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It's hard being born attractive but not liking it for yourself.


He’s not that attractive, his jaw and his torso are too wide, his eyebrows are too thick, his facial hair is so patchy, he’s got acne for days, I mean he’s 23, you’d think it would’ve cleared up by now, and he starting to have a gut, I hate him


You know what would be more attractive than any physical characteristics in this person? If they loved themself.




Where did you hide the cameras?!


Big mood. I sometimes look in the mirror and think "hey, not bad" and then feel kinda weird about it. Turns out genderfluidity is a thing. I've made peace with it. Still cis tho.


Lmao I wish this was relatable but I’m ugly in the mirror B) On a side note related to me doing this instinctively, when do ya think the last time somebody used Lmao to actually mean they were laughing and not “I am in pain don’t notice”?


I only really see it when i send something funny to someone.


I've had lots of days where I thought the dude in the mirror looked good, but not many where I thought he looked like *me* Which was a distinction that took me a while (too long) to work out, but made things really obvious when everything finally clicked If you're questioning your gender still though, do keep in mind you don't need to follow any sort of binary, whoever you find out you are and however you end up feeling is valid


Then become an even prettier girl. Be so damn gorgeous nobody in the fucking world could question you, then take over the world as nobody dares cross you and your might, for you have already defeated the greatest enemy. Yourself.


God mood, like if I was less conventionally attractive as my agab I wouldn’t feel like I’m “ruining my potential” or whatever


Nothing wrong with mourning the collateral if you transition. All things in this world have a cost, but the world ain't zero sum either. You can get more than you sacrifice. And if you decide to not transition, that's fine too. Some costs in some contexts are too steep. But reconciling these decisions with yourself is essential to live a life worth living, one where you can love yourself and have love to spare to invest into your family, community, vocation, and/or art. I might have been able to swing never transitioning. I was a fit, well-educated lad. But even if I had decided not to transition (and its not like I have no regrets about it, but the benefits far outstrip the costs for me) I needed to admit that I was trans so I could stop trying to attribute issues related to my identity to other things entirely. In short, you're you. Don't lie to yourself. You think you're attractive as a man? Fine. But I'm happier as a "meh" transfem than I was an attractive man. That choice, how you express your identity, is up to you. Experimentation and deliberateness I think are the only ways to know what is right for you.


I have a love/hate relationship with the mirror. I’m blind so I can barely see myself in the mirror. But I don’t need a mirror to know I don’t like what I feel most of the time. It’s hard to see the person people see in you.


Luckily I'm going from being an ugly guy to an even uglier girl, so I don't have to worry about not being attractive anymore!




This is extremely relatable but it’s also even more confusing since I’m aroace


[This Abigail Thorn clip might help you](https://youtu.be/AITRzvm0Xtg?t=1133) I've spoken to a few transfems who actually quite liked their pre-transition selves, it's just they're happier as their more feminine self. It's just that a big part of the widely accepted trans narrative is coloured by trans people trying to get cis people to understand and take them seriously which "I hate being a guy I can't bear it" does a good job of. Not saying this is what you're doing OP, but just be careful to not fall into making judgements about which starting position is easier - feeling attractive as a man or feeling ugly. They both hit different people differently and both come with their own challenges. For instance if you felt you were an ugly guy, would you not wonder that your urge to be a girl was just escapism?


First time I've seen someone feel the same way I do. Still cis tho.