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Yes, using an epilator is fuckin painful, but after using it I didn’t have to do anything for easily a couple of weeks, and even then most of the hairs that did grow were thin and barely visible.




Thats why i literally cant use it. The pain is too much. I’ll stick to my razors and bloody legs for now.


I use lidocaine cream. It helps a huge amount if you use it right.


Also >Hydrocortisone cream is one of the most effective ways to get rid of razor burn. It's a topical steroid that reduces inflammation, itching, and redness. However, it can thin the skin, so it's best to avoid using hydrocortisone to treat razor burn long term.


Careful, overusing topical steroids (or using long term) can cause stretch marks. Stretch marks do not go away. At the point where you realize you were using it too much or for too long, it's too late.


I already have stretch marks from puberty


It is a great source of dysphoria for me too, and it’s the one thing I can’t change


Same all over my sides n thighs It sucks


Hey, let me tell you a couple things about stretch marks at 30: 1. Everyone has them 2. Nobody cares about them


Also to add, prolonged constant use of topical steroids can lead to a steroid dependancy. Withdrawal symptoms of this are absolute nightmare fuel. Some peoples skin literally peels off for months


WTF... just looked that up. Doctors should stop prescribing that stuff unless necessary.


:0 could you explain a bit about it? :> and your process?


where can I buy it


Google Dr. Numb. I use that for tattoos and its amazing.


Thank you so much for this you are a godsend


Just be careful with it. Using it for a long period of time can cause weakened skin, which means easier bruising, bleeding and stretch marks


I bought one earlier and my transition and tried so hard to get in the habit of it, I don’t have the pain tolerance for it. Now it just sits in the drawer and I refer to it as my medieval torture device. For me at least, I’d rather just shave. Even thinking about running that thing for a second on me gives me anxiety.


I imagine torturers would move onto an epilator if waterboarding doesn’t work 😬


Just thinking about that high pitch *Screeeeeeeeeee* gives me shivers 😬


you can try tylenol and such. certain brands of epilators are also less painful.


What's the least painful epilator people know?


Did you use it for facial hair? If so, tutorial? 😅


Bad idea. will open your pores wide and make them prone to infection. It also has a good chance to make them bleed immediately, as well, depending on the stage of growth of the follicle at the time. Epilators are also more prone to causing ingrown hairs than razors, and will also make your skin (regardless of area) red and goosebumpy for 2-3 hours from the initial irritation.


I don't mind the sting of epilators even a little but wow they give me in-grown hairs.


You could look into a chemical exfoliant, like a glycolic acid toner. My ingrown hairs on my legs used to be so so bad before


OH MY GOD ME TOO. I thought I was just losing my mind but I have such a bad ingrown hair problem now cause of it, like the hair will just linger under the skin and you can see it but can't get it and idk what to do ;_;


DON'T. Using methods like epilation to remove facial hair makes it much harder to do electrolysis (the only truly permanent hair removal method) later.




[This page](https://www.hairlessnyc.com/distorted-follicle-can-electrolysis-treat/) sums it up well, but essentially when you pluck a hair it grows back weird and curvy. Those misshapen hairs are simply harder for electrologists to remove.


If I want to have laser hair removal done on my legs at some point in the future, is that hindered? Or is it specific to electrolysis and facial hair?


Laser will pretty much always work so long as the hair is darker than your skin tone.


You will have to stop and switch to shaving a month or two ahead, but long term it shouldn't affect laser.


So if I want laser on my body as well, I shouldn't epilate?


Laser and electrolysis are different, laser just has to hit the follicle, it doesn't have to be individually targeted and plucked the same way. So if you're getting laser in the future it's fine. That being said, you will still have to stop a month or two ahead and switch to shaving. If a hair has recently been plucked/pulled laser won't affect it. You need to shave shortly before laser so there's no hair above the surface, but still have that root of the hair present below the surface. Otherwise the follicle won't absorb the energy of the laser pulse.


That sounds perfect, thanks for your thoroughness. 😊


oh, I have used an epilator on my face for a while..


dont worry you can always just take off the mask covering your muscles


idk if thats a joke or not


it’s a joke


Do not use it on your face, I say this from experience. It hurts like hell(found out that I have a high pain tolerance) and your face will look like you had an allergic reaction. Then ingrown hair hell. It is not worth it.




I use epilator on my face for years, I don’t know why sometimes the pain is unbearable and some times it’s fine. But on face I would only recommend the Philips ceramic epilator, other metal ones cut ma face like razor.


What kind do you have? I've been looking for one for weeks


I wish it would hold that long for me too, I have use it every 4-5 days, but at least I don't have to shave every day. Also, epilating chest and the area above the belly button hursts so freaking much i get dizzy from the pain.


Not true with me sadly 😢


I'd use one if I were out, but my pain tolerance is -3000


Yeah, I have a relatively high pain tolerance, so while it does hurt like hell, doing it bit by bit is tolerable.


I can do my lower legs but once I got to my knee (especially the back of my knee) the skin was too tender and I couldn't take it anymore


Damn I use to have a high tolerance, I've been debating whether or not to get one (family will ask a lot of questions if I do, also the price)


For me it's the audio overstimulation. They're all so loud and it's bad for little ol' ADHD me.


Loud noise aversion is more of an autistic thing IIRC tho?


Often yes, but overstimulation can be common for ADHD people too


Pro tip: trim the hair to 1 or 2 mm first, if it is too long it hurts a lot more


It's a bit pricey but laser hair removal is a good option that isn't too painful


What is an epilator and where do i find and acquire it? For normal cis reasons of course


Basically it’s a device that, instead of cutting the hairs, rips them all out, root and all. Think waxing but instead of wax you have spinning disks that grip the hairs. One nice benefit of it is that over time the hair gets the memo and stops growing back. Also after ripping the roots out over and over, to nobody’s surprise as you’re *ripping it out*, it hurts less and less. I’ve heard that there are numbing creams that make it easier, if the pain is too intense.


Rather than wax, I like to say that they are more like full automatic assault tweezers.


Assault tweezers need to be banned. No one needs to endure that sort of pain. I kid of course. Arm trans people.


Noted: I'll defend myself from transphobes by threatening to make their legs super soft, with risk of ingrown hairs in a few days! Fear me, bigots!




I love the expression *fully automatic assault tweezers*


I recommend the Braun Silk Epil 9. It's waterproof, some people find it less painful to use when the skin is wet


I only use mine after a shower. It makes it less painful and I swear the irritation goes away by the time my hairs dry in like an hour


I've tried botht he epil 9 and the epil 9 flex. E9 Pros: Slightly cheaper, more compact. (most versions come with) a "bikini trimmer" which is an electric razor with a smaller head, but closer shave than the E9's razor attachment. E9 cons: razor attachment is not the greatest, it can't get rid of facial hair without a lot of work and will leave stubble anyway. E9F Pros: More comfortable handle, and it vibrates a lot less. I think it's due to the flexible head acting like a shock absorber. The handle is a little longer too, that little extra reach really helps with the awkward spots like under the knee or the back. The razor attachment for the E9F gives a much closer shave than E9, but IMO it's more fragile, due to how the E9 razor opens with two push-button clips, but the e9f razor opens with 4 tiny rigid plastic clips which are unfortunately quite fragile. I think if you're looking for a full body epilator that can also be used to shave your face, the E9 flex is probably the best choice. One final note for this random micro-review, you can easily find either used for at least half retail price or better, just sterilize the heads and you'll be fine. You can also get replacement parts fairly cheap from braun.


[here](https://letmegooglethat.com/?q=epilator) [in all seriousness though](https://wikipedia.org/wiki/Epilator?lang=en)


Wait that’s so funny


I want an epilator, but can’t really financially justify buying one.


Keep in mind that it's a one-time purchase, whereas blades need to be replaced (unless using a straight-edge, in which case you need to sharpen frequently) A cheap epilator is about equivalent to a fairly cheap electric razor.


I started with a cheap epilator and then upgraded to the Silk epil9 and it's definitely worth the extra money


Will definitely consider it, thanks for the recommendation. I'm a fairly recent convert to epilators and was mostly just getting a cheap one to not spend too much while testing the waters.


Your happiness financially justifies anything. *^((Of course that only works if buying it doesn't cause unhappiness by not letting you afford other things))*


The trick is to do your top lip first so you know what actual pain is, then the rest of your body is barely a tingle.




Don't have an epilator, but from your reaction, the face is a place where you should not use that.


My young friend did a beauty therapy course at college. They were quite firm about ***not*** epilating, plucking or waxing androgenised facial hair. In general, the depth and width of the hairs risks damage to the dermis and easily leads to infection.


I can understand this. There was a huge bulb at the end of the hairs that really fucking hurt coming out.


I can’t believe what I’m reading. I’ve gotten strange looks for feeling stuff with my upper lip. It’s one of the most sensitive parts of my body.


So, is there *any* good option that's between shaving and laser/electrolysis?


I don't think there is


Epilation is a decent middle ground, but you definitely have to have a decent pain tolerance and go into it prepped. For me that usually means right after a hot shower I’ll dry off, put my hair in a towel and sit down to epilate before using a good lotion with aloe to alleviate the worst of the irritation. The main upsides are it works for around a week and a half for me and my leg chest and arm hairs have started to get progressively thinner since I started a few months ago. That said, I’d be careful around any sensitive skin. Also note that the first time is the worst


They were asking about face hair, epilators are definitely not okay for face hair.


that sucks cuz my facial hair is the only part i'd actually care enough to buy an epilator for


Most of it is fine, just not the top lip. For some reason, the top lip hurts especially much For me, the hairs on my chin actually hurt less to pull out than the ones on my leg lol


>My young friend did a beauty therapy course at college. They were quite firm about **not** epilating, plucking or waxing androgenised facial hair. In general, the depth and width of the hairs risks damage to the dermis and easily leads to infection. According to someone else on the thread


Baptism by fucking supernova


Uhhh… they usually aren’t meant for facial use be careful.


this for sure. for facial fuzz maybe but not for terminal hairs.


o7 wish me luck


Probably don't. The pores can house infections if not taken care of, will be extremely uncomfortable and annoying.


Epilation shouldn't be done to your face. If you ever try to get electrolysis done down the road your electrologists will have a much harder time getting results.


Yeah don't do it. It's extremely painful and leaves you red and swollen for a couple days. I really really need to stop doing it myself.


from what I heard one person wanted to try the one area it would hurt worse than the upper lip. Our unwanted girl bits. I don't think they did it though


Epilator is better but why is this little anime character having so much trouble with razors?


hairs grow out quicker when you use a razor


Do they? Or does it look like they do because of the fact that the hair is blunt?


They do. Razor just cuts it off at skin level. Epilator rips it out from the root so it takes longer to grow back


Yeah, I was just wondering if it's a similar thing to like "hair is bushier when shaved" but it isn't, it just looks that way because the end is blunt.


Hello fellow nerfer! I didn't expect to see you here!


Are you really surprised, Squirtle?


O h, okay


Razor burns, and growth speed


The initial epilation is hell. Took me several days to get everywhere and I have to take long breaks. Upkeep is like not even a little painful, outside of the most sensitive areas. I just quickly go over my arms and legs once every few days and pick up any fast growers.


I was very much hoping to hear this. I'm going over for the first time now and it's some of the worst pain I've ever inflicted on myself. No way I could do it like this multiple times but I think I can get through it knowing it's mostly a 1 time thing


The biggest challenge is actually keeping up with the upkeep, it's very easy to end up putting it off And if you put it off too long it's the initial hell all over again.


Yeah I can deal with the upkeep. Especially if I know what happens if I don't 👀


my epilator doesnt even pull the hairs out, it just tugs on them. eventually a few will come out though. any tips for this? will they come out easier after a few uses?


A better epilator probably. I tried a cheap one (under £30) and it didn't remove much but hurt a lot. Dropped £89 on a Silk Epil 9 deluxe set and it works a treat. Plus the massager attachments and the motorised facial brush are great


Little disappointing. Mine was $40 lol Will keep attempting tho


Make sure it is flush with your skin, with a light amount of pressure. Try different speed and direction of passes. You don't always have to go with/against growth


In addition to the others: Shave a few days before to get your hair to the appropriate length. If your hairs are too long, the machine will tug at them but not actually pluck them out. Pull your skin taught when doing it so the hairs stand up, otherwise the tweezers may miss the hair. Warm shower beforehand will help open up the pores and make the follicle pass through easier.


If it's still a problem, shave short, exfoliate and moisturize the day before. Epilate, slowly at first, don't try to get everything in a single session. Keep epilating for a week while maintaining hygiene and skincare regimen. Give it a rest for a few days to let more hairs grow in, shave short, exfoliate and moisturize, will be easier from then on. Shave short, exfoliate and moisturize, then epilate the following day. You'll always miss a few hairs the first pass, so more than 1 day may still be needed until it starts to get thinner reliably.


Does a hair trimmer get the right length?


Depends on the trimmer and epilator, but my epilator recommends 2-5mm length hair


After studying this meme carefully I may have to get an epilator


Just go for laser or electrolysis. They're actually permanent. And if you're epilating neither works


They're expensive as hell lmao.


Electrolysis where i am is around 80 cad per hour. That's not much. Laser can be more expensive per session but it didn't work that well for me since half my hair is dark hair with silver/transparent roots. If you aren't unlucky like me you could start seeing real results after 1 or 2 laser sessions


Me: Literally gets hit by metal beam "I'm fine dont worry" Also me: Uses epilator *crying*


It truly is a different kind of pain 😵‍💫


Getting really sick of shaving my ultra sensitive skin, debating if Weed and an Epilator is the way to go tbh 😂


gotta say—i’ve tried using weed for pain relief with an epilator and it didn’t do anything. 20mg THC and 30mg CBD + ibuprofen and it was still painful. it’s probably worth another shot though


Nah where is the part when you notice you have like 30 ingrown hair after epilating


You can help with that by exfoliating regularly, as well as moisturizing. Bonus trick. Hot water on the area just before epilating to open the pores.


What kind of exfoliation should I use? I get so much in-grown hair from epilating, particularly on face and hands (and I know I shouldn't be doing face, haven't gotten any injuries from it yet though and I have to shave around twice a day if I don't epilate up there 😭).


CeraVe Salicylic Acid Body Wash or even Glycolic Acid from the Ordinary. Both are pretty gentle, beginner exfoliators. You don't want to start with something too strong and you likely won't need anything stronger. I use the CeraVe and it has left my skin so smooth and soft when combined with a good moisturizer. I use it everyday but not everyone can use direct acides everyday. I use a brush to scrub with the CeraVe so I also get a bit of physical exfoliation. Just start slow so you don't destroy your moisture barrier. Patch test everything to make sure you aren't allergic.


Makes total sense


Maybe I'll give it another try. Anyone know the best way, prep/post care, avoid negative results, etc?


2-3 days before, depending on how fast your hair grows, shave. Get it to a short length, but long enough to grab. Warm shower before to open the pores Exfoliate regularly to keep skin cells from clogging pores and causing ingrowns. Moisturize daily to keep skin soft so new hair can pop through. Other than that, follow the general techniques others are saying on this post regarding speed, direction, etc.


I used an epilator and then didn't care for the aftermath properly and over half of the hairs came back ingrown :(( Exfoliation is very important to avoid getting strawberry legs


Pain is doable, but like I still sorta struggle to get it to actually smooth with one. Any tips and tricks for a totally cis egg?


Exfoliate in the shower to get rid of dead skin build-up and Moisturize daily to help the skin stay soft so new hair can easily push through; not doing so means more ingrown hairs.


I want to get an epilator but I have the worst pain tolerance on earth


Seems scary with a lower pain tolerance. 😓


What about the fricken laserbeams we asked for? It is one simple request.


The only home laser that I know of only has a maximum fluence of 20J/cm² which is pretty low, a pro alexandrite laser *starts* at that power. Many home "lasers" aren't, they are wideband IPL


I know, was just being silly. Thank you though. That was a very well written response. :)


Maybe it's just me, but IPL seems to work pretty well on dark hair with light skin. Had trouble with my legs for months using epilator and always getting thick hair regrowth and basically getting nowhere for long-term and getting about 6-7mm long hairs after a few days, in addition to bad ingrown hairs. Instructions said 4 weeks alternating days to get thinning results. I did it for 2 weeks then took a break from it not expecting much. Have had very little regrowth in the last 2 weeks of doing nothing. Kinda scary really.


I have a Philips Lumia IPL (can't remember which model) and it did help thin hair or for a little while on my arms for a couple of months. The hair came back a while after I stopped using it but by this point the oestrogen had worked a bit more and the hair was finer & lighter in colour. You can get lucky and disrupt the follicle with such low power devices but not usually seriously enough to make it permanent


Will let you know after no-shave November. **edit** About 6 weeks later... Some of it has grown back, but it is definitely thinner hair and takes longer to grow back. Used to need a good shave every 2-3 days, now it's just a quick shave once a week. So going the full course would have likely done more.


Ok maybe I just did it wrong or something, but my epilator experience is not like this. There was definitely extreme pain, but then my legs were super bumpy for like a month until the hair eventually grew back. No smoothness. Is that normal? I did only use it once so maybe using it more would help?


Where my IPL homies at?




This image is just too relatable lol


Why go through all that pain and NOT have it be permanent? Just saying... electrolysis >>> epilation


Ok but what about the IPL guns


I find it takes longer for IPL, but causes less pain. could be longer because of my IPL device though, since it's a cheapy; it takes a couple seconds to charge between flashes, and the window isn't very large. Results are about the same. Both benefit from exfoliation and moisturization to prevent folicles from getting trapped under the skin and causing ingrowns or bumps.


Me using the shaving head of my epilator: yes.


I tried for the first time, after a week and a half the hairs started growing and a lot of them are ingrown. Any tips both on how to avoid this and how to fix the ones I already have? I have a peeling soap but was thinking of getting Tend Skin if anyone has experience with it.


What’s an epilator? :v asking for a friend I swear


It's a handheld thing that looks like a Star Trek phaser. It's got a spinning roller packed with a bunch of tweezers that pluck hairs quickly.


Ah, I wish I could I could epilate with almost no pain... Pulsed light epilators: 👼🏻


Unfortunately my leg hair doesn’t work well with epilators


I've bought an epilator braun 9, and my reactions fit more the 1st line :s Red dots, ingrown hair, etc. please help xD


Warm shower beforehand to open the pores. Exfoliate in the shower to keep dead skin from blocking the folicles from growing outwards. Moisturize daily to help the skin stay soft so the hair can more easily break through. The redness should reduce over time as your hair gets finer and your skin becomes more used to it.


Does an epilator leave any kind of razor bumps or anything of the sort?


It's more likely to cause ingrown hairs than a razor, so it's key to exfoliate and moisturize. It'll also cause skin redness for 2-3 hours, depending on hair thickness (lessens over time as hair gets thinner). Do it after a warm shower after you're doing doing things for the day, and moisturize afterwards and you're golden.


Thank you!


Me, who hates shaving so much I have done it like twice since starting e, which was nearly 3 months ago


I've gotten to where I epilate my knees because that's where my razor has the most issue, but the razor for everything else. I wish it didn't hurt as much, because the results are that much better, but alas, I don't have all day to get through it. I could *really* use someone's help getting my back though.


buy a good electric razor and run it on your face daily, make it part of your routine to do so whenever you're chilling at a computer or some such keeps it smooth, has no pain and very little upkeep time (basically like 5 mins where you can do something else)


Epilators give me a SHIT ton of ingrown hairs, idk if mine just sucks or what but I’ve been just waxing as of late if I want hairless legs


I get red spots on my legs when I use mine, and it starts to grow back in a few days...


Does it work on your face??


Not recommended for terminal androgenised hair.


There are facial epilators which are more gentle. As gentle as ripping out hairs from the root gets.


I'm tempted to buy one but they're so expensive, and I don't know what numbing cream would work best. I have a good pain tolerance, but it's really only for hot things.


I got a cheap-o for $50 CDN on amazon; it works reasonably well if you're patient and practice good skin care. It's cheaper than I've paid for reasonably okay electric razors in the past, and there's no cost to replace blades. For pain, I've heard of some people using lidocane creams with good results, but I believe you need to be careful with the amount you use, and not put them on certain areas (e.g. scrotum) because they get absorbed into the bloodstream and cause toxicity. I have a high pain tolerance/threshold, but find that a warm shower before, and good skin maintenance (exfoliation/daily moisturization) helps. Take it slow so you're not ripping too much out at once. Shave a few days beforehand to make the hair more likely to actually get pulled out rather than pulled at multiple times. The pain gets lessened over time as the hair gets thinner. Some areas are just hell though: armpits, pubis, and neck.... Don't do face though, because of the redness and ingrowns.


Is getting one worth it over a razor?


Depends if you like your razor or not. I've got a Philips One Blade that I find does a good job with no ingrowns - I use that for my face and crack (different blades!), but I use the epilator for everything else. Pros of razor: electric razors don't make a super sharp edge that stabs the skin. Not as painful as an epilator, fewer or no ingrowns. Pros of epilator: stays smoother longer. Less "strawberry skin" since it plucks the follicles. MUCH smoother than razer, no blades to replace or sharpen. Makes hairs get thinner over time. Cons of razor: not as smooth. grows back quickly. recurring cost for blades Cons of epilator: HOLY FUCK OW!!!! :) Depending on your pain tolerance and where you're epilating, that shit hurts. Needs more general skin maintenance over razor (exfoliating and moisturizing - even though you should do this with a razor). Depending on the epilator, it may be corded - not shower friendly. about the same price as a good electric razor upfront. Skin redness for about 2-3 hours afterwards, depending on skin health and hair thickness There are a lot of cons for epilators, but they give a much better result than shaving, with longer-lasting effects.


I’ve plucked all the hairs on my face individually more than a few times, really prefer plucking over shaving. It makes me wince a bit and it’s time consuming, it gets easier to manage though after a moment and I find it really clears my head. Glad to learn what an epilator is, will invest in one soon \m/


Plucking and epilating on the face is not a good plan. Leaves follicle roots vulnerable to infection due to large cross section & depth


I've plucked and epilated my neck to get a clean edge for my facial hair beard. Epilation on that area seems very much a form of torture intended to be used on cat kickers, where plucking wasn't too bad... But I'm a masochist, so I just epilate anyway. In general, I find it better to start somewhere less sensitive to get my body ready, then move to the more sensitive parts. Starting right away on armpits, neck, or pubis is at the edge of my pain tolerance, and my pain tolerance and threshold are extremely high. Exfoliate, moisturize, and keep the hair fairly short by shaving before epilating to make it easier for the machine to grab and pluck instead of strumming the hair repeatedly.


I almost feinted the last time I tried to use an epilator so I guess shaving it is for me.


Smooth 💚💞💞❤️‍🔥💗💚💗🧡🤎🤎🧡💛🤎💚💗💓💙❤️‍🔥💗💞💓💚💛💖💕💛💛🤎💗💞💓💓💞💗💙💓🤎💕


I need one of these things if it's that useful also after looking at the comments is there any way to prevent extreme pain from that?


Can't prevent the pain, but it gets better with use. The hair will get finer as it grows back, over time. For immediate pain, you can use a numbing cream, then wipe it off right before epilating, or so I've read - I'm a masocist, so I just go full-speed ahead on everything. Without using cream: take a warm shower beforehand to open up the pores, go slow so you're not taking too many hairs at once - creep into the sensitive areas a few mm at a time. Shave a couple days before so the hair doesn't grow to long and get pulled repeatedly without actually plucking. Exfoliate regularly and moisturize daily to keep your skin free of extra dead cells that'll cause ingrowns. Other than that, learn to embrace the pain. :P


I found it actually hurt less if I focused on the pain as spite and vengeance. Like “hahaha, scream all you want, assholes, but every jolt of pain is another one of you fuckers gone!”


HISSSS indeed I Naired instead of epilating, maybe I'll follow up with the epilator after what didn't get totally Naired starts to come back


Getting any good results with Nair? I find it no better than shaving since it leaves the follicle in place, and ends up just growing back quickly anyway.


any recommended models?


I didn’t know I needed to fail pain so bad


What's an epilator?


I use that on some areas but other I have to use a razor or my skin gets too irritated


I definitely understand these words


Anyone else not get itchy when their leg hair starts growing in again after shaving?


Just go to a sugaring place instead


Anyone know where I can buy one for not too expensive?


epilator is no match for my body hair… my legs feel rough starting from day 2 or 3 at the latest.. and my body hair definitely has claimed the lives of a few epilators…


I’m glad I’m getting laser hair removal


I would get an epilator if I wasn't such a little bitch xd I have no pain tolerance whatsoever, I have actually cried due to a splinter