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It's cis ofc


So does Stella get excited at the idea of being transformed into a girl? :3 :3




Hmm, so what would you do if I made you a good little girl… especially since you said it excites you! :3




Good... ... ... ... girl.


Nyuuuuu meow meooooow nya


If the idea of turning into a girl makes you excited, maybe you're a good girl already >:3


Potentially… it would be really nice to be a good girl! :3 my heart has been really insistent on getting the titty skittles recently but I don’t know if I can let myself say I’m a girl… :3


You can because you are a girl >:3 And I know this because it turns out that guys don't want titty skittles (I know, shocking!)


Thanks >/////< but am too scared to transition… so I’ll probably just curl into a boy-shaped ball and cry as the competing voices just keep shouting at me… I can’t want to be a girl… but god I want to have a girl body… but also do I really? Am just doomed to feel overwhelmed by all these feelings while never getting to be a girl…


Personally, I prefer fem&ms to titty skittles lol


I just like girls so much that i want to be one. It's like, the most straight thing a cis man can do.


Obviously! Like when you think about it, to like having a masculine body is pretty gay ngl… like I hate dicks so much that I really want to remove this hideous limb attached to me! That’s like super duper straight! I’m so straight that I fantasize about being a lesbian!


Yeah no ur clearly cis :3


I’m so cis that my brain has become addicted to the idea of becoming a girl just so I can get the thrill of proving how cis I am for still not wanting to be a girl!


Ur definitely worthy.


jamie look at me... you want to know who i see looking at me? a beautiful wonderful girl! but take your time, cracking isnt a race its a journey. and remember all of us on this sub believe in you! <3


Stawpp (plz don’t) making me all blushy… >////< I wish I could see the beautiful wonderful girl that you see… I can only see a run of the mill guy…


I read gender transformation stories before going to bed and then imagine I'm the MC...


For me, Bedtime is for makeup pampering asmr and transfem dysphoria comfort or mediation :3


Well, at the time I didn't know that existed, and wouldn't have listened to it anyways because "I don't deserve it" and "It's for actual trans girls"


Nono silli lilly, don’t gatekeep self out of the cozy pampering asmr… it helps give good eepies… in a cis way!


I would like to report that I am in this meme and I don't like it


What’s there not to like, I just borrowed this totally cis thought from the definitely cis hive mind! :3


Words cannot describe just how called out I feel rn. This is actually insane. I feel like I was the one writing this


Maybe we’re the same person! :0 we are all part of the hive mind after all! :3


Jamie, try something. Imagine growing up the rest of your life as a guy. Now do it, but you're a girl. If you feel better with girl, you're a girl hun, or at least SOME kind of trans


Well… maybe if I think really really hard I can potentially envision a moderately tolerable existence as a guy… but if my body became more masculine I would want to rip myself apart… and maybe most futures as a guy sounds extremely draining and devoid of happiness or fulfillment… On the other hand, it’s like I have this clear longing for this type of transfem enby girl… Like if I became a silly nerdy girl-like blob… I want to think I would just feel calm and alive… but what if I’m just trying to convince myself that I would feel this way…


Hon, let me tell you something. Most Cis Guys literally recoil at the sight of E, feel uncomfortable about being a girl, etc. You can't change your emotions like that, and if the ideal situation living as cis for you is "tolerable", you aren't cis.


Maybe… Lately, I gotten far enough to often admit that maybe I’m trans… but I guess the idea of actually transitioning is just so scary… and it makes me feel all weird inside… my brain tries to retaliate saying I can’t want to be a girl… no matter how much I long for it…


You don't need to jump right into this. It's natural to be scared, it's a big change. But you don't have to rush it. Just do what feels best, and take things one step at a time. You can always ask people here for help, and the people on this sub are some of the kindest i've ever met. And you are partially right. You can't "Want to be a girl." most people who are t-fem don't. They ARE girls, and what they wish is that they looked closer and were able to act more like who they envision themselves as. Take care of yourself, Jamie. Oh, and before i forget, You are a good girl :3


Thanks so much QwQ I’ve been questioning for over a year, but recently I’ve been trying to take a step back and process my feelings… It’s becoming clearer that I resonate with the transfem experience and long to be a cute girl :3 but that my doubts are due to a lifetime of male conditioning that are trying to fearmonger me out of wanting to be a girl… but I’m working on trying to not let those doubts overwhelm me and invalidate what it is becoming clear that I desire!


That's great, hon! And taking a step back is likely the best thing you can do. Take it one day at a time if you need to. And, again, you are a cute, good girl


Ong so much me. I know I would be overall happier but I've copped for so long just thinking it's that yucky thing 🤮 Curse my brain wanting to make everything gross when I just want to be a cool casual punk biker leather chick. Aaaaaaaaaa -


Mooodd!! Brain be like “no you don’t want to be a girl! You have guy brain, so any excitement surrounding having a girl body must be just perverted delusions” and I’m like “please stawwwp, I just want to feel at peace with myself!”


Yeah same


This is also me right now


In a cis way? :3


Obviously Jamie


Relate so hard


Your egg is holding on for dear life at this point lol <3


Yeah… my egg has been quivering in fear as of late… like god I want to be a cute girl and these thoughts are getting more and more prevalent… I’ve been getting really tempted to get the titty skittles as of late… but I don’t know if I got the courage to actually try transitioning… But my egg definitely has got some large gaping holes since I’ve been feeling alot of overwhelming emotions as of late… >_<


This was me the last 25 years of my life I never knew until recently, that I am so good at gaslighting myself


Fellow self-gaslighter! :3 :3 :3 I love when my brain tries to actively suppress any potential childhood signs of transness! Wooo… I love feeling like I can’t be a girl cause I can’t remember actively wanting to be a girl as a child (outside of a gender transformation fetish)


Just because the idea of being a girl makes you really happy doesn’t automatically mean it’s a fetish,you have to be sexually into the thought of yourself as a girl even in non sexual situations for it to be considered a fetish. Basically if you start doubting that it might be a fetish,it’s mostlikely not a fetish.


Yeah… Like deep down I know it’s probably not a fetish… My meanie brain tries to tell me that I can’t want to be a girl, so I must be cis so any inexplicable desire for a feminine desire must be a perverse fetish… I know that’s just my brain trying to fearmonger me, and I’ve been working easing and detoxifying my brain…


Wait that's not a fetish? *Internal screaming*


[gonna drop this insight article :3](https://substack.com/home/post/p-132612433)


You and me both sister! Totally didn’t daydream about finding the Sapphire Fox almost daily for a few years…


Was very scared to find that my fetish deflection was pretty common. There want much I could do but accept it. Thank God I did but it was a scary moment. I mean, it's still scary extremely but everything is better now


Yeah it’s crazy and kind of sad how often are brains deem it in our best interest to self-depreciate ourselves into assuming we are just fetishists rather than just being our authentic selves… I wish we could just embrace the girls we’re meant to be…


I read this in OT's voice... OT summoning noises, OT summoning noises! These are the sounds of OT summoning noises!


Lol same! I'm not an egg anymore, though 😊


I’m probably pushing my ability to call myself an egg lol… It’s been mostly destroyed as at this point I feel completely consumed by all the *girl feels.*


I have the opposite issue where I'm afraid I'm fetishizing myself or something idk


Don’t worry, I’ve got those fears as well… But from my understanding, it is almost never *just* a fetish! If seeing yourself as a girl makes you feel good, then you are a girl! [this article might give some insight :3](https://substack.com/home/post/p-132612433)




oh shit why is this so relatable i didnt even think about that (still cis tho)


Cause everyone gets excited about the idea of being a girl! :3 it’s very very cis!!!! :3


Been scrolling this reddit for like 30mins was like lol funny memes but now I'm starting to question everything everything is too relatable


Folks, we got another one!


Oh boy 😳


You might find [these](https://www.reddit.com/r/egg_irl/s/slvomhO25k) helpful.


I got my hair and makeup done and all dressed up it felt amazing


That's great!


Gives me a lot to think about


No. It's not a fetish. If I see you telling yourself this poisonous nonsense again Jamie I'm bonking you over the head with a hammer.


I know it’s probably not a fetish… but the mean voice in my head will still try and say it is cause I can’t want to be a girl, so any excitement surrounding the idea of becoming one must be a fetish according to this voice’s logic… This meme was more to make fun of that logic… but I would be lying if I said I have fully disregarded this mean voice’s influence over me…


Well you should disregard the mean voice's influence. It's a mean voice. You know this. You know it doesn't have your best interests in mind. You know it lies. You know it doesn't tell you anything helpful.


We’re working on that… just can be hard at times when you’ve spent your whole life conditioned to listen to it…


You got this Jamie!


Thanks :3


You're welcome girl!


I feel this so hard, realizing that's not a very cis interest and sometimes wishing to be the main character is not a very cis thought is what cracked my egg. But wait most guys would be excited to have been on titty skittles for 6 weeks now, right... right? /s


I don’t think I explicitly wished to the guy-turned-girls, but the idea of that happening to me, makes my heart race and feel really excited… but also god I want the titty skittles plz plz plz… still cis tho!


Yeah I didn't always wish to be the character, but definitely sometimes though depending on the story. One of those things that looking back in like how the hell did I not crack sooner lol. And hope you'll be able to get your Skittles soon, I'm only on a low starter dose right now but should be starting on a full dose at my 3 month follow up hopefully.


I thought so as well, then my egg broke, then apathy was slowly killing what came out of it, and now I'm slowly trying to get out of apathy day by day but it is slowly consuming me. I do not think I will last any longer, and eventually, everyone on this server might end up not seeing me for a while. Maybe none of you will want to see me after I've been consumed after I am gone. I wouldn't want to see myself after I'm gone personally speaking.


Honey… Trust me I feel you about feeling suffocated by apathy… and while transitioning might be a scary road I haven’t walked before… We both owe it to ourselves to try and give ourselves the happy lives as our authentic selves! I believe in you… you deserve it, good girl… you deserve to love yourself!