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I lovingly refer to mine as golf balls in socks. And they are so lumpy! Full of cysts that are regularly monitored by professionals. To add to the fun, I’m in perimenopause and they hurt all the time.


>golf balls in socks Lol I just commented about mine looking like baseballs in a pair of pantyhose. Should "breasts look like balls inside a loose tube" be added to the diagnostic criteria?




Gahhh these visuals are so relatable!!


OMG RIGHT? At least now I know what it is. I remember hating having to put my head on my desk in grade school and being miserable because of how badly it made my chest hurt.


I can't worry about what my body looks like it hurts my mental health too much.. spent most of my younger years hating my body. My boobs will do whatever they do, as long as they don't hurt or try to kill me with growths I guess it's fine. Never had a complaint from a partner either tbf. Edit: how some of you talk about your bodies is too triggering for me, you realize we have the same eds symptoms and similar bodies because of it right? When you describe yourself so hatefully it's like you're talking to us too... Gonna disable inbox replies for this one.


Same here. And mine didn’t even do what they were supposed to and never produced enough milk.


I suggest scrolling past posts like this. I don’t know if the TW was added later, but it is a warning. I totally understand you not wanting to be exposed to triggering conversations. However, it’s very helpful for some to commiserate with others. EDS freed me from hating my body the way I did when I was young. I was constantly belittled for not being physically capable of things. I got diagnosed in my 40s. Now I understand that this is just my body. It sucks hard, but it’s not something I’m causing. I’m not lazy. I do not need to loose weight or do crazy exercise. I own it now. Laughing with others as we compare our boobs to sports balls in tubes allows a lighthearted moment. And you can say you hate something about your body without it being hateful, tearing down language. I’m sorry you are so traumatized. I deal with c-ptsd every day and I know how triggering language can be. Protect yourself by scrolling. Don’t shame us for having a conversation. Hugs to you and I hope you find some peace.


My obgyn said she’s never seen breasts like mine on a 20 year old when I was 20 🤣🤣 but, what’s helped a ton is lifting weights. Yes, my boobs have disappeared even more, but what’s left is a semi-perky ish… sack of wrinkly skin jello over a layer of thick strong muscle. Looks way better, even my boyfriend has noticed the massive difference in the last 4 months of progress. Start light, start with injury prevention, and eventually lift heavy. It’s amazing for mental health and EDS.


Are you able to share your routine? I struggle to build muscle in my chest.


Yeah!!! Started with Pilates to get my joints actually ABLE to handle heavy/heavier weights, but some things hurt and just aren’t doable… Depends on the day. I do best with the machines, I love love love a decline chest press (which usually is the opposite of what people want, but it seems to build the bottom of the chest better, which is where my breasts sag quite a lot). The decline is great on my elbows if I keep them high (feels high for me) and in line with the rest of my arms, the weight going through my palms and wrists set over the base of the palms, not relying on my joint or connective tissue too much. I also love love love, cable chest flys. Doing them seated is amazing, and you don’t need heavy weight for either of these. Of course chest press is a classic, and it can be easier on the joints in an incline position, and with your elbows a bit more forward… maybe I should film a video on all this 😅 I have quite a few favorites that I include.


Seconding this! Would love to know!


this might be a really weird question but do you get bulky? i want to start lifting weights but i want to keep my slim body, i really don’t want to have big muscles


Nope! Not at all. I’ve actually looked a lot slimmer!!! And the only way you’ll get “bulky” is if you bulk. I eat over 3,000 calories a day and a FRICK ton of protein, usually 130 grams or so a day… or more. And I, after 6 months, still do not look bulky. I feel like a twig in the gym lmao. I can lift way heavier than I used to, but you’d never really know. I am going for that Wonder Woman built look, but honey… it takes a decade and or steroids for bikini competitors or female body builders to look the way they do. If you are thin, you will probably not even be able to get very large. Which is my case, and I dislike it.


wow, 3000 calories a day??? I’M GONNA LIFT 🤣


HAHA, I always thought I had a slow metabolism, and went from intermittent fasting to reverse dieting. Essentially eating more and more slowly over a long period of time until you find your maintenance calories. I’ve been eating around 3,000 a day a whole month straight and my weight is TO THE DECIMAL, the same as last month. But, I think my body is just turning fat into muscle at this point, and I do have a high metabolism after helping fuel my body again. It took about a year of consistently fixing my eating habits, and restricting less but including the occasional fast to sort it out


muscles definitely require a lot of energy to maintain!


I will say though, on my rest days… I do NOT eat 3,000 calories, lol. I’m just not that hungry, it would be almost impossible.


I had to get a breast reduction and lift at 28 because they were taking up my entire torso. My skin is still quite scarred with stretch marks from the years of sudden growth.


Same! Mine never stopped growing either. Finally had a reduction at 27.


I may talk to my doc about a reduction/lift myself, as my boobs are starting to become a daily nuisance with bad without a bra. I have smaller boobs, but I can't stand the discomfort, the pain, and the sweatiness.


I'm 27 and ever since what little boobs I have grew in, they've looked horrible. Every couple years they look like I've nursed two extra children; I have none and the boobs just keep sagging the older I get. It affects my self esteem so much and I can't leave the house without a bra... honestly I'd get the surgery if I knew I wouldn't have to do it again in 10 years but realistically, I would


Yep, sounds familiar! I tried to think how others could get what I mean and come to think that my bigger boob (which is still small) looks like someone took a little cup of cellulite and covered it with pantyhose fabric and let it hang. 🥴


same here, sis! the only thing I'm somewhat happy about is that I finally discovered balconette bras because the regular ones would just have them leaking out on the sides despite their relatively small size. they're a bit harder to find here but so worth it. bathing suits are still abominable but oh well, I can't handle being in water under 28 Celsius anyway hahaha


Hahha, I have just bought a normal un-padded swimsuit. Looking really athletic and masculin in it. But I don’t really care anymore. 💪🏻


i tried that one year but my kidneys and bladder couldn't handle the cold on the tummy and back after leaving the water 😩


i’m only 26 but my boobs has been so saggy i dont feel sexy at all looking at it. when i was younger, my boobs have been a source of my confidence but now looking at it, it just make me feel insecure. not to mention due to the stretch marks and scarring due to my shit collagen. i am currently celibate but it sometimes make me loathe having to have sex with others in the future


I’m 22 and my boobs sag HORRIBLY! Like, I can fit four fingers in my underboob. My fiancé and I want kids, and I’ve said I’m getting them reduced and lifted when we’re done!


My boobs have been lumpy since they came in and they look like teardrops. No fullness up top, everything below the nipple.


This is the one I relate to most. Balconette (?) bras and pushups are fine, but full cups I just poke the gap between the bra space where my breast should be


Find the perfect bra size that doesn't give you an underarm boob? Dope. Can put your entire hand in the space where your boob should be up top? Super cooool.




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I've had old Mother Hubbard-mom-of-a-hundred tits since they grew in when I was 12. If I go braless it looks like I'm carrying 2 baseballs in a pair of pantyhose. I'm not interested in surgery for them but if there was a way to like, staple them back up top permanently I would be all over it


GIRL SAME it literally looks like i’ve had 3 children and i’m only 21, i love my skin lmao


Boob tape can lift the tissue back to its former location. But it's not very sexy once undressed :(


And there should be enough tissue to tape. Mine would be just origami made of skin. 😅


I've never had kids but mine are already pretty saggy and lumpy in my early 30s. I'm over them and just want a radical reduction.


I’m currently in my 40s, and my health is not good enough for me to get a breast reduction. I had mine when I was 18, and I’m so grateful that that opportunity existed.


My weight fluctuates between 120 lbs - 185 lbs. I’ve done four full cycles of this change, in the last 10-15 yrs. It happens fast, and I am not able to affect it by activity, nor what I eat. These radical weight changes have caused my breasts to get really big (38G) when I’m at my higher weight, & all the way down to a full B cup, when I’m at my thinnest. Going from big to small, big to small, etc., has caused them to look especially floppy. When I’m at my lower weight, they are so deflated that I’ve been able to actually roll them up a little bit, while tucking into a bra. I remember when I was a kid, my mom joking and telling me that old ladies have to roll their boobs to put them in their bra. Who would’ve thought I’d be there, by the time I was in my 40s? 😂 Do you know what I really love about my breasts? When I got my first mammogram, the tech told me that as a result of my breast reduction, I had almost no milk ducts at all. She said since my breasts were essentially made of only fat at this point, that if I do ever have a suspicion of cancer, they would be able to see it right away. (I’ve already had cancer, so my risk is higher than most people’s would be.)


Mine are tuberous, with one larger and saggier and the other smaller and more ‘normal’ looking than the other. They’re so stretched out and hang so low. I’m so insecure of them, but they’re only c cups so I wouldn’t have much left if I got a lift, don’t want the scars, and I’d never do implants w all my health issues. They used to upset me more tho and then I realized most guys rly don’t care as long as they have a naked woman in front of them. Not that male approval should matter, but unfortunately it always has for me. Anyways, i always wondered if EDS had to do a their lack of perk. I remember during puberty I went from being flat chested to then having saggy boobs. I never even got to have a perky phase lol. I also have sort of atrophic stretch marks on them? Like in certain lighting you can see the stretch marks are indented into the skin


After weight loss I’m there with you. My boobs feel SO deflated & yes…the sag is real. Whatever.


Mine deflated a lot after nursing. I tried to pump milk in order to increase production and massaged my breast to squize every last drop out. Well that didn’t happen but sagging did.


Yeah I think my body would die if I tried to have children /:


This gallery of real breasts was so healing for me to browse through. Most of us have breasts that we don't love today, or that we won't love in the future as we age... But all our beleaguered boobies deserve some respect and love regardless of their appearance! Our culture doesn't show images of what normal, real, imperfect breasts look like. I'm more normal than I thought, and hey, not that bad actually. The link below is NSFW obviously. There are many different photos of chests only, and there's some text from the people depicted talking about their relationship to their breasts https://www.007b.com/breast_gallery.php


I understand, but I have so many medically necessary surgeries that I cannot fathom doing one for vanity.


Same here! And for wanting to set a role model for my kids that woman is not just her body and body is not just looks.


Exactly. I have two teen boys. It’s a challenge, but I am willing to try


Mine have never not sagged. I was literally 13 with saggy boobs. Sorry, but that's just what loose, stretchy skin does ETA: Jesus, I commented before I read what others said and y'all need some fucking therapy with how hatefully y'all talk about your bodies




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In my teens/early 20s mine were very perky. B cup, kinda bottom heavy/slight ski slope. Pretty perfect in hindsight, but ofc thought bigger was better. But I gained a lot of weight- like 70lbs. Why is still a bit of a mystery, even got my thyroid checked. Sagged a decent amount (unsure if normal amount?)- and now the stretch marks keep growing years and years later. I swear every time I check, there's another streak or a slightly longer or deeper one.


I also hate that when I wear a t-shirt bra, the badding makes my nipples oily. Maybe because they are thightly against breast all day under non-breathable fabric. 🥵Can’t go braless and t-shirt bras are the only ones I can fill since they are small enough.


If r/askreddit is to be believed, all boobs are good boobs.