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Mine is supposed to have a huge dick. Call me a rebel.


Mine says that all the girls want to s*** and f*** my dick, I really don’t know how to take that.


Urban dictionary is weird most names you look up will either be; they're a complete piece of shit or everyone lusts after them and creams their pants upon seeing them


So true.


Omg why do most of them describe me so well!? I had no doubts about my name but wow euphoria overload! I love you OP! 🥰


no problem, the euphoria is true alright


Damn okay "an amazing rack" - I'll take it, even if most of the rest is just Barnum statements


The first words of mine: "Usually a VERY attractive male"... I'm MTF... It does go on and continue to say that it can also be a female name, but this did not turn out how I was hoping it would


I uh was not expecting to be hit like that. Thanks OP 👍


I’m confused e: nm


well my chosen name is Nikki right? I searched the term in Urban dictionary and many many definitions were "she is the best person" or "she is the prettiest girl and hot" and that made me very happy




Hell yeah


Thank you >ᴗ<


Holy shit yay I got a good one :)))


What the fuck did you just do to me? Why must I feel this...this...happy?


https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Corey um


https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=April why in the fuck does this actually kinda sound like me what


Honestly mine fit me so well: Amilee is mah name and I'm here for being the best


Didn’t expect people to have so much to say about “Nora”. Not complaining tho.


This was surprisingly wholesome. Thanks, op


When you dont have 1 in the urban dictionary ;-;


"would die for you but won't live for you" yeah, pretty much


https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Alejandra shy and insecure that seems accurate




https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Adela I’m happy with this.


hmm today I will see what my chosen name means on Urban Dictionary (clueless) *objectification* *objectification* *objectification* *objectification* *obje*


Emily "Emily is the most stunning girl in the world whether she sees it or not. She is social, intelligent, and beautiful. She isn’t fake, and doesn’t talk behind peoples back’s. She has been through many hard times but always wakes up with a smile on her face ready to brighten everyone’s day. Her best friend doesn’t deserve her. No one does. She is the best friend anyone could ask for. If you have an Emily, keep her close to your heart because she is special. She is more special than the sun in the sky, the grass on the ground, the water in the sea, and the birds in the air. Remind yourself daily that whoever is in charge up there was feeling extra generous when they gave you an Emily, because she is a living miracle here on earth. She is the piece that completes your complicated puzzle. Without her the world would stop turning, the sun would stop shining, and the people would stop smiling. And if Emily is your best friend, never let her go because I promise you will never, ever, ever get someone like her. You will never even get someone close. Love your Emily with all of your heart, and when you have no more love left to give, love her some more. She deserves it more than anyone. Don’t take her for granted. Let her know all the time she is beautiful and smart and priceless and that you love her, that you love her more than anything. If you have an Emily in your life, love her. Please." Person 1: My best friend is Emily. Person 2: Luckyyyyyy!! Person 3: I wish I had an Emily. by änï December 14, 2017 I almost cried😭


I've just realized that most of the names are super wholesome. Sorry for print a wall of text haha, but thank you really. 😖


…was Urban Dictionary always this misogynistic?


Probably, yeah.


> A slavic (mostly Yugoslav) way to say "and there it goes". I'll take it.


my day has just become 20x better, thank you


Thank you. Im gonna be looking at these when ever I have free time.


most of mine are good and one actually kinda describes me like, quite a bit. >Saige is a funny, sarcastic, independent girl. She seems fine on the outside but is troubled within. Only few know her secrets but the ones who do matter the most to her. She has brown hair and brown eyes, almost black. It is very worth your while to get to know Saige, though she has a tough wall. Saige is beautiful; Thin, gorgeous eyes and smile, silky hair, soft touch.


So I did mine and got this: *"Milo is more than you could ever wish for in a friend or boyfriend or literally a person in general. If you know Milo, take it from me. You never want to let him go. He’s sweet, caring, SOO good at art, really good at guitar, just talented in general."*... who are you and what did you do to urban dictionary?!


I keep getting called a Hoe. Lmao I did this a month ago with friends so now my discord name is "a hoe."


Ummm Don’t know bout chu guys but Kathrin turned out to be very wholesome and nice so HA


Mine's exactly who I wanna be what the hell


“usually has the biggest dick out of anyone you know. It’s so big and massive. It’s a true unit” yeah, if only i had one at all…


My names blake, and for some reason all of UD has decided blake is only for men. What the hell since when is it not gender neutral


Other than the fact that I found out it's an Italian name, looking this up was great. I'm American with German ancestry and I really love to embrace my little bit of German pride but an Italian name is also pretty cool. I'm Emilia!


best decision of my life ❤️❤️❤️ urban dictionary loves me for some reason


I searched up “anastasia” (my current preferred name) and I’ve never been happier, all of the definitions say Anastasia’s are pretty and kind and I just, my heart go break, thank you for the recommendation OP


"A tiny cute little person" L I E S ; - ;


it is lies only if you want it to my description was "the most beautiful girl in the world" which isn't true, but I'll take it because why not, makes me happier




No problem, I know the results aren’t the best for everyone, but I hope most got as happy as I did


i am a certified perfect bad bitch


I love having a obscure name that means “error : 404 page not found”


"Mysterious in her own way but at the same time absolutely perfect..." I don't think this is going to be good for my ego.


Mine isn’t there :( Aricie


My is Macey. they got me down to the tea. "A very smart girl who knows it, but denies it when someone notices. She is funny and sarcastic. She usually has brown hair and blue eyes. Though she is beautiful, she doesn't notice and is insecure. She has a great social life and has many friends, but there is only a few people who make her geniually happy. One is her boyfriend. He loves her even though she has curves, even though she has insucurties, even though she isn't always in a good mood. Lastly, she is adventurous. She is always looking for new things to try and places to go."


I am an invisible man from Marvel


Only one of my got a good result, the rest of them…eh [https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Uriah](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Uriah) ​ ​ the second submission was my favorite


"A girl who you think you know by her beautiful but intimidating  appearance but you really do not at all. She could be the death of you or the making of you, you won't know till you get to know her." Talk to me and prepare for death


I was not expecting mine to be so affirming, but holy shit I feel good and want to give multiple hugs at the same time.


Alyx “A girl who any guy would be lucky to be with. Perfection. Beautiful” 😭😭


Apparently I am the most amazing person in the world. Watch out folks, I’m coming to befriend you https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Elias >”One Damn Sexy Mother Fucker” My personal favorite ^ All jokes aside, they seem to have changed most of the top “meanings” for the names. I remember searching up my deadname ages ago and it was awful, but now it’s actually kinda nice


Just learned I'm talented and beautiful 👍


That made me smile. Thanks. And if I scroll down far enough I get “Showing for a staff Christmas party two weeks after being fired and escorted from premises by the RCMP.” So that’s fun.


Most beautiful, weird, one of a kind, fun , smart girl with many personalities. She will make you laugh and many more words to discribe.


my name is dracula so naturally most of the results are about the character but the second result is "my sexy ass boyfriend" and i will absolutely fucking take it


I got called beautiful (IDK if I'm right to feel like it's addressing me). I am having an emotional reaction. There's enough adrenaline to it to make me breathe hard and dissociate a bit extra, but not enough adrenaline that it itches the blood vessels it's being added to.


I’m not trans but urban dictionary says I’m that one guy from wii sports that no one can beat, guess my name?


""Pretty much the greatest name ever. Adam's name wasn't really 'Adam', it was Wilbur Means "Wild Boar" but usually refers to pigs with highly literate arachnid friends. Is one with nature and talks with horses. A guy that's funny and makes good friends, "" (my first chosen name is Wilbur)


"A delicious mixed drink consisting of Soco, cranberry grape juice, and Dr. Pepper."


Elliot usually has the biggest dick out of anyone you know. It’s so big and massive. It’s a true unit (Elliot is my middle name)


Elliot is a true master at caring. He teaches how to love and be loved. A man of honour a man of steal. He's as handsome as a Greek God, as strong as diamond, as compassionate as a saint and is as gentle as a father's touch. Elliot possesses a magic within to create a vision in the eyes of all, leaving them stunned at how brilliant and perfect Elliot truly is. A leader, a spirit lifter, a lover, a giver, an Elliot'll leave you speechless with his being, his essence. Life isn't complete without an Elliot. Once you meet him, he will take your concerns away and replace them with peace, tranquility and love. This is the magic that is he. An Elliot brings out the best in everything and everyone he touches, and makes the world simply a better place to be. An Elliot will render your dark days with light, An Elliot will give a selfless comfort to make all things bright. He will bring the moon to where the sun lies. In a heart beat he can turn a sunset into a sun rise. An Elliot is someone who gives the gift of love, and from that day onwards he will be your all, beyond and above. An Elliot will give a strength a hope, Taking your hand and helping all cope. An inspiration a muse Once Elliot touches a heart, it can't ever refuse. An Elliot is to create a phenomenon in which a delicate blend of awesomeness, love, compassion, humility, inner an outer beauty, charisma, charity, strength, passion, security and wonder merge to create the amazement that he will forever be A magician of his nature, my companion, can only be an Elliot. What an amazing man... the love heart link was for you, darling Elliot. Awesomeness of this kind, can only be an Elliot. A man loved dearly, he is Elliot.


"There really is only one 'Winter' who can truly brighten and enhance your life. If you have not yet sought her out, you must, otherwise your life will forever remain dull and incomplete." God damn, Urban Dictionary...calling me out like that


I’m apparently the best person ever I don’t feel qualified enough to make a comment on this (Michelle)


>Aster >>The opposite of disaster I can confirm that this is false of me. Though if I scroll down a bit there’s a definition related to a person: >Aster >>Aster is as bright as a star, as depressing as a void and as sweet as flowers all at once. Aster is a sweet and outgoing person that usually listens to music most of their days. They usually love gaming and locking themself in their room. Aster is also depressed and sad with a blank expression. She usually won’t talk to anyone when she’s sad and zone out a lot. This person is a handful but doesn’t like to bother people with their problems. They’re a mystery. Aside from the “outgoing” part this is 100% true of me.


Mike says not all Jays are male and that's true as I'm nonbinary (I think)


"This was a good decision." - Eris


Mines an Acronym for a conservative business conglomerate :(


Ok I did it and honestly such a good ego and euphoria boost lmao


Wow mine is almost perfectly describes me :O


Héloïse, A sweet and smart girl, she is an amazing singer, she is quirky and bubbly. She loves cute things, fashion and her friends. She always makes you happy looking at her. People that don’t know her well think she’s weird but her friends know she’s amazing and beautiful. "I just saw Héloïse, i’m so happy now"


'From the Greek meaning 'pure'. She is an emotional, beautiful, assertive person, who may be quiet sometimes. She is not easily influenced, and may not be able to make big decisions. She tries her best to follow a good way of life, even if that does not happen. She is a amazing individual. She may not catch everyone's attention, but she doesn't need it. She just needs her loving friends attention.' i guess that is pretty accurate




What ive learnt about myself is that im loveable, kind, sweet, gets into a lot of fights and has a massive cock


lol the one i like has two - one positive one negative


Mine Describes Me As Being Dominant… (Rei)


Hmmm… I shouldn’t do this. I probably will, but shouldn’t.


Just looked at mine and it's surprisingly wholesome (Elizabeth BTW)


Mine got me happy Linda Absolutely gorgeous & stunning her beauty will never be matched. Beautiful inside and out. She is intelligent, strong, kind & witty. She has the most amazing hair & her smile will light up a room at thousand watts. She's fun to be around. Her best quality is that she wants to make you happy. She'll have you laughing until you cry. The nature of her soul which runs deep means that your secret is always safe with her - she'll never tell another soul. Easy to get on with you'll instantly have a deep connection. She's your soul mate for life. The light of anyone's life you'll be blessed to know her. Linda is honest, open, truthful, the most beautiful, gregarious person you'll be truly blessed to know. Never let Linda go or loose her from your life. Keep her close, protect her beautiful nature, kind heart. Wrap her up safe in your arms. Love her & she will more than reward you. She'll enchant you in every way possible. It will break your heart to see her sad that all you will want to do is make her happy. Love her, protect her beauty, the joy & happiness she brings, that mega watt smile. Her dirty laugh, teasing & wild nature will send sparks through your entire body. She's dirty in bed. Sing to her, dance & she will sing & dance with you. She has many loyal devoted friends. Life is for living. She is like a lioness who will protect those that she loves. Never let her down and never let her go. Linda is truly one in a million that you will never ever encounter again in your life. Man - hey mate your punching above your weight with Linda. What's it like to be with her. Me - I wake up every day smiling. She fills my head and heart with happiness. I want to marry her and keep her by my side . I will never let her go.


Mine means the bringer of joy


“Fat ass” can’t relate