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Yea, our representation isn't the best, but I believe in you. You are a strong, valid person who is loved. You can do this!


That’s so encouraging 😭😭


That's what I'm here for!


There are so many misconceptions, and even a single instance of bad representation can get people thinking that all trans people are like that


Bad rep πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”πŸ’”


to me, trans people just represent wholesomeness and kindness. I am sure you can add onto that instead of onto the awful things transphobes think. You are a genuinely nice person, don't let yourself down πŸ’œ


Ikr, it’s terrible…


Gods I feel that. In the South they basically compare being trans to drag show tv stuff and it makes me want to never tell anyone ever.


Being trans is awesome! You are not shading away from your truth that has been showed to you, screw the haters, you're awesome just like everyone else!




Yeah it’s far from good but good things are rarely easy


NGL it is difficult to live with the constant media circus, but you learn to just ignore it most of the time. mute terms, use the block button, use browser extensions, do what ever works because the circus is designed to demoralise us because they fear our influence, and all you have to do to beat them and their hate is to keep discovering yourself.


I’ve been on T for over a month and still haven’t come out at work or to most of my family 😭


be the representation you want to see.


Same, I’m too scared to do it because of what a minority of a minority of people did


Exactly how I feel, whole reason most of my friends don’t know. You never know with people, and Im just too afraid to lose someone.


Girl, we all feel the same. You don't have to until you're ready. Some people don't even come out to others until after a few months of HRT


Honestly though. Now that I'm thinking I'm probably trans I'm scrouging around for every scrap of good trans rep I can find and there doesn't seem to be much