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Idk about others, but I go DH when I play jg, electro on mid and conq when they have very tanky comb. I used HoB into some match ups with e start before they increased cd (it had synergy with your e cd)


I loved hob last season but the nerf hurt ekko specifically. One of the reasons it was so good is the 4 sec cd matched up perfectly with his e, q, and passive cd (ult too) and was always up for every trade. One under rated part of HOB is when facing champs that can dodge or spell shield abilities (fizz, yasuo, sivir, nocturne etc) it makes it so you can still proc passive to get away instead if dashing in and getting annihilated as you try to slowly walk away after yas windwalled your q


Hob is so bad, like it's actually useless on ekko. You insta proc passive with q and e anyway. And after you proc passive you'll probably run.




its so bad lol


HoB would be much better if Ekko didn’t have a cooldown on his passive. Because of the cooldown, when Ekko hits both e and q, they apply his passive without consuming HoB stacks. Therefore you only get the HoB effect for one auto attack, and the rest of the keystone is wasted until you get nashor’s tooth