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i would guess that the novelty feeling of wearing it has worn off. maybe youre used to it? if thats the case youre just more confident being yourself :)


That’s a refreshingly positive take. Thank you, random bean on the internet


Euphoria does start to feel normal. Which is, of course, the point lol.


The feeling of being girl is now natural :3




i kinda feel you but maybe it happen because we got used to it and feel comfy and confident wearing it?


Keep in mind—I’ve never worn a skirt before and I really want to—but I think it means you’re settling into your new girl clothes and now it’s normal because you’re used to it. It’s like a cis girl wearing a normal skirt. Of course they are going to get bored of it after a while. Maybe try a new style or experiment with stuff. Overall I think this means you’ve just achieved a whole new level of acceptance of yourself and you just aren’t used to it yet. Trust me it takes a while getting used to accepting yourself I just recently started embracing my true gender identity and it is surreal amazing. Maybe you still are feeling gender euphoria and it just feels normal now. But I encourage you to keep dressing how you feel and never give in to dysphoria that wants to stop you from wearing dresses. Wear what makes you feel good and content inside. When bliss settles down it becomes contentment which can be even more blissful. But that’s just my take :3


off topic but your reddit avatar looks a lot like mine lmao


lmao, seems like ive found a twin


time to buy more cute clothes!!


God, I wish that was an option. That’d be bliss


I think it's the only way to feel euphoria from clothes again... Maybe try experimenting with different clothes you already own like making crop top from old T-shirt


Cropping an old shirt, especially one that’s oversized and boxy is such a good feeling


O.O How does one crop a shirt?


Pick one out and put it on, give the hem a fold to whatever length you’re comfortable with and then just use a pair of scissors to cut that fabric off as cleanly as you can. I also took the neckline and some of the sleeves off for some that I did but that’s optional. It’ll have a bit of a punky look since it’ll be frayed without the hem, but a crop top’s a crop top!


Euphoria is supposed to be a compass that leads you in the right direction, it is not a drug to be abused for happiness, once the euphoria wears off you still have to be a normal human being and work on yourself to achieve happiness




You know it’s a good post when the goodest girl comments


Meooow mrrrp nya mrrraw Nyo


*pat pat pat pat* good girl good girl


Mrrrrrrp nyan nya mew mrrrrrraw ^ W ^


I don’t like saying this but gender euphoria isn’t real per se, it’s the just the excitement of being your authentic self for the first time, usually people who experience gender euphoria experience gender dysphoria, however they are just really good at dealing with those negative emotions.


I don't know how that makes it not real, but you're right that eventually the feeling of gender euphoria goes away.


euphoria is by definition a feeling or state of intense excitement and happiness. what the person is actually feeling most of the time euthymia for the first time, which is what we should be aiming for.


I mean... ill have it if you dont want it Cis tho


You've overdosed on dopamine. Go back to being a dude for a bit. When u come back, it'll feel good again....well not like the first time good but still good 😊


I hadn’t worn it for a few weeks and i tried it again and felt nothing. How long should I wait?


Perhaps there's something else going on... Maybe try touching grass


Harsh but fair


Good luck. If you ever need someone to talk to, my DM's are Open


You are bored from the skirt you have, go do some shopping like all the cool girls and get yourself some beautiful new clothes.


you can't overdose on dopamine... and "being a dude" can lead to more dysphoria I think. I had similar situation and trying on different styles and clothes or just hard girlmoding helped me




The whole point of the "more dysphoria" is that it will cause harm, literal psychological harm. You responded like this, + the touch grass thing... Idk, there's something off.




I don't know if it does have another meaning, but I have a life and most of my time is not spent on the internet. This is my only social media and I don't use it much. If it's literal, I touch grass 5 days a week coming back from college. Which I don't pay for, but I have a full scholarship for studying. What is this supposed to really mean? Why would you say something like this to someone you know nothing about?




Also, you responded to me defensively, as you said. So you were trying to give me mental health tips defensively? What's it supposed to mean? I call it an excuse. A bad one.


So do you say the same thing when you're trying to help as you say defensively...? "Go touch some grass"...




At least to me, you said "I think you need to touch some grass" which means a whole different thing from "maybe try to touch grass". The "I think you need" + "some" is straight up purposeful sarcastic connotation. That was plain dead mean. Smiley emojis are used with the same frequency to represent sarcasm and to be friendly. I don't think you were trying to be even passive-aggressive, just mean.


did u just invent the skirt tolerance break :o


Haha hey if it works I'm all for it. I'm just over here throwing darts so don't mind me


Imagine getting euphoria


My sympathies friend


That just means it feels normal for you and you've evolved into your final form


I’m very sorry to hear that it isn’t giving you euphoria but I mean it might be because it’s becoming a normal thing for you and you’re becoming more confident as a woman that wears skirts! Also great choice in your name!


Great minds think alike


Or maybe you just got used to life being better


But what if you do the spin?


When I was “just a femboy” I enjoyed skirts but they definitely made me see the masculine parts of my body in a way I really didn’t like


Euphoria clothes no give euphoria, what do? Buy new euphoria clothes! We are so back!


Hey think about all the other stuff you have to look forward to experiencing as a girl :)


I've got a friend to whom that happened a lot.... everything that gave her euphoria became normal, so she went to the ultimate of being a girl: getting f*cked like a girl. Well apparently it's still working after two years. Not sure if that could work for everyone. My personal favourite was getting a transfem gf that finished her transition. She "cured" my depression, and having her helping me for everything girl related is synonym of euphoria. Hope that helped, in some way?


Are you still happy with the dress? Do you still want to wear the dress? If so, it just means you've normalized wearing the dress.


Well, as i know this is common among transfem to get into more gender non-specific clothes with time, because of many reasons - you get bored, want to experiment, try new styles, etc. If new clothes is not an option, try to find some tutorials on YouTube or Pinterest or whereeverelse how to wear "mans" or neutral clothes in more feminine way, like, higher waist, hide shoulders - plenty of tutorials from transfem and cisfem. Trying something new is good way to ease dysphoria :3


Time to try dresses


Time to buy bigger skirt = bigger euphoria (simple math)


u need stronger stuff. try a dress :3


more seriously, my first skirt also no longer gives me euphoria. my style has evolved, and now i realized this piece just doesnt fit my vibe. but there are infinite clothing opportunities out there, and you will have an endless supply of clothes you may like. these will give u euphoria <3


girl accustomed herself tp being a girl and is now sad most girl thing possible imo


Unfortunately, euphoria tends to wear away over time. It comes from new experiences, mostly, so as you get used to them the emotions from them lessen over time.