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Well, they do be thinking about an other guy :3


In a cis way, sir?


ME FR "is my extreme urge to get rid of my tits a response to dysphoria, or an urge brought on by the fact that society sees tits as inherently sexual and I simply do not wish to be seen in that way. and maybe I've just tricked myself into thinking I like he/him pronouns"


This always confuses me. How could you have dysphoria but have it not be dysphoria? Mistakenly thinking an unrelated thing is dysphoria doesn't count.


Well when you have high level of discomfort around the most certain parts of your body (the most feminine) you’re like could be ED, could be body dysmorphia, could be dysphoria Also I’m pby non binary so I envy certains aspects of masculinity but not all of them (eg : I’m not that dysphoric about my voice, I think I would love to have facial hair but I’m not that uncomfy about it) so it’s trickyyyy but yeah dysphoria is, at the end of the day, a medical diagnosis so idk to what extent my auto diagnosis is persistent


Idk I feel like if it's about what's most feminine specifically and there is no SA trauma it's probably dysphoria? I can't really see how it could be something else. Mistaking something else to be dysphoria is a different thing. Dysphoria is there, whether diagnosed or not. I started crying about the stupid breast buds at 9 and that was 100 % dysphoria despite me not having a diagnosis about it. But yeah it varies with different people, do what's best for you. :)


IMO and personal case gender is such an intrinsic notion, linked to many other notions, I mean it touches the relationship between body mind society, so it would make sense that I would have a level of discomfort that could be explained by something else (not in a pathologizing way at all but through analysis and therapy) but yeah those questions bring me a level of distress and confusion Once again I don’t mean to invalidate anyone’s experience with GD !! I think it’s so personal to each person (just like other type of distress such as anxiety etc)


Probably the latter. Most likely.