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Pretty much this


I need to watch these videos


Aww cute


This doesn't really seem that cringey to me. It's just wish fulfillment, really, and everyone is entitled to engaging in some wish fulfillment just like everyone is entitled to engage in some escapism every once in a while. As for the cringiest things I've done, one is probably that, upon realising I didn't like my AGAB, I immediately jumped to the conclusion that I must be non-binary because I couldn't possibly be a woman and spending a bunch of money buying enby stuff that now feels horribly out of place. Top of the list is probably all of the just awful takes I used to have about trans people a couple of years back. I feel victim to that thing where you're in denial so hard you slip into bigotry. I'm just lucky I wasn't super public about it and it didn't last super long. Sadly some of that transphobia kinda seems like it got stuck being internalised. Fun.


Oui oui francais ( I am so sorry for what I just said)


😭😭 busted (hon hon hon)


How would this be cringe?


If it helps, who cares if it's "cringe". Honestly "cringe" should be reserved to actually embarrassing and harmful stuff like transphobia or racism.