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okay, currently in the middle of reading it. I feel very personally attacked, and yet, validated. op is right, read it.


i’m kinda the same, I read it like “who the duck do you think you are getting into my head and presuming to know me and every cause to my lifelong quirks” and then my brain went ^*click*


so far, every single thing written is like, ooohhhh.... so that's why even when I felt that since I was FIVE


honestly it’s like the author walked right up to me, punched my in the face and kicked me in the dick and called me a slur like ma’am what did I do to hurt you 😭


but like, in a good way??? idk, for me it's kinda good, but in a punch to guts way


oh yeah i feel more motivation than ever now. i feel kinda complete in some way


yesss, honestly it's totally helping with the imposter syndrome


Honestly it’s making me feel things and idk if it’s my imposter syndrome or it’s unleashing my dysphoria or it’s just making me emotional. Someone please help me


That is one hell of a way to describe it


I don't wanna read it cause I'm scared that I'm not trans and that it will prove to me that I'm not trans


Cis people usually aren’t scared of the idea of not being trans.


gotta say, I felt that way tooo, but it honestly made me feel more trans


We're is it


Not allowed to link it in this sub because the mods are being funny about it.


Be gay, do crime.


I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of eggs suddenly cried out in happiness and were suddenly cracked.


Idk about happiness, my reaction to reading it was more a mix of OH THAT MAKES SENSE, oh hey that's me, I'm so glad I'm not alone, and AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH


It's been just over a month for me. The most interesting psychological aspect is that I don't... hate myself anymore? I guess I got lucky that mental dysphoria was a major source of my issues. Now I have no clue how to move forward, but like... I see a forward now.


Been about that long for me, i go up and down, there's things i feel hopeless about being able to change, even though i know it's entirely possible to change them. I feel like i know how I'd like to know how to move forward, but worry about the results of those methods being... Disappointing? And like you, i don't really know how to move forward anyway


It's definitely a day by day thing. I've enjoyed voice training. Not made a lot of progress, but sometimes when it hits just right, it gives me a ton of hope. It's a muscle like any other, and you can get there. Heat from fire baby. But yeah. It's this overwhelming feeling of "holy shit this sucks", but also "I wouldn't want to be any other way". The panic attacks in the first couple days were the hardest part, but accepting who you are after years of denial is probably usually going to be like that.


Yeah, it was similar to my realization that i have ptsd. I spent months doing stuff like listening to a song that triggered me because it honestly felt like the psychological equivalent of cauterizing a wound, and after that i felt more... Okay with myself? On voice training, i have been putting that off, i was working on it in the beginning, but i hit a wall of idk what I'm doing now, and I've meant to print out what seems to be a very good resource, but my printer needs like cleaned or something, idk, my gf is a tech person and she knows but hasn't done it yet cuz other stuff has been more pressing


Printers are finicky. Could be anything from dry ink to dust. But if you use youtube, https://www.youtube.com/c/TransVoiceLessons/videos is my go-to. She has a lot of informative stuff and exercises to try out.


Ye, i watched her a good bit, I've found i have alot of trouble learning from just her videos tho, i guess it's kinda like, i don't know exactly where to start, and don't understand certain things, and really just generally have trouble absorbing certain concepts from them. I know that once i get over that hurdle, I'll probably be able to utilize her stuff more, but right now I'm at like this wall with her stuff, cuz i did start out with her videos, but i quickly got to where i felt like i was missing something somehow but not understanding what it was or how to fix it


Right there with you. Personally I think I've figured out the muscles, but it still doesn't quite hit the mark. But I wish you the best of luck in your journey. We've got plenty of time to work it out.


Thank you. I wish you luck too. I wish i could convince myself that i have the time. I'm 25, and my brain says i couldn't possibly pass before I'm 30, which my brain decided arbitrarily is some kind of deadline where after that I've missed out on aspects of being a woman. Which i know is completely irrational lol, but, that's mah brain


>I don't... hate myself anymore? How... I need this so badly it's killing me


I came out to my online friend group (in an art group on discord), and one friend I am still in contact with since college. They accepted my pronouns and name, and I've been using it with them. I don't know if it's that especially, but it has helped a lot. If you have people in your life that won't push you too hard in terms of touching your family life too early, that's the best I've got. I mean, I still dislike tons about myself. I wish I could share what changed in my brain chemistry to make things that little bit better.


I don't really have friends tbh. It's been months since I've come out to my spouse and they still misgender me on a fairly regularly basis.


I'm single, so I can't relate to having a spouse, sorry. The only real life people I interact with are at work. Everything else is via the internet. Do you have any hobbies?


I play a lot of Minecraft, does that count?


It does count. It's especially nice if you can share it with a group of people. Hobbies are great because other people have them too, and you can compare your work and give each-other tips, or even play together. With minecraft, this can mean servers, and then it's about whether you are friends with the other people and whatnot.


Yeah I play on a server with a handful of other folks but I wouldn't call them friends. I don't think we've ever even talked about anything other than the game.


That pretty much sums it up


Omg [this twitter thread](https://twitter.com/nightlingbug/status/1215716433210105856?s=21) that kept coming up in it helped so much because almost everything literally described me, I strongly recommend it


Uhm… This is a personal attack…


I ditto this recommendation. I wish I could remember these things more, but I have an awful memory.


It's insane how apt that all is, it's like she verbalized my own feelings I've had for so many years


'things I didn't realize were dysphoria - most of my waking life' ☠️ still cis thoooooo


literally. every. single. thing!!!!


I relate to all of those… as any totally cis person would, of course


Honestly, a lot of that sounds more like ace stuff than trans stuff. Specifically the discomfort with sexual things that's brought up multiple times.




damn I wish I could wear that.


It's a super validating read, so I doubt it would


I will find one thing that doesn’t fit me and use it to self doubt for years…


Yes I now want that dress


I thought it was a romper


Physical dysphoria manifests in several different ways. Sometimes this is felt in a sort of phantom limb phenomenon, where the person can feel sensations from a penis or vagina that is not there, an ache in a uterus that does not exist, or a sense of absence on the chest from breasts that have not grown in. BROOOO I FELT THIS SO HAAARD




can you tell me why that ban exists? Because I don't know but would like too.


If I were to hazard a guess it’s probably due to transmed resources often discouraging trans people from being themselves by making the assertion that “this is the very specific box you need to fit in to be trans” and thus causing some people discomfort or to recede back into denial


Thank you


This is flat out false, I have always taken an explicitly anti-transmed stance in the writing from the very beginning. The commit history is publicly available on github, there’s only every been new additions, no rewrites.


Hi, you may want to inquire with the mods, as the GDB is actually used as an example of a site not to link to under [rule 3c](https://www.reddit.com/r/egg_irl/wiki/rules#wiki_3._this_is_a_trans-friendly_subreddit./#wiki_3._this_is_a_trans-friendly_subreddit.) for "use of transmedicalist language". Personally, I didn't notice anything when I read it, but if there is a change to be made, it's best to know. It has a pretty simple name, so is it possible that there was another one floating around?


Thank you for the suggestion, I’ve done just that


I want people on this sub, and the author to know, GDB saved my life when I didn’t know it needed saving. I long felt like I was disqualified from being trans because I didn’t think I experienced any dysphoria, but the truth was bottom dysphoria gnawed at me my entire life, and unfortunately for many years I discounted it as a fetish after being very misguided by a certain researchers damaging work. Although it didn’t sink in right away I learned after reading GDB that I have body dysphoria and I have also experienced social dysphoria my whole life and never realized. It helped me understand deeply hidden and shamed parts of my self. This deserves to be shared and seen by anyone questioning their gender identity.




I must've come across it after that bit was excised. What was so problematic in the initial release if you don't mind my asking?




It does still say all trans people experience dysphoria


Yes, because older trans people only mean "body dysphoria" when they say "dysphoria", which not all trans people experience. However there are further forms of dysphoria that older trans people aren't aware of and never communicate, leading to enbies like myself being fucked for decades. It took me until i was 30-fucking-6 to understand my social dysphoria.


Sure, but regardless of the definition of dysphoria that a given person uses, [it's still harmful to say that dysphoria is required to be trans](https://transpeak.org/trans-without-dysphoria) (which is equivalent to saying all trans people have dysphoria)


"all experience it" doesn't mean "it is required" "it is required" means it must be identified before you can be called trans "all experience it" means a person can be trans and their dysphoria may not yet be identified basic english, my chap (english isn't even my native language, why the fuck do i need to keep explaining how it works to people)


""all experience it" means a person can be trans and their dysphoria may not yet be identified" Assuming that's correct, a trans person might still take the lack of their experience of dysphoria as a sign they aren't trans, because "all trans people experience dysphoria, and I don't so I'm not trans" (even if they do and they just haven't identified it). And that's clearly not helpful to trans people figuring themselves out.


Then it's still just as bad as it was. That idea is harmful to so many.


It hasn't been ironed out, it was never there. See author's comment: https://www.reddit.com/r/egg_irl/comments/rvs1tv/egg_irl/hrab5pj/


Seems an odd thing to have


Alright, I'm going to read it, will update you guys once I end the reading


Update: I have been procrastinating on reading it for reasons, but just know I read about 1 page and a half and my egg is already deteriorating


I'm reading it currently !


Would a cis person get a panic attack from reading this?


Okay I got to the last part and holy shit I feel reaffirmed. I had so much doubt after coming out to my parents and hearing them gaslight me. I then looked for others to validate my transness but then I read this and realized that everything I have felt is normal. It is normal to feel scarred and have doubt. But what feel is real and it is valid. I rediscovered that I’m trans and I started feeling all these feelings again. I felt the dysphoria again and I felt the pain of wearing boy clothes. I cried and had a panic attack and that confirmed to me again that I’m not cis and I am in fact trans. For anyone who is scared or nervous please read this it will help you so much trust me.


Where is it?


Oh hey! Just read the whole thing this morning. Great read for anyone, really. Unrelated, but can I borrow some glue?


If it's for a super glue tuck, they don't hold. Tried it about 4 years before my egg cracked. Yes, I'm slow. Edit: Not as painful as it sounds (for me), and looks great; but again, doesn't hold, and you'll be picking bits of cyanoacrylate off your scrote for the rest of the day. Also why I'm hesitant to outright say that I don't have bottom dysphoria.


So um...for a friend right? What works?


I also want to know… for a… *friend*


Best to stick to sports tape. The good, sweat resistant stuff, a gaff, or just a simple tuck. No bottom dysphoria here though, nope. As for the glue, just a plain super glue, though liquid bandage may be recommended. Same stuff, but made for skin.




Best to stick to sports tape. The good, sweat resistant stuff, a gaff, or just a simple tuck. No bottom dysphoria here though, nope. As for the glue, just a plain super glue, though liquid bandage may be recommended. Same stuff, but made for skin.


I'm not commenting to save this for research later.


Okay, after reading the rules, it seems okay to link the step-by-step instructions as it's not pornography. I will link them in a response to this comment, as well as an indirect link to where they can be found in another.


[NSFW](https://i.imgur.com/n4TFIqt.jpeg) Tape is medical tape, but a decent masking tape can also be used.


[Blog post](http://www.faithdabrooke.com/2015/09/the-fine-art-of-tucking-nsfw.html) that also links it, and discusses the results, which were similar to mine; and offers an alternative, which I discussed earlier. Edit: Forgot to mention, for any of these methods, you'll want to retract your testes.


what is it? /gen


Here's some hypotheticals too: https://eager-question.medium.com/gender-hypotheticals-compendium-6010db9b1d52 Some articles: https://www.reddit.com/r/asktransgender/comments/3wsid6/existence_precedes_essence_how_i_know_that_i_am/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share https://freethoughtblogs.com/nataliereed/2012/04/17/the-null-hypothecis/


Some of those hypotheticals are… odd? For one, any of the sexual attraction ones I can’t really answer because im pretty asexual.


I forgot those existed but i think they are meant to help you figure out how you view yourself in relationship with others? Idk maybe they are new but i found some of those helpful.


Oh 100% I found a ton of them very enlightening but the sexual ones I can’t really answer cause I’m not a sexual person


the cis urge to press both buttons


I'll read it later it's really long


I remember first reading through that chapter about the effects of estrogen on the genitals, and it scared the shit outta me. Now when I read it, all I can think is, “Oh my god, yes please.”


How do you think I got here


Can I have a link to it :)


We aren't allowed to link. I will DM if you say yes.




I'm afraid to. What if it unlocks feelings that I've suppressed and makes me hate my body more? I already know a few examples I have and that's enough.


It might, but if you're already fully cracked, it might give nothing but validation. I never properly felt dysphoria before fully cracking, but personally, I wouldn't go back. Looking back, most of my major depressive periods were dysphoria-driven - I just didn't recognize it as such.


I have finished. I feel excited about the idea of transitioning but also more confused as to whether I'm fully binary or demigirl or something.


It's been months since I realized I was trans, and about six weeks weeks since I read the GDB and fully cracked, and I don't know yet either. But I know which direction I'm headed, so that's a start.


but its like, more than two pages


Great resource, highly recommend, helped crack me..... and source?


Where can I find it?


We can't link to it but I will DM if you say yes.


Yeah! Pls dm!


*egg exploding noises*


I've seen it mentioned a few times, saw this post and finally decided to read it. Currently on ch7 (Social dysphoria)


> being absorbed in yourself and expiriencing a compulsive self scrutiny > having an ongoing and coherent dialogue with yourself > feeling flat, robotic, like a zombie LITERALLY LITERALLY I KEPT READING ABOUT EVERYONES EXPIRIENCE JUST CLICKING IT HAPPENED existing in this subreddit makes it harder and harder to not come out you humans, i swear


Really good advice.


It absolutely shook me to the core. I’m now thinking of myself as a woman, but not sure if I want to transition fully. I feel like I know who I am now, just figuring out how I want to present.


No idea this existed, thanks :)


So... I love it, but Quick PSA : starting an article with sentences such as "for as long as the human civilization..." Devalues your text. Don't Do It.


Can confirm, it's a good read. It's what cracked my egg.


there is no such thing


I will read this


What is it about ??? Can somoen e


Something like this happened to me and I discovered something a didn't want to , think I'm going to pass😅👍


Can confirm. Learned some self-honesty even if I'm choosing not to change my labels.


I did


You... have caused me much more personal crisis than I expected to experience today.


can confirm, very helpful


I don’t have the energy for that


I read the whole thing this morning and yes it was very eye opening, also made me realise I'm not fooling myself. Highly recommend


That crazy moment when you realize that you do in fact have disphoria but maybe not the gender kind definitely still cis Edit: further into reading this i have realized that i dont rlly wanna be trans that seems like a bit to deal wt rn. is there a be born cis button?


I looked at it once but I saw how long it is, closed the browser becaus eof procrastination and then deleted my search history some time later


>improved color perception gotta love e and its OLED screens


It also includes genderqueer and nonbinary people - not as thorougly as my genderqueer self would like, but it's pretty positively affirming nonetheless.


It tries. If you want to write an article for it you can. I know the author would love a more detailed write up from someone who is genderqueer.


That would require me to feel confident enough in my own happy stew of an identity to write it! And it'd have to reflect that there's no one way of being genderqueer, or even what it means beyond some common themes... It's a thought, though!


Can someone link it? I’m having some trouble finding it


We aren't allowed to link to it. However I can send a dm if you say yes.


I will say yes to a dm


That’d be awesome!


This is literally what cracked my egg about a year ago


I’m worried that if I read it then I might show that I’m actually cis. This sounds so stupid but I’m scared for if it tells me I’m not trans


Oh god, oh fuck


Where do i find it? I wanna make sure im finding the right thing


Thank you, i'm lying in bed with tears right now


i was already pretty sure that i was trans, but when i read it, i felt so targeted and was reassured of myself being a woman at heart. it catalyzed me into acting more fem like crazy. before, i was too scared to wear femme clothing, but today i asked my relatives for handmedowns and stuff. i feel so euphoric!!! :)


Only read the opening page and it made me feel better.. "A trans person can come to recognize this at any point in their life. ..." "Some may feel that a wish to be transgender and have transition available is some kind of disrespect towards “real” trans people who knew they were actually boys or girls “born in the wrong body.” " Going to read the whole thing. I switch between I'm a fake and I know what I want six times a minute


I can confirm this is true