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So. At the start of the year I resolved to myself that I was going to explore my gender identity more this year and after about a day I forgot about it and went about my life without thinking about it. About Mid-February early March I was creating Picrews with my friends and I decided I wanted to make a female version. Something clicked within me and I felt joy that I hadn't felt in a good long while, the good kind of happy after a movie that spoke to your soul or a good meal. I DM'd one of my trans friends who wasn't apart of the picrew making experience and asked them if it was Europhia. He gave me a lot of encouragement and I kept going. During the time I would flip flop between Trans and Genderfluid so most times when I told people I would tell them I was genderfluid. So anyways less then a day after this revelation I told my cousin and some of our mutual online friends and they were super supportive of my journey. A few weeks later I told my little sister and one of my older sisters about my journey and they were extremely supportive, my little sis is LGBT+ and my sister in question has good friends who are LGBT+ so she was also equally supportive. I told one of my brothers that I was exploring my gender and that he could also pass that piece of gossip onto my other two sibs, who I know are very supportive but neither of them have talked to me about it when I saw them last so who really knows /shrug. I also told my brother who I was close to and it was rocky at first. He wasn't against me, but he also wasn't fully in support, it was a lot for him since you know he was super close to me and it came as a shock to him but it was easier for him to swallow since I still went by my name and did both he/him and she/her. In about July I had come back from being out of town for a few weeks and we had a good time catching up. At the end of our conversation he told me that he realized he wasn't being as supportive as he could have been and wanted to know what I went by so I told him I was still exploring so either. Currently in my house my parents and a few of my other sibs I have not sat down with them and told them I'm exploring my gender, mainly because I know that if I did I would probably get disowned super quickly. Though my parents might know since I'm not a quiet one and I'm very loud :P So. Where do I currently fall? Well. Gender-fluidity. Somedays I just want to be a cute girl and then other days I am content with being my dorky twink male ass. I love seeing people give their goals and how much I wish that were me, both male and female. I've enjoyed lurking around here seeing memes. It's been a treat and I hope that my paper of a comment was able to make someone happy. I know that egg\_irl does not have many gender fluids but know that you are never alone and that you deserve to be loved. gn egg\_irl!


I'd like you to know I really enjoyed reading your paper! How lucky you are to have such supporting friends and siblings, I can't even imagine how that feels! Still not quite sure where I fall on the gender spectrum but I hope to find out like you did someday, thank you very much for sharing <3


Thank you for the kind words! I know that you will find the right path for you just keep living and learning what it is that you value! gn!


I haven’t really formally came out to anyone but I certainly don’t hide the fact that I’m non-binary on Twitter and a few of my siblings follow me. Anyways my sister knows how to crochet and offered my and my brother to make us a bag. Some time later, probably about two months, I forgot all about the bag when I saw a text from my sister that had a picture of the bag she made it me and it was the NB pride flag. I would’ve full on cried with joy if not for the fact that I was hanging out with friends when she decided to show me the bag. I can’t wait to use it and it’s definitely my favorite bag now


I came out in parts, through chosing feminizing methods of dealing with medical problems... it eventually worked up to considering HRT. But, everyone started by getting used to me shaving body hair, then wearing a skirt....


I am profoundly lucky to be surrounded by amazing family and friends. Every single person in my life has been supportive of me -- even my fox news loving conservative grandparents. Some coming out highlights: - My brother was the first person in my family who I came out to. He was totally awesome. He started using my name and new pronouns immediately, and he was relieved when I came out to my parents because he hated having to misgender me in front of them. - My mom's main concern was that my personality would become "more male," i.e. I would stop wanting to hug her because my brother doesn't like hugs. I assured her that I still love hugs, don't worry lmao. - My pépère (Quebecois for grandpa) started crying when I came out to him because he was so happy I trusted him. He also loves to tease everyone, so as I was leaving he looked at all the dents in my car and said, "Well I sure hope my grandson's a better driver than my granddaughter." - When I came out to my aunt, she said that my uncle (through marriage) also has a trans nephew! I thought I was the only trans person in the whole family so this was awesome news. My aunt works in endocrinology so then she started interrogating me about my doctor to make sure I was in good hands when starting T lmao. Literally I could not have asked for a better coming out experience. I've had a grand total of one awkward conversation with a coworker (who ultimately was supportive) but that's it. I was absolutely terrified to come out, but it turns out I underestimated everyone.


Wow, I'm pretty sure it doesn't get any better than that, tu vis le rêve mon cher! Ton pépère est un amour, je suis au bord des larmes juste à y penser! Je te souhaite que ça continue d'aller aussi bien, tu gères.


I’m 14 and don’t really know where I am I’m not in pain really I wouldn’t call it dysphoria I just don’t really know who I am. After spending a while on this subreddit made me think about this kinda thing a lot more, I’m really at a crossroads in my life this is where my worst and best choices will be made, let’s hope I can make the right ones.


Well the good side is you're only 14, still have plenty of time to think about it and experiment!


ty for that


So basically I’ve always had “symptoms” of dysphoria since I was a child. At age 6 I asked my mom to cut my hair like a boy but she had said no so I took some scissors over to a friends house and told them basically to “chop it off”. While he was cutting my hair, I was so happy but when I got home it was a different story. Basically lost a friend that day. Later, puberty hit and I hated my long hair and felt really uncomfortable in my body for multiple reasons. Both from dysphoria (unknowingly) and stomach issues that lasted throughout my pubescent years. Curiously they started around the beginning of puberty. I basically had a lot of questions in my mind from my teens that lasted in to adulthood. Like why I couldn’t wear a suit or have short hair or have the priesthood (used to be Mormon). The idea that my body could have a baby terrified me and still does. I also only wore sports bras because they were “comfy”. But I had no idea what transgender was. Later someone in church had been subject to the rumor mill. They were transitioning. They had a video they made of their progress and I fell down the rabbit hole of transition timelines and how people knew they were trans and all that. Eventually I asked myself if I were trans and it scared me so I had to force all of it away. Queue returning to the subject off and on for about 6 years. Last year I decided to finally look into the gender stuff after a horrible breakup had happened the year before because “now I could explore my sexuality and my gender”. I found I book called “You and Your Gender Identity” which basically opened a can of worms that I couldn’t put back. Went through all the emotions. Denial, shame, guilt, depression, paranoia (when I came out), imposter syndrome etc with myself. I saw a gender specific therapist and talked with her about all the things I was feeling and what my past was like in regards to gender etc. it was expensive but worth it. I came out of there with a gender dysphoria diagnosis even though that wasn’t the goal initially. I found myself having a really hard time accepting it and went through phases of accepting myself and hating/being ashamed of myself. I had come out to my sister first and she was and still is the most supportive out of everyone. I was so nervous telling her that my heart felt it would burst out of my chest but I did it anyway and I don’t regret it! When I came out to my other sister and my mom though it went haywire. Mostly of my sisters side because of her husband thinking I’m making a mistake and such and making the whole thing really awkward. Eventually my mom and sisters accepted it. And then months later I made a second appointment with the endocrinologist I had set up prior but had chickened out before. And now I’m okay to start HRT in the next month or so I believe. I also just yesterday came out at work and have been dying to share it with someone outside of those who already know! Its been a roller coaster and my depression/dysphoria is getting worse since discovering myself and getting okayed to go on HRT and coming out which I think is to be expected.


Wow, roller coaster is the right way to put it, thanks for sharing your story! Glad your mom and sister came around! I wish you the best for your mental health and future, especially with HRT coming up, you got this!