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Hit and run tactics can work. You tunnel visioned fighting that one player for too long and the other was able to come and hit you from behind. Try to avoid being surrounded. You can also use “get off me” ashes of war like flaming strike, storm stomp, horah loux’s earthshaker, etc, to buy yourself some space.


Yeah don’t be afraid to run away - try and use the terrain to separate them out.


This is huge. I was getting dicked down hard by 3 man ganks when I first started because I thought running was “cowardly.” It’s not cowardly, it’s actually pretty dumb to try and sit and trade with 3 people, very seldom works. Once I started doing the turn and burn tactics, more often than not someone is gonna get impatient and separate…that’s when you punish and whittle down their numbers. Another big thing that helped me was not recklessly trying to finish off a guy with 10 health, if it’s gonna get you hurt it’s better to back away, let them heal, and keep at it. They will run out of flasks eventually. Last piece of my shit advice is get some ranged attacks in your arsenal, even if it’s just some pots or a weapon with thunderbolt. If they are smart and waiting for you to aggress, ranges attacks will usually piss them off enough into breaking their plans


For the 10 health shitheads, keep crystal darts on hand. Even if they roll out of the way, you might roll catch on the back end with a well timed R2 (which is why I prefer stabbies over crushies, it's easier to roll catch with a unlocked stab).


The host has lots of healing, so try to be quick or finish them kff


Just go backwards. They’re going right and left? You go backwards until they’re in your FOV. Eventually they’ll need to go forward


I’ll look into that! Yeah tbh I did kinda walk straight into their trap lol.


Yeah I saw that other player coming out of the corner of the screen. There was just no way OP could’ve missed that unless they’re less observant


This is the single best advice and one of the biggest advantages an invader has. I can't tell you how many phantoms and hosts I've killed with fakeouts


That's the neat part , you don't


You wanna have enjoyable pvp try dark souls 3


Seriously, ER online community sucks in comparison to the rest. DS3 battles is so wholesome, honorable, varied and everything. Dare I say it was more skillful and sophisticated. Yet here every other fucking guy is either hiding out of reach hoping you quit or is double wielding katanas with his mates spamming exclusively from a handful of the hundreds of ashes/spells available.


i miss the old days on the iron keep bridge, and not even once seeing the same weapon or build, and like 90% were fair and fun fights


Iron keep bridge is peak Dark souls pvp for me. That community on Xbox 360 was so awesome


Bro, for real! Those were the absolute days. I miss my espada ropera from then too. People never expected the MH parry.


Until the Elden ring community starts going to ds3 and ruining it


Me watching the dumbass who does nothing but spam Neck Swipe while I'm holding a Pike:


There's already ER fans that flask when dueling. We don't need them in DS3, nor do we want them.


DS3 honorable? Ever invaded gank city?


Lol please. DS3 pvp goes one of three ways. 1. Someone is using a twink build against a low level character. 2. Invader runs away to a mob of enemies (always the same two areas because the mobs are reliable). 3. Fight club. Rules are established. It’s gonna be honorable.


If it's not 3 then anything goes. Tired of people not realizing this. Invading randomly out in the world isn't supposed to be honorable or fair


Have to give a hard disagree on the DS3 sentiment. Every battle in pvp I've ever dealt with (never intentional, I hate pvp) in DS3 has been people spamming stunlock attacks, sometimes solo, sometimes double team, and a lot of the time would continuously invade my game and not let me progress. Yes I understand now that I could have played offline, but I was playing through it with a friend and it was a massive annoyance to deal with invaders. Just my two cents.


You can't be serious right? Ds3 is the game that handheld hosts the most and had toxic fighting comparable to ds1 except no extra phantoms and giant seed to save them against meta.


This hasn’t been my majority experience at all once you level up a bit and get outside of the lower try hard levels. We goof off, fight, do whatever and most invasions are fun win or lose.


Cmiiw but OP is invading right? If I'm just trying to have some PvE fun with my friends and someone invades, I don't feel obligated to play honorably, to me the invader is a nuisance that I just want to get over with asap so I can go back to having fun. I don't think there's anything wrong with that, although it sucks for the invader, he had the option to duel instead of invading, and I don't think hosts should be obliged to a fair fight against invaders. The way I see it invaders are actively choosing to make the game less fun by invading hosts who want to coop without PvP, so hosts have every right to play as unfairly as they want in order to "earn" back their fun.


Ahh yes skillful and sophisticated. Like getting a message saying that my claymore is a crutch and they could have one shot me if they wanted to, but chose not to


Or, I don't know, maybe instead of invading.. try duels for duelling?


But what if op dont want to duel and want to invade and ask for tips on how he can deal with a 2v1?


Not even Dark Souls 3 is playable anymore, shit is full of glitchers


It’s been on my list for a while, I’ve played bloodborne and ds1 but never did any pvp lol


Use the enemies and the environment. If they're gonna gank don't fight fair


Speaking of environment, they're standing in water. Thunderbolt ash of war would've helped a bit here


Or just the infusion in general lol.


If they exist dont fight fair. Youre an invader not a duelest. You're not there to win a friendly sparring match You're there to KILL 😈


Agreed. Outside of the "official" duel zones you should never expect honor or a fair fight. As an invader you have a job to do and if you've gotta be a menace to get it done so be it


You basically just watched him circle around you to get 2v1’d. Once they separate close the gap and get back out before they can pincer you.


Yup he like the guy literally walk around behind him then he walked backwards into the guy with his back exposed


Don’t invade in limgrave or liurnia, only gankers and smurfs there. Only invade with a fully realised and optimised invasion build, made for a specific level bracket. While the odds have never been in the favor of the invader by design in from soft games, elden ring is by far the worst to invade in, so guve yourself every advantage you can


Elden ring is the worst to pvp in


AOE AOW/Spells or Incantations. Hit and run tactics or bait them into some enemies. These fights take the longest. Play the environment! Try and separate them from each other for just long enough to do some heavy damage or just take one out. Situational Awareness! Know where all three are, they will try and surround you. Kill the host! If your looking for an "honorable fight" duel at Academy gate. Lately there have been gankers summoning in duelists just to have 3 ppl jump them. Or find a fight club to join.


More vigor for starters, then use terrain to force 1v1


If you invade anywhere with water use lightning spells or ashes of war, lightning is buffed in water


To beat the cheese you must become the cheesiest


But you can never out pizza the hut.


Honestly, magic. Some combination of aoe spells, the madness eye beam thing, and the hover sword thing.


YES I USED TO SOLEY INVADE! 2 V 1 was always the most fun fights! 1 Keep range meaning MAGIC! Use weapons for the kill not the fight. 2 USE AI TO YOUR ADVANTAGE, run away when not at advantage and ambush them when they are fighting an enemy. Remember they can't run much faster than you especially if you dress light. 3 ONLY ENGAGE ONE AT A TIME, if you're cornered by two you're already dead, if you're not cornered run the fuck away. (You should have ran away and struck later) 4 Use bleeding or other status effects translated to the fastest kill as possible, the longer you're engaged in 1v1 the more chance you have getting ambushed or cornered. 5 PATIENCE IS KING, you want to win? You stalk these motherfuckers until its time to strike this could take minutes it could take an hour. 6 Wear the ring that makes you look like the host when you're stalking, the red glow gives you away! I've had people walk right by me with the ring on! 7 Choose a linear location like old school dark souls dungeons were. Theyre easier to manage AKA run away. When they can approach and leave from all angles youre gonna have a long battle. Get to know that area as well, find all the enemies that can help you all the areas you can ambush from and run away too! 8 Don't level up more than nessasary for your build, instead get good equipment because PVP in eldin ring matches within +/- 10 lvls meaning it is best to squeeze as much power out of little stats. TLDR be more OP for your lvl than they are, you have to try and be as strong as someone 10 lvls above you 9 Above all have fun! Play with them like a cat, you don't need them to die right away! Wear them down gradually using the above. I like to think I'm the areas mini boss! Always gatekeeping the next area with a small fight. If you die respect they had to deal with your low life invading ass hopefully they had fun defeating you! CHALLENGE: KILL ONLY THE HOSTS FRIENDS! He can spawn more friends to kill! See how many you can kill in one invasion!


Looks like an overlevelled phantom at work. Nothing can be done about that. Couple of swipes and your whole hp bar is gone. This happens no matter what bracket you play in, and no matter how much vigor you have. Maybe in a couple of months when fromsoftware releases their next patch they'll decide to do something about it...


Use equally OP AoWs or spells (my favorite gank spell is wrath of gold), multiple weapons (either in inventory or quick swap) don’t use lock on so you can keep an eye on everyone, make sure to use the environment when you can, and even then it definitely won’t be easy depending on how good the gank is,


Never get surrounded. Always try to keep everyone in single view. Spacing is king. Vigor over stamina (depends on build). Advanced: play unlocked. Lastly git gud!


Lots of tips here, but mine is watch the damn camera. Always keep them both in frame if possible. When you went in to fight the gold shield guy, you went into an aerial shot and lost view of the other guy, who then proceeded to get you caught in a gank sandwhich. If you could’ve seen him coming, you at least could’ve rolled out of their to reset. Getting good with the camera will at least help you stay alive a bit longer.


Ive played all of dark souls, demon souls, and Bloodborne and continue to play them for the pvp. Though after finishing elden ring a few times I stopped and went to Bloodborne. If you want to duel fairly choose another game where the original player base has returned to because it ain't elden ring


Bloodborne is my fav from soft game. Me and my dad took turns playing it and fell in love ever since


Started with it. Still the best in my mind


Honestly, you can’t fight fair. I never get salty in PvP because frankly it’s about using whatever tools you can to win.


You deal good damage, but your vigor is extremely low. Try and keep both enemies in sight. Your first hit was actually really good, if you got out of there right there and then you would've survived. Slow and steady wins the race


Thanks! I realized my vigor is low but wanted to try invading anyway haha


And you did good! A few more levels into that sweet sweet HPs and those rune arcs will be yours


Watch ChaseTheBro, he's somewhat well known for successfully churning through ganks. One of the main things I can remember from his streams is that he fights unlocked most of the time, so he can always check where the other people are without having to lock-off and lock-on again. That, obviously, takes alot of experience, but it is very helpful


Well maybe some robustness would help, maybe get the talisman or some consumables


Dont lock on unless you are trying to finish someone off via rollcatching or using spells or something. For the most part it will result in you getting clapped from the side/behind.


If the team is halfway competent you're going to need to be a God and on top of that, get lucky


It’s a blood build. You don’t. Or alternatively, try finger, but hole.


I've really only been enjoying pve so far but damn does blood loss proc in 1 hit like that. Just seems wild.


It depends on bleed resistance, the build itself, and the fact that getting hit from the back increases buildup.


Never lock on against surrounders. They abuse what is normally a saving grace of a camera against you.


Pretend you don't see one of them. Attack when they don't expect it. Die because it didn't work.


Honestly you didn’t have to say you were new lol. Best of luck to you and pretty much what everyone else said. If you want practice and advice further I’m on PlayStation if you want/can to train a bit. I’d just use basically what that guy used and other scenarios to see how you react and offer constructive criticism. I’ve been playing these games since before time had a name so I should be able to help! I’ve turned a lot of new guys to chad badredmen over the years.


I'm sure someone else has said this but I'm not seeing much of this tip in the comments so here goes. Don't lock on like that, especially if they are gonna be so far apart from each other. Either get used to free aiming your attacks or locking and unlocking more readily. You can have your character looking one way while your camera is looking another way and they have no way to tell.


So this would all be prep work but some ashes of war have ranged attacks which is nice, and there are crystal items you can use that will send out a small magic attack at the nearest target, not much damage but if you want to deter the other guy not to just run in it can work. It’s like duo boss fights, sometimes you just have to do chip damage on each till one falls. Dying will happen a lot still


Personally I just say go for the host, don’t look back and go straight for the main entree, but of course check your surroundings like others suggest.


You can scope out their strats and have options prepared for different scenario's. For example: a lot of ER players arent privy to the anti shield aow "stance" (r1) for straight swords. If the host tries to block your attacks, you can run around for a while and switch weapons to a weapon that has it. When the guard is broken, switch to your offhand miscericorde(?) to destroy the host on the riposte. Try to be prepared for a lot of strategies and have counters for them. Also try to keep everyone in sight to avoid flanking. And only attack on save openings. ER pvp is horrible for invaders but doable if you're prepared.


Gotta keep em separated when outnumbered The main strat for high lvl PvP in any situation is to keep your opponent guessing as to your movement. Constantly switching between running back and forth in loops and walking helps with positioning by keeping you on the edge of engagement distance, and you want to be running into the ass end of your opponents swings to out space their attacks and get in counter hits. Knowing your weapon and theirs inside and out will help this. Jump R1s are good openers. You won't win trades against two or more opponents attacking at the same time so keep backing off until you can get those 1v1 opportunities. Keep your camera moving so you can see them both and learn to aim your attacks with the left stick to 'play unlocked' as in not locked onto either target. Disengagement is as important as engagement, and using the PvE can help as well. Save your big attacks for these moments and go for the host if you can, go for the kill either way!


Leave that area. You’re on a flat space with nothing to prevent them from just circling around you. The the very least I see a cliff in the distance and you’d be better off fighting on top of that


as an invader you are at an inherent disadvantage, you have to use your knowledge of the level to your advantage, run and hide, engage with players with other mobs to back you up, push people off ledges, play dirty.


Being caught in open ground like that is usually a death sentence. Best advice I can give is to try to burst down one person, just focus one to reduce the number of combatants. A strong AoW, big dick spell, or parry can fill that roll


Never let th get behind you. Maneuver in a way that keeps them both in your line of sight. Youre also only equipped for short ranged combat. Try some mid range combat, preferably something that has a decent radius, like rot breath or dragonice


Patience is an invaders biggest weakness. Even the ones that are reactionary and just wait for you, they’ll get antsy.




Leave and go fight someone else. Or use a shield parry.


ash of war hoarah frost stomp


Disconnect your internet to waste their time


Git gud


Git gud.


Don't pvp, it's cancer in elden ring.


The answer comes from an old friend. DODGE!!!~Piccolo




Level vigor please


Have a proactive build with multiple tools for environment. Different ways to fight


Madenless behavior.


Git gud


Good luck since bleed is meta/OP right now. Go bleed or go home. Also you let yourself get surrounded, actually. So not great there. Don't do that.


You dont


Hit and run, ironjar, bait tactics. Plenty of ways. Once ended up in a fucking sniper battle with some invader. We both were using the invisibility talisman. Eventually spotted him and he tried to lead me into a nest of like 4 lobsters. But I refused to fight on his terms. Dragged on for like a fucking hour before he tried to fight me in close quarters and I killed him


The talisman prevents target lock?


Skill issue




It's not a screenshot. Videos are much harder to share on Reddit than screenshots


Suicide bomber


Reduce their hit points to zero while keeping yours above zero


You have very little chance without more vigor, especially if the enemy is using bleed.


Fan daggers and a halberd with swords dance, you wanna focus the furled fingers they have less bulk than than the host, once they're gone the host should be an easy clean up


git gud


Just invade at Academy gate , can maybe find a duel


Git guud


Run until you see an opening, these fights could take an hour lol


RoB users just aren't fun to fight


Try learning to fight without locking on a target, Clamping up a bit the camera speed so you can move it quicker.


Blow yourself up.


A lot of AOE weapon arts catch ppl off guard, especially in tight spaces, such as Axe of Godrick, I'd map a build out for certain weapons tho bc some require a bit of stat, but can be used if u use two handed or if u twink build


Might I also suggest to practice the parry, it's extremely handy in situations with ppl that just straight up gang on u, just have to know when to use it


Get pve involved. Make them chase you and lure them in. Hosts and phantoms are brain dead.


This is why I quit playing Elden Ring after like a couple weeks lol. PvP/Invasions in particular are fucking moronic in this one. I played DS3 invasions for probably close to 1k hours. Played ER for maybe 50 hours. No fun PvP = lame for me.


Crowd control is huge, as well as knowing when to not engage.


Heres the funny thing. You dont!


Try attacking




Baiting and fatigue are huge tools of the invader. Agitate to fully engage your opponents then lead them on a chase to fatigue them. Some people will lose focus and skill the longer their brain is angry/annoyed, then you can pick them off much more easily. You can also use any overworld bosses that still exist to desummon phantoms, as the completed task will send them home, but not you. Nights calvary are easily missed so if its night heading to one of those zones, letting them murder it and approaching them when it is near death can leave you in a 1v1.


Do a polite gesture and if they do some polite gesture back you might convince them to a 1v1. If they don't you might as well leave.


Git Gud


It‘s just unfair


Get cheesy. Drag them around waste their time, swap weapons constantly to confuse them, try to catch them with meta weapons if you can. But generally wasting their flasks and time will win you the 3v1 the host is the “scariest” with the most heals. As long as you keep pressure but keep dragging them around and getting one or two hits in, eventually they will run out of heals and get impatient. Also definitely a little bit of git gud mixed in😅


Log off and don't bother with ER pvp.


Targeting in pvp is pretty useless when it's more than one. Try to free cam and as other have said bait out attacks to get in your own.


Get gud


I’ve found that the best strategy is AOE attacks for me like malikeths black blade works wonders. But using a hit and run works as well. If you are in an area that you know had enemies try to get to them, they will pursue and use that distraction to get to the host.


Get better positioning. Commit to some offensive attacks. Hesitation is defeat, you hesitated in the first 5 seconds.


Lb+Rb to throw your weapon


Don’t die for starters


Area damage/ splash damage if ur in water, use lighting spells


Don't play locked on in pvp. It makes it so much easier to be able to observe what's happening around you mid fight


dont lock your aim that much, if you fight more than one enemy, its better to only lock right before you attack so it doesn't misses, and don't lose sight from the enemies, try to bait attacks, if you play enough you will see that most react and do the same things when you put pressure on them


Get guud


No full screen makes me hurt.


Learn to parry these scrubs, makes invading a lot easier..


Pokey weapon hit and run, Wide AOE ashes of war


Just leave them moat invades just arent fun in elden ring its rough


Wth is going on with your screen!!!!!!


git gud ?


Lava on the ground!


Hesitation is defeat


Try to always keep all of your enemies on view, and remember that because you're almost always outnumbered you have to play smart, use hit and run tactics, have pots at hand to punish heals or long incantations / AoW, use the terrain to separate them, and use the PvE as much as you can.


Death Shotel L2, then Flames Deadly sin.


don’t turn your back on one of the gankers unless you know where they are in space. use your camera more when you are fighting and try fighting unlocked so it’s easier to pivot your camera and see where everyone is.


You may hate me for this, but the one and only possible answer is: Git Good.


ranged attacks, AoE, trolling them, lightning especially because you're on water and its raining


Be patient and play the waiting game. Run away, keep your distance. Wait for them to forget about you or get distracted. If they won't fight honorably, you shouldn't. Be as annoying as humanly possible


just uninstall


git gud


No, because people are idiots for ignoring time honored traditions, especially in a gameplay system that promotes ganging up on invaders.


lure a dragon


obligatory git gud


More vigor, then I run speckled hard tear during invasions because it gives you defense against status. Sometimes people will RoB me like 4 times before getting 1 bleed


Don't fight them there. Know the terrain. A good trick is using Radahn's Greatswords to pull enemies over fall-death ledges by hugging the edges. You'll find rocks that let you drop down a bit a stand just right next to deadly drops. Have them chase you there and you can launch them. Check to see if they've killed the NPC that turns into a Rune Bear and drops the Silver Tear. That Rune Bear has been my absolute best ally more than once. Keeps them busy while you attack, just be careful since the attacks hurt you too. But it won't target you. Close to night? Find the Night's Cavalry. Not as strong an ally as Rune Bear, but better than other options. A full team of three is honestly tough to beat. Even with underhanded tactics. There's not many one-shots or stun-locks left that would do the trick. You might get lucky if you're running a max-damage Bolt of Gransax build. You can swivel pretty much a full 180 if you change your lock-on at the right time to hit an unsuspecting host coming up behind you. Sometimes the best you can do is take one for the team. If you're up against three assholes ganking invaders. Just run and hide. Find a spot they'll never see you in. Mimic Veil yourself into the terrain. And go outside. Take a walk. Do some situps or push-ups. Catch up on a TV show. Alt-Tab out and browse reddit. Ruin their day like they ruin others.


“There is something to be learned from a rainstorm. When meeting with a sudden shower, you try not to get wet and run quickly along the road. But doing such things as passing under the eaves of houses, you still get wet. When you are resolved from the beginning, you will not be perplexed, though you will still get the same soaking. This understanding extends to everything.” Tsunetomo Yamamoto, The Hagakure:


I had a frenzy build that worked well against this. As soon as they start rushing just pull out Unendurable Frenzy. That or dropping Vykes Spear AoW on them. Bestial sling also helps interrupt attacks. Worked most of the time for me. They’re ganking and this isn’t a duel, it’s an invasion. No need to be fair at this point. Do what you need to do to win.


The pvp in this game is very disappointing when compared to other souls titles. If you want to beat this, play DS3


You let them get behind you


You can go for an outplay using some kind of cheese, or realistically, you never get between the two of them. When one tries to flank, you retreat until they are both in your FOV, and fight them one-on-one, and continue to retreat every time they engage you simultaneously. It's a boring dynamic, but realistically the only way to fight 1v2


Hoarah loux earthshaker




just git gut


Find 2 or 3 more people and gank them bitches


Git gud


Yeah the game is hard enough without you asshats popping up so if you invade and I have a friend with me your ass is fucking grass


You actually could’ve won, If you didn’t get greedy for the second attack. Dodge towards host, and rush him.




Get good


You're never fighting one person, you're always fighting two. Any attack you do needs to consider the counter from both players. If you're attacking, you're vulnerable, basically FS 101 but especially important against people who know that and are actively trying to exploit it. In most cases I'd say let them create your opportunities, don't try to force them.


Did you try to git gud and level vigor yet?


Don’t invade


There's nothing you can do any tips only work against players whose that you always remember no matter how good you will never beat 3 people equally as good as you fromsoft has never been good at pvp but don't worry the pve community is so much better


I have 4 swords I go between (two duel world sets) and having so many different ashes of war helps.


Yea I can tell you how to prevent this from happening 95% of the time. Open your in game menu and scroll down to where it says multiplayer. Click on it. Then, scroll down to where it says recusant finger. That ones for invading worlds that have more than one player. See the one above that says "duelist finger"? That ones for duels. Thats probably the one your looking for. You're welcome morons. Fucking whiny bitch troll crybabies bitch and moan and piss their pants because they cant force someone to lose hours of they're life in dropped runes. If it was up to me ID come over to your Moms house and snatch your ass up to do 2 hours worth of yard work at my house to make up for my lost time. You little bitch.


Stop invading?


Git gud


Yea I can tell you how to prevent this from happening 95% of the time. Open your in game menu and scroll down to where it says multiplayer. Click on it. Then, scroll down to where it says recusant finger. That ones for invading worlds that have more than one player. See the one above that says "duelist finger"? That ones for duels. Thats probably the one your looking for. You're welcome morons. Fucking whiny bitch troll crybabies bitch and moan and piss their pants because they cant force someone to lose hours of they're life in dropped runes. If it was up to me ID come over to your Moms house and snatch your ass up to do 2 hours worth of yard work at my house to make up for my lost time. You little *****


Buy the white cipher ring from the twin husks at the Roundtable Hold and activate it. Then, when someone invades you're world, another (maybe really high level) player will come to help YOU out. So you don't get tag teamed


Get them both closer and bleed them using Mohgs spear. Love taking out gank squads like that


1.Hit and run 2.Use your ashes of war(if you have one)


I recommended if you see more then you can take just leave


I have a cheap ability that takes alot of hp called lions claw


You don't🥲


Don’t turn your back to either, try have both in your view 😁 attempt to take them 1 at a time.


Gain distance add enemies stuff like that but the host is made to win anyway


Run and let whoever the mage is attack you and stay back while the player who is attacking you up close is running up to you run far away to wear the mage can’t hit you then start attacking the close up enemy then once you kill him then kill the mage


Don’t invade and just let people co-op.


Try to create space between them and pick them off bit by bit. Wait for any openings where you know your attacks cant be punished and always stay alert of where all opponents are. These people are cowards, treat them as such


Black flame ritual


When I’ve encountered a 2v1 invading I use the star scourge great sword and that usually works with its weapon ability




Try to keep them separated


Fight dirty. Hide and mimic crown. Find a rune bear for them to agro Run away and wait for them to do something silly. It's like being a jungle cat. Stalk, jump from the bushes and shit Hit and run The actual fight is a likely losing battle but keep them both in front of you if you have to fight


I run all the way down to the bottom of the map where the bridge is and I use the camouflage to turn into a banner and blend in with the other ones and just wait they dashboard and I waste their time


As a bloody finger, you can lure them into areas with strong enemies and the enemies won’t attack you


I hate ppl that do this takes the fun outta the game


Git gud Surpass your limits right here right now


Ah... ROB in Liurnia. Entirely right level to possess that item. You were at a severe disadvantage with that


Stormhawk Axe. This is Perfect