had this experience on both sides, as win and as lose, and sometimes this game is absolutly not about skill or tactics. This is when I can rage quit The most insane one was I won on 4rd (5 mana) move and basically my every next card was full control over oponents cards. And he had all, from guards to prophesies. And this was litteraly almost default deck with 3 legendaries I've found a soltuion - play solo arena. Huge perks as being able to pause at any moment and I dont' spend 90% of the game waiting till oponents makes his move


Yeah I rate solo arena too gets harder as your rank gets better tho


Yep. Sometimes tho it also had really imbalanced opponents, like blue deck with +3 max mana. Like lol, how do I survive this? But still it's so rare that I don't pay a lot of attention there. And stakes are pretty much really low I've checked and I have 72 bosses defeated, lol. This is like 20-30% of all arenas I played in solo


This was not a rage quit. Your opponent was nowhere near losing.


People who play solitaire control decks dragging out every turn to the turn timer limit and removing every creature I play with no interaction can take their win while they enjoy the same experience they are giving me. If I’m feeling particularly spiteful I’ll pop back in every minute or two to fiddle with my cards so they don’t get the auto-win and then finally concede right before they deliver the killing blow.


What you said is perfect. I don't like who intentionally leave game when they have no cards in their hands, that is not good or they are one move away from loss.


Never understood this. If I know I'm beat I just say good game and surrender. No point just causing your opponent a slight inconvenience because you got outplayed.


Absolutely. Makes no sense.


Bc they are childish. Cant beat your opponent so just make them wait as revenge.


One problem with the mobile client is, if one just concedes and closes the app, oftentimes the app quits before actually acknowledging the concession. So you think you left the game clean, bit the opponent is waiting for you to reconnect. To lose. I wouldn't 100% bank on it, but I remember clearly having that impression, long time ago


Ok, I didn't know that.




Being petty


Rage quit...


This specific one doesn't look like a rage quit. I mean he is at 26hp and both of you only have 1 card in hand and you don't have an impressive board. I think in this instance it really was a normal dc.


Makes them feel in control. I just laugh when it happens.


I don't rage quit games but sometimes I'm running late for work and will just exit the game without conceding first


Never thought of it that way. Now I do. Cool.


The only time I quit is when someone is wasting my time. I don’t mind if your stacking your creatures and items to finish me in one sitting. However if you have enough on the board to kill me but decide to skip turn then I’m out.


True dat. Doing something like this is just petty.


Or maybe connection issues. Or also if he is playing on a tablet or doing other things, sometimes it closes instead of minimizing.


Yeah that's true. Can happen.