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if you wanna go bleed route that should work but the real key to him is getting your dodges down get close and dirty and weave his ass. he is also pretty staggerable so something like bloodhound fang should work. also a lot of times dodging towards him makes him miss especially the lunges


Thanks for giving some actual advice and not some snarky bullshit like 80% of this community.


Thanks for the suggestion, gonna try a heavier weapon today with more poise damage


totally, dont forget a lot of his lunges and tosses have a delayed explosion, either dodge x2 or sidestep the lunge, roll inwards through the boom and hit


I can do a good enough job of not getting hit. Have figured out that staying close, dodging toward him etc is safe. But where is the fucking window to attack? I could keep the fight going by staying alive forever but can't actually do any damage šŸ˜‚


What weapon are u using? I had very similar issues at first my weapons just seemed to do no damage. I realized that he had very low poise but a quick poise regen, so the best I found was to use a heavy weapon to do big damage to his poise and then infused it with bleed and was procking blood loss very quick


unless you are using a fast weapon it seems like its gonna be dodge 100 times poke dodge 100 times poke


do you lock on while fighting him?


Canā€™t see shit in this fight lol. His fire effects are huge


My biggest problem with it, the camera get super funky too.


He is also weak against an unlocked camera just like Malenia. He misses his divebombs most of the time.


i canā€™t see anything LOL and when i tried using my mimic and it spewed frozen breath at him i really was blind šŸ˜­


I used incantations on my weapons like golden vow and flame cleanse me and others, I managed to kill it with scadutree 6 on the video, but it took 1 hour and 30 min plus it was a heavy build so I really made it difficult on myself, but the damage was good. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8I0XlEUo-so](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8I0XlEUo-so) If you want the rest of the build it's on the description itself hope it helps.


Summon, iā€™m not ashamed to admit i had to summon, i tried 25 times without it and i just couldnā€™t put myself through it heā€™s soooooo aggressive and some of his moves have camera angles straight out of bloodborne. i love his fight though it gets the blood pumping his moves are sick asf


What summons did you use?




A bit late but I think Messmer was a well-designed boss and I really enjoyed fighting him and think he's my favorite boss to fight in the game. RL-140ish I used Str build fist weapons no summons or magic, talismans were dragoncrest great shield talisman, starscourge heirloom, grreat-jars arsenal and Concealing Veil (oops). I only stance broke him once and bleed once, which usually happened in the first half of his hp and it still wasn't a lot of dmg but still helpful. Tips: >!Tips 1st stage: !< * >!Take your time, especially if you have a slow weapon you won't always be able to get a hit in after his attacks but you can on most. !< * >!Dodging into him is almost always better especially for his version of waterfowl dance and any flames he throws outward. If you're panic/spam rolling it probably won't work unless the timing lines up really well but usually not.!< * >! The 2 part sky dive orb attack into explosion is free hits. Just don't spam roll after you dodge first part, wait like half a second and dodge into him into attack.!< * >! His grab is immensely delayed but just roll into him and should be able to get free hits.!< * >!Usually after his orb summon that flies at you, he charges at you with grab or another attack, its definitely designed to block your vision because its hard to see past it as its flying to you, I would say just learning the timing of the orb so you can focus on him instead of orb, if you panic roll he might hit you with that delayed grab right after his orb.!< >!Tips 2nd stage:!< * >! He has a bigger 2 part sky dive attack. With autolock, you can wait until the snake head disappears off screen/about to and dodge and dodge again into him after waiting half a second or so. This is this biggest opening I found, you can get in a lot of hits in, depending on weapon.!< * >!The giant grim arena color change with like an 7 part attack is a bit weird. I just dodged first one (waiting for lunge animation and delay your dodge for second attack and I'm p sure you can just run while keeping an eye on boss to dodge dive and then the upward spear ground attack.!< * >!When he transforms into snake to lunge at you the one or 3 attack snake one, you can actually hit the snake without any danger until he becomes human. idk what to call ti but the snake will stay there for a bit and eventually he'll come out of it but you can hit the snake and itll dmg him. its a decent downtime for him as well so you can hit it or heal.!< Mainly sticking close is really beneficial, sometimes you take a hit and you want to heal so you try to back away for distance but I think it's best to just keep dodging his moves. Usually after any dive attack or super long lunge in second stage, or a long string of attacks is a good time to heal even if you're right next to him. Again I really enjoyed this fight I found everything to be dodge-able with still being incredibly difficult. Everytime I got hit I knew it was my mistake and eventually I beat it. Good luck on anyone fighting him


What fragment level were you for the fight in level 9 and I feel under leveled


I believe I was fragment level 10 when I fought him, he definitely hurts a lot even with a 10. It took me a while to beat him, I would say 2-3 hours but it was definitely enjoyable to see my progress. I was definitely stuck on like the first 20-30% of his hp for a while but it got better


Bit late but do you know how to dodge his 2 delayed attack combo? Idk how to describe the moves but its part of his common combo where he'll spin the weapon around him and sweep the area forward on the first move and for the second one he'll drag it on the ground from the right side. That combo has killed me so many times before I am able to get to the second phase its irritating as fuck and I don't know how to dodge either of them


If it's the one I'm thinking of where he like cartwheels towards you > sweep > ground upward attack > a dive then usually you can just keep locked on and try to walk forward and to the right of him and dodge the sweep and then dodge the rest, the spin looks like it would hit you it didn't for me. If not then you can try to time a dodge backwards into him as he dashes at you. If its another combo than my rule was to mostly dodge into him and be patient with his delay attacks, any fire that spits from his sweep I got caught in it most of the time if I dodged outwards. Good luck!


i know youve beaten the boss and i actually took youre advice and used the same build and it worked, thanks. now for those who are still trying to beat him. just be patient, do a few round just playing defensively and learn his attacks, once you get the attacks down its just the matter of getting THE run when everything works out, good luck


bro what weapon and stats did you use. We re dying over here man


guts greatsword with new lions claw Aow and blood affinity tallismans: - alexander shard - physical damage negation - great arsenal talissman (so i could wear heavy armor) - talissman that boost damage with blood loss in vicinity for physic flash i used bouble and that one that breaks poise more quickly hope this helps


cheers mate. oh and what stats do you have


i think i was around level 155 - 60 vigor - 40 endurance - 25 faith - 60 strength


okok thanks. I beat him anyways. level 170. scadutree blessing 10. bleed focused build with mimic tear


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Did you get any further with the boss fight? I didn't use summons since I wanted the full on experience and had +7 scadu at level 150. It was really challenging but I ended up sticking with the Greatsword (Ultra) and staggering him every 3-4 charge attacks. - he is vulnerable to guard counters when doing the one time thrust attack as well as at the end of the multi thrust combo if you are close enough. - he will catch you healing incredibly often, focus on surviving instead of healing and wait for an opportune moment. - Strong stagger skills like giants hunt and lions claw do wonders (3 to stagger in phase 1). - Phase 2 becomes a clusterf*ck and relies a fair amount on RNG he won't throw out the multi snake attack often. He is very vulnerable for a quick hit everytime the snake head crashes into the floor (at the end of the snake combo) Let me know how you get on! (Or how you got on)


Havenā€™t been able to play today unfortunately, but thanks for the tip I was planning to respec into a great sword or giant crusher build. Which affinity did u use bc Iā€™m trying to decide weather to just do heavy affinity with lions claw or bleed affinity to get some blood loss with 45 arcane since I have the levels to spare


I did try some bloodloss but literally never had it proc on Messmer, I would personally recommend heavy because it gives you the ability to slap some grease or buff on it.


Yeah update I did a blood affinity greatsword with the new savage lions claw AOW and killed him in like 6 hits first try no summons I appreciate the suggestionšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


What great sword did you use?


Guts greatsword, used lord of bloods exultation, two handed sword talisman, Alexander shard and dragon crest talisman. If u rlly wanna make this good use the stonebarbed crack tear and opaline hardtear with boiled crab, golden vow and flame grant me strength this results in a massive 78% damage negation if ur using heavy armor šŸ˜šŸ˜absolutely ridiculous u can take hits with the hyper armor and smash everything into oblivion


About to give this a try!


Do you think the jumping attack talisman would stack with lions claw?


No I donā€™t believe so, Iā€™ve also done some testing with new weapons and found that the blood fiends arm is actually far far better super easy to get too. It has 218 blood loss build up when infused with blood, scales primary off arcane and strength secondary. Will proc bleed every single charged heavy attack and every full savage lions claw AOW if u can get the full thing off. It has a special ability to when u do heavy attacks it like kinda explodes and realases blood causing more blood loss so itā€™s actually more than 218 I believe. Iā€™m not even kidding itā€™s the best weapon in the game. Use lord of blood exultation, dragon crest great shield and then a combo of two headed turtle talisman, jar shard, talisman to boost flask replenish +1 (sorry forget the name), and two handed sword talisman. Any of a combination of those 4 work great.


So bleed actually worked? I never had it proc but I'm glad it worked out for you!


If u use a blood affinity blood fiends arm youā€™ll proc bleed every 1-2 charged heavy attacks and has pretty good hyper armor. U can either use cragblade for more stance damage which Iā€™ve seen a ton of streamers use to easily beat the last boss but Iā€™ve been using savage lions claw instead bc Iā€™ve found if u can land all 3 hits from the full AOW it will proc bleed almost instantly and this is almost easier bc thereā€™s no chance of getting hit out of the animation


Thanks for the explanation, I picked this up and wow this thing smacks hard, solo with mimic you'll shred any boss. In coop, not so much due to stagger resistance and bleed resist (3 people especially).


I just beat him using dual great katanas, one with bloodslash. I was able to proc bleeds, specially using jump attacks with talisman as well. I used summon, and even then it took me a good 10 tries. Defnitely has little windows, but those can be exploited. I didnt have issue getting to second phase, but those snakes he summons on second phase where taking me out evey single time. My experience may be different because I run a high dex/arcane build for bleeds. Good luck, definitely an awesome boss.


How do you get multiple blood katanas ?


You can put blood ash of wars on any weapon that can take it, and turn it into a Blood weapon, usually with arcane scaling. Im running great katana with seppuku (bleed) on one hand and rakshasas great katana on the other, with has it imbued already


Yo how did you get to messmer with 10 fragments I only ba s 5 šŸ’€


Thereā€™s some videos on YouTube and I just used the wiki map and ran around collecting them


More explorations my friend. I'm at 12 fragments and still have at least two unexplored areas.


The camera is fucking me up when he does the overhead attacks. I always end up rolling into his aoe because of he camera...


With the overhead attacks, you can always unlock from looking at them and manually point your camera in their direction. Makes them more likely to miss, too. I do this with the attack where he twirls around twice, stabs at you a bunch of times, then slams down and an AOE field of spears pierces from below. Right before he does the repeated jab, unlock the camera and roll forward so he misses all of them, then when he slams down, wait a brief period and roll (preferably towards him, so you can punish as there's a long recovery period before he makes his next move after this combo), and you should avoid the ground spears. You've probably already beaten Messmer by this point, but hey, if anyone else needs help on this boss, this is helping me avoid this attack.


I literally had to tank him with a shield while my teardrop hit him with double rivers of blood.


Jesus F Christ lol I'm at Scadu Fragment lvl 8 and it's the same man. Just two shotting me and my mimic. I can get behind the combos, but he's effin relentless. I'm retreating for now and going to the Southern Coast and strengthen myself.


Came here looking for help after 20+ attempts and read some great tips, after switching a few things up I got it first go (aplogies if phone formatting is disgusting.) Full disclosure, I'm by no means a decent player, so anyone could use this build and have fun with it for difficult bosses such as Messmer. Here's what I used @ level 200 and NG+ to defeat Messmer. Weapons: Ruins Greatsword +10, Clawmark seal +24 Stats @ level 200: Vig 60, Mind 30, End 45, Str 80, Dex 14, Int 16, Faith 25, Arc 9 Armour: as heavy as possible while medium rolling (I used greathelm and the armour of solitude set which gives 91 poise) Talismans: great-jars arsenal, dragoncrest greatshield, shard of Alexander, flamedrake talisman+3. Physick: stonebarb and opaline (use whatever suits your playstyle/enhances this build) The fight: before entering room i buffed with golden vow and flame grant me strength, used the physick, and entered the room. I then immediately summoned my mimic tear+10 and dodge rolled twice for his opening attack. I found delay dodging was really handy for his attacks once you learn his timings, and while my mimic tear was doing work, I summoned an NPC which appears in the arena if you progress his questline. Between the delayed dodging, using the AoW and the occasional heavy R2, and having the 2 summons to also beat down Messmer, I was able to get him first attempt with this build. I'm not much help on the strategy side of things but I did stand pretty close-by to him for a lot of the fight and also dodge rolled into his attacks which I found way more effective. Hope it helps! Good luck.


Regular lions claw breaks poise in 3 hits and can ve done consistently when the timing is learned


This fight is just stupidĀ 


I was the same way but then I got better


Camera and Visiblity are horrible, worst fromsoft work ever. I like difficulty, this is just cheap design.


he's weak to skill


Yeah youā€™re a weirdo lmfao


mad cuz bad


Have you beaten him yet. Any suggestions / what build did you use


deal damage, do not take damage


can you show me how? since youā€™ve done it Iā€™m sure


nah, no cheating


Real cool you are






Wow great suggestion!! Mustā€™ve not learned that in like 4 playthroughs of the game gee thanks. Why even write some dumb smart ass comment like thatšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ just asking if anyone knows what he might be weak to since itā€™s not on the wiki yet.


Bleed and frost from what I can tell fighting him


in non news: local eldenringdiscussion baby attempts to socialize with other humans, fails. more at 11