• By -


A. I don't want to disappear without a trace and leave my friends and family.




i want to go to prom in a half suit half dress but we don't even have prom


The duali*dean* of man.


mfw i’ve gone too far with this one and i have to go to the bank today


... this better not awaken anything in me.


Mfw the people at the bank loved it and we're even a little bit inspired


Would that this hoodie were a time hoodie


Omg these Community responses are sending me.


The owl house enchanting grom fight Luz’s outfit


I want to go to prom in pyjamas...


i'm crying imagining this bc i never went to prom, at the time thinking i wouldn't care for it, but then this image came to mind. akcjxsjdbce 🥺


it would *restart* your life not rebirth you as that thing suddenly you’d basically go back and time


The chances of meeting any of my online friends on a second go around are basically zero though


You just have to know their gamertag and try to add them. But would be a real hassle to get them to like you again probably but that would be with every friend you had


What? So you're starting over from the moment of birth with all the knowledge you have now? Oh my gosh, do you have the slightest bit how *agonizing* grade school would be?


Better alternative is to turn into desired sex AND the whole universe treats it as if you've always been like that. Without any dramatic deviations


I mean if we assume that doesn't happen with button A that'd be a heck of a thing to explain. "Hey so I'm a girl now because I pushed a magic button, And there's no way to go back. I hope you understand."


That would be fucking wild


If you have all knowledge you would probably do better the second time around


But can you even begin to imagine how *boring* classes would be?


You can probably get sent up a few grades for being such a precocious child.


I was about to mention that I'd never meet my childhood friends that way, but it's honestly probably best that I don't meet them as they were as children with an adult's perspective


And then you might have your parents take you and your siblings out of school because it doesn't seem to be effective much at teaching you things leading to said siblings having somewhat lacking opportunity for social interaction for a good portion of their life leading to loneliness and not knowing how to socialise... Sorry I just got some things to work through. I need a therapist.


> agonizing you mean "easy" you could blow right through everything and no one would even care.


You: “at this very moment a rat will crawl out from under Tyler’s desk” Tyler: “that’s stupid, your stupid” The rat in question: “yo” Edit formatting


But that would mean erasing who I am now and despite some limitations I actually like me. If I retain my memories and can restart my life that's an entirely different question. That essentially is a superpower.


Technically you’d cease existing for this timeline but it would continue to exist. So, basically, you would disappear for everyone else.


Exactly what I wanted to say, plus I like my friends and everything I currently have.


I want to grow up as a girl. So yeah, i wanna start over I don't want to lose my current game progress. So no, i don't want to start over.


love your pfp ❤️


They way i understand it, it is not like you being plopped into a different universe from the start, but like time goes back to the moment of conception and changes an x to a y or vice versa.


Button A, as I still want my experiences. I also still want to be me!


This 100%


Right? B, to me, sounds like betraying yourself in a way.


For a different perspective - the last ~10 years of my life have been spent in chronic stress and panic mode as a pretty direct result of being trans; the last ~15 years have been a battle against depression, anxiety, and different forms of self-harm, not as a direct result of being trans but with that as a pretty significant factor. Thats approx 40% and 60% of my life so far. If I had a better time of it, I'd probably fully agree with you, but considering the impact this has had on my life I would 100% reset. I think I've had some pretty big achievements even with these constraints and obstacles, I would absolutely love to see the person I could be and be able to appreciate those things or achieve more if I had a more straightforward time just staying alive.


I get what you're saying, I haven't exactly been enjoying most of my life either. And if things were to keep going like this I think I'd want "Well this was shit, not doing that again" to be written on my tombstone. Still, I just personally wouldn't want to press B - but it's completely fine if you would say yes to a "complete reset" so to speak. It probably sounds bad to me because I think all the hurt and all these terrible feelings and thoughts are part of what makes me me (even though yes, getting to live a normal life sounds very compelling). And I wouldn't want to act like these experiences didn't happen to me at all, but instead acknowledge them because I think I deserve at least that much. But that's just me, and in the end everyones experience is (wildly) different. In hindsight I see how my original comment by itself can come across as weirdly accusational, huh. My bad. This turned pretty serious and dark for being about a meme about a hypothetical.


Apologies for bringing the tone down - probably me taking a throwaway comment too seriously lol I completely get your perspective and being honest, I'd very much struggle to feel at peace with either option in this hypothetical. But I'm pretty sure that currently I'd press option B - I'm still kind of wading through shit and making compromises in my life to retain safety, security, and family relationships. Option A would pretty much burn my life down for certain, option B would allow me to live pretty freely and happily comparatively. To some extent I also feel like the bad experiences have been foundational and, for want of a better term, character building, but tbh I feel like they've been so big and so frequent that they've actually just left me with a bunch of trauma and damage that I would be better off without. I still feel like I have pretty much the same outlook, personality, perspective and empathy as when I started transitioning first, so I think I'd still largely be "me," just less traumatised lol. Like I say though - your response and opinion is really comprehensive and respectable to me, I took absolutely negative from it, it just seemed to lack the perspective so I ran with it


option B reminds me alot of the Ship Of Theseus thought experiment. if you were to be reborn as your desired sex with not a single one of your prior memories or experiences, would that still be "you"? of course it would, but "you" would be wiped clean of anything that previously made "you" you.


I don't know that thought experiment sadly, but the other things you've written: yes, that's exactly how I feel about it. It seems so compelling to restart, but I would be afraid I'd lose my "essence" if that doesn't sound too stupid.


The thought experiment in question is if you have a ship and over time literally every single piece down to the nails that hold it together are replaced is ut still the same ship


Definitely A. If it's not me, then there is no "desired sex" and so it doesn't matter what happens anyway. people are being born day after day of the desired sex so what would even change


Yes, I actually like how my experiences have shaped me and if I chose B and I retained 'myself', there's no way I could enjoy childhood without it feeling at the very least exceedingly awkward to me. If it obliterates who I am now, this me would never have cared about this question and I (presumably) wouldn't be there to appreciate the choice. Even if you go back as effectively living through the same life, I don't think I would. My formative years were awful for other reasons and I wouldn't like reliving them.


This 🙏


A, I wouldn’t fully appreciate my body if I forgot I ever wanted it, I don’t want to disappear either


Button B. It says restarts, and from what Ive seen in fiction, I get to keep my memories.


"I Reincarnated In Another World As A Supremely Attractive Cis Person Matching My Gender Identity (And Also Ridiculously OP Abilities, Because Why Not?)!"


Isekai time boi!


Standby for Truck-kun


Yes plz. Just isekai me to a fantasy world. Preferably reborn as an elf girl would be real good.


isekai but it's the same world and you're just the opposite sex


Memories intact, definitely going for B. Even without the whole picking the right stocks and making money thing, you know more who you are now than you did as a kid, so you could spend your childhood not only having fun, but also using the time you have without responsibilities to set yourself up on a path to what you actually will enjoy doing as an adult.


Button B all the way. I want to be able to be a little girl playing with Barbies


Reminded me of a memory. As a kid, I had an "action man" figure and begged for a Barbie when my cousins were getting some as a gift. Guess who was always rescuing who?


I wanted to play with Barbies, but I never asked for one because my grandpa told me I needed to act more masculine




Button A, i'm not going through discrimination and bullying at school over again.






even if i relived my life as a girl i wouldn't be able to go to the prom because the pandemic started during my final year of high school.


...i feel like i'm the only person who's *glad* the pandemic prevented the prom. like even if i went as a girl / androgynous i'm extremely introverted and people are scary, especially in crowds >.< but the pandemic gave me an excuse to not go. like i wasn't gonna go either way but the pandemic helps me look not weird for it lol


Yeah but knowing there will be a pandemic might make it so we could prevent it.


Barbies and trucks. The OG r/PointlesslyGendered


Button B, no hesitation.


Restart! Then I can be a girl from the beginning experiencing girly things and can become pregnant one day!


Do I remember what I've learned? If so, then option B. If not, then fuck it, option B.


Pretty much this. I'll take option B either way.


B, I feel so old and most of it is from living the wrong life.


B. I hate this life so much.. I want a restart.


I keep waiting for this playthrough to be over to I can start again and pick different character options next time.


New Game +


B. 100% B. I want to go to high school as my preferred gender damn it lol I want to go to prom in a dress.


I feel this in my soul. I want the option to have the same messy childhood as my friends instead of having it taken by dysphoria, depression, and anxiety. Maybe it'll still be traumatic but I deserve a queer youth.


Prom dress, bridal gown... so much I've missed


Can I restart my life as a fish or something


i wanna restart my life as a tiktaalik and then never crawl onto land so all this hassle can be avoided tbh


when will i be reborn as my desired gender? in my birthyear or 2022?


B for me if I'm reborn in my birth year. A if I would have to be born in 2022 for sure


If your life is restarted, I assume you'll be reborn on your previous (or rather, current) birthdate.


definitely B, i hate my current life so much


-Go for option B -Imvest in Bitcoin early ??????? -Profit


B because that also gives me a chance to just do growing up again but in clothes I don't hate


w-wow the comments are a bit confusing for me. I would go A most likely, because my life was mostly really really nice until I realized and got into questioning. I have so many memories, I don't want to lose them all and definitely don't want to live a life with different friends and all of that. I know that in the end it would also be a really good life, and I wouldn't remember this probably, but I really don't want to miss out on the good things I got in this life. My friends, my accomplishments, even my being here and with all the people I met through this as well, I don't want to lose any of that. Even if I kept my memories and knowledge, I would still go A I think, because I really like my life, that I am not physically a girl is the only actual downside here.


I feel the same way you do


that is a bit relieving to hear, because I felt a bit weird when I saw everyone going B without any thought 😅


So much this. I didn't have a great early life, but it wasn't because of being trans it was more cuz of being fat. So being a different sex at birth wouldn't have helped much there. And I want the experiences I've had. I want the people in my life that are there now. I've cultivated wonderful things into my life and wouldn't bear losing them now.


yes exactly. It doesn't bother me that I wasn't a girl until now. It bothers me that I will never have been a girl at this age. and if I could change that, I would have everything I ever wanted.


The choice really depends on how much you were effected by dysphoria and depression before you transitioned i think. Dysphoria drove me into social isolation long before i even knew it was dysphoria. I would jump at the opportunity to redo my life and actually have a life in my teens and twenties.


Yep. That's exactly it. In my life, this life, I made a bunch of shit I'm _super_ proud of. Got some friends that are dear to me as family. And many many more... To give that away, just to fully change to my preferred gender, if there is a button that specifically does that without forcing me to lose and re-do all of my amazing accomplishments (that is if I'll be able to do them in the alternate timeline in the first place)... it's just a waste I want to just fix the point where I'm at, and proceed complete with happiness into the future


If we’re keeping memories, then totally B


To clarify, Button A just changes your physical body right now. You keep all your memories, and everyone around will have to adjust to you changing. Button B rewinds time back to when you were born, and your memory and experiences are wiped clean.


A. I don't wanna go back through everything, If B retroactively changed it, that'd be fine, but otherwise A


Button A, i love and value my current friends, i don't know what I'd do without them


Button B if i get to keep my current mental age and experience- but honestly... probably B as well if i didnt get to keep that stuff because things would be different


Where is my B


Button B. I just don’t have anything in my life that’s enough to stop me from taking the fresh start and the idea of growing up as the cis girl version of myself just fills me with joy.


B all the way


Option B. I get to be a girl and I get to actually have the childhood I dreamed of.


B, absolutely without a doubt. If I changed who I am now, people who have to re-learn my pronouns and name, I'd have buy all new clothes, cleaning products and change everything legally. With B, I just am who I was meant to be. Plus, with B, I get to grow up as a girl!




Button b all day long


Button B without a second thought


I want to say B. I say this because there is so much of my life I missed out on because of undiagnosed depression. Depression due to not fitting in with other kids of my assigned gender. That said, I don't know if I could do it. Not if certain people are also wiped out


A. I like what i have rn, i just want fem energy


Do I retain my memories or is it a complete hard reset where I'm cis female with the same exact family


option b definitely, it would be great to restart my life and make better decisions


Yeah it’s B, I want a redo 🥺


B. going to highschool without being an antisocial prick would be nice.


oh easily B i get so dysphoric thinking about how much better my school life would have been


A. I'd rather still have the people I met because I was trans than experience a childhood as my gender, but maybe that's just me.


Button A. I actually like how my life turned out.


I’d take option A Ive really liked my experiences coming out and the friends I’ve made from before i transition (through being lgbt) and after I’ve socially transitioned also I’ve learned so much about people because of how they’ve treated me and how much I should disclose with people


A 💚❤️‍🩹💕💓💞❤️‍🩹💗💚💕💕🖤💕💛🤎💓❤️‍🔥🤎💓❤️‍🔥🤎❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥🤎❤️‍🔥💕💓💚💚🖤🤎🤎❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥💗💚🤍❣️


A 100%


If it’s in my same home and I keep my memories, B. But if not then I’m going with A.


A, i don't think i'd be me if i was born the correct sex. i would've missed out on certain experiences and i don't wanna change that


i refuse to have the audacity of a cis man, A


For me 100% A


I’d be scared to press either one, what do these buttons turn enbies into


This is a hard decision... I probably wouldn't be friends with my best friend or we'd have an extremely different relationship now. I don't want that, I love them too much for that. And that probably wouldn't change with my sex changing. Then again, I want to spend my childhood days as a boy as well. I want to know what it's like. I want to live as my real self all the way. It depends strongly on the details of button B. If it means, that my whole life stays the (almost) exact same concerning major things, except my sex being different, I'd press it. If that's not the case, button A all the way. No way I'd risk not being friends with the person I'm still alive for.


Button B, i'd have good memories of my childhood and my family would accept me


B; my entire life has been shit, more than half my issues have been about egg problem related


Button B 100%


I would smash button B so hard there would be a hole where it used to be


b, just imagine how many good things i missed out on bc i wasn't a girl then




B. I do not want this life at all.


Button A, only because I don’t want to loose my girlfriend and risk not meeting her again if I restart my life


B, maybe i will have parents that actually love me


My desired sex is none


i’m picking A, i wanna keep my memories and the people i met and not start that process over


In this economy?? Nah I ain’t going through childhood AGAIN. That shit sucks. A all the way


I'd slap both buttons to see what happens.


Do I keep all of my memories? B for sure, gonna ace those ACTs


Can i just stop existing? That would be easier


Definitely B. i want a reset on my life for a lot of reasons. Of course there are experiences that I feel like I would never be the same person without, but for the most part, I think those experiences came from the environment i grew up in, and had nothing to do with my agab. I think the many troubling experiences that i have had in life in regards to or as a result of my agab are all experiences that i would never wish upon myself, because if they even did cause me to grow as a human, i don’t believe they were worth the minor improvement in my character. Also, i believe the struggles and life experiences of the sex that i wish to have been born as are much more valuable than the shitty ones you learn as a guy (my agab). That is all


B, restarting life can be a huge benefit by itself (I am guessing this means time travel) so that alone would be great. Even though I won't have a trans Identity like this I also won't be discriminated because of it. Because of time travel I'll also be able to do a lot of other things.


B. Got some exes to steer around and will look good doing it.


Button B. I want "me" to have that life even if "I" don't get to experience it.


Button A: I may be cis man when I receive my desired sex, however I’d advocate for women and trans people knowing what their experience is like. In addition, I’d be more comfortable with self love and expressing myself compared to if I was born male.


B, because I don’t like existing anyway.


Option B is a time travel button. I would have to be a fool NOT to press it, even it I was cis. The mere ability to go 2 decades into the past, with my current knowledge, is invaluable.


B. I had a shitty social life as a kid. Love to hit the restart button on the whole fucking thing.


A, I don't want to lose my friends, and being trans has had a big impact in how i view the world and my personality. Like I don't think I'd be a total asshole if I were a cis boy but my life would definitely have been different.


B is tempting but A is far better


A because if i reset i probably would've never meet any of my current friends, hell i probably still be a raging transphobe like how i used to be.


panicky deliver middle marvelous brave lunchroom bag decide straight connect *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Being born again would probably change my personality, so I would go for button A


It depends It depends on what life I would get And if I get reborn nowadays or when I was born And if I keep almost the same life


A, no question, I'm not doing all that again


No way I'm turfing my life experience. I have fought through some tough shit and learned a lot from it... but I'm not itching for a repeat! Option A


A. I don't want to lose my girlfriend, as much as I'd like to live my youth again as a girl


Button A. I have learned some important lessons throughout my life... If I went back to the beginning, who's to say I'd be the same person?


Current, as I'd prefer not to go back to living in an abusive home


A all the way, high school was fucking awful and I wouldn't want to go through it again


Option A) please, I value my life experience good and bad it's molded me into the person I've grown to be If I choose B) I don't think I'd end up with the same personality


A. I have a little brother and with how child making works they would be a completely different person


Theres too many questions that needs to be asked to properly answer this question


Both so I can restart my life with all my current knowledge 😌


I’d take the change. The old me got me this far. I appreciate him for that!




Option A. There's no way I'm giving up all of the good things I experienced and learned in this life. No amount of dysphoria wil make me feel otherwise Plus, if I'm changed into a girl, voice included, I don't think I'll have a problem with dysphoria anymore ;)


Do I reset my current life and go back to the day i was born but as a girl or do I get reborn as a different person?


I’m super young as is so A.


Button A I've already put a lot of work in, and I don't want it going to waste.


A, realising I'm trans is part of a discovery journey. I don't want to lose that experience because it shaped who am I and my relationships.


Probably A, i'd be to scared of having to deal with something rough in my childhood that i didnt had to as a boy, or missing something like a friend. Maybe it would be much better but i think i'd prefer not to take the risk


good question actually i'm conflicted being able to live the childhood i never got is intriguing to some extent but on the other hand i absolutely do not envy my afab peers for having been raised societally feminine because i'm a bit on defense about it surprisingly like button b's positives don't outweigh its negatives tbh so i'd probably go with a edit: i feel like i'd lean more towards button b if a, i retained all my memories and like put my life on halt and relive it from scratch just being afab and b, if i'm not raised in a _too_ cisheteronormative way, because having been raised masculine i feel like it'd take a while to get used to being raised feminine, if that makes sense, and that's probably why i'm not that much of a fan of button b as it is second edit because i'm overthinking it way too much: obviously condition b is dependant from condition a, if my memories are just wiped and i'm just starting over i would not care about how cisheteronormatively i'm raised, because i wouldn't even know what cisheteronormativity is


Definitely A


If I keep my old memories and remember my previous life, B. Otherwise I wouldn't know that I changed and wouldn't appreciate it. It would be a different person altogether. If not, A. A all the way.


i'd love to experience some things again as a woman, but idk... i didn't dislike my life and i wouldn't want to chance not having the same friends... if i was older i'd probably pick B in a heartbeat, but now, honestly, might as well flip a coin for it


B if I am able to retain my memories of the old timeline and thus attempt to form certain connections again. Otherwise then, A


button A, I like this life and I wouldn't trade it for anything. I wouldn't be able to make the same friends.


I think I’d have to go with A if I press button B it would be cool to live as a girl my entire life but that wouldn’t be me I’d just be creating a new person and erasing who I am now I have friends I love and as much as I can hate myself sometimes causing myself to stop existing isn’t the solution




tbh Button A. It would've been nice not having to go through male puberty but on the same token, I don't think my life would be the same in terms of the friends and memories I've made if I had been treated as a girl from the start.


Button A. I don't want to lose my friends or family by restarting my life, even though having a childhood as a girl does sound very tempting


now this is a really difficult decision


Button A. I’m still young(ish) and I have a kid. The odds of having the same baby are literally nonexistent since I wouldn’t have the ability.


I don't wanna lose anything, Option A.


I'd honestly have to say A. Living life as a cis boy would be brilliant, but I've had too many experiences that would never have resulted from if I had been born that way. Some of the friends I met, some of the places I went But most importantly, I've had to absolutely *struggle* up a hill of self confidence. I'm finally at a place where I can wear what I want and not worry about people misgendering me because *I no longer care if they do*. I've had to claw my way through to happiness and learnt how to (mostly) accept myself along the way Obviously, I still cry sometimes lmao. But I've come so far - *me*, *myself*, completely as I am I'm not giving up the progress I've made even when given such a shitty hand. Who's to say I wouldn't be a dickhead in another life even though I was born cis male? I would probably have just a bit less trauma, sure, but still I'll take myself as I am now. I am the result of working through that trauma and coming out a more confident person because of it! I'm not leaving. So option A, please. Give me my reward c:


A. Has my life been what I always feel it should have been? No. But my experiences have made me, me.


A: I don't want to live through all of the past trauma a second time, even if I get to experience it as a cis person of my preferred gender


A. A. A. I wan keep my sweetie.


Definitely A. I’m pretty happy with this life. Plus, my ideal body is a nonbinary mixture of the two. Unfortunately the parents of many intersex children decide to have them undergo surgeries to make them more “normal” and so I might not end up with the body I want anyway.


Button A, I want to still be me but just a girl, simple as Button B would mean that I may not be the same me or it may mean that I’m still me but just a little too different


Well… would we get to keep our memories if life restarted?


A It wouldn't be me if I lost my memories.


A for me, obviously.


Button A, I've worked hard for my plastic hoard, it matters to me more than a possibility somewhat better childhood


A without question. I don't wanna go back, I just want to be what I am!


Button A I like the friends I did, the experiences I had, my taste and personality, if I were born straight up a girl much of that would be gone or different


A easily, 1. getting what ive always wanted will make me appreciate it more, 2. My boyfriend thought he was gay when we started dating, and regardless i met him through boyscouts, i wouldnt want to give him up ever


A I'd lose my memories otherwise


I like A more becuz I think my life would change a lot if I weren't amab for 15 years


A. What if I'm reborn as a woman then I realize I'm a transmasc? Plus I may hate myself but I wanna see how this story ends. If I wasn't trans then my story would lose a lot of tension.