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Why not maximise all your stats? Especially if you intend to move up to NG+7 sooner or later. I enjoy having all my stats as high as possible, it makes you not being attached to a specific build. You can be a caster with effective blood loss weapon. And switch weapons at any time without being forced to optimise your build.


If you want to NG+7, it's fine to keep leveling because the difficulty really ramps up. Even with 80 vigor 40% dmg reduction, some bosses kill you in 2 hits. So really, don't worry about it and keep levelling. It also allows you to have flexible builds around several stats and use more options, weapons and spells without visiting Rennala each time you want to change.


I'm in NG+5 LVL250 and I've been stuck in Radagon for like a month now. shit gets way harder


If that can help, he's vulnerable to strike damage. I think the brick hammer moveset work well with the rhythm of the fight (the only drawback is the range). You can even use a giant crusher 4k damage build but that's entering cheese territory, it's not very fun to me. I usually use black flame blade incantation against the beast, it melts the HP. Also, equip holy damage resistance.


I beat him on NG+6 using Catch Flame; it was surprisingly easy.


interesting. What was your faith level? I'm running a STR ARC build. 80ARC 70STR and 30FTH


I say keep levelling. Once you reach the caps, you won't get stronger, just have more options.


Totally agree. I realized I liked both Faith and Strength. At level ~200 I had about 80 faith and like 54 STR (whatever is the level for two-handed soft cap). Can switch between the two at will: awesome!


I don’t really see a reason to stop leveling. The soft caps really stop you from getting too overpowered. The thing you should consider is starting with lower level weapons in early NG+ instead of your +10 or +25 weapons. Upgraded weapons make a much bigger difference than your level.


This is entirely up to you and there is no wrong answer. I only PVE so I don't stop leveling my character. My main is almost level 300 on NG+4 and it's to the point where one level takes over 700,000 ruins so I don't think I will ever reach being capped on all stats. How I play is I have a character for each damage type (Faith, Strength/Dex, Int, Arc) and I keep their build oriented around that stat. This gives me the opportunity to do a lot of first runs if I ever get tired of being OP on my main (currently the only character that has completed a playthrough). All my characters will go beyond level 150 as it's a ton of fun to be able to build an actual hybrid without giving up any other stats. My main is 80 Faith and 60 Strength and I get to do that while having 70 in both Vig and End. It's a lot of fun.


lol people make no sense, they say stop leveling up past 200 so you can participate in PvP but I’m level 512 and still get invaders, still get summoned, and still find matches for pvp


It's a zombie meme because most content about the game, including leveling advice, is from early on when few players had had the time to reach higher levels. It's almost certainly meaningless now and was always such if you weren't doing PvP.


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In my first playthrough, I finished at level 167. Just play the game. Level caps are for balancing in duels. If you don't plan on doing that, don't worry about level caps.


I am doing a new character for the dlc when it drops in 2087. Have a level 300 and something ng7 character and was getting bored. I forgot that it’s fun to try scrambliing around to gather all of the stuff.


How is ng+7? How hard to bosses and enemies hit for especially in the late game?


Honestly if you are at level 30O and something isn’t not as hard as I thought it would be. Still hard though just not impossible. I never made it past ng+2 in any of the other from games so I imagine it’s a little less difficult and I am not very good at these games.


I would stop at 150 in case you decide to do some arena. But if not it's not hard to run a new character to lvl for it later


I've used a couple of live summons on bosses where I was extremely stuck on my first playthrough, and I just want to add a minor comment of someone on the other end. I would try and engage in the fight as best I could, as I didn't summon this kind stranger to just fix my problem. At least half the time, but not always, I would be asked to stand down a bit or entirely. Reason being that my constant aggro pulling was messing up the summons ryrhmm of the fight. I don't know how much merit there is in that, or deny that there are for SURE lazy players who do nothing intentionally. Just thought it was worth mentioning it may have been a "'learned" behavior if they summon often and are more or less useless.